Never does a day go by without a scandal.

The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
never a day goes by without leftist humor
look at your links!!! hahahahhahahahah
What if..............President Hillary Clinton's illegally appointed, acting secretary of DHS refused to testify about a damning whistleblower report on the suppression of intel on Russian election meddling in 2020.

Your head would be exploding. The thing preventing that from happening with Trump as prez is the tin foil hat you wear.
Allow me to let you Trumpleheads see things more clearly.

What if..............President Hillary Clinton's illegally appointed, acting secretary of DHS refused to testify about a damning whistleblower report on the suppression of intel on Russian election meddling in 2020.

Does that help?

Hillary isn’t President, Nutbag.:cuckoo:
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
These are as usual allegations from anonymous sources

meaning the usual lib fake news
Which only means you can't see the truth You're blind as a bat
The communist Democrat outrage du jour got boring awhile ago.
If you have evidence any congressional Dems are communists please provide it.

"From the coronavirus pandemic to the rise of right-wing extremism to ongoing election interference, there are urgent threats requiring our attention," Committee Chairman Bennie Thompson, a Mississippi Democrat, said in a statement Friday. "Mr. Wolf's refusal to testify -- thereby evading congressional oversight at this critical time -- is especially troubling given the serious matters facing the Department and the Nation."
The communications aides’ efforts to change the language in the CDC’s reports have been constant across the summer and continued as recently as Friday afternoon."
What makes CDC officials infallible?

particularly if they hated trump from Day One and want to see biden elected president?

Oh no, they're totally believable, unless ofcourse they issue a report that says that up to 90% of their testing are false positives, and that only 6% of case deaths were due to Covid alone....Then that report is to be ignored...
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
These are as usual allegations from anonymous sources

meaning the usual lib fake news
Which only means you can't see the truth You're blind as a bat

Said every Jim Jones follower too....
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
These are as usual allegations from anonymous sources

meaning the usual lib fake news
Which only means you can't see the truth You're blind as a bat

Said every Jim Jones follower too....
Trump imo is the Jim Jones of politics You drank his kool aide
You'd think that with all those made-up "scandals" they keep coming up with, they would have gotten rid of President Trump by now. But they didn't. Four years of this shit, and they've consistently failed at every attempt.
Thats hard to do when you have the entire U.S. Senate in your back pocket.
Just the 53 cowards on the republican side of the aisle
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
fake news
The communications aides’ efforts to change the language in the CDC’s reports have been constant across the summer and continued as recently as Friday afternoon."
What makes CDC officials infallible?

particularly if they hated trump from Day One and want to see biden elected president?

Oh no, they're totally believable, unless ofcourse they issue a report that says that up to 90% of their testing are false positives, and that only 6% of case deaths were due to Covid alone....Then that report is to be ignored...
They may have been watching too much porn at work
The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
Never a day goes by without you moonbats screeching to high heaven, based upon drivel from unnamed sources and fake "whistleblower" gossip.

A relatively normal person would have stopped falling for it by now.

The scandal de jour..............

Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies
"Public health specialists and the medical community are criticizing the Trump administration over reports that politically appointed communications officials have been meddling in coronavirus-related studies published by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Politico reported late Friday that communications aides in the Department of Health and Human Services requested and received the ability to review and seek changes to studies published in the CDC’s Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Reports. Such reports are authored by career scientists and reviewed by the CDC before publication. They serve as one of the main bodies through which the nation’s premier health agency communicates with physicians and public health specialists across the country."
Public health specialists criticize Trump administration over reports it interfered with CDC studies

This story comes on the heels of a whistleblower report explaining how intel on Russian meddling in the 2020 election was suppressed........the authors of the intel threatened with termination......because dissemination of it would look bad for Vlad's favorite candidate. The story implicates acting DHS secretary Chad Wolf who the GAO has ruled was appointed illegally.

That story comes on the heels of the Woodward story that Capt. Clorox knowingly lied to the public about the risk from COVID. Lies that have lead to more cases, more economic damage, more deaths.

A news cycle like that, which is only the tip of the iceberg of the constant shitstorm of admin scandals over the last few months, would normally bring calls for resignation. For Trumpette's it has the opposite effect. Their devotion to the Conman-in-Chief only deepens.
never a day goes by without leftist humor
look at your links!!! hahahahhahahahah
What if..............President Hillary Clinton's illegally appointed, acting secretary of DHS refused to testify about a damning whistleblower report on the suppression of intel on Russian election meddling in 2020.

Your head would be exploding. The thing preventing that from happening with Trump as prez is the tin foil hat you wear.
1. no my head would not explode--like yours is ever since 2016
2. you people fkd up by whining since 2016 by not accepting the election and hating Mr Trump since 2016--for no reason

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