Never Forget

Bernie will change our name to the USSR. The United States Socialist Republic. He will chose the title, "Chairman Bernie".
Both 94, Auschwitz survivor faces camp guard in German court

With the rise of Neo Nazism this trial serves as a timely reminder of the evil.

I would hope this will send waves of fear to the other monsters still out there.

You goddamned hypocrite! You SUPPORT the most praised-by-Hitler, Jew-hating, Jew-exterminating religion in recorded history, Pisslam! You liberals are the ultimate Nazis! The Quran is dripping with just as much hatred of Jews as women! But I know the neurological mechanism of the liberal mental disorder is that your brains cannot produce the "cognitive dissonance" they're supposed to when reconciling two completely opposite values, so the concept of hypocrisy flies over your fantasy-world heads. That's why you'll scream about Christian homophobia, yet support the only religion on this planet that publicly executes teenagers for homosexuality! You're alarmed about global warming, yet you support politicians pumping gazillions of tons of CO2 into the atmosphere for their constant, pointless "climate change" meetings (when they could stay home & hold the exact same meeting electronically) Your brain chemistry will never allow you to appreciate how breathtaking, jaw-droppingly full of shit you liberals are.
Both 94, Auschwitz survivor faces camp guard in German court

With the rise of Neo Nazism this trial serves as a timely reminder of the evil.

I would hope this will send waves of fear to the other monsters still out there.

Yes, the new Nazism is Islam. A batshit crazy ideology from the stone age, that has zero tolerance for Jews, Christians, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, gays, women's rights and even other brands of Islam.

We need to be reminded what happens when everyone turns a blind eye to such evil. If no one stands up against it, it will just get bigger and do much more damage.
The longer I live the more I'm convinced that the rape-enabler Coward Continent hates Americans for the exact same reason they hate Jews: Europe has an historically proven, extremely violent small-penis-complex against anyone they perceive as wealthier (whether the impression is true or not) than them. And the Freudian proof is that every single time I hear about Euros screaming & yelling about Americans or Jews, they also scream and yell about how much they hate capitalism. Come on, if that's not a monetary jealousy, what is? Not to mention they fellate the American-hating, Jew-hating religion in history. You don't have to be Dr. Hannibal Lecter to see what this diseased European mentality is really all about.

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