Never insult Ronald Reagan by comparing him to Trump

Never insult Ronald Reagan by comparing him to Trump.
Forget the politics, look at the human beings.
Ronald Reagan showed respect to all, even those who he did not agree with. He was respected by most, even those who disagreed with him.
Donald Trump does not show respect to anyone. He is so insecure he puts himself up by putting other down. He is as despicable of a human being as there is.

As a child, I loved Ronald Reagan, indeed. And he is one of the better presidents in modern history, imo. But I don't buy into the conservative folklore that this guy was so great and above reproach. And what Trump has done is very much a lot of what Reagan would be doing.

Like what? What is Trump doing that you believe Ronald Reagan would have done?

All types of things; but I don't need to list them. I don't care about being his unpaid PR guy. I pay attention. Trump is much closer to Reagan and Obama is much closer to Jimmy Carter.

Yeah you do need to list them because I am a die hard Reaganite--and I have never seen any similarities to the Ass Clown that sits in the Oval office today.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan that didn't see any similarities either.

If you're a Reaganite, then I'm the Queen of England.
Elmer, that hit piece was proven to be a lie written by a man who had never met President Reagan OR Donald Trump in his life! This article was written by someone who actually knew both President Reagan and Trump. Read this:

06/28/2016 08:23 am ET | Updated Jun 29, 2017
President Reagan and Young Mr. Trump

By Ambassador Faith Whittlesey



A few days ago, a hit piece on Donald Trump appeared in The Daily 202 (The Washington Post’s online newsletter) with the headline “Reagan White House viewed Trump and his ‘large ego’ warily.” The reporter made a case on thin evidence (one quote from a White House aide) and questionable suppositionsthat Donald Trump was repeatedly snubbed by President Reagan and his wife Nancy. The article also purported to show that Donald Trump has made exaggerated claims about his closeness to President Reagan. The reporter offered no evidence to support the latter point.

What Donald Trump, in fact, has said, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2015, concerning Reagan ties is: “I have great respect for him. I helped him. I knew him. He liked me and I liked him.” He also added in an interview, “I didn’t know him well” - in case anyone should misunderstand - butthat he had been told by friends close to the President that President Reagan admired him. “He felt very good about me. Frankly, he liked my attitude.” That is the sum-total of Donald Trump’s claims to having personal ties to President Reagan. In my opinion the only thing missing from the story is actually President Reagan’s attitude toward Donald Trump, which is not demonstrated anywhere in the Post article.

But let’s revisit the Reagan White House. I was a Member of the Senior Staff of the White House for more than two years as Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison.

The truth is Ronald Reagan liked almost everybody. There were a very few only - as everyone in the White House, including I, was aware — he did not like, and these were those whoincessantly disparaged his policies whatever the merits. Other than those few, President Reagan did genuinely “like” most people he met. Ronald Reagan was the model of a courteous gentleman, with an Irishman’s love of people, and Donald Trump at the time was a young man basking in his occasionally meeting the President socially.

Everyone who met President Reagan came away smiling, thinking that the President liked him or her. But that was because it was true. He did. That there are no White House “records” to confirm Donald Trump’s statement is not at all surprising. It would be more surprising if there were. How could President Reagan’s casual interactions with thousands of individuals have been recorded?
Regarding an assertion that a White House aide wrote in a memo to the effect that Donald Trump had a “large ego,” to my mind it says more about the aide’s lack of judgment in putting such an ungracious remark in writing than it says about Trump. President Reagan himself in my opinion would never have made such a disapproving remark. The aide’s description of Donald Trump certainly cannot be seen as anything but a careless statement in an official White House record from someone who should have been more circumspect for the sake of his boss, the President.

The reporter’s mocking description of Donald Trump’s invitation to Mrs. Reagan to come to his beautiful home in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago, and regard it as the “southern White House” is apparently supposed to serve as a “connect-a-dot” to Trump’s “large ego.” Trump’s reference to Mar-a-Lago in his invitation at the time, however, wasn’t a matter of inflated egotism but was based on the actual documented history of the property, a fact which the Post reporter failed to note (or perhaps failed in his research to find out). In 1973, when Mar-a-Lago’s builder and owner, cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, died, she left the estate in her will to the U.S. government to be used as a “winter White House.” The government declined to take it on this condition, so a decade later the property was sold to Trump.

Both President and Mrs. Reagan received countless requests and invitations from many people just as a matter of course. That Mrs. Reagan declined this invitation (or other invitations)politely is what she did with hundreds of such invitations. Trump’s invitation was flattering and generous, nothing more. I know President Reagan himself would have answered such an invitation with the same humility and gratitude in a way that would not have wounded the letter-writer’s pride. That was the high standard every one of us in the White House strove to uphold in dealing with Ronald Reagan’s millions of admirers who wrote, invited, praised, and poured their hearts out to President Reagan, whom they revered as a great and compassionate man.

The real story the Post reporter missed is simple and innocent and does not reflect ill on candidate Trump: Donald Trump, a registered Republican in 1987 who contributed to both parties —as any young businessman on the move did (and still do) in liberal, Democrat-dominated New York City — was one of President Reagan’s many admirers.

And for other Reagan admirers, Donald Trump is the best hope we have today of returning to the sound conservative principles and policies Ronald Reagan espoused.

Ambassador Faith Whittlesey served as White House Director of the Office of Public Liaison from 1983 to 1985 and twice, from 1981 to 1983 and again from 1985 to 1988, as U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland. She also was active in President Reagan’s unsuccessful 1976 campaign and was Co-chairman of President Reagan’s Pennsylvania campaign in 1980.

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Ambassador Faith Whittlesey
Former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Member of the Senior White House Staff under President Ronald Reagan

The Post story was based on White House records. They clearly knew who Trump was and they did not want to get involved with him.

What exposes the lie is her comment that Trump is the best hope of returning to the principles Reagan espoused. That is a blatant lie. Trump has no principles.. When Reagan agreed to some tax increases early in his Presidency, he flatly refused to raise tax rates. As we saw in the healthcare debate, Trump would sign anything.
Then why is it they couldn't produce any of those alleged records? And why is it that the author of the story had never once in his life personally met President Reagan or President Trump? Do you believe everything you read without fact checking it?
I was proud to vote for Reagan. That being said, I am disgusted with Trump. Anyone who says that Reagan and Trump have similarities are liars.

Reagan had principles and stood by them He could articulate them as well. He was able to talk about issues intelligently as he proved when he debated Robert Kennedy in the 60's. He also had a specific tax plan in mind and could talk about it and sell it. He had principles. Some of them he was willing to compromise and others he refused to compromise on. He never personally attacked anyone. Reagan was also willing to take responsibility for things good and bad. When the marine barracks in Beirut was blown up, Reagan took responsibility for it. Reagan also did not take himself seriously One of his favorite jokes was talking about a historical figure and how he knew him. He attended the White House Correspondents' Dinner and regularly joked about himself.

Also Reagan was a compassionate conservative. In his speech "A Time for Choosing", he said that no one should be denied the ability to see a doctor because they can't afford it. Today that would probably get him labelled as a moderate. Reagan was against the bureaucratic state.

Trump on the hand has no clue what he is talking about. He can't talk about issues as was demonstrated by the health care debate. He said he had this great plan that everyone would love. We know that is not true. Trump has no principles. He is willing to sign anything. He is thin skinned and can't even take a SNL skit. Trump takes the bows for anything that is good and blames others for his failures. Trump is afraid to show his face at the White House Correspondents' Dinner.

Anyone who says Trump is anything like Reagan has a screw loose.
Elmer, that hit piece was proven to be a lie written by a man who had never met President Reagan OR Donald Trump in his life! This article was written by someone who actually knew both President Reagan and Trump. Read this:

06/28/2016 08:23 am ET | Updated Jun 29, 2017
President Reagan and Young Mr. Trump

By Ambassador Faith Whittlesey



A few days ago, a hit piece on Donald Trump appeared in The Daily 202 (The Washington Post’s online newsletter) with the headline “Reagan White House viewed Trump and his ‘large ego’ warily.” The reporter made a case on thin evidence (one quote from a White House aide) and questionable suppositionsthat Donald Trump was repeatedly snubbed by President Reagan and his wife Nancy. The article also purported to show that Donald Trump has made exaggerated claims about his closeness to President Reagan. The reporter offered no evidence to support the latter point.

What Donald Trump, in fact, has said, as reported in the Wall Street Journal, September 15, 2015, concerning Reagan ties is: “I have great respect for him. I helped him. I knew him. He liked me and I liked him.” He also added in an interview, “I didn’t know him well” - in case anyone should misunderstand - butthat he had been told by friends close to the President that President Reagan admired him. “He felt very good about me. Frankly, he liked my attitude.” That is the sum-total of Donald Trump’s claims to having personal ties to President Reagan. In my opinion the only thing missing from the story is actually President Reagan’s attitude toward Donald Trump, which is not demonstrated anywhere in the Post article.

But let’s revisit the Reagan White House. I was a Member of the Senior Staff of the White House for more than two years as Director of the White House Office of Public Liaison.

The truth is Ronald Reagan liked almost everybody. There were a very few only - as everyone in the White House, including I, was aware — he did not like, and these were those whoincessantly disparaged his policies whatever the merits. Other than those few, President Reagan did genuinely “like” most people he met. Ronald Reagan was the model of a courteous gentleman, with an Irishman’s love of people, and Donald Trump at the time was a young man basking in his occasionally meeting the President socially.

Everyone who met President Reagan came away smiling, thinking that the President liked him or her. But that was because it was true. He did. That there are no White House “records” to confirm Donald Trump’s statement is not at all surprising. It would be more surprising if there were. How could President Reagan’s casual interactions with thousands of individuals have been recorded?
Regarding an assertion that a White House aide wrote in a memo to the effect that Donald Trump had a “large ego,” to my mind it says more about the aide’s lack of judgment in putting such an ungracious remark in writing than it says about Trump. President Reagan himself in my opinion would never have made such a disapproving remark. The aide’s description of Donald Trump certainly cannot be seen as anything but a careless statement in an official White House record from someone who should have been more circumspect for the sake of his boss, the President.

The reporter’s mocking description of Donald Trump’s invitation to Mrs. Reagan to come to his beautiful home in Palm Beach, Mar-a-Lago, and regard it as the “southern White House” is apparently supposed to serve as a “connect-a-dot” to Trump’s “large ego.” Trump’s reference to Mar-a-Lago in his invitation at the time, however, wasn’t a matter of inflated egotism but was based on the actual documented history of the property, a fact which the Post reporter failed to note (or perhaps failed in his research to find out). In 1973, when Mar-a-Lago’s builder and owner, cereal heiress Marjorie Merriweather Post, died, she left the estate in her will to the U.S. government to be used as a “winter White House.” The government declined to take it on this condition, so a decade later the property was sold to Trump.

Both President and Mrs. Reagan received countless requests and invitations from many people just as a matter of course. That Mrs. Reagan declined this invitation (or other invitations)politely is what she did with hundreds of such invitations. Trump’s invitation was flattering and generous, nothing more. I know President Reagan himself would have answered such an invitation with the same humility and gratitude in a way that would not have wounded the letter-writer’s pride. That was the high standard every one of us in the White House strove to uphold in dealing with Ronald Reagan’s millions of admirers who wrote, invited, praised, and poured their hearts out to President Reagan, whom they revered as a great and compassionate man.

The real story the Post reporter missed is simple and innocent and does not reflect ill on candidate Trump: Donald Trump, a registered Republican in 1987 who contributed to both parties —as any young businessman on the move did (and still do) in liberal, Democrat-dominated New York City — was one of President Reagan’s many admirers.

And for other Reagan admirers, Donald Trump is the best hope we have today of returning to the sound conservative principles and policies Ronald Reagan espoused.

Ambassador Faith Whittlesey served as White House Director of the Office of Public Liaison from 1983 to 1985 and twice, from 1981 to 1983 and again from 1985 to 1988, as U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland. She also was active in President Reagan’s unsuccessful 1976 campaign and was Co-chairman of President Reagan’s Pennsylvania campaign in 1980.

Follow Ambassador Faith Whittlesey on Twitter:
Do you have information you want to share with HuffPost? Here’s how.

Ambassador Faith Whittlesey
Former U.S. Ambassador to Switzerland and Member of the Senior White House Staff under President Ronald Reagan

The Post story was based on White House records. They clearly knew who Trump was and they did not want to get involved with him.

What exposes the lie is her comment that Trump is the best hope of returning to the principles Reagan espoused. That is a blatant lie. Trump has no principles.. When Reagan agreed to some tax increases early in his Presidency, he flatly refused to raise tax rates. As we saw in the healthcare debate, Trump would sign anything.
Then why is it they couldn't produce any of those alleged records? And why is it that the author of the story had never once in his life personally met President Reagan or President Trump? Do you believe everything you read without fact checking it?

That is what you say. You don't have to personally meet someone to talk about them. We would never have any history to talk about. You need to do some fact checking. The fact is Trump supporters deny anything even when Trump himself says it. Michael Reagan said that his father would be appalled by Donald Trump.

Michael Reagan: My Father Would Be 'Absolutely Appalled' By Trump as GOP Nominee
Never insult Ronald Reagan by comparing him to Trump.
Forget the politics, look at the human beings.
Ronald Reagan showed respect to all, even those who he did not agree with. He was respected by most, even those who disagreed with him.
Donald Trump does not show respect to anyone. He is so insecure he puts himself up by putting other down. He is as despicable of a human being as there is.

As a child, I loved Ronald Reagan, indeed. And he is one of the better presidents in modern history, imo. But I don't buy into the conservative folklore that this guy was so great and above reproach. And what Trump has done is very much a lot of what Reagan would be doing.

Like what? What is Trump doing that you believe Ronald Reagan would have done?

All types of things; but I don't need to list them. I don't care about being his unpaid PR guy. I pay attention. Trump is much closer to Reagan and Obama is much closer to Jimmy Carter.

Yeah you do need to list them because I am a die hard Reaganite--and I have never seen any similarities to the Ass Clown that sits in the Oval office today.

Here is a long time friend and former staffer of Ronald Reagan that didn't see any similarities either.

:lmao: The guy is speaking at Hillary Clinton's convention; nuff said.

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