Never let a tragedy go to waste.

I'd like to kick the issue over to the NRA to solve

You have been fighting gun laws for decades. What is your solution?

Suck it up and live with it America?

Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

Only an asshole would suggest anyone enjoyed the horrific incident that killed 20 children today. Must of us, the non sociopaths, had a tear or two today. Assholes and sociopaths have no empathy and don't care.
Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

Only an asshole would suggest anyone enjoyed the horrific incident that killed 20 children today. Must of us, the non sociopaths, had a tear or two today. Assholes and sociopaths have no empathy and don't care.

You're the biggest asshole on the board. And yes, it very much sounded like your asshole friend wanted to score political points. What else do you think his "tipping point" comment meant?
You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

Only an asshole would suggest anyone enjoyed the horrific incident that killed 20 children today. Must of us, the non sociopaths, had a tear or two today. Assholes and sociopaths have no empathy and don't care.

You're the biggest asshole on the board. And yes, it very much sounded like your asshole friend wanted to score political points. What else do you think his "tipping point" comment meant?

Oh Willow Tree, you hurt me so. Had I known pointing out you're one of the stupidest members of the echo chamber - a truth to be sure - I would have kept it a secret (as if that were possible).

Keep in mind (I'm sure there is plenty of space between your ears to store this) that my pointing out how truly stupid you are had no impact on others who have read your too many posts. They knew, each time you posted they looked to the sky (or ceiling) and said (aloud or to themselves) God, what a dumb bunny this willow tree is.
How about addressing the real cause, which is cultural rot?

Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

Only an asshole would suggest anyone enjoyed the horrific incident that killed 20 children today. Must of us, the non sociopaths, had a tear or two today. Assholes and sociopaths have no empathy and don't care.
All that tells me is that you had no tear in your eye, have no empathy and don't care.
I wonder what Elvis 'thinks' when he is defended by - and only by - Willow Tree.

I think, regardless of who defends me, that you should do the whole world a favor and stand in front of an oncoming train.
I'd like to kick the issue over to the NRA to solve

You have been fighting gun laws for decades. What is your solution?

Suck it up and live with it America?

Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

How about enough is enough?

Is 20 kindergartners executed by a madman finally enough for this country? Columbine wasn't, Tucson wasn't, Virginia Tech wasn't, the Batman slay ins wasn't

How much longer should we just sit back, sigh, and hear.......nothing we can do about it?
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.
In another thread you made the claim the countries with stricter gun laws than ours had more mass shootings. I asked you to link it but you ran away and started this thread instead.

How about proving your claim?

I did no such thing, I said more violent crime. I guess reading is not your strong suit.

Where's your link?
Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

I challenge you to a duel, I get a gun and you can have a knife.

It's the same thing, they can both kill someone, right?

Spoken like a true dumbass.
Sensible oversight of who purchases weapons needs to be discussed. Pros and cons weighed and then a decision can be made.

On a side note I've noticed that many of these mass shooting are done by VERY young adult males with possible mental issues. That should also be a part of the discussion.

We already do background checks on people who purchase firearms and in the case of this shooting and the last one at the OR mall, and many others for that matter, it would not have mattered as the guns used where stolen from those who owned them by those who used them.
Oh, you can find them, but you have to look hard at a lot of gun shows....I know, I go to quite a few of them.

Like I said, there are very few private sellers who can afford the booth fees to make selling off their private collections worth the bother and expense...The garbage line about guns shows being a huge wild west open air black market, is only spouted by the most ignorant and bigoted of ignorant bigots.

Ah, so only the rich can sell their guns to any fucking nut that comes down the pike. Awesome.

My gawd you are an idiot.
It's not only the hated rich who have stockpiles of weapons and are avid shooters....I used to live with a guy -straightest arrow you'll ever find- who had a panoply (Google it, ignoramus) of some of the most historic and valuable guns you could find...He could also shoot the wings off a fly at 100 yards with his match-grade appointed M-1 Garand.

My gawd you are a bigoted nincompoop.
What does that have to do with your claim that it isn't true that any idiot can buy a gun at a gun show?
I'd like to kick the issue over to the NRA to solve

You have been fighting gun laws for decades. What is your solution?

Suck it up and live with it America?

Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

I agree 100%. The sad thing is the present event hurts everyone more because of the record number of children killed. The cold hard facts are that every day many lives are ruined because of easy access to military style assault weapons and 100 clips. It might be in the inner city where nobody seems to care but it still leaves scars on those affected. The city of Memphis, TN has 40 times more gun deaths than the entire nation of Great Britain where they have gun control...all of America has about 500 times as many.
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I'd like to kick the issue over to the NRA to solve

You have been fighting gun laws for decades. What is your solution?

Suck it up and live with it America?

Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

I agree 100%. The sad thing is the present event hurts everyone more because of the record number of children killed. The cold hard facts are that every day many lives are ruined because of easy access to military style assault weapons and 100 clips. It might be in the inner city where nobody seems to care but it still leaves scars on those affected. The city of Memphis, TN has 40 times more gun deaths than the entire nation of Great Britain where they have gun control...all of America has about 500 times as many.

take away those "inner city" deaths by the gang bangers and the those numbers drop dramatically.....saw this on a pbs talk show about gun violence a ways back....they said as much as 75%.....
Naw. They will be screaming that all teachers and students be armed, and do they have some nice guns for sell.

This is just about the limit. Too much, too quickly.

I think that we all should appreciate the NRA's Christmas gift for the nation.

I agree 100%. The sad thing is the present event hurts everyone more because of the record number of children killed. The cold hard facts are that every day many lives are ruined because of easy access to military style assault weapons and 100 clips. It might be in the inner city where nobody seems to care but it still leaves scars on those affected. The city of Memphis, TN has 40 times more gun deaths than the entire nation of Great Britain where they have gun control...all of America has about 500 times as many.

take away those "inner city" deaths by the gang bangers and the those numbers drop dramatically.....saw this on a pbs talk show about gun violence a ways back....they said as much as 75%..... you've already decided that folks who live in the inner city aren't worth much. It reminds me of the fact that the same people who wrote the second amendment also owned slaves and put in writing that one of them was worth 3/5 of a white man.

It's time somebody showed up with a little reasonable logic and stopped this medieval nonsense.
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Calls for greater gun control after mass shooting at elementary school | The Lookout - Yahoo! News

Morons, more laws won't stop people bent on killing. Unless they plan to seal our borders and our coastline outlawing guns won't stop them from being available to crooks and killers.

By the way? In China a man murdered a bunch of elementary school children with a knife. One does not need a gun. And the ability to construct a huge bomb is pretty available as well.

Just so you know, I will never surrender my weapons.

I challenge you to a duel, I get a gun and you can have a knife.

It's the same thing, they can both kill someone, right?

Spoken like a true dumbass.

Who the fuck are you cocksleeve?

If you've got a valid point, then make it. Don't be like RGS, it isn't impressive. :thup:

Neg incoming.
You enjoyed this massacre, didn't you? Now you think you can score political points.

Only an asshole would suggest anyone enjoyed the horrific incident that killed 20 children today. Must of us, the non sociopaths, had a tear or two today. Assholes and sociopaths have no empathy and don't care.
All that tells me is that you had no tear in your eye, have no empathy and don't care.

Reading comprehension is not your strong suit.

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