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Never Stop Reminding Democrats THEY STOLE THE ELECTION

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Why Democrats Happily Lie about Cheating in the Election: Democrats are people who burn down cities, murder cops, terrorize neighborhoods, have roving Nazi brownshirts (BLM and Antifa), shut down churches, impose Nazi curfews, and so much more. Do any of you think for a moment that a little thing like election fraud bothers them? Lying about an election is peanuts compared to the crimes against humanity they happily commit.

I have said it before:

Democrats are the party of infanticide, socialism, government control, smashing Free Speech rights, giving free stuff to illegal aliens, and now they are the party of mobs in the streets burning and destroying cities. See the burning cities and torn down statues, and you see the democrat party world. Mobs.

Republicans are the party of Traditional Values, Liberty and freedom. Donald Trump gave us the lowest unemployment rates since John F Kennedy until the virus hit, and now Democrats are trying to keep the virus going because they are so evil they are happy to destroy the economy simply to defeat Trump. That’s right. Masks and continued shutdowns are a joke, based totally on fear. There is a 0.04 death rate for Corona. People have more chance of dying from the Flu.

A totalitarian socialist state of mobs is what the Democrats offer, and liberty and freedom and jobs-not-mobs is what Trump offers.

Lets see him keep his word or continue to lie Trump tried to steal the election by courting repub electoral college members to ignore the vote and choose him

Trump tried to get the courts to throw out votes and declared the election illegal. His cases all dismissed as lacking truth

He fired Barr who said that they could not find widespread election fraud, A guy who pretty much went to bat for him in numerous occasions. That how he treats his friends. Well we know how he treats his enemies. Paranoid

Now the only think left to do is to do a presidential pardon on himself
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I believe the GOP should conduct themselves with the same grace and professionalism as the Democrats since Trump's election. ILLEGITIMATE! RESISTANCE! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!! RUSSIA!! WHISTLEBLOWER!! IMPEACH!! IMPEACH!! :aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh::aargh:
The left depended on the fact that no one would believe that such a massive fraud could work

The right depends on no facts that there was massive fraud.

The left depends on shouting, "No facts!!!" with their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing any facts.

Odd then that Trump's own lawyers wouldn't present those 'facts' in court.

Or that Trump's own lawyers refused to even ALLEGE that fraud occured in their legal arguments.

Only odd thing is that you think "Well, if they can't present it in court, that must mean there's no evidence AT ALL!!!" Seriously, what hole in the ground do you leftists live in, to be so ignorant of literally everything in the world?

Evidence is meaningless unless you present it.

332-206. Biden wins.

I believe I've already congratulated you on finding one meager bright spot in your existence to keep you off the ledge. If you're looking for me to go farther and actually pity you, you're talking to the wrong person.

I have your posts to read...how you spent thanksgiving all by yourself...how angry you are that your blob got voted out....how nobody likes you.

You're a never ending source of schadenfreude

No, Cornball, those aren't my posts. Those are YOUR PROJECTIONS.

You know what happened the day after the election? I woke up next to my husband of 26 years, had breakfast that my two sons cooked for me, and watched a video that my daughter sent me of my youngest granddaughter trying to learn to crawl.

Win or lose, I matter in the world, while you're a nameless, meaningless drone face in a BLM riot. You could vanish tomorrow in a puff of rancid methane, and no one would notice or care. Your masters would just replace you with an interchangeable left-tard cog.

And look up "schadenfreude". Your misuse of it is really hilarious.

No, Trump won the election, and Democrats cheated and stole it.

Biden and Democrats are desperate for Trump to concede, now they are popping a gasket. We will never concede, Dems cheated and stole the election from Trump, period. I like watching Dems flail and cry like babies.
No, Trump won the election, and Democrats cheated and stole it.

Biden and Democrats are desperate for Trump to concede, now they are popping a gasket. We will never concede, Dems cheated and stole the election from Trump, period. I like watching Dems flail and cry like babies.
Please post in this thread twice a day for 4 years. We will never let them forget their thievery and their cheating. #Resist
Trump is a big, fat loser. He will go down in history as only the third president to be impeached and the sorest loser of all time.
And what was he impeached for again?
Abuse of power.
Something he ain't got no more.
What Abuse of Power CORN? Are you projecting the actual abuse that the dems do onto trump again?
Witholding congressionally allocated money.
What money specifically Corn--------
just voted to have your freedoms taken away

Which freedoms will you and I soon be losing? or have taken away?
Ohhh. Getting a haircut. Opening your business. Going to the gym. Taking the kids to school. Going to work. On and on and on.

You forgot creating “Hot Spots” for Covid-19, you know that “hoax” that has killed over 300,000 Americans.
That hoax only got reported when people with preexisting conditions like heart failure were added to the rolls. Yep, you lying pieces of shit, blame everyone but the real culprit. Obama and China...

Obama Gave $3.7M Grant to Sketchy China Virology Lab | Newsmax.com

To be clear, it was absolutely true Dr. Anthony Fauci “predicted” a pandemic occurring during the Trump administration, as part of a January 10 2017 keynote speech about pandemic preparedness at Georgetown University.
Did Dr. Fauci Predict a Serious Pandemic During Trump's ...
View attachment 429243
Are you a Pathologis?
Facts and science aren’t your thing, but conspiracy which bullshit, is your thing.
You are a Cultist Cum Laude. Congratulation.
The left depended on the fact that no one would believe that such a massive fraud could work

The right depends on no facts that there was massive fraud.

The left depends on shouting, "No facts!!!" with their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing any facts.

Odd then that Trump's own lawyers wouldn't present those 'facts' in court.

Or that Trump's own lawyers refused to even ALLEGE that fraud occured in their legal arguments.

Only odd thing is that you think "Well, if they can't present it in court, that must mean there's no evidence AT ALL!!!" Seriously, what hole in the ground do you leftists live in, to be so ignorant of literally everything in the world?


What is next

The left depended on the fact that no one would believe that such a massive fraud could work

The right depends on no facts that there was massive fraud.

The left depends on shouting, "No facts!!!" with their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing any facts.

Odd then that Trump's own lawyers wouldn't present those 'facts' in court.

Or that Trump's own lawyers refused to even ALLEGE that fraud occured in their legal arguments.

Only odd thing is that you think "Well, if they can't present it in court, that must mean there's no evidence AT ALL!!!" Seriously, what hole in the ground do you leftists live in, to be so ignorant of literally everything in the world?

View attachment 429533

What is next


Nope. We aren't leftists. The screaming at the sky and recording yourself crying in bathtubs is all you.

What's actually next is a multi-pronged plan:

1) Resisting The Usurper, your senile figurehead, at every turn so that all you end up having stolen was an empty lame-duck one term.

2) Forcing as many state legislatures as possible to clean up their election laws and take their rightful, legal power back from governors and other state officials who have morphed into mini-Napoleons this year.

3) Hopefully, organizing the first ever Constitutional Convention of States to take the people's power of self-governance back, instead of this endless round of "We just need to choose a better master to own us".
The left depended on the fact that no one would believe that such a massive fraud could work

The right depends on no facts that there was massive fraud.

The left depends on shouting, "No facts!!!" with their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing any facts.

Odd then that Trump's own lawyers wouldn't present those 'facts' in court.

Or that Trump's own lawyers refused to even ALLEGE that fraud occured in their legal arguments.

Only odd thing is that you think "Well, if they can't present it in court, that must mean there's no evidence AT ALL!!!" Seriously, what hole in the ground do you leftists live in, to be so ignorant of literally everything in the world?

View attachment 429533

What is next


Nope. We aren't leftists. The screaming at the sky and recording yourself crying in bathtubs is all you.

What's actually next is a multi-pronged plan:

1) Resisting The Usurper, your senile figurehead, at every turn so that all you end up having stolen was an empty lame-duck one term.

2) Forcing as many state legislatures as possible to clean up their election laws and take their rightful, legal power back from governors and other state officials who have morphed into mini-Napoleons this year.

3) Hopefully, organizing the first ever Constitutional Convention of States to take the people's power of self-governance back, instead of this endless round of "We just need to choose a better master to own us".

How is exercising their state constitution granted authority make them 'miniature napoleons'? The people elected them to wield the exact authority they did.
Aww did I hurt your feelings?

I don't think you have the brain power to do that

Mostly, it's just that she's too unimportant for anyone to care that much. Getting one's feelings hurt by the likes of Cornball is like getting your feelings hurt by the fart of a stranger passing you on the street.
Yet here you are commenting on me. Of course...you don't have much else going in your life to occupy your time. No friends...nobody likes you....nobody cares about you.

You've earned your solitude. Take another puff of your cancer stick though...it's all you've got left in the world.
The left depended on the fact that no one would believe that such a massive fraud could work

The right depends on no facts that there was massive fraud.

The left depends on shouting, "No facts!!!" with their fingers in their ears to avoid hearing any facts.

Odd then that Trump's own lawyers wouldn't present those 'facts' in court.

Or that Trump's own lawyers refused to even ALLEGE that fraud occured in their legal arguments.

Only odd thing is that you think "Well, if they can't present it in court, that must mean there's no evidence AT ALL!!!" Seriously, what hole in the ground do you leftists live in, to be so ignorant of literally everything in the world?

View attachment 429533

What is next


Nope. We aren't leftists. The screaming at the sky and recording yourself crying in bathtubs is all you.

What's actually next is a multi-pronged plan:

1) Resisting The Usurper, your senile figurehead, at every turn so that all you end up having stolen was an empty lame-duck one term.

2) Forcing as many state legislatures as possible to clean up their election laws and take their rightful, legal power back from governors and other state officials who have morphed into mini-Napoleons this year.

3) Hopefully, organizing the first ever Constitutional Convention of States to take the people's power of self-governance back, instead of this endless round of "We just need to choose a better master to own us".

How is exercising their state constitution granted authority make them 'miniature napoleons'? The people elected them to wield the exact authority they did.

"Accept my premise that whatever I agree with is legal, and then defend your position from that assumption!" I"ll never understand why leftists think that someone who views them as rotting dog feces is going to let them set the debate parameters.

Obviously - well, obvious to anyone who isn't piss-stupid like you - the problem is that their state Constitutions grant them none of the powers they've seized for themselves, nor did their people elect them to do it.

Because you're a leftist and can only perceive reality through your venal, juvenile prism of self-interest, let me put it this way: you'd understand what I was talking about if a Republican had done it.
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