Never Trump Republicans blame Trump................ It's the party stupid.


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
It doesn't matter the TV station, never Trump Republicans, even Flake and Corker and other GOP House and Senate members, all blame Trump.

They complain the wacky policies come from Trump.

That the damage to our institutions come from Trump.

Yes Trump is an authoritarian figure. Yes he is Hitleresque. Yes he cozies up to brutal dictators like Putin and Un and others. Yes Trump is racist. He seems to hate Mexicans the most. Yes Trump disrespects women. Yes Trump gives tax cuts to billionaires and cuts healthcare to the poor and the middle class. Yes, yes, yes.

Even many of his followers give those as reasons they admire and support him. No one is really arguing these things. Notice when you point them out, Trump's followers on the USMB swarm your thread, but they don't disagree. How could they? There is nothing they can say to defend his actions. They just don't want you talking about them.

So where is all this coming from?

The never Trumpers are fond of saying they want their party back. What party? The 90% white party that put out political ads like Willie Horton and Welfare Queens? The Party that convinced an uneducated base that "Trickle Down" works? The party that blocked the last president's constitutional authority to nominate a Supreme Court Judge for a year before he left office pretty much telling us that a Democratic President only gets three years, not four. The party under Reagan, Bush and now Trump that cut taxes by trillions for corporations and billionaires at a time when we've had bridges falling down and US Citizens are being poisoned by the tens of thousands?

All that was before Trump. You can't blame that on Trump. Trump is simply picking up the baton laid down by the GOP and running with it. Republicans right here on the USMB boast they are so happy to win. What have they won? Ask them to define what they've won and they do one of two things. They start calling you names or they lie.

Steve Bannon said Republicans go for a head wound but Democrats are having a pillow fight. Steve Bannon said that and he's right.

Trump is a symptom of a sick and dangerous political party. Some are calling Paul the cowardly Ryan and saying Mitch is soft. But I see it a different way. Paul and Mitch like everything Trump is doing and support him 110%. To me, it looks like they are being strong.

So what is the cure?

I believe it's this new wave of elected officials we will see a record number of winning in November. Republicans aren't scared in the least of Nancy, or Chuck or Diane or any of the other Democrats over 75 who insist on playing by the Kingsbury Rules at a knife fight. They go low and we go high - proven to be a sure formula for losing.

So let's see what happens in November. Trying to take votes away from the GOP and from Trump is fools mission. They only thing Democrats can do is get those who haven't voted in the past to see the danger of this racist and divisive party and vote. You can't stop Republicans with rhetoric. The only way to defeat them is at the ballot box and if we want a democracy in the future, they must be defeated.
They don’t disagree? I’ll disagree with your kind of warped perception of Trump no problem. “Hitleresque” LOL. Is that the new trendy buzzword among you folks?
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They don’t disagree? I’ll disagree with your kind of warped perception of Trump no problem. “Hitleresque” LOL. Is that the new trendy buzzword among you folks?
Hitleresque, yes.

Hitler only had 30% support among Germans when their parliament building burned down after a terrorist attack and Hitler managed to use that and turn his administration into a brutal dictatorship.

Trump has that same mesmerizing quality for his base Hitler had for his. Trump's base knows he has no morals. Trump's base knows he is lying to them. Yet they don't care. Even as Trump's tariffs ruin their lives, they say they can take it because they believe in him.

The difference between now and Hitler is that Germany was a white country with very few minorities. The largest minority being the Jews and we know what happened to them.

This country has huge populations of minorities.

This election coming up is so important. If Democrats take at least the house, it slows down Trump's poisonous agenda.
It rolls back the Republicans disastrous policies.
Look at USMB Republicans. They can't even name good GOP policies. Tax cuts for billionaires aren't good policy. Taking away healthcare is not good policy. Travel bans are not good policy. Rolling back environmental regulations are not good policy.
Where is the building up the country? Where are civil rights? Where is inspiration? Where is improving education? It's about tearing things down and tearing things apart for Trump and the GOP. And Republicans agree that's the way forward. This is why they must be defeated.
It doesn't matter the TV station, never Trump Republicans, even Flake and Corker and other GOP House and Senate members, all blame Trump.

They complain the wacky policies come from Trump.

That the damage to our institutions come from Trump.

Yes Trump is an authoritarian figure. Yes he is Hitleresque. Yes he cozies up to brutal dictators like Putin and Un and others. Yes Trump is racist. He seems to hate Mexicans the most. Yes Trump disrespects women. Yes Trump gives tax cuts to billionaires and cuts healthcare to the poor and the middle class. Yes, yes, yes.

Even many of his followers give those as reasons they admire and support him. No one is really arguing these things. Notice when you point them out, Trump's followers on the USMB swarm your thread, but they don't disagree. How could they? There is nothing they can say to defend his actions. They just don't want you talking about them.

So where is all this coming from?

The never Trumpers are fond of saying they want their party back. What party? The 90% white party that put out political ads like Willie Horton and Welfare Queens? The Party that convinced an uneducated base that "Trickle Down" works? The party that blocked the last president's constitutional authority to nominate a Supreme Court Judge for a year before he left office pretty much telling us that a Democratic President only gets three years, not four. The party under Reagan, Bush and now Trump that cut taxes by trillions for corporations and billionaires at a time when we've had bridges falling down and US Citizens are being poisoned by the tens of thousands?

All that was before Trump. You can't blame that on Trump. Trump is simply picking up the baton laid down by the GOP and running with it. Republicans right here on the USMB boast they are so happy to win. What have they won? Ask them to define what they've won and they do one of two things. They start calling you names or they lie.

Steve Bannon said Republicans go for a head wound but Democrats are having a pillow fight. Steve Bannon said that and he's right.

Trump is a symptom of a sick and dangerous political party. Some are calling Paul the cowardly Ryan and saying Mitch is soft. But I see it a different way. Paul and Mitch like everything Trump is doing and support him 110%. To me, it looks like they are being strong.

So what is the cure?

I believe it's this new wave of elected officials we will see a record number of winning in November. Republicans aren't scared in the least of Nancy, or Chuck or Diane or any of the other Democrats over 75 who insist on playing by the Kingsbury Rules at a knife fight. They go low and we go high - proven to be a sure formula for losing.

So let's see what happens in November. Trying to take votes away from the GOP and from Trump is fools mission. They only thing Democrats can do is get those who haven't voted in the past to see the danger of this racist and divisive party and vote. You can't stop Republicans with rhetoric. The only way to defeat them is at the ballot box and if we want a democracy in the future, they must be defeated.

Blame him for what?
They don’t disagree? I’ll disagree with your kind of warped perception of Trump no problem. “Hitleresque” LOL. Is that the new trendy buzzword among you folks?
Hitleresque, yes.

Hitler only had 30% support among Germans when their parliament building burned down after a terrorist attack and Hitler managed to use that and turn his administration into a brutal dictatorship.

Trump has that same mesmerizing quality for his base Hitler had for his. Trump's base knows he has no morals. Trump's base knows he is lying to them. Yet they don't care. Even as Trump's tariffs ruin their lives, they say they can take it because they believe in him.

The difference between now and Hitler is that Germany was a white country with very few minorities. The largest minority being the Jews and we know what happened to them.

This country has huge populations of minorities.

This election coming up is so important. If Democrats take at least the house, it slows down Trump's poisonous agenda.
It rolls back the Republicans disastrous policies.
Look at USMB Republicans. They can't even name good GOP policies. Tax cuts for billionaires aren't good policy. Taking away healthcare is not good policy. Travel bans are not good policy. Rolling back environmental regulations are not good policy.
Where is the building up the country? Where are civil rights? Where is inspiration? Where is improving education? It's about tearing things down and tearing things apart for Trump and the GOP. And Republicans agree that's the way forward. This is why they must be defeated.

Please provide proof Trump’s tariffs are ruining his supporters’ lives.

My family pay less taxes and we’re nowhere near billionaire or millionaire status.

Name the healthcare he’s taken away please.

What do you mean, “where are the civil rights?” Seriously, what do you mean?

What is your issue with education? How do you want Trump to improve it?

Do you even realize that Congress is responsible for some of this stuff and they’re refusing to work together? The Dems are still so pissed off their candidate didn’t win in 2016 that all their time is spent going against Trump instead of working together for the good of the country. The president doesn’t govern the country by himself but based on what you’ve said here it seems that’s either what you think or how you want it to be... as long as he’s implementing liberal policies that is.

LOL on your comparisons to Hitler. You’re so afraid of a dictator yet you want the pres to take care of everything even though the American government wasn’t designed for him to. You contradict yourself.
It doesn't matter the TV station, never Trump Republicans, even Flake and Corker and other GOP House and Senate members, all blame Trump.

They complain the wacky policies come from Trump.

That the damage to our institutions come from Trump.

Yes Trump is an authoritarian figure. Yes he is Hitleresque. Yes he cozies up to brutal dictators like Putin and Un and others. Yes Trump is racist. He seems to hate Mexicans the most. Yes Trump disrespects women. Yes Trump gives tax cuts to billionaires and cuts healthcare to the poor and the middle class. Yes, yes, yes.

Even many of his followers give those as reasons they admire and support him. No one is really arguing these things. Notice when you point them out, Trump's followers on the USMB swarm your thread, but they don't disagree. How could they? There is nothing they can say to defend his actions. They just don't want you talking about them.

So where is all this coming from?

The never Trumpers are fond of saying they want their party back. What party? The 90% white party that put out political ads like Willie Horton and Welfare Queens? The Party that convinced an uneducated base that "Trickle Down" works? The party that blocked the last president's constitutional authority to nominate a Supreme Court Judge for a year before he left office pretty much telling us that a Democratic President only gets three years, not four. The party under Reagan, Bush and now Trump that cut taxes by trillions for corporations and billionaires at a time when we've had bridges falling down and US Citizens are being poisoned by the tens of thousands?

All that was before Trump. You can't blame that on Trump. Trump is simply picking up the baton laid down by the GOP and running with it. Republicans right here on the USMB boast they are so happy to win. What have they won? Ask them to define what they've won and they do one of two things. They start calling you names or they lie.

Steve Bannon said Republicans go for a head wound but Democrats are having a pillow fight. Steve Bannon said that and he's right.

Trump is a symptom of a sick and dangerous political party. Some are calling Paul the cowardly Ryan and saying Mitch is soft. But I see it a different way. Paul and Mitch like everything Trump is doing and support him 110%. To me, it looks like they are being strong.

So what is the cure?

I believe it's this new wave of elected officials we will see a record number of winning in November. Republicans aren't scared in the least of Nancy, or Chuck or Diane or any of the other Democrats over 75 who insist on playing by the Kingsbury Rules at a knife fight. They go low and we go high - proven to be a sure formula for losing.

So let's see what happens in November. Trying to take votes away from the GOP and from Trump is fools mission. They only thing Democrats can do is get those who haven't voted in the past to see the danger of this racist and divisive party and vote. You can't stop Republicans with rhetoric. The only way to defeat them is at the ballot box and if we want a democracy in the future, they must be defeated.

How is Trump an Authoritarian figure? When has he done anything remotely Authoritarian outside of in your imagination?

If the GOP is in Trouble it is them, not Trump.....

They promised for 7 years to repeal obamacare...Trump says he will sign the repeal...they don't vote for it.

Trump ran on building a border wall...the GOP will not give him the money.

Trump ran on immigration reform...the GOP won't even vote to fund it....

The GOP is the problem, not Trump...Trump has an over 90% approval rating with Republican voters....
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  • #9
They don’t disagree? I’ll disagree with your kind of warped perception of Trump no problem. “Hitleresque” LOL. Is that the new trendy buzzword among you folks?
Hitleresque, yes.

Hitler only had 30% support among Germans when their parliament building burned down after a terrorist attack and Hitler managed to use that and turn his administration into a brutal dictatorship.

Trump has that same mesmerizing quality for his base Hitler had for his. Trump's base knows he has no morals. Trump's base knows he is lying to them. Yet they don't care. Even as Trump's tariffs ruin their lives, they say they can take it because they believe in him.

The difference between now and Hitler is that Germany was a white country with very few minorities. The largest minority being the Jews and we know what happened to them.

This country has huge populations of minorities.

This election coming up is so important. If Democrats take at least the house, it slows down Trump's poisonous agenda.
It rolls back the Republicans disastrous policies.
Look at USMB Republicans. They can't even name good GOP policies. Tax cuts for billionaires aren't good policy. Taking away healthcare is not good policy. Travel bans are not good policy. Rolling back environmental regulations are not good policy.
Where is the building up the country? Where are civil rights? Where is inspiration? Where is improving education? It's about tearing things down and tearing things apart for Trump and the GOP. And Republicans agree that's the way forward. This is why they must be defeated.

Please provide proof Trump’s tariffs are ruining his supporters’ lives.

My family pay less taxes and we’re nowhere near billionaire or millionaire status.

Name the healthcare he’s taken away please.

What do you mean, “where are the civil rights?” Seriously, what do you mean?

What is your issue with education? How do you want Trump to improve it?

Do you even realize that Congress is responsible for some of this stuff and they’re refusing to work together? The Dems are still so pissed off their candidate didn’t win in 2016 that all their time is spent going against Trump instead of working together for the good of the country. The president doesn’t govern the country by himself but based on what you’ve said here it seems that’s either what you think or how you want it to be... as long as he’s implementing liberal policies that is.

LOL on your comparisons to Hitler. You’re so afraid of a dictator yet you want the pres to take care of everything even though the American government wasn’t designed for him to. You contradict yourself.

I've posted links on all that before. Republicans don't really deny it. They just say prove it over and over again.

How tariffs have already cost jobs in NorCal

My family pay less taxes and we’re nowhere near billionaire or millionaire status.
Give us some numbers fool.
Why The 2017 Tax Cuts Are An Election-Year Bust

The Affordable Care Act Under the Trump Administration

How States Are Combating Federal ACA Sabotage

Republican Party on the Issues
Check out the part on Civil Rights

Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

What is college good for? Absolutely nothing, say Republicans

I don't know what to say. Stuff is easy to look up. Republicans don't hide their positions so you have to be a fool to not know what they are.
It doesn't matter the TV station, never Trump Republicans, even Flake and Corker and other GOP House and Senate members, all blame Trump.

They complain the wacky policies come from Trump.

That the damage to our institutions come from Trump.

Yes Trump is an authoritarian figure. Yes he is Hitleresque. Yes he cozies up to brutal dictators like Putin and Un and others. Yes Trump is racist. He seems to hate Mexicans the most. Yes Trump disrespects women. Yes Trump gives tax cuts to billionaires and cuts healthcare to the poor and the middle class. Yes, yes, yes.

Even many of his followers give those as reasons they admire and support him. No one is really arguing these things. Notice when you point them out, Trump's followers on the USMB swarm your thread, but they don't disagree. How could they? There is nothing they can say to defend his actions. They just don't want you talking about them.

So where is all this coming from?

The never Trumpers are fond of saying they want their party back. What party? The 90% white party that put out political ads like Willie Horton and Welfare Queens? The Party that convinced an uneducated base that "Trickle Down" works? The party that blocked the last president's constitutional authority to nominate a Supreme Court Judge for a year before he left office pretty much telling us that a Democratic President only gets three years, not four. The party under Reagan, Bush and now Trump that cut taxes by trillions for corporations and billionaires at a time when we've had bridges falling down and US Citizens are being poisoned by the tens of thousands?

All that was before Trump. You can't blame that on Trump. Trump is simply picking up the baton laid down by the GOP and running with it. Republicans right here on the USMB boast they are so happy to win. What have they won? Ask them to define what they've won and they do one of two things. They start calling you names or they lie.

Steve Bannon said Republicans go for a head wound but Democrats are having a pillow fight. Steve Bannon said that and he's right.

Trump is a symptom of a sick and dangerous political party. Some are calling Paul the cowardly Ryan and saying Mitch is soft. But I see it a different way. Paul and Mitch like everything Trump is doing and support him 110%. To me, it looks like they are being strong.

So what is the cure?

I believe it's this new wave of elected officials we will see a record number of winning in November. Republicans aren't scared in the least of Nancy, or Chuck or Diane or any of the other Democrats over 75 who insist on playing by the Kingsbury Rules at a knife fight. They go low and we go high - proven to be a sure formula for losing.

So let's see what happens in November. Trying to take votes away from the GOP and from Trump is fools mission. They only thing Democrats can do is get those who haven't voted in the past to see the danger of this racist and divisive party and vote. You can't stop Republicans with rhetoric. The only way to defeat them is at the ballot box and if we want a democracy in the future, they must be defeated.

How is Trump an Authoritarian figure? When has he done anything remotely Authoritarian outside of in your imagination?

If the GOP is in Trouble it is them, not Trump.....

They promised for 7 years to repeal obamacare...Trump says he will sign the repeal...they don't vote for it.

Trump ran on building a border wall...the GOP will not give him the money.

Trump ran on immigration reform...the GOP won't even vote to fund it....

The GOP is the problem, not Trump...Trump has an over 90% approval rating with Republican voters....
Yea, Republican voters.

Trump owns a shrinking Republican party

Pollster: GOP base is shrinking

Kasich: ‘Our party is shrinking’

Is Trump Sabotaging the GOP's Future?

Funny, I pointed out that Trump's popularity in the GOP grows as the numbers in the party shrink. And Republicans on the USMB tried to jump all over me insisting it's impossible for his numbers within the party to go up if the party is shrinking.

I just couldn't explain it too them. I was laughing too hard.
dam dean how much coffee have you had today?....
Two really big cups.

It doesn't matter the TV station, never Trump Republicans, even Flake and Corker and other GOP House and Senate members, all blame Trump.

They complain the wacky policies come from Trump.

That the damage to our institutions come from Trump.

Yes Trump is an authoritarian figure. Yes he is Hitleresque. Yes he cozies up to brutal dictators like Putin and Un and others. Yes Trump is racist. He seems to hate Mexicans the most. Yes Trump disrespects women. Yes Trump gives tax cuts to billionaires and cuts healthcare to the poor and the middle class. Yes, yes, yes.

Even many of his followers give those as reasons they admire and support him. No one is really arguing these things. Notice when you point them out, Trump's followers on the USMB swarm your thread, but they don't disagree. How could they? There is nothing they can say to defend his actions. They just don't want you talking about them.

So where is all this coming from?

The never Trumpers are fond of saying they want their party back. What party? The 90% white party that put out political ads like Willie Horton and Welfare Queens? The Party that convinced an uneducated base that "Trickle Down" works? The party that blocked the last president's constitutional authority to nominate a Supreme Court Judge for a year before he left office pretty much telling us that a Democratic President only gets three years, not four. The party under Reagan, Bush and now Trump that cut taxes by trillions for corporations and billionaires at a time when we've had bridges falling down and US Citizens are being poisoned by the tens of thousands?

All that was before Trump. You can't blame that on Trump. Trump is simply picking up the baton laid down by the GOP and running with it. Republicans right here on the USMB boast they are so happy to win. What have they won? Ask them to define what they've won and they do one of two things. They start calling you names or they lie.

Steve Bannon said Republicans go for a head wound but Democrats are having a pillow fight. Steve Bannon said that and he's right.

Trump is a symptom of a sick and dangerous political party. Some are calling Paul the cowardly Ryan and saying Mitch is soft. But I see it a different way. Paul and Mitch like everything Trump is doing and support him 110%. To me, it looks like they are being strong.

So what is the cure?

I believe it's this new wave of elected officials we will see a record number of winning in November. Republicans aren't scared in the least of Nancy, or Chuck or Diane or any of the other Democrats over 75 who insist on playing by the Kingsbury Rules at a knife fight. They go low and we go high - proven to be a sure formula for losing.

So let's see what happens in November. Trying to take votes away from the GOP and from Trump is fools mission. They only thing Democrats can do is get those who haven't voted in the past to see the danger of this racist and divisive party and vote. You can't stop Republicans with rhetoric. The only way to defeat them is at the ballot box and if we want a democracy in the future, they must be defeated.
This is why I'm not impressed by none of them. Not a one.

The never Trumpers are all frauds. Most that were in during the campaign, quickly crossed over once he won. The rest, I don't know what the hell is wrong with them, because Trump's policies are their policies, they just don't like that he's so blatantly evil, which they were already evil.

So yes, stop chasing the damn Republican vote, who already think we're devils, and go for people who'll actually vote for you, be progressive, be a damn Democrat. Stand up to these pigs.

Very well said brother. Very. Well. Said.

They don’t disagree? I’ll disagree with your kind of warped perception of Trump no problem. “Hitleresque” LOL. Is that the new trendy buzzword among you folks?
Hitleresque, yes.

Hitler only had 30% support among Germans when their parliament building burned down after a terrorist attack and Hitler managed to use that and turn his administration into a brutal dictatorship.

Trump has that same mesmerizing quality for his base Hitler had for his. Trump's base knows he has no morals. Trump's base knows he is lying to them. Yet they don't care. Even as Trump's tariffs ruin their lives, they say they can take it because they believe in him.

The difference between now and Hitler is that Germany was a white country with very few minorities. The largest minority being the Jews and we know what happened to them.

This country has huge populations of minorities.

This election coming up is so important. If Democrats take at least the house, it slows down Trump's poisonous agenda.
It rolls back the Republicans disastrous policies.
Look at USMB Republicans. They can't even name good GOP policies. Tax cuts for billionaires aren't good policy. Taking away healthcare is not good policy. Travel bans are not good policy. Rolling back environmental regulations are not good policy.
Where is the building up the country? Where are civil rights? Where is inspiration? Where is improving education? It's about tearing things down and tearing things apart for Trump and the GOP. And Republicans agree that's the way forward. This is why they must be defeated.

Please provide proof Trump’s tariffs are ruining his supporters’ lives.

My family pay less taxes and we’re nowhere near billionaire or millionaire status.

Name the healthcare he’s taken away please.

What do you mean, “where are the civil rights?” Seriously, what do you mean?

What is your issue with education? How do you want Trump to improve it?

Do you even realize that Congress is responsible for some of this stuff and they’re refusing to work together? The Dems are still so pissed off their candidate didn’t win in 2016 that all their time is spent going against Trump instead of working together for the good of the country. The president doesn’t govern the country by himself but based on what you’ve said here it seems that’s either what you think or how you want it to be... as long as he’s implementing liberal policies that is.

LOL on your comparisons to Hitler. You’re so afraid of a dictator yet you want the pres to take care of everything even though the American government wasn’t designed for him to. You contradict yourself.

I've posted links on all that before. Republicans don't really deny it. They just say prove it over and over again.

How tariffs have already cost jobs in NorCal

My family pay less taxes and we’re nowhere near billionaire or millionaire status.
Give us some numbers fool.
Why The 2017 Tax Cuts Are An Election-Year Bust

The Affordable Care Act Under the Trump Administration

How States Are Combating Federal ACA Sabotage

Republican Party on the Issues
Check out the part on Civil Rights

Pew: Most Republicans View Higher Education as Bad for America

What is college good for? Absolutely nothing, say Republicans

I don't know what to say. Stuff is easy to look up. Republicans don't hide their positions so you have to be a fool to not know what they are.

Uh-huh. And you didn’t acknowledge my comment that the pres isn’t responsible for every fucking thing in the government.
Our household income is around $70,000 and we aren’t paying as much in taxes. So what say you? Are you still gonna say the tax cuts only help billionaires even though I’m proof that’s not true?

As far as civil rights, legal citizen minorities are still afforded the same rights as everyone else. What more do you want? They are still free to protest and big-ass companies like Nike are even given the freedom to promote their ideals.

If Trump was half of what you people say he is—Hitleresque, why is he allowing a multi-million dollar company to promote efforts against police brutality of minorities? If he’s Hitleresque, why is black unemployment at record lows? Why is he HELPING black people instead of harming them?

Not everyone is going to benefit from governmental policies and not any one of us will ever be satisfied with how things are going bc we all want it to be a very specific way which is irrational to believe it’ll ever be like that. Just bc things aren’t going the way you want them to go doesn’t mean Trump is an evil dictator.

Get some better arguments.

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