Never-Trumper Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump for Pointing Out John McCain Lied about Obamacare

Leave it to jealous Mittens to attack Trump over McCains treacherous backstabbing vote. Unlike Trump, Romney failed ltwice like McCain to become president of the United States.

*Ugh* Never-Trump Leader Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump for Pointing Out John McCain Lied about Obamacare

I feel sorry for McCain's wife. The bully pulpit when used against a dead man can come back to haunt in the form of a widow, who already has too much pain to speak of, the adult kids who idolized their dads, his friends and allies. I hear Mrs. McCain is very unhappy about her husband's post humous treatment.

Medals won by Senator John Mc Cain are as follows:


Mr. President, It is very hard to earn a silver star in the military; a purple heart says this man put his life on the line for his fellow Americans under duress, and he got hurt really, really bad for it by the enemies of America; he served his country as a prisoner of war for 5 and one half stinkin' years in hellacious conditions in North Viet Nam communist camp surroundings stifled by an attitude of pure arrogance toward the American prisoners. It's a miracle he made it out of there alive.


John McCain was seriously wounded when his plane got shot
down in VietNam. To make matters even worse, he was placed
in a prisoner of war camp by the North Vietnamese who did not
respond to treatment of prisoners under United Nations' statutes
for all nations' prisoners. dammit. :(

He had his moments, but one's public record does not get a pass simply because one has died. He went pretty wacky in later life.

I never could understand why he got the 2008 nomination, other than it was determined that it was "his turn". He was a very weak candidate.
He had his moments, but one's public record does not get a pass simply because one has died. He went pretty wacky in later life.

I never could understand why he got the 2008 nomination, other than it was determined that it was "his turn". He was a very weak candidate.
I know, Billy. Senator McCain had a way of saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. Even so, there are teeth in the saying "Do not speak poorly of the dead."

I come from long lines of warriors on both sides of my family. The medals an American soldier earns tell a story about them. A silver star is not an everyday experience, and you put a bronze star on top of that, and the person who got the two medals took the initiative to save others under heavy fire, more than one times in his battle career. It happens so few times those medals are rare, and needless to mention, McCain in war time is someone no enemy wants to go against. In the military, and I'm pretty certain his plane was intentionally remembered and targeted specifically for a capture for the amusement of torturing someone who had many, many consecutive bombings that weakened the Viet Congs or whoever they were. It's been a long time since that happened, but when he was freed, it came out that he has some serious torture done on his body, and his broken bones were not healed right when he got back almost 6 years later. What they did to him was an outrage.

That said, some people when they age have a specific kind of dementia that comes from an injury to the head earlier in life, and the brain tears slowly away from the skull. This kind of a sufferer can still interact, learn, and remember some things, and they undergo some behavioral changes. This result may have caused Senator McCain to engage in inappropriate sayings and doings that made no sense to anyone. If so, we should not hold inappropriate things he said and did against him, because it's pretty obvious if he had not received deleterious injuries, he could have continued to shoot at a target and not miss, also, his meanings may have had nothing to do with the words that came out.I'm just thinking, I hope people who criticize him realize there is about a 90% chance he was mentally challenged by a cruel disease brought on by 5.5 years of torture at the hands of vindictive captors. And few people could challenge him because he was a very powerful man. I do not think Senator McCain would have behaved himself the way he did if he had never had the kind of injuries inflicted on him by war. A neurologist would know the special name for head injuries that result in out-of-character and odd human behavior later on in life.

I pray that our armed services will screen those who received head injuries and are still living receive medical screening at least once a year to insure that their old age is not a terror to themselves and others, because we're entering times in which conditions may be reversed if enough researchers go after it.

Just sayin'.
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"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones ..."
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2
"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones ..."
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2
Cindy McCain will see to it that does not happen to Senator McCain. I can't imagine someone taking a widow who has suffered the loss of the love of her life and make her life hell on this earth by digging him up out of the earth and slamming his reputation around with no thought of what his loved ones are going through.

God rest Senator McCain's brave soul and comfort his bereaved loved ones.​


Leave it to jealous Mittens to attack Trump over McCains treacherous backstabbing vote. Unlike Trump, Romney failed ltwice like McCain to become president of the United States.

*Ugh* Never-Trump Leader Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump for Pointing Out John McCain Lied about Obamacare

That's appropriate since Romney is as big a rino as McCain.


You are as big of a jerk as Trump is.

Thank you. LOL Romney is a NE liberal who doesn't represent anyone but himself.

Why don't Republicans want Americans to have healthcare?

Why do Republicans enjoy a death sentence on the poor and middle class?

What turned Republicans into such mean spirited people?

Americans who take responsibility for themselves have health insurance. And people shouldn't commit capital crimes if they don't want to die.


There are many good people out there who do not have health insurance for various reasons. Selfish pigs like you only care for yourself. No wonder you are a Trump supporter.

I support the Constitution, health care is NOT a federal responsibility. It's time you commies realize that.

Why don't Republicans want Americans to have healthcare?

Why do Republicans enjoy a death sentence on the poor and middle class?

What turned Republicans into such mean spirited people?

Please articulate a reason why I should pay for your healthcare?
Don’t be stupid. When everybody pays is how insurance works. What’s wrong with these right wingers? When did they begin to worship stupid?
I had no idea it was contagious.
Why don't Republicans want Americans to have healthcare?

Why do Republicans enjoy a death sentence on the poor and middle class?

What turned Republicans into such mean spirited people?
Why did we enact the 17th amendment? Oh the progressive socialist commie Woody Wilson and wife.
"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones ..."
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2
Cindy McCain will see to it that does not happen to Senator McCain. I can't imagine someone taking a widow who has suffered the loss of the love of her life and make her life hell on this earth by digging him up out of the earth and slamming his reputation around with no thought of what his loved ones are going through.

God rest Senator McCain's brave soul and comfort his bereaved loved ones.​


And having the working class pay for his corrupted azz is supposed to be forgiven. They are even pushing Lieberman as a nice guy and that is FOX.
"The evil that men do lives after them, the good is oft interred with their bones ..."
Shakespeare, Julius Caesar, Act 3, Scene 2
Cindy McCain will see to it that does not happen to Senator McCain. I can't imagine someone taking a widow who has suffered the loss of the love of her life and make her life hell on this earth by digging him up out of the earth and slamming his reputation around with no thought of what his loved ones are going through.

God rest Senator McCain's brave soul and comfort his bereaved loved ones.​


And having the working class pay for his corrupted azz is supposed to be forgiven. They are even pushing Lieberman as a nice guy and that is FOX.
I concede up to a point that you are likely in theory correct, but in my conscience, we need to forgive our adversaries before we retire at night each and every day, and never to judge them based on allegations against them until they are proved guilty. Even then, a professor in an Illinois(?) college and his student assistants uncovered DNA evidence that cleared 16% of the people who were jailed for crimes they did not commit. I don't know much about what McCain's corruption was, apparently. I don't have a television operating in any other capacity but as a conduit for dvds and cds, because I live way out here in the country, and the local university has a station, but I don't think it operates 24-7, and besides, it's usually all bad news when you turn the tube on anyway as I recollect from past years. Why be miserable for the rest of your life dwelling on other people doing bad stuff? And schools that teach lies to people are doing nobody any favors as well, and atheists in those schools have no compunctions about excoriating innocent people and discouraging them from serving their country if they are called on to man the Supreme Court. A woman claiming to be a college professor in California recently got up on the public forum before Congress and wove the most ridiculous, false witness I have ever seen recently, and she got continual prompts from 3 Congressional people--2 Senators and 1 Congresswoman to continue her tall tale about Juris Doctor Kavanaugh's alleged near-crimes of 30 or 40 years ago. No proof, no addresses, 5 namea, all of who did not remember the incident she claimed, no police, no hospital, and no evidence was given. The 4 people other than Kavanaugh who were alleged to have been there had no memory whatever of her squirrely allegations. A few days later, her teaching materials came out to include "how to get what you want politically by creating an alternative universe that promotes what you want to happen." She was also shown to be an activist Democrat perative engaged in dissing all conservatives in the Republican Party. That's when her theater became apparent to the nation, but not before some of her former targets in the Senate got done declaring the entire "testimony" a figment of her imagination, and with zero of the other 4 witnesses than Judge Kavanaugh, who denied her claims, recalling any such meeting, it became clear she was illustrating to a class her teachings of creating a believable scenario that was based on the problems of sexual abuse in colleges, even if the person she charged with a near-crime wasn't the person who actually did the near crime, that nobody should frown on her for bringing to the nation's attention the vulnerability of being a college student with an issue that never was believed. Talk about a footshoot. lol

I guess it took me a couple of weeks to forgive Christine Blasey Ford for lying, but I caught on to her the very night she claimed she was abused, because I too went to college, took a very good communications class that provided body language information that reminded me in this case, it all disagreed with the words being spoken. I identified several of these little clues that she was not telling the truth, although she sure was believable, and if I had not noticed her body acting like a liar, I wouldn't have known to be suspicious of what she was saying that wasn't agreeing with the expressions she made of being uncomfortable with her speech, specifically with regard to the truth, which wasn't being presented by her.

The next day, I read online indications that a number of other people who understood body language had pinpointed a lot more stuff than I recollected from my class of probably 35 years ago, give or take a year. Even so, it was clear to me (and many others) that the talk she talked, while sweet as pie, was not walking the walk.. And Lindsey Graham spoke his anger at being lied to because apparently his advisers noticed a lot more than me about this tattered yarn woven by Ms. Blasey-Ford.
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Leave it to jealous Mittens to attack Trump over McCains treacherous backstabbing vote. Unlike Trump, Romney failed ltwice like McCain to become president of the United States.

*Ugh* Never-Trump Leader Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump for Pointing Out John McCain Lied about Obamacare
Excuse me but what lie are you talking about? Do you even know?
Maybe if you had read his link you wouldn't be asking facetious questions, Leshie.
Why don't Republicans want Americans to have healthcare?

Why do Republicans enjoy a death sentence on the poor and middle class?

What turned Republicans into such mean spirited people?

Leave it to jealous Mittens to attack Trump over McCains treacherous backstabbing vote. Unlike Trump, Romney failed ltwice like McCain to become president of the United States.

*Ugh* Never-Trump Leader Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump for Pointing Out John McCain Lied about Obamacare
Excuse me but what lie are you talking about? Do you even know?
Maybe if you had read his link you wouldn't be asking facetious questions, Leshie.
I read the link stupid. It was bullshit...or can you figure out what the "lie" supposedly was and tell the class
Why don't Republicans want Americans to have healthcare?

Why do Republicans enjoy a death sentence on the poor and middle class?

What turned Republicans into such mean spirited people?
Millions of Americans want nothing to do with socialized medicine/health care so fuck off moron
Leave it to jealous Mittens to attack Trump over McCains treacherous backstabbing vote. Unlike Trump, Romney failed ltwice like McCain to become president of the United States.

*Ugh* Never-Trump Leader Mitt Romney Attacks President Trump for Pointing Out John McCain Lied about Obamacare

John McCain had more honor in his pinky than Trump and his supporters like you have combined in your bodies. McCain decided he could not kick people off of health insurance the way Republicans want. The winning issue for Democrats in 2018 was healthcare and more people trust Democrats on healthcare than they do Republicans. McSally went all the way with Trump and lost her bid for the Senate.
Insurance is not healthcare

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