Never Trumpers get ‘brutal wake-up call’ as Republican candidates flounder

Of course. You can't otherwise defend Biden. Understood.
I don't have to defend Biden. If you study the facts instead of Fox, you see that Biden is doing work. So don't try that juvenile stuff here junior. Trump is running, and he will be talked about.
Fucker can barely walk and got hair plugs in the mid 80s and false teeth in the late 90s


Pretty funny given if Trump didn't use chemicals to grow hair and didn't dye it or spray his face for color, he would look something like this...

I'll give ya Rusky hacking and interference in the election campaign...........but collusion??

What's good for the goose is good for the gander then..............Biden has 'colluded' with Romania, China, Ukraine.....nothing to see here.............. :auiqs.jpg:

Biden wins 3-1
Are you brain dead? Extreme short-term memory? Do you remember the last thing you ate? (Fast food, no doubt) Or are just too fucking stupid?

The “Trump Party” certainly should lose given that Republicans are busy painting themselves into “the crazy corner.” Their candidate is today — after having shown that his “Big Lies” and calculated “Election Denial” demagogy led him to try to obstruct the peaceful transfer of power — more than ever despised & feared by Democrats and Independents too.

Having once again to deal with this ever-more-bitter & vengeful narcissist & megalomaniac … promises only more chaos. This election cycle will only further damage our nation as a whole. Choosing Trump as their candidate should be an incredible act of suicide for the Republicans. It could be a final overwhelming defeat for the Trump cultists. But I doubt it will be. If Trump only loses by a little, and not overwhelmingly to Biden — who is an amazingly weak candidate, far too old and way past his prime — the country will suffer further serious damage.

It is — in my rather unpopular opinion — not at all beyond the realm of possibility that Trump will win in 2024. How is that possible? Simple. Biden can start to show many more signs of dementia, or just deeply embarrassing confusion: the economy (improving now) could easily worsen again; or the war in Ukraine could really blow up. Shit happens. If any of that happens and Trump should actually win, I can foresee a time in the future when, looking back at 2024, it will be said that that was the year in which not Republicans but the once “United” States of America … itself chose to commit suicide.
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