Never vote for Obama again, he's the worst.

In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.

Not only have we learned that Obama is 'the worst; but we have also learned that - on top of his other scandals and instances where he illegally spied on Americans / reporters / the media / the US Senate / USSC Justices AND weaponized the IRS to target Americans who legally opposed his re-election - he and his administration criminally protected Hillary Clinton from indictment / conviction for exposed crimes and committed crimes more egregious than Watergate in an attempt to prevent Donald Trump from winning - an attempt to alter the 2016 election - and in an attempt to remove him from office after he won - an attempt to 'Undo' the results of the 2016 election.

What you described is not just 'terrible' but are CRIMES, and punishment for those crimes should be more than 'not voting for him again', as you sarcastically suggested.

Of course you do make a good point - 'Obama' should not be voted for again. Biden IS 'Obama'. According to Susan Rice, Biden was present when Comey briefed Obama in August 2016 about the Trump 'Russia Collusion' farce investigation, when Obama declared he wanted to be kept updated on every detail. He knew. He was a part of it.

You still don't believe Russia interfered in our election. You must be retarded.
In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.

Thanks for reminding us the lefts agenda of putting grown men in little girls bathrooms
Obama is the best President of the 21rst Century so far.

According to the left he has none, because they still play the blacks as victims and can't figure out they can do anything they want with no special treatment.

In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.
Besides saving the economy, giving millions of Americans healthcare and taking down bin Laden, I have no idea what you’re talking about.

Of course Republicans think those things are bad.

Because Republicans what tax cuts for billionaires. They want to take away healthcare from millions of Americans. And they went to all that trouble of letting bin Laden go and they stopped looking for him.

Those are the facts. It’s history now. Too soon to be rewritten.
OP is likely referring to the former first lady.
Oh you mean the tranny....

View attachment 263909[/QUOTE
I would get banned for saying something like that.
Just pointing out that Melania has done softcore really upsets Republicans. It’s not like there isn’t pictures to prove it.

You know there’s pictures of Mrs. Trump you can’t even post here because they’ll ban you for posting porn.

I would get banned for saying something like that.
Just pointing out that Melania has done softcore really upsets Republicans. It’s not like there isn’t pictures to prove it.

You know there’s pictures of Mrs. Trump you can’t even post here because they’ll ban you for posting porn.
You still don't believe Russia interfered in our election. You must be retarded.
You still can't grasp the fact that Dems ran an awful candidate. THAT'S why they lost.
By 70,000 votes in three states they lost the electoral college. But they actually won the election by millions.

Keep telling yourself that while Trump sits in office. Then ask yourself why the Democrats didn't run a better candidate in 2016.
In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.
/----/ Agreed, I'll never for this man.
OP is likely referring to the former first lady.
Oh you mean the tranny....

View attachment 263909[/QUOTE
I would get banned for saying something like that.
Just pointing out that Melania has done softcore really upsets Republicans. It’s not like there isn’t pictures to prove it.

You know there’s pictures of Mrs. Trump you can’t even post here because they’ll ban you for posting porn.

I would get banned for saying something like that.
Just pointing out that Melania has done softcore really upsets Republicans. It’s not like there isn’t pictures to prove it.

You know there’s pictures of Mrs. Trump you can’t even post here because they’ll ban you for posting porn.

She posed nude several years ago, big deal and Hillary attended her wedding, big deal. Do you have anything of substance or you just going to beat a dead horse?
OP is likely referring to the former first lady.
Oh you mean the tranny....

View attachment 263909[/QUOTE
I would get banned for saying something like that.
Just pointing out that Melania has done softcore really upsets Republicans. It’s not like there isn’t pictures to prove it.

You know there’s pictures of Mrs. Trump you can’t even post here because they’ll ban you for posting porn.

I would get banned for saying something like that.
Just pointing out that Melania has done softcore really upsets Republicans. It’s not like there isn’t pictures to prove it.

You know there’s pictures of Mrs. Trump you can’t even post here because they’ll ban you for posting porn.

Are you slut shaming?
I thought you Lefties love sluts?
What about your foundation....TOLERANCE?
In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.

Obama isn't the president Trump so let's talk about unflattering things about Trump.
In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.
I was saying that to myself in 2011.
In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.


(my new political platform) ^^^^^^
Obama is the best President of the 21rst Century so far.

No O and W are the two worst. Trump is miles ahead at this point.

Trump is at the bottom of the list and there's no argument ! LoL
Bwaaaaahhhhaaaaaa. You libtarddimwitocraps thought the same thing about Ronald Reagan, who is 100,000 times better than butt hurt Oblammer. What of Oblammer's legacy is left? Dont know do you, because President Trump removed everything the faggot tried to do to destroy the US.
In the past two and a half years the amount of unflattering things that we have learned about Barack Obama is staggering. Obama is terrible. He is the worst. I urge you never to vote for Obama again. We must keep this in mind for the next year and a half, until we go to the voting booth next year.


(my new political platform) ^^^^^^
Hang the treasonous bastards who tried to usurp the Presidential elections and then do a coup against his administration. Anyone object to that , they can hang with the traitors.
You still don't believe Russia interfered in our election. You must be retarded.

1. It depends on your definition of 'INTERFERED'.

I BELIEVE Russia attempted to hack our power grid, dating back to 2014.

I BELIEVE Russia attempted to hack servers/e-mails of Senior Govt officials.

I BELIEVE Russia, China, and 3 - 4 other foreign entities were able to acquire CLASSIFIED / TOP SECRET+ data from e-mails sent from / to Hillary Clinton and that was eventually found on her server (information that was not acquired due to hacking Hillary's personal server), as was reported by the US IG in one of his reports.

I BELIEVE Russia was running a counter-intelligence operation using social media that successfully manipulated snowflake emotions / hate, getting them to organize and even march for them.

I BELIEVE Russia ATTEMPTED to hack state election systems but suffered the same failure to access those systems and Obama and his DHS when they tried to do so, and I BELIEVE not one single vote was altered, manipulated, or changed by the Russians, as has been reported.

I BELIEVE that President Barak Obama, his administration's Cabinet and Intelligence and Law Enforcement Agency Directors, and Hillary Clinton did more to successfully and Un-successfully alter the 2016 election and the election results than the Russians ever came close to doing.

By protecting Hillary Clinton from indictment / conviction for her crimes (* FBI Agent Page's Testimony), by the DNC rigging Democrat Primaries / helping Hillary cheat in debates / eventually GIVING Hillary the DNC nomination she could NOT win by herself (*Admission by DNC Chairwoman Donna Brazile), THE DEMOCRATS SUCCESSFULLY ALTERED THE 2016 ELECTION. The 2016 Presidential race should have been between GOP Candidate Donald Trump and DNC Candidate Bernie Sanders. (The ironic thing is that polls showed that Sanders would have beaten Trump.)


1st, the Democrats and its surrogate propaganda spreaders (Leftist Media) ATTEMPTED to discourage Republican and Conservative voters in advance of the election by bombarding the public with the message that Hillary would win in a 'LANDSLIDE', that this was 'inevitable' and 'unavoidable', thinking this 'psychological warfare' would give Hillary / Democrats an edge if not flat-out seal the victory for her.

The tactic, however, backfired on the Democrats:

1. They did not anticipate their declaration would fire Republicans / Conservatives up, be seen as a challenge, and inspire a larger turn-out.

2. They did not expect their own candidate to believe the claim and be SO arrogant / over-confidant that she would by-pass states altogether, believing she did not have to visit those states - taking them and their voters for granted - because she thought she had them won already.

3. The Hillary campaign / the DNC did not expect Sanders' 'army' of followers to be so pissed about how the DNC screwed Bernie that they either voted for Trump or did not vote for Hillary.

2ndly, the exposed coup run by Obama, select Cabinet Members, and Directors of his Intelligence and Law Enforcement agencies failed. The 'Insurance Policy' failed to pay off. Mueller and his hand-picked team of DNC/Hillary donors / supporters and Hillary Lawyers failed to deliver any indictment or conviction of ANYONE on Trump's team for collusion or obstruction....and now they find themselves under investigation when this was never supposed to ever go public anyway because Hillary was supposed to win.


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