Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

It does not mean you had this violent mass huge exodus

As well Mosheh Rabbenu A"H,
nowhere to be found...


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Akhanten Nefertiti, or Yossef's wife Asnat?


speaking of which-----ASNAT is a very Egyptian name. It ain't Hebrew-----but somehow
it is USED by Hebrew speaking people which IN MY MIND suggests jewish time in Egypt
just as the widespread use of the name ESTHER suggests-----time in Persia
From 1 article…
Anyone can behead, it doesn't depend on the nation. If we are talking about political activity, then they follow in line with the original Arab tradition, the extremist organizations of Islam set the primary goal of the revival of the Arab Caliphate, and its spread throughout the world, this is all based on their religious literature, and strictly repeats the Arab campaign to the East in 7- 9 centuries. That is, they adhere to religion.

Most of the Arab world doesn't want a Caliphate. Remember that Nasser thought he should be the Caliph of the Arab world and all oil revenues should be paid to him.
Just a colorful and intriguing story
It never happened
It’s just fable
Zero archeological evidence


You are sadly misinformed. I'm certain you made no effort to read the other side of the story. Here are some sources for you on the evidence for the historicity of the Exodus:

Amazon product ASIN 019513088X

speaking of which-----ASNAT is a very Egyptian name. It ain't Hebrew-----but somehow
it is USED by Hebrew speaking people which IN MY MIND suggests jewish time in Egypt
just as the widespread use of the name ESTHER suggests-----time in Persia

Esther - Jewish Virtual Library
Esther (named for the goddess, Ashtar) was a Persian Jew who was orphaned at a young age. The Israelites had been exiled to Babylonia in 586 B.C.E. and still remained there. Esther's cousin, Mordecai, was older than she and he raised Esther. Esther was still a young woman when her presence was requested at …
You are sadly misinformed. I'm certain you made no effort to read the other side of the story. Here are some sources for you on the evidence for the historicity of the Exodus:

Amazon product ASIN 019513088X

Exodus 13:17
17 And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt:

(There were no Philistines at the time of the Exodus.)
Just because there isn’t any archeological evidence doesn’t mean it didn’t happen.

99.9% of human history is pre-recorded history so we don’t know most of our history. Archeology only finds bits and pieces throughout history.

There were NO Philistines at the time of the Exodus and no camels.

Did Camels Exist in Biblical Times? - Biblical Archaeology ...
Nov 12, 2018 · Some Biblical texts, such as Genesis 12 and 24, claim that Abraham owned camels. Yet archaeological research shows that camels were not domesticated in the land of Canaan until the 10th century B.C.E.—about a thousand years after the time of Abraham. This seems to suggest that camels in these Biblical stories are anachronistic.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were only found relatively recently, and they're not far at all from places that were populated for thousands of years, and in caves everybody knew about for at least that long. Israeli archeologists keep finding ancient ruins and objects, and small towns alleged to have never existed.

I took my kids to see the scrolls when they were in Manhattan.
There were NO Philistines at the time of the Exodus and no camels.

Did Camels Exist in Biblical Times? - Biblical Archaeology ...
Nov 12, 2018 · Some Biblical texts, such as Genesis 12 and 24, claim that Abraham owned camels. Yet archaeological research shows that camels were not domesticated in the land of Canaan until the 10th century B.C.E.—about a thousand years after the time of Abraham. This seems to suggest that camels in these Biblical stories are anachronistic.

Yes there were camels, as well as the first cavalry,
exactly as Egypt.

But 'no exodus'.

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speaking of which-----ASNAT is a very Egyptian name. It ain't Hebrew-----but somehow
it is USED by Hebrew speaking people which IN MY MIND suggests jewish time in Egypt
just as the widespread use of the name ESTHER suggests-----time in Persia

So are Mosheh, Mordechai, Alexander,
following major events in Jewish history.

Asnat came out of Shchem, and sent with
a letter to marry Yossef - then ruler of Egypt.
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Yes there were camels, as well as the first cavalry,
exactly as Egypt.

But 'no exodus'.

Abraham’s camels are part of a gift package from Pharaoh in Egypt (Gen 12:16). Note the order of the gifts: “He received sheep and cattle, donkeys, male servants and maidservants, she-asses and camels.” Although male- and maid-servants are paired, donkeys and she-asses are not. They serve different functions. If you wanted to schlep something in ancient times, you used a donkey. But if you wanted to ride in style like a noble, you rode a she-ass (cf. Gen 49:11; Jud 5:10; 1 Chr 27:30). Camels are the marquis gift on the list. Not yet widely domesticated in Egypt, the camel was a status symbol with a heavy payload: a Hummer with a hump.
Abraham’s camels are part of a gift package from Pharaoh in Egypt (Gen 12:16). Note the order of the gifts: “He received sheep and cattle, donkeys, male servants and maidservants, she-asses and camels.” Although male- and maid-servants are paired, donkeys and she-asses are not. They serve different functions. If you wanted to schlep something in ancient times, you used a donkey. But if you wanted to ride in style like a noble, you rode a she-ass (cf. Gen 49:11; Jud 5:10; 1 Chr 27:30). Camels are the marquis gift on the list. Not yet widely domesticated in Egypt, the camel was a status symbol with a heavy payload: a Hummer with a hump.

Thanks for confirming my point.

Avraham Avinu A"H led the coalition
of several city states, indeed of a king's status.
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You would need insane wind speed blowing for a long duration in only one vector to part a sea path

Or an earthquake, which doesn't have to be in the immediate area to affect oceans and water waves, especillay if they're underground deep enough.
Thanks for confirming my point.

Avraham Avinu A"H led the coalition
of several city states, indeed of a king's status.

Well, the Hebrews were not historians. They were story tellers.

That's why there are so many anachronisms in Exodus.
Well, the Hebrews were not historians. They were story tellers.

That's why there are so many anachronisms in Exodus.

The Hebrews are only children of prophets,
but I guess really suck at 'story telling',
because those exact anachronisms
keep confirming their history.

While the real historians, keep shifting timelines by centuries back and forth,
each year they dig something 'nowhere to be found'...

Like Troy, appears and disappears simultaneously.
and usually for the same university grant.
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