Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

Bloody sacrifice with burning on the altar
I do not know what zoroastrians do, but the "sacrifice" done by romans and
greeks and "others" is not the same as Jewish "sacrifice" Jewish sacrifice in
the Temple was normal SLAUGHTER of an animal----the animal was cooked and eaten
by the levites and cohanim and MOST OF THE TIME------the blood sorta buried
Other religions did a VARIETY of different things-----roman sacrifice was a temple
economy ----the meat was sold. Other rituals included prolonged dying of the animal
and various and sundry different rituals with its parts
I do not know what zoroastrians do, but the "sacrifice" done by romans and
greeks and "others" is not the same as Jewish "sacrifice" Jewish sacrifice in
the Temple was normal SLAUGHTER of an animal----the animal was cooked and eaten
by the levites and cohanim and MOST OF THE TIME------the blood sorta buried
Other religions did a VARIETY of different things-----roman sacrifice was a temple
economy ----the meat was sold. Other rituals included prolonged dying of the animal
and various and sundry different rituals with its parts
nevertheless, this distinctive feature is present in all the cults listed.
By the way, I know almost nothing about the sacrifices of Rome. It can be assumed that they appeared there at the same time as Brahmanism in India. They were not supposed to be in the royal period of rome.
Power has changed in both countries, and this coincides with the creation of Classical Latin on the basis of ancient Latin and Sanskrit on the basis of Vedic. Obviously, it was at this time that this cult spread widely throughout the world, the temple Jews were part of this culture.

This is probably due to the campaign of the Macedonian
nevertheless, this distinctive feature is present in all the cults listed.
By the way, I know almost nothing about the sacrifices of Rome. It can be assumed that they appeared there at the same time as Brahmanism in India. They were not supposed to be in the royal period of rome.
Power has changed in both countries, and this coincides with the creation of Classical Latin on the basis of ancient Latin and Sanskrit on the basis of Vedic. Obviously, it was at this time that this cult spread widely throughout the world, the temple Jews were part of this culture.
The problem is that most nations sacrificed people, not cows, sheep and birds.
The Jews also did it, there are such references even in the Old Testament in several places. But mostly livestock was sacrificed, and it was everywhere same.
there are such references even in the Old Testament in several places

Let's check your memory...
Name them...
there are such references even in the Old Testament in several places

Let's check your memory...
Name them...
Offhand, I remember 2, where Yahweh tells the Jews that they should bring the firstborn from flocks and families, and there is something about how God asked some righteous man to kill a relative, in fact there are more of them, google on this topic. Although some are inclined to deny this, interpreting these quotes in a symbolic spirit, anything can be interpreted this way.
nevertheless, this distinctive feature is present in all the cults listed.
By the way, I know almost nothing about the sacrifices of Rome. It can be assumed that they appeared there at the same time as Brahmanism in India. They were not supposed to be in the royal period of rome.
Power has changed in both countries, and this coincides with the creation of Classical Latin on the basis of ancient Latin and Sanskrit on the basis of Vedic. Obviously, it was at this time that this cult spread widely throughout the world, the temple Jews were part of this culture.

This is probably due to the campaign of the Macedonian
you seem to me to be VERY CONFUSED. What are you calling "BRAHMANISM" in
India? Brahmins in India are as OLD AS THE VEDAS,,,,,,like more than 4000 years ago
The problem is that most nations sacrificed people, not cows, sheep and birds.
what "macedonian" ALEXANDER? He popped up millennia AFTER the establishment
of both Hinduism and Judaism
Offhand, I remember 2, where Yahweh tells the Jews that they should bring the firstborn from flocks and families, and there is something about how God asked some righteous man to kill a relative, in fact there are more of them, google on this topic. Although some are inclined to deny this, interpreting these quotes in a symbolic spirit, anything can be interpreted this way.
you are desperate to justify your idiot historic revision
you seem to me to be VERY CONFUSED. What are you calling "BRAHMANISM" in
India? Brahmins in India are as OLD AS THE VEDAS
No, this is a common myth. Brahmanic culture has nothing in common with Vedic culture; Brahmanism appeared there on the threshold of our era.
The epic period of Indian literature is associated with the brahmanas, this is an anti-Vedic rhetoric, an insult to Vedic deities, and the like.
No, this is a common myth. Brahmanic culture has nothing in common with Vedic culture; Brahmanism appeared there on the threshold of our era.
The epic period of Indian literature is associated with the brahmanas, this is an anti-Vedic rhetoric, an insult to Vedic deities, and the like.
You seem confused-------what are you calling "our era"?
Offhand, I remember 2, where Yahweh tells the Jews that they should bring the firstborn from flocks and families, and there is something about how God asked some righteous man to kill a relative, in fact there are more of them, google on this topic. Although some are inclined to deny this, interpreting these quotes in a symbolic spirit, anything can be interpreted this way.
How about you Google some of these verses that don't exist?
You seem confused-------what are you calling "our era"?
No, there is no mistake. Vedic mythology is absolutely at odds with the epic, there is nothing in common except for some names. The Brahmans did not understand the language of the Aryans at all, so they learned the Vedas by heart, and this was precisely the reason for the tradition of Indian grammarians who tried to translate the Vedas and understand their meaning. The Vedic language is not Sanskrit, it is a much older language.
Under the era, I mean the time from the birth of Christ, it was not long before that, about 300-400 years
No, there is no mistake. Vedic mythology is absolutely at odds with the epic, there is nothing in common except for some names. The Brahmans did not understand the language of the Aryans at all, so they learned the Vedas by heart, and this was precisely the reason for the tradition of Indian grammarians who tried to translate the Vedas and understand their meaning. The Vedic language is not Sanskrit, it is a much older language.
Under the era, I mean the time from the birth of Christ, it was not long before that, about 300-400 years
I understand you have a 4 billion year copy of the Vedas but nobody can access it because it's at the bottom of a raging volcano.
don't exist?
This topic has been sufficiently discussed and chewed on the Internet, I see no reason to be distracted by this. Yes, there is a point of view that this was not the case and all these passages are misread, they should be understood in a symbolic or some other sense, you can adhere to this position, no one forbids.
No, there is no mistake. Vedic mythology is absolutely at odds with the epic, there is nothing in common except for some names. The Brahmans did not understand the language of the Aryans at all, so they learned the Vedas by heart, and this was precisely the reason for the tradition of Indian grammarians who tried to translate the Vedas and understand their meaning. The Vedic language is not Sanskrit, it is a much older language.
Under the era, I mean the time from the birth of Christ, it was not long before that, about 300-400 years
you are getting more and more confused
This topic has been sufficiently discussed and chewed on the Internet, I see no reason to be distracted by this. Yes, there is a point of view that this was not the case and all these passages are misread, they should be understood in a symbolic or some other sense, you can adhere to this position, no one forbids.
Is has not been sufficiently discussed and debunked here.
I'm sorry to inform you that Jews have never been commanded to cook a human being.
There are cases where execution is warranted, but any civilization can only tolerate abhorrent behavior to a fixed extent.
The US, as an example, has millions of people who tolerate any behavior and that's why we have cities where dozens weekly of murders are tolerated.

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