Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

Most Hindus I have met quote the 4 billion year story.
Modern Hindus generally have an indirect relationship to this. Firstly, Aryavarta covered only the northern part of India, and secondly, even in northern India there were migrations and conquests. Perhaps the Kshatriyas inherited from the Aryans, but it is possible that the brahmanas later began to form their own military aristocracy, therefore even the Kshatriya clans there are not authentically Aryan.
Most Hindus I have met quote the 4 billion year story.
Modern Hindus generally have an indirect relationship to this. Firstly, Aryavarta covered only the northern part of India, and secondly, even in northern India there were migrations and conquests. Perhaps the Kshatriyas inherited from the Aryans, but it is possible that the brahmanas later began to form their own military aristocracy, therefore even the Kshatriya clans there are not authentically Aryan.
This confusion apparently arose due to the fact that Sanskrit inherited the word brahman from the Vedic, and this word itself is found in the Vedas as "prayer", the Vedic Aryans could call those who chanted hymns that way, because the word brahman meant prayer. But this has nothing to do with those priests who laid the foundation of Hinduism.

The main religious role there belonged to the atharvans, the servants of fire, and the main ritual was to pour out Soma on burning straw. It has nothing to do with the religious culture of Brahmanism.
Modern Hindus generally have an indirect relationship to this. Firstly, Aryavarta covered only the northern part of India, and secondly, even in northern India there were migrations and conquests. Perhaps the Kshatriyas inherited from the Aryans, but it is possible that the brahmanas later began to form their own military aristocracy, therefore even the Kshatriya clans there are not authentically Aryan.

This confusion apparently arose due to the fact that Sanskrit inherited the word brahman from the Vedic, and this word itself is found in the Vedas as "prayer", the Vedic Aryans could call those who chanted hymns that way, because the word brahman meant prayer. But this has nothing to do with those priests who laid the foundation of Hinduism.

The main religious role there belonged to the atharvans, the servants of fire, and the main ritual was to pour out Soma on burning straw. It has nothing to do with the religious culture of Brahmanism.
All I know is that the Caste system has over 99% of the people starving and living in shit.
now everyone is confused

it had a function ONCE UPON A TIME-----it is being eroded -----with some level of
2 people in my community went to India a few months ago for business and said the 3rd caste and on were being devastated by COVID because the government doesn't give a damn about them.
2 people in my community went to India a few months ago for business and said the 3rd caste and on were being devastated by COVID because the government doesn't give a damn about them.
yeah----well-----I had a good friend in college-----a real live Brahmin who rejected that role
but told me about the stuff that goes on in India. This was a REAL LIVE BRAHMIN---he even
sang classical sanskrit stuff. We played "cat's cradle" with his SACRED STRING. Sometimes
the "OTHER CASTES" played victim like some of OUR OTHER CASTES play victim. For your
interest-----the sacred string thing that he was SUPPOSED to wear on his chest, had specific
knots -----all done in prescribed manner -----kinda like TZITZES
That many folks would leave “ massive clues in the sand “ . The deserts are an easy way to retrieve bones , pottery , weapons etc
That many folks would leave “ massive clues in the sand “ . The deserts are an easy way to retrieve bones , pottery , weapons etc

The Dead Sea Scrolls were only found relatively recently, and they're not far at all from places that were populated for thousands of years, and in caves everybody knew about for at least that long. Israeli archeologists keep finding ancient ruins and objects, and small towns alleged to have never existed.
You would need insane wind speed blowing for a long duration in only one vector to part a sea path
So ?
They have early Canaanite language ??
Has zero to do with an exodus

Currently the earliest Semitic writing is found in Egypt,
and that has nothing with crossing the continent, or ruling the country?
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