Never was a Jewish exodus from Egypt

Abraham’s camels are part of a gift package from Pharaoh in Egypt (Gen 12:16). Note the order of the gifts: “He received sheep and cattle, donkeys, male servants and maidservants, she-asses and camels.” Although male- and maid-servants are paired, donkeys and she-asses are not. They serve different functions. If you wanted to schlep something in ancient times, you used a donkey. But if you wanted to ride in style like a noble, you rode a she-ass (cf. Gen 49:11; Jud 5:10; 1 Chr 27:30). Camels are the marquis gift on the list. Not yet widely domesticated in Egypt, the camel was a status symbol with a heavy payload: a Hummer with a hump.
right----there were no camels-----camels SUDDENLY AROSE BY SPONTANEOUS GENERATION---MAGICALLY-----when? oh----not yet WIDELY used
right----there were no camels-----camels SUDDENLY AROSE BY SPONTANEOUS GENERATION---MAGICALLY-----when? oh----not yet WIDELY used

The camel saddle was invented in the 10th century BC and the Philistines hadn't yet arrived and settled on the coast.
The Egyptians had 2 humped camels not the dromedary.

Where would 3 million Israelites graze their millions of goats and where did they get water in Sinai?

Its a great story of redemption.
Esther - Jewish Virtual Library
Esther (named for the goddess, Ashtar) was a Persian Jew who was orphaned at a young age. The Israelites had been exiled to Babylonia in 586 B.C.E. and still remained there. Esther's cousin, Mordecai, was older than she and he raised Esther. Esther was still a young woman when her presence was requested at …
right----the name ESTHER became popular amongst jews because of time spent in
Persia------the name ASNAT became popular amongst jews because of time spent
in Egypt------Alexander and Philip are names popular amongst jews because of the
interaction with ALEXANDER ------an interesting factoid for you-----I came across a \
reference to a famous talmudist of the second century AD---named RABBI ISHMAEL---
but----I don't know any contemporary jewish Ishmael's. The name went out of style---
He was a big shot in the Yeshiva of KABUL-------you seem to LOVE wikki ----blindly.
Try do use discretion-----a forebrain function
The camel saddle was invented in the 10th century BC and the Philistines hadn't yet arrived and settled on the coast.
The Egyptians had 2 humped camels not the dromedary.

Where would 3 million Israelites graze their millions of goats and where did they get water in Sinai?

Its a great story of redemption.
the philistines were AEGEANS-------by 1200 BC Helen's face had already launched 1000 ships----
in the local area-----demographics is mediated by PROXIMITY.
"camel saddle" ---the Lenilenape Indians of my home town rode their horses BARE BACKED.
Hubby's dad bought a donkey for two zuzim-----no saddle
Genesis 12:16 16And he entreated Abram well for her sake: and he had sheep, and oxen, and he asses, and menservants, and maidservants, and she asses, and camels.

Genesis 12:16 Context. 13 Say, I pray thee, thou art my sister: that it may be well with me for thy sake; and my soul shall live because of thee. 14 And it came to pass, that, when Abram was come into Egypt, the Egyptians beheld the woman that she was very fair. 15 The princes also of Pharaoh saw her, and commended her before Pharaoh: and the woman was taken into Pharaoh's house.

The 12th century,
do you ever post something correct?

True. The Philistines didn't arrive until the 12th century after the Exodus.

What is the date of the Exodus? – Amazing Bible Timeline ...
Feb 25, 2013 · What is the date of the Exodus? Usshers chronology places the date of Exodus in April of 1491 BC. His dates were published in the King James Authorized Bible as early as 1701 AD and are the ones used on the Bible History Timeline above. Thiele, a modern Biblical chronologist, calculates it to 1446 BC – a date often used by modern Evangelicals.
right----the name ESTHER became popular amongst jews because of time spent in
Persia------the name ASNAT became popular amongst jews because of time spent
in Egypt------Alexander and Philip are names popular amongst jews because of the
interaction with ALEXANDER ------an interesting factoid for you-----I came across a \
reference to a famous talmudist of the second century AD---named RABBI ISHMAEL---
but----I don't know any contemporary jewish Ishmael's. The name went out of style---
He was a big shot in the Yeshiva of KABUL-------you seem to LOVE wikki ----blindly.
Try do use discretion-----a forebrain function

The meeting between Alexander and our sages was VERY positive...

Kabul...Brazil...I believe we'll keep learning a LOT of things
about the final and greatest chapter in exodus.
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No, she doesn’t. Or very rarely. And she actually used a satanist as a source recently, in one of her daily posts bashing Christianity.

It's the 'doubt jihad',

Typically spotted by an appeal
to the most of irrational statements,
in contradiction to anything being said.

A tool to seed confusion interacting with the popular culture,
for the final goal of mass conversion, Dauwah jihad - read about it.
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It's the 'doubt jihad',

Typically spotted by an appeal
to the most irrational statements,
in contradiction to anything being said.

A tool to seed confusion in popular culture
for the Dauwa jihad - mass conversion, read about it.
rylah----- you got any good links to DAUWA JIHAD?
rylah----- you got any good links to DAUWA JIHAD?


with a tendency to tell us of their 'background story',
and usually the weirdest parody of those being targeted.
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with a tendency to tell us of their 'background story',
and usually the weirdest parody of those being targeted.
oh them. I am on to them---I read the islamo nazi propaganda
as a child (1950s) It was floating around in sleazy little pamphlets
in my childhood town. They were most contemporaneous to that time, but some were old----like Mid 1930s. The content has not
changed much. ----generally idiotic
oh them. I am on to them---I read the islamo nazi propaganda
as a child (1950s) It was floating around in sleazy little pamphlets
in my childhood town. They were most contemporaneous to that time, but some were old----like Mid 1930s. The content has not
changed much. ----generally idiotic

See, that's why I've been saying You should write a book.

And pretty sure most of us can spot that in their guts,
we just prefer to judge people favorably - than to
accept the abysmal lack of moral integrity,
celebrated so widely in some cultures.
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Exodus 13:17
17 And it came to pass, when Pharaoh had let the people go, that God led them not through the way of the land of the Philistines, although that was near; for God said, Lest peradventure the people repent when they see war, and they return to Egypt:

(There were no Philistines at the time of the Exodus.)
Yes, there were, oh senile one.

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