NEW: 12-year-old boy Travis Wolfe has died after getting hit in a head-on collision caused by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela.


Diamond Member
Mar 19, 2015
Another American victim of the Biden/Democrats immigration policy.

If it seems to be purposeful, it is. Tears for a career felon who killed himself with Fentanyl, George Floyd, but nothing for innocent Americans.

Where we are.

NEW: 12-year-old boy Travis Wolfe has died after getting hit in a head-on collision caused by an illegal immigrant from Venezuela.

Travis had been on life support since the December 20th crash but passed away after nearly a three month fight.

The crash happened just one day before Travis' 12th birthday.

The Wolfe family was hit by a car that was driven by Endrina Bracho who was "here illegally from Venezuela" according to court documents.

Bracho was driving in the wrong lane when the crash occurred.

She is facing "involuntary manslaughter in the first degree, two counts of assault in the second degree, two counts of endangering a child in the first degree, and one count of operating a vehicle without a valid license." (FOX2now).


I expect some leftwinger will soon tell us that American citizens cause more head on collisions that chubby illegal alien females from Venezuela and for us to just shut the f**k up about one lousy dead kid

Wait for it…
Blaming Biden for the bad acts of one driver who happens to be an illegal alien is an illogical argument.
Think second grade level causation for a moment.
Let’s say a new DA takes office in NYC and immediately allows /encourages people to drive drunk…kids are being killed by drunk drivers…Do you blame the new DA?
America should not have to tolerate a policy of allowing ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS to roam our country. They established a personal history of showing contempt for our laws when they entered our country illegally. The bar for finally containing them during their "stay" should not be painted red with American blood. Put them in fenced in tent cities until their "case" is adjudicated -- preferably by quick deportation. If they have a problem with the concept of due process, they are free to leave and never return to this country. They need to fix what is wrong in their countries instead of believing they have something to offer our nation by abandoning their homeland (but bringing their failed cultural ideas with them then hiding behind "diversity") and sneaking in here. The lady with the lamp doesn't have a plaque that reads "Give us your quitters and deadbeats".
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Another wrong way driver is an illegal border jumper. Shocker! WTH? They can’t read? Or drugged? Drunk? Always wrong way killing American families. Almost as-if it could be intentional? But for the drunk SAT night beaner driving around Killing Americans.

who gives them a car? Of course no insurance or registration Or valid drivers licsense. Note: DEM States refuse to prosecute or impound if they are illegal is some areas now. I recently read even if “revoked”. HUH? In CA they claim it puts too much hardship on them to “get around, to work” lol! You cant make up what DEM cause. “R” stand around playing pocket pool. What a forking COLLAPSE!
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The Illegals are killing everybody.

"Hey, let millions of Illegal low life welfare queens flood into the country to booster the Democrat voter rolls, what could possibly go wrong?"
Shouldn't we be giving Venezuelans citizenship when they get here? Venezuela is the new Cuba.
Democrats provide aide and comfort to illegal immigrants by referring to them as "undocumented"

Democrats = WEF

WEF = pure evil
And the beat goes on. Another death caused by an illegal that shouldn't have been in our country. Our president has a lot of blood on his hands.
Democrats have a lot of blood on their hands. This happens everywhere all the time.

This is an attack on America and Americans by WEF/democrats

Democrats = WEF

WEF = pure evil
I expect some leftwinger will soon tell us that American citizens cause more head on collisions that chubby illegal alien females from Venezuela and for us to just shut the f**k up about one lousy dead kid

Wait for it…
and "you're exploiting his death"

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