New 2nd Amendment Test Shows Gun Owners How to Own Properly


Tea is the new Kool-Aid
Mar 12, 2014
The new 2nd Amendment Test doesn't infringe on anyone's Rights to own a gun, unless they are too stupid to own one.

The Program shows situations where children got ahold of their parents guns and ways to prevent it. It ensures or hopes "parents" in the future won't allow this to happen via the shared information.

The program shows that a gun is not a toy. I know, many adults will be heartbroken... :Boom2:

The program will teach the RESPONSIBLE time to shoot. We have all seen people just guessing lately. (Criminals running away is not the time to shoot and kill, big news to some) It will teach the correct way to store a gun and teach the many types of safe's you can use depending on your personal scenario. It will teach what type of weapon is best suited for your need, unless your need is for toys and/or murder.

But this program is not real, it's fake. I made it up. This program would require Regulation of the Militia.
The new 2nd Amendment Test doesn't infringe on anyone's Rights to own a gun, unless they are too stupid to own one.

The Program shows situations where children got ahold of their parents guns and ways to prevent it. It ensures or hopes "parents" in the future won't allow this to happen via the shared information.

The program shows that a gun is not a toy. I know, many adults will be heartbroken... :Boom2:

The program will teach the RESPONSIBLE time to shoot. We have all seen people just guessing lately. (Criminals running away is not the time to shoot and kill, big news to some) It will teach the correct way to store a gun and teach the many types of safe's you can use depending on your personal scenario. It will teach what type of weapon is best suited for your need, unless your need is for toys and/or murder.

But this program is not real, it's fake. I made it up. This program would require Regulation of the Militia.
You're making even less sense than usual, which is quite an accomplishment.
That's when they allowed Dyann Roof permission to take his gun out. Wouldn't it be better if the gun nuts shot themselves as a learning exercise. Now children this is the end the bullet comes out, please test and confirm.....

Banning AR-15 s Doesn t Make Sense To Me US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want to save more lives ban knives, and hands and feet, they kill a lot more people than AR-15s......
You never make any sense.
Gun owners say the main reason they own a gun is for protection. So what comes next? Their children take their guns and shoot innocent people. Great self protection, guys.
I'm willing to accept ANY restrictions on Guns that would ALSO apply to Abortions.
Background Checks.
Abortion Taxes.
Abortion Safety Classes.
2 Week Wait.
Limit on Number of Abortions.

And so forth.
That's when they allowed Dyann Roof permission to take his gun out. Wouldn't it be better if the gun nuts shot themselves as a learning exercise. Now children this is the end the bullet comes out, please test and confirm.....

Banning AR-15 s Doesn t Make Sense To Me US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want to save more lives ban knives, and hands and feet, they kill a lot more people than AR-15s......

AR-15 is the only gun in your statistics?

I'm guessing the golden 7.65mm Walther killed fewer than knives hands and feet also.

Why does some on the Right try to hold this argument that guns aren't as dangerous as knives hands and feet (and clubs). It shows their lack of seriousness about the gravity of the power of the gun.

Perhaps if their was a course designed to teach such things, they would know a gun is more dangerous than a foot.

Hence the post.
I'm willing to accept ANY restrictions on Guns that would ALSO apply to Abortions.
Background Checks.
Abortion Taxes.
Abortion Safety Classes.
2 Week Wait.
Limit on Number of Abortions.

And so forth.

Once the Catholic Church stops restriction on protection, Abortion will probably be deemed illegal. Hormones are stronger than good will sometimes. It's 2015.
That's when they allowed Dyann Roof permission to take his gun out. Wouldn't it be better if the gun nuts shot themselves as a learning exercise. Now children this is the end the bullet comes out, please test and confirm.....

Banning AR-15 s Doesn t Make Sense To Me US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want to save more lives ban knives, and hands and feet, they kill a lot more people than AR-15s......

AR-15 is the only gun in your statistics?

I'm guessing the golden 7.65mm Walther killed fewer than knives hands and feet also.

Why does some on the Right try to hold this argument that guns aren't as dangerous as knives hands and feet (and clubs). It shows their lack of seriousness about the gravity of the power of the gun.

Perhaps if their was a course designed to teach such things, they would know a gun is more dangerous than a foot.

Hence the post.

Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be (not ARE). Pointing out that knives are also dangerous =/= stating that guns aren't dangerous.

Guns--like knives--are tools and serve a purpose. For me I have guns for the protection of my house, myself and my wife. I don't carry guns on me in public, but I promise you if somebody breaks into my house--I will not hesitate to put them down. They're the ones who made the decision to break into my house-NOT me. They're the ones who're playing with fire--NOT me. I don't know what a criminal could be capable of, and neither does anybody else in that situation. I choose to side with caution-and protect my family the best way I possibly can. If you don't want to, that's fine--I understand.

But just like in another thread I asked a simple question: why should I not be able to own firearms to protect my house, wife, and myself from criminals who may break in?
That's when they allowed Dyann Roof permission to take his gun out. Wouldn't it be better if the gun nuts shot themselves as a learning exercise. Now children this is the end the bullet comes out, please test and confirm.....

Banning AR-15 s Doesn t Make Sense To Me US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want to save more lives ban knives, and hands and feet, they kill a lot more people than AR-15s......

AR-15 is the only gun in your statistics?

I'm guessing the golden 7.65mm Walther killed fewer than knives hands and feet also.

Why does some on the Right try to hold this argument that guns aren't as dangerous as knives hands and feet (and clubs). It shows their lack of seriousness about the gravity of the power of the gun.

Perhaps if their was a course designed to teach such things, they would know a gun is more dangerous than a foot.

Hence the post.

Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be (not ARE). Pointing out that knives are also dangerous =/= stating that guns aren't dangerous.

Guns--like knives--are tools and serve a purpose. For me I have guns for the protection of my house, myself and my wife. I don't carry guns on me in public, but I promise you if somebody breaks into my house--I will not hesitate to put them down. They're the ones who made the decision to break into my house-NOT me. They're the ones who're playing with fire--NOT me. I don't know what a criminal could be capable of, and neither does anybody else in that situation. I choose to side with caution-and protect my family the best way I possibly can. If you don't want to, that's fine--I understand.

But just like in another thread I asked a simple question: why should I not be able to own firearms to protect my house, wife, and myself from criminals who may break in?

^good post except "Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be". That's a solidified failure of intelligence.

These kids are getting guns from parents who don't seem to be smart gun owners. They may be smart in other issues, but nothing is pressing them to be a smart gun owner.
The new 2nd Amendment Test doesn't infringe on anyone's Rights to own a gun, unless they are too stupid to own one.

The Program shows situations where children got ahold of their parents guns and ways to prevent it. It ensures or hopes "parents" in the future won't allow this to happen via the shared information.

The program shows that a gun is not a toy. I know, many adults will be heartbroken... :Boom2:

The program will teach the RESPONSIBLE time to shoot. We have all seen people just guessing lately. (Criminals running away is not the time to shoot and kill, big news to some) It will teach the correct way to store a gun and teach the many types of safe's you can use depending on your personal scenario. It will teach what type of weapon is best suited for your need, unless your need is for toys and/or murder.

But this program is not real, it's fake. I made it up. This program would require Regulation of the Militia.
You're making even less sense than usual, which is quite an accomplishment.

Some people have the ability to see things that aren't there. Some call them ARTISTS. Some can't even imagine a living room differently until the furniture is moved.

I have no doubt you are confused.
That's when they allowed Dyann Roof permission to take his gun out. Wouldn't it be better if the gun nuts shot themselves as a learning exercise. Now children this is the end the bullet comes out, please test and confirm.....

Banning AR-15 s Doesn t Make Sense To Me US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want to save more lives ban knives, and hands and feet, they kill a lot more people than AR-15s......

AR-15 is the only gun in your statistics?

I'm guessing the golden 7.65mm Walther killed fewer than knives hands and feet also.

Why does some on the Right try to hold this argument that guns aren't as dangerous as knives hands and feet (and clubs). It shows their lack of seriousness about the gravity of the power of the gun.

Perhaps if their was a course designed to teach such things, they would know a gun is more dangerous than a foot.

Hence the post.

Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be (not ARE). Pointing out that knives are also dangerous =/= stating that guns aren't dangerous.

Guns--like knives--are tools and serve a purpose. For me I have guns for the protection of my house, myself and my wife. I don't carry guns on me in public, but I promise you if somebody breaks into my house--I will not hesitate to put them down. They're the ones who made the decision to break into my house-NOT me. They're the ones who're playing with fire--NOT me. I don't know what a criminal could be capable of, and neither does anybody else in that situation. I choose to side with caution-and protect my family the best way I possibly can. If you don't want to, that's fine--I understand.

But just like in another thread I asked a simple question: why should I not be able to own firearms to protect my house, wife, and myself from criminals who may break in?

^good post except "Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be". That's a solidified failure of intelligence.

These kids are getting guns from parents who don't seem to be smart gun owners. They may be smart in other issues, but nothing is pressing them to be a smart gun owner.

Not being a "smart" (I'd use the word responsible personally) =/= not understanding how dangerous they can be.

Does everybody know that it's possible to die in a car accident, and that driving can be a dangerous task? Of course. So why do people still drive while texting or drinking? The answer is because they're irresponsible--not that they don't understand the danger involved.

Why punish responsible gun owners for the actions of the irresponsible? Remember in school when your teacher would issue a blanket punishment? Little Johnny didn't throw away his potato chip bag and now nobody can eat chips. It's not a rational view.
That's when they allowed Dyann Roof permission to take his gun out. Wouldn't it be better if the gun nuts shot themselves as a learning exercise. Now children this is the end the bullet comes out, please test and confirm.....

Banning AR-15 s Doesn t Make Sense To Me US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

If you want to save more lives ban knives, and hands and feet, they kill a lot more people than AR-15s......

AR-15 is the only gun in your statistics?

I'm guessing the golden 7.65mm Walther killed fewer than knives hands and feet also.

Why does some on the Right try to hold this argument that guns aren't as dangerous as knives hands and feet (and clubs). It shows their lack of seriousness about the gravity of the power of the gun.

Perhaps if their was a course designed to teach such things, they would know a gun is more dangerous than a foot.

Hence the post.

Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be (not ARE). Pointing out that knives are also dangerous =/= stating that guns aren't dangerous.

Guns--like knives--are tools and serve a purpose. For me I have guns for the protection of my house, myself and my wife. I don't carry guns on me in public, but I promise you if somebody breaks into my house--I will not hesitate to put them down. They're the ones who made the decision to break into my house-NOT me. They're the ones who're playing with fire--NOT me. I don't know what a criminal could be capable of, and neither does anybody else in that situation. I choose to side with caution-and protect my family the best way I possibly can. If you don't want to, that's fine--I understand.

But just like in another thread I asked a simple question: why should I not be able to own firearms to protect my house, wife, and myself from criminals who may break in?

^good post except "Nobody's denying how dangerous guns CAN be". That's a solidified failure of intelligence.

These kids are getting guns from parents who don't seem to be smart gun owners. They may be smart in other issues, but nothing is pressing them to be a smart gun owner.

These kids are getting guns from parents who don't seem to be smart gun owners. They may be smart in other issues, but nothing is pressing them to be a smart gun owner.

You mean nothing is pressing them to be a smart gun the fact that the life of their child could be endangered...right now.....and you think that some other legal measure would make them more responsible than the consideration about the safety of their child.....

Buddy, if the life of their child doesn't "press" them to be a smart gun owner, nothing else you impose on them will make a difference......
The new 2nd Amendment Test doesn't infringe on anyone's Rights to own a gun, unless they are too stupid to own one.

The Program shows situations where children got ahold of their parents guns and ways to prevent it. It ensures or hopes "parents" in the future won't allow this to happen via the shared information.

The program shows that a gun is not a toy. I know, many adults will be heartbroken... :Boom2:

The program will teach the RESPONSIBLE time to shoot. We have all seen people just guessing lately. (Criminals running away is not the time to shoot and kill, big news to some) It will teach the correct way to store a gun and teach the many types of safe's you can use depending on your personal scenario. It will teach what type of weapon is best suited for your need, unless your need is for toys and/or murder.

But this program is not real, it's fake. I made it up. This program would require Regulation of the Militia.
The program IS real.

Its taught by the NRA and other gun safety schools all across the country.

BTW...why did you bring up the Militia? There is no Militia requirement in the 2nd Amendment.
Gun safety should be taught in schools

Yes...gun safety should be taught along with Fire safety...since we started teaching fire safety in schools we have not lost one child to a school fire.....but see......the problem is they need dead people to push their agenda....see the glee in obama and hilary....they can now push for gun control......and dead kids are the best props for anti gun agenda pushing...if you teach gun safety, and fewer kids die from gun accidents you remove one of their best tools......

And since gun accidents have been going down, not up, even with more Americans owning and carrying guns, they are having a harder time using it to push their agenda......
How to think should be taught in schools.

A lot more violence would be avoided.
How to think should be taught in schools.

A lot more violence would be avoided.

The new 2nd Amendment Test doesn't infringe on anyone's Rights to own a gun, unless they are too stupid to own one.

The Program shows situations where children got ahold of their parents guns and ways to prevent it. It ensures or hopes "parents" in the future won't allow this to happen via the shared information.

The program shows that a gun is not a toy. I know, many adults will be heartbroken... :Boom2:

The program will teach the RESPONSIBLE time to shoot. We have all seen people just guessing lately. (Criminals running away is not the time to shoot and kill, big news to some) It will teach the correct way to store a gun and teach the many types of safe's you can use depending on your personal scenario. It will teach what type of weapon is best suited for your need, unless your need is for toys and/or murder.

But this program is not real, it's fake. I made it up. This program would require Regulation of the Militia.
The program IS real.

Its taught by the NRA and other gun safety schools all across the country.

BTW...why did you bring up the Militia? There is no Militia requirement in the 2nd Amendment.
The new 2nd Amendment Test doesn't infringe on anyone's Rights to own a gun, unless they are too stupid to own one.

The Program shows situations where children got ahold of their parents guns and ways to prevent it. It ensures or hopes "parents" in the future won't allow this to happen via the shared information.

The program shows that a gun is not a toy. I know, many adults will be heartbroken... :Boom2:

The program will teach the RESPONSIBLE time to shoot. We have all seen people just guessing lately. (Criminals running away is not the time to shoot and kill, big news to some) It will teach the correct way to store a gun and teach the many types of safe's you can use depending on your personal scenario. It will teach what type of weapon is best suited for your need, unless your need is for toys and/or murder.

But this program is not real, it's fake. I made it up. This program would require Regulation of the Militia.
The program IS real.

Its taught by the NRA and other gun safety schools all across the country.

BTW...why did you bring up the Militia? There is no Militia requirement in the 2nd Amendment.

You obviously missed the point that it is voluntary.

There are lot's of things that should be voluntary in America, such as Religion. Education for gun owners should not be. Every case of gun violence is due to a gun owner that did not take that voluntary course.

People scream "cars kill more people" when cars can't legally be owned unless they pass a stupidity test!

Or perhaps someone here is willing to tell me stupid people have the RIGHT to own a gun under the 2A. Because someone taking responsibility for what is happening today is what would happen.

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