New Ad: America's Greatest Mistake

Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
How many can work their way up?

Are you saying they're incapable of working their way up?
If thats the case they're right where they need to be.
This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

BRAVO - Donald Trump is indeed America's Greatest Mistake in 250 years. That is the way he'll go down in the history books. Speaking of Dr Birx, she's been corrupted too. Bring back Dr Fauci!

Lincoln Project's new ads:

This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

Get ready for a yuge Bah Fongu from just about everybody come voting time, leftist scum!
And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program
Name just three republican politicians who have pledged to do away with Social Security. Name one, actually.

That tiresome lie, along with other popular leftist myths (a being in the womb is not a person, illegal immigrants actually are good for our economy, police hunt down black people so they can shoot them, etc.) is a pathetic fable that the "smart people" (another myth) tell themselves while they ignore the harm they do to this country.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.
Most hard working people, have started poor, not married into wealth like John F'n Kerry(who cheated for 3 purple hearts) or have a silver spoon stuck up your ass, like John Kennedy(he would never be a demoncrap today) or Al Jazeera Gore jr. Minimum wage was created so kids could get some spending money or elderly folks could earn some extra dough and be out with the young kids, but after Carter, Clintons and Obammys minimum wage became a full time thing, sometimes having to work 2 jobs or both adults working, thus having their kinds indoctrinated by the public indoctrination system. This has been the plan all along by the Dims, who hate normalcy but live with no morals, no honesty, no integrity and no honor...

Now for the lefts "But president Trump was given millions", yeah he was a Democrat in the 1980s thru 2010, but then he saw the total craziness of the left and went to the LIGHT side...
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
I showed both my sons and daughter how to snake out a clogged drain. Normally a plumber would charge 100 dollars for that work, now they save the dough...
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
How many can work their way up?

Are you saying they're incapable of working their way up?
If thats the case they're right where they need to be.
It is funny how most lefties think that black people are too stupid to take care of themselves and families. That is because of what the left has done to the inner cities, but in the suburbs there are many black families that have done quite well, and have these signs in their front yard.

This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states. have to stop........I laugh so hard at your stupid posts.... :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg: :auiqs.jpg:

Biden has been in office for 47 years, and oversaw the rise of isis, the creation of the worst mass immigration crisis since World War 2, and has used all of his offices to enrich his family, including his son hunter who made a 1.5 billion dollar deal with the Chinese government flying over to china on Air Force 2 with his dad......
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
I showed both my sons and daughter how to snake out a clogged drain. Normally a plumber would charge 100 dollars for that work, now they save the dough...

Some of todays youth dont even know how to change a damn tire.
And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program
Name just three republican politicians who have pledged to do away with Social Security. Name one, actually.

That tiresome lie, along with other popular leftist myths (a being in the womb is not a person, illegal immigrants actually are good for our economy, police hunt down black people so they can shoot them, etc.) is a pathetic fable that the "smart people" (another myth) tell themselves while they ignore the harm they do to this country.
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
How many can work their way up?

Are you saying they're incapable of working their way up?
If thats the case they're right where they need to be.
It is funny how most lefties think that black people are too stupid to take care of themselves and families. That is because of what the left has done to the inner cities, but in the suburbs there are many black families that have done quite well, and have these signs in their front yard.

View attachment 383126
Wow. What a moronic Right wing spun statement. On so many levels I wouldn’t know where to begin.

1. tell us what us democrats are doing and what you’d do better.

2. you whites are too stupid to take care of your own families. If not why did we have to send you all $1200 after only a couple of weeks being unemployed?
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
How many can work their way up?

Are you saying they're incapable of working their way up?
If thats the case they're right where they need to be.
It is funny how most lefties think that black people are too stupid to take care of themselves and families. That is because of what the left has done to the inner cities, but in the suburbs there are many black families that have done quite well, and have these signs in their front yard.

View attachment 383126
Wow. What a moronic Right wing spun statement. On so many levels I wouldn’t know where to begin.

1. tell us what us democrats are doing and what you’d do better.

2. you whites are too stupid to take care of your own families. If not why did we have to send you all $1200 after only a couple of weeks being unemployed?

I didnt get any money....
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
How many can work their way up?

Are you saying they're incapable of working their way up?
If thats the case they're right where they need to be.
It is funny how most lefties think that black people are too stupid to take care of themselves and families. That is because of what the left has done to the inner cities, but in the suburbs there are many black families that have done quite well, and have these signs in their front yard.

View attachment 383126
Wow. What a moronic Right wing spun statement. On so many levels I wouldn’t know where to begin.

1. tell us what us democrats are doing and what you’d do better.

2. you whites are too stupid to take care of your own families. If not why did we have to send you all $1200 after only a couple of weeks being unemployed?

I didnt get any money....
I only got $950
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you

Because I was once poor myself.
Liberals need to learn how to work their way up and stop relying on the government.

but the facts are there is no working your way up anymore. No raises, no companies who pay more than your existing one.

I worry about losing my job now because I doubt the next one will pay so handsomely. I found a great company to work for. The last 5 companies i worked for sucked. But then if you keep bouncing from company to company companies won’t hire you. It’s like you are tied down because you don’t want to have to explain the short stays at companies. It’s not like you can tell them those past companies didn’t pay enough.

Anyways, compared to everyone else at my company, I’m rich. who makes good money at my company? The president, vp, controller, us salespeople and that’s it. Everyone else makes less. All the service engineers and office people will never make what we make.

This woman who quit to go into real estate told me she was making half what I was making. I couldn’t believe it because she did so much. But instead of paying her more they hired two women who probably make $40k each. So instead of paying her $70 or $80k they decided to hire two people to do her job. Makes sense if you’re a corporation. Point is working Your way up sometimes isn’t an option. Corporations just dont value good employees like they used to. They’ll let a good employee go if they ask for more.

By the way, I took this job for $40k and told them I’d want more if I worked out. A year later they gave me a pathetic $5000 raise. Even though I doubled sales. The next year he gave me $5k more. So their great salesperson was only making $50k. Lying story short is the new president gave me basically a $50k raise. He raised my salary to $65k and gave me commission. It’s because before he was named president I told him about how companies lose good employees because they don’t pay what they’re worth. Being a salesperson himself, he actually paid me what I’m worth. And he’s a democrat by the way.

One engineer when I complained about my raise said, “you make your deal on the way in here”. Ever hear that saying? It means if they got you to start for $40k they will never pay you $100k no matter how good you do. They figure they’ll still keep all the accounts you found and just hire an account manager for $40k to hopefully do what you did.

Anyways, I feel I got lucky. If not for my liberal boss I’d probably be making $65k right now.

And remember I have no mortgage, no kids, no student loans. You might make more than me but you probably spend more than me. I’m saving like if republicans win they will cut social security 20%. Republicans have been telling me for 30 years not to count on my social security being there. I don’t think they were lying about their goal to kill That program

What a load of horse shit.
Just talked to a guy the other day who started working at Sonic at 16 and he now manages six Sonics is just shy of six figures today.
It's called working your way up.
You can also become a plumper's assistant and work your way up,machinist,electrician and many other jobs that can lead to owning your own business.
But if you dont want to work hard thats on you.
How many can work their way up?

Are you saying they're incapable of working their way up?
If thats the case they're right where they need to be.
It is funny how most lefties think that black people are too stupid to take care of themselves and families. That is because of what the left has done to the inner cities, but in the suburbs there are many black families that have done quite well, and have these signs in their front yard.

View attachment 383126
Wow. What a moronic Right wing spun statement. On so many levels I wouldn’t know where to begin.

1. tell us what us democrats are doing and what you’d do better.

2. you whites are too stupid to take care of your own families. If not why did we have to send you all $1200 after only a couple of weeks being unemployed?

I didnt get any money....
I only got $950

All I got was a $103k tax bill.
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you
You are inferring that Democrats working to keep people poor is a good thing.
That’s what you inferred from that? I thought I was suggesting that republicans are all about trickle down which doesn’t work. Never has.

The last time America was great was 1999. Ford had record profits that year and ford employees got record profit sharing. Then bush stole 2000 and sent all those union jobs overseas to kill unions.

Who don’t forget, got ford record profits in 1999. but you republicans waged war on American workers in the 2000s. Sent all those jobs bye bye. Now you’ll bring them back for $15 hr.
The difference between us is that you actually think the Democrats care about anybody.
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you
You are inferring that Democrats working to keep people poor is a good thing.
That’s what you inferred from that? I thought I was suggesting that republicans are all about trickle down which doesn’t work. Never has.

The last time America was great was 1999. Ford had record profits that year and ford employees got record profit sharing. Then bush stole 2000 and sent all those union jobs overseas to kill unions.

Who don’t forget, got ford record profits in 1999. but you republicans waged war on American workers in the 2000s. Sent all those jobs bye bye. Now you’ll bring them back for $15 hr.
The difference between us is that you actually think the Democrats care about anybody.
And you believe trump. just like a lot of Russians like Putin. Who’s better than Putin right?
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Trumps 2nd term plan is to starve social security. Wake up

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