New Ad: America's Greatest Mistake

Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Trumps 2nd term plan is to starve social security. Wake up

Wow, you're not just a mind reader but an Oracle. That's so cool.

Do you read palms too?
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
If no changes are made social security will Only be able to pay 80% starting in 2035. You think republicans are going to solve that? I think they love the cut they must make and I think us Americans will bend over and take it. I’m hoping I can retire in 12 years and be grandfathered in.
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Trumps 2nd term plan is to starve social security. Wake up

Wow, you're not just a mind reader but an Oracle. That's so cool.

Do you read palms too?
Everything Radical republicans have said they wanted to do have all come true.

Why did you republicans say for the last 30 years, “don’t expect ss to be there?” What did you mean by that if not the obvious?

And bush tried to cut social security. It wasn’t the right time. But a trump 2nd term would be the perfect time
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Trumps 2nd term plan is to starve social security. Wake up

Wow, you're not just a mind reader but an Oracle. That's so cool.

Do you read palms too?
If not during a trump 2nd term what better time would there be to cut Medicare and Social Security? Two programs you republicans hate and call socialism. Don’t deny it liar. Own it
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
If no changes are made social security will Only be able to pay 80% starting in 2035. You think republicans are going to solve that? I think they love the cut they must make and I think us Americans will bend over and take it. I’m hoping I can retire in 12 years and be grandfathered in.

Last time you said they were going to starve it. Now you say they won't grow it. Let me know when you pick a position.

Social Security should be eliminated and replaced with a welfare program for people like you who didn't save for retirement
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Trumps 2nd term plan is to starve social security. Wake up

Wow, you're not just a mind reader but an Oracle. That's so cool.

Do you read palms too?
Everything Radical republicans have said they wanted to do have all come true.

Why did you republicans say for the last 30 years, “don’t expect ss to be there?” What did you mean by that if not the obvious?

And bush tried to cut social security. It wasn’t the right time. But a trump 2nd term would be the perfect time

SS is a terrible program and the math doesn't work. That's just recognizing reality. It's another failed welfare program
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
Trumps 2nd term plan is to starve social security. Wake up

Wow, you're not just a mind reader but an Oracle. That's so cool.

Do you read palms too?
If not during a trump 2nd term what better time would there be to cut Medicare and Social Security? Two programs you republicans hate and call socialism. Don’t deny it liar. Own it

Of course they are socialism, but you're an idiot.

- I'm a libertarian, not a Republican
- Libertarians want to end those programs
- Republicans don't

You're low informed and confused. Not that I expect anything different who'd self selected representation of yourself, your avatar, is someone you hate. I never grasp why anyone would do that. Only leftists define yourself by who you hate. It's what you are
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.
I’m in the upper class. I believe a single person household making over $85k is upper class. I’m upper class.

Trump hasn’t helped the middle class and blue collar immensely. That’s a joke. Are you new here or something?

If thats upper class I'm filthy rich.
Wages are up for everyone as are jobs.
Go blow smoke up someone else's ass.
If you’re rich why tell us to vote republican. We know they work for you
You are inferring that Democrats working to keep people poor is a good thing.
That’s what you inferred from that? I thought I was suggesting that republicans are all about trickle down which doesn’t work. Never has.

The last time America was great was 1999. Ford had record profits that year and ford employees got record profit sharing. Then bush stole 2000 and sent all those union jobs overseas to kill unions.

Who don’t forget, got ford record profits in 1999. but you republicans waged war on American workers in the 2000s. Sent all those jobs bye bye. Now you’ll bring them back for $15 hr.
The difference between us is that you actually think the Democrats care about anybody.
And you believe trump. just like a lot of Russians like Putin. Who’s better than Putin right?
I am results oriented.
Just like at work, all I look at is the effort and achievement.
I don't know one salesperson who hates Trump or thinks Trump has ruined the economy.
Trump doesn't have any competent critics.

That's what happens when everybody's playing for the same team.
At least Trump is one of the very few people with an R next to his name that isn't welcoming non Americans into our workforce to replace us.

Seriously, do you mean like the many undocumented workers at his hotels, casinos and golf courses? Do you mean like that?
Trump doesn't have any competent critics.

That's what happens when everybody's playing for the same team.
At least Trump is one of the very few people with an R next to his name that isn't welcoming non Americans into our workforce to replace us.

Seriously, do you mean like the many undocumented workers at his hotels, casinos and golf courses? Do you mean like that?
Well, well, well, you don't watch Trump interviews?
I don't believe someone as erudite as yourself lives off video bites.
Now go watch some interviews with Trump on that very subject and come back.
Trump doesn't have any competent critics.

That's what happens when everybody's playing for the same team.
At least Trump is one of the very few people with an R next to his name that isn't welcoming non Americans into our workforce to replace us.

Seriously, do you mean like the many undocumented workers at his hotels, casinos and golf courses? Do you mean like that?
Well, well, well, you don't watch Trump interviews?
I don't believe someone as erudite as yourself lives off video bites.
Now go watch some interviews with Trump on that very subject and come back.

Ya, I am sure even tRump isn't dumb enough to admit to it, but he did it, why did he do it do you think.
Trump doesn't have any competent critics.

That's what happens when everybody's playing for the same team.
At least Trump is one of the very few people with an R next to his name that isn't welcoming non Americans into our workforce to replace us.

Seriously, do you mean like the many undocumented workers at his hotels, casinos and golf courses? Do you mean like that?
Well, well, well, you don't watch Trump interviews?
I don't believe someone as erudite as yourself lives off video bites.
Now go watch some interviews with Trump on that very subject and come back.

Ya, I am sure even tRump isn't dumb enough to admit to it, but he did it, why did he do it do you think.
You didn't seek out and watch an embarrassing for you.
You didn't seek out and watch an embarrassing for you.
In order to feel embarrassment you must be able to feel shame.
In order to feel shame you must have a sense of moral grounding.
In order to have a sense of moral grounding you cannot be a leftist.'s not their fault. It's how they are raised.
I watch every candidate regardless of how ludicrous their very existence.
The Ds this time around have replaced any comedy series I have ever watched.
These LWers are Mentally Ill.
Ask any republican Here. Don’t expect it to be there They’ll tell you. Trump suggested cuts didn’t he? I know bush did.

He’s maybe the only one to get away with it in a second term. Now you’re saying the programs fine? Most republicans wouldn’t admit it out loud. Wake up
So you can't name anyone who has said they want to do away with SS? Color me shocked!
Wow! That's a surprise.

The program isn't fine. No one said that so stop with the disingenuous lies.

It needs reform, like the sort George Bush suggested before he was shouted down. Why the 2005 Social Security Initiative Failed, and What it Means for the Future

It was a voluntary program based on a Chilean model and each tax payer in the program managed their
own retirement investments, etc.
I haven't heard Trump say he would terminate SS so stop lying.
How does it feel to be so full of shit?
So you’d accept a 20% cut?

I named two. Bush and trump.

Never happened. You're lying ... again ...
If no changes are made social security will Only be able to pay 80% starting in 2035. You think republicans are going to solve that? I think they love the cut they must make and I think us Americans will bend over and take it. I’m hoping I can retire in 12 years and be grandfathered in.

Last time you said they were going to starve it. Now you say they won't grow it. Let me know when you pick a position.

Social Security should be eliminated and replaced with a welfare program for people like you who didn't save for retirement
Fuck that, i had a liberal coworker who decided that he didnt want to save any leave because one of the guys in our shop, died with over 1000 hours of sick and annual leave. The prog used up his leave as soon as he got it, i asked him what would happen if he got sick and needed time to recover, and he said he would ask others to donate their leave if it ever happened. I told that sick fuck, dont bother to ask me, and he said i was greedy. Can you believe that? He said i was greedy for not sharing my leave.. 6 months later he got sick and had been out of work for 2 years. Karma is a bitch..

If you dont save for the future you can be a dumpster diver for all i care, you spent it, you can starve...
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This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

America's greatest mistake was the 40 years of failure, not the 4 years of success.

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