New Ad: America's Greatest Mistake

This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

I'll make a deal with you...
You agree to pick up my tax burden for inter-generational welfare cases and I'll consider voting for Dementia Joe.

What has Trump done to address inter-generational welfare cases?

Hopefully nothing.
He already gave them jobs,from there it's up to them to take advantage of those jobs.

I'm not talking about giving them anything. I'm talking about dismantling the institutions that create and perpetuate the dependency cycle.

That would need to be institutions both public and private sector.

Nope. Private institutions are voluntary and none of the government's business.
This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

I'll make a deal with you...
You agree to pick up my tax burden for inter-generational welfare cases and I'll consider voting for Dementia Joe.

What has Trump done to address inter-generational welfare cases?

Hopefully nothing.
He already gave them jobs,from there it's up to them to take advantage of those jobs.

I'm not talking about giving them anything. I'm talking about dismantling the institutions that create and perpetuate the dependency cycle.

A couple very good places to start is raise the minimum wage and remove all those "right to work" laws that prevent unions.

No. I'm suggesting the opposite. Eliminate wage controls and stop propping up unions artificially with legislation (ie repeal the "labor law" that made "right-to-work" laws popular in the first place).

If a union has anything to offer (many do) it will survive without laws forcing people to join up.
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Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

Hey, remember when a Trump lawyer faked an email to get a FISA court to spy on Biden?
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....

Thats why I like my right to work state. If your good at what you do you get top dollar,if not you get paid what your worth.
This ad by Don Winslow is very correct.

The government doesn't belong to trump.

He has corrupted everything he has touched since becoming president.

I hope this ad is being shown all over the swing and red states.

A lot has happened since July 19...

Biden and the Dems have already lost the high ground on Law and Order and they cannot repair that in 60+ days...

Law and Order comes first...

The Soft-and-Fuzzies come later...
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
It’ll be greater when biden is president you’ll see.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
It’ll be greater when biden is president you’ll see.

If biden raises capital gains and taxes in general he wont be great by any stretch.
You live paycheck to paycheck dont you.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
It’ll be greater when biden is president you’ll see.

If biden raises capital gains and taxes in general he wont be great by any stretch.
You live paycheck to paycheck dont you.
Nope. I max out my 401k, have no debt and every once or twice a year I throw an extra $20k or $40k in the stock market.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
It’ll be greater when biden is president you’ll see.

If biden raises capital gains and taxes in general he wont be great by any stretch.
You live paycheck to paycheck dont you.
Nope. I max out my 401k, have no debt and every once or twice a year I throw an extra $20k or $40k in the stock market.

You poor girl....
I havent worked for 8 years now and I'm still banking money.
Who the hell is Don Winslow? Another angry TDS leftie? Ho hum.
I like his advice though. Just don’t tell people you’re voting for biden. I told some republicans at the dog park I don’t like trump and now they call me a libtard.

The one guy was black, the other gay and the one doesn’t make a lot of money. Anazing how these Three don’t care about the racism, homophobia or the fact That republicans only care about the rich.

So thats all you took away from your encounter?
Yea, I've given up on America and Americans. They/you get what you deserve. I'm doing fine but are they/you? And who's going to maga for you? Trump? LOL

I MAGA'd myself.
And you're right...I did get what I deserve through hard work and perseverance.
I was forced to join a union back in 1998 under the Maryland forced labor laws. I was the only electronic/pneumatic technician in a union full of steam fitters and HVAC mechs. Local 99. During my 1 year working there, i had a few union workers upset that i was paid more than them, because i was the new guy and havent paid my time and dues yet. While they could work on steam and Hvac stuff, i asked them if they could fix circuit cards and other electric stuff, they said no, and i said that was why i was paid more than them....Make yourself valuable, you get paid for that value. If you are a dime a dozen, be paid that dime....
I’m just like you. I tripled sales so I now make more than everyone else at my work. I’m not talking about us the top 10% I’m talking about everybody else. They don’t make shit. I don’t know how they survive.

Back when my father was 20 you could go work for a company and raise a family and get a pension and have great medical. My dad didn’t even graduate high school. And my mom worked at a hospital. She made great money too. She had a high school degree.

Today college grads don’t have it as good as my parents had it. If you’re telling blue collar that America is great again, you’re lying to them. But hey, if they’re dumb enough to vote for trump or not show up and vote, I guess the masses get what they deserve.

Im debt free. Even if I lost my 6 figure job I could work a minimum wage job and still pay my bills And survive till I retire in 12 years. I just hope trump doesn’t win because a second term trump will cut our social security 20% in order to save the program and you cons will bend over and take that too.

I quite HS in the tenth grade...and retired at 46.
I did however have Trumps magic's filled with white privilege.
When I argue if the economy is good overall I don’t take into account I make 6 figures or that my brother makes over $500,000 a year as an executive at a Fortune 500.

What does the fact we make so much have to do with the fact the middle class today isn’t what it once was and is disappearing?

How can you deny it? Isn’t that what trumps bring8ng jobs back home and throwing illegals out all about? Raising wages for struggling blue collar?

Are you suggesting trump has solved the problems blue collar America has?

Why would you bring up your brother? And "we" make so much?
Still live with your brother and rely on his embarrassing.

Yes Trump has helped Blue Collar workers immensely.
Try and deny it.

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