New and Improved Website

Quantum Windbag

Gold Member
May 9, 2010
Today is D-Day, the day the president promised that he would have the site working.

First, we have "Fair and Balanced" Fox News.

[ame=]After Obama's Deadline, ObamaCare Website Still Plagued By Bugs And Glitches - YouTube[/ame]

Well, we knew they wouldn't like it, even if it was perfect. Fortunately, CNN proved it works, sort of.

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WH asks people to log on during off peak hours so you might have a chance to complete sign up.
WH announces that site will be down during off peak hours in order to perform needed maintenance.

So not the highest marks were given for the roll-out of the ACA website, but getting that fixed is starting to work and so even in the Red States, doctors and health care providers will be paid in 2014. The Republicans want to repeal that, of course, as their election mantra going into 2014. Anyone can ask if they want the federal statutes to work, or not! They do want to repeal doctors get paid from insurers, under ACA.

The Supreme Court has ruled that ACA is Constitutional. Whether or not an individual employer can impose special tenets of religion, on employees, has already been decided at the Supreme Court. The Amish do have to pay Social Security taxes on employees, even though they themselves are exempt from self-employment, Social Security employment taxes. That is long-since decided case law, at SCOTUS.

The Constitution does not allow support of establishments of religion, on other persons: At the direction of the federal government. The employer is still free to support religion as they see fit, on their own.

And so Red State governors and legislators have to explain to Tea Party districts why they themselves refused to support doctors ever being paid, allowed in the federal ACA statutes, which they opposed. That, in fact, is why there is ACA!

2014 is only a month away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Still Do ask, Why Jesus Christ not walking across their swimming pools--which they think is why they are there(?)! Jesus Christ having fun, not strong concept to many White Eyes(?)!)
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What a classic three ring circus this Obama failed experiment is.

So much for the first black POTUS having a positive impact.

Dude would have been fired 3x over already in the private sector

WH asks people to log on during off peak hours so you might have a chance to complete sign up.
WH announces that site will be down during off peak hours in order to perform needed maintenance.


Hey ... Give them credit where it is due.
They said the site "Works much better than it did two months ago".

If you can log on ... That is much better than two months ago. :eusa_whistle:

Clearly, the answer is repackaging, a new message, and better PR.

That'll do the trick.
The Supreme Court has ruled that ACA is Constitutional. )

Show us where the constitution gives the SC the authority to make such a decision. Anyone who has actually read the Big C agrees the decision rests with the states.
So not the highest marks were given for the roll-out of the ACA website, but getting that fixed is starting to work and so even in the Red States, doctors and health care providers will be paid in 2014. The Republicans want to repeal that, of course, as their election mantra going into 2014. Anyone can ask if they want the federal statutes to work, or not! They do want to repeal doctors get paid from insurers, under ACA.

White House meets goals for, but more work ahead

The Supreme Court has ruled that ACA is Constitutional. Whether or not an individual employer can impose special tenets of religion, on employees, has already been decided at the Supreme Court. The Amish do have to pay Social Security taxes on employees, even though they themselves are exempt from self-employment, Social Security employment taxes. That is long-since decided case law, at SCOTUS.

The Constitution does not allow support of establishments of religion, on other persons: At the direction of the federal government. The employer is still free to support religion as they see fit, on their own.

And so Red State governors and legislators have to explain to Tea Party districts why they themselves refused to support doctors ever being paid, allowed in the federal ACA statutes, which they opposed. That, in fact, is why there is ACA!

2014 is only a month away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Still Do ask, Why Jesus Christ not walking across their swimming pools--which they think is why they are there(?)! Jesus Christ having fun, not strong concept to many White Eyes(?)!)

Republicans don't want doctors to be paid! Oh my goodness! It's almost unbelievable what people come up with to defend Obamacare.
Noted for at least two months, the Tea Party Red States had the option of local state websites--for their portion of 1/6 of the national economy, according to them. So instead of that, they opted for the federal website, and in many cases, even bailed on the expansion of Medicaid.

MAP: The 5 Million People The GOP Cut Out Of Obamacare

If there are five million uninsured, even left out of medicaid, then anyone has to suggest that the Republicans are not entirely on board with the concept of doctors and medical services being paid, or paid for.

Note: The five million are bereft by GOP! Now if the Hippocratic Oath means that doctors do freebies. . . .then just which union are they supposed to join(?)! Maybe one with money, and putting people to work at paying jobs(?)!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!
(White Eyes target fruity things, in young warrior's hair--in Swiss Alps(?)! Many things able to go wrong!)
So not the highest marks were given for the roll-out of the ACA website, but getting that fixed is starting to work and so even in the Red States, doctors and health care providers will be paid in 2014. The Republicans want to repeal that, of course, as their election mantra going into 2014. Anyone can ask if they want the federal statutes to work, or not! They do want to repeal doctors get paid from insurers, under ACA.

White House meets goals for, but more work ahead

The Supreme Court has ruled that ACA is Constitutional. Whether or not an individual employer can impose special tenets of religion, on employees, has already been decided at the Supreme Court. The Amish do have to pay Social Security taxes on employees, even though they themselves are exempt from self-employment, Social Security employment taxes. That is long-since decided case law, at SCOTUS.

The Constitution does not allow support of establishments of religion, on other persons: At the direction of the federal government. The employer is still free to support religion as they see fit, on their own.

And so Red State governors and legislators have to explain to Tea Party districts why they themselves refused to support doctors ever being paid, allowed in the federal ACA statutes, which they opposed. That, in fact, is why there is ACA!

2014 is only a month away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Still Do ask, Why Jesus Christ not walking across their swimming pools--which they think is why they are there(?)! Jesus Christ having fun, not strong concept to many White Eyes(?)!)

Republicans don't want doctors to be paid! Oh my goodness! It's almost unbelievable what people come up with to defend Obamacare.

Do you have brain lesions? I have sympathy for many-many conservatives - so many seem to have lesions on the cognitive part(s) of their alleged brains.

Just as conservatives believe in socialism for the supply siders and laissez faire for demand siders, conservatives also believe that when Republican governors and legislators refused medicare expansion into their states it's somehow the fault of Obamacare.
ODS? - obviously!
Lesions on conservative brains...?

Republicans don't understand the concept of 'work for a living', most laborers doctors included, get paid for the work they do - duh!
Yeah, I still can't get any info on any plans when I click the 'learn more' button. It doesn't go past the state question. It just sits there, no 'continue' button, no 'next' button, no nothing.

What a joke.
the website working or not has absolutely nothing to do with the failure of obamacare.

only those who are eligible for subsidies will use the website - if they have ANY brains.
So not the highest marks were given for the roll-out of the ACA website, but getting that fixed is starting to work and so even in the Red States, doctors and health care providers will be paid in 2014. The Republicans want to repeal that, of course, as their election mantra going into 2014. Anyone can ask if they want the federal statutes to work, or not! They do want to repeal doctors get paid from insurers, under ACA.

White House meets goals for, but more work ahead

The Supreme Court has ruled that ACA is Constitutional. Whether or not an individual employer can impose special tenets of religion, on employees, has already been decided at the Supreme Court. The Amish do have to pay Social Security taxes on employees, even though they themselves are exempt from self-employment, Social Security employment taxes. That is long-since decided case law, at SCOTUS.

The Constitution does not allow support of establishments of religion, on other persons: At the direction of the federal government. The employer is still free to support religion as they see fit, on their own.

And so Red State governors and legislators have to explain to Tea Party districts why they themselves refused to support doctors ever being paid, allowed in the federal ACA statutes, which they opposed. That, in fact, is why there is ACA!

2014 is only a month away!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Many White Eyes Still Do ask, Why Jesus Christ not walking across their swimming pools--which they think is why they are there(?)! Jesus Christ having fun, not strong concept to many White Eyes(?)!)

Republicans don't want doctors to be paid! Oh my goodness! It's almost unbelievable what people come up with to defend Obamacare.

]Do you have brain lesions? I have sympathy for many-many conservatives - so many seem to have lesions on the cognitive part(s) of their alleged brains.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
]Just as conservatives believe in socialism for the supply siders and laissez faire for demand siders, conservatives also believe that when Republican governors and legislators refused medicare expansion into their states it's somehow the fault of Obamacare. [/COLO
[OR=blue]ODS? - obviously! [/COLO
[FONTLesions on conservative brains...?[/COL
]Republicans don't understand the concept of 'work for a living', most laborers doctors included, get paid for the work they do - duh!

you are an example of brain lesion yourself - nothing illustrates the cognitive insufficiency of a leftard more than changing the fonts. you must think it would be read by more posters if you change the font :lol:
Administration: Obamacare website working smoothly -

Washington (CNN) -- There is a "night and day" difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1, Jeff Zients, the top administration official responsible for improving the problem-plagued Obamacare enrollment site, said Sunday on a conference call with reporters.
Deadline Day: Will Obamacare site work?
Zients and Julie Bataille, spokeswoman for the federal agency charged with developing and operating, said the website now works "smoothly for the vast majority of users." The administration said the site can now handle 50,000 concurrent users and 800,000 consumer visits a day -- two capacity goals for the portal that date back to its launch two months ago. And Bataille said the site was now allowing "in the zone of 80%" of users to successfully complete a health care enrollment.
The Republican governors have not been overwhelmingly supportive of ACA--except to the heart of the Tea Party contention that only a solid and strong--and bullet-proof--central government can be the only answer to all the nation's problems.

The Republican governors have national agenda ways, to get around their base(?)!

mnpACT! Progressive Political Blog

New Jersey, for example, is reliant on the giant, multi-tentacled, HealthCare.Gov website, which seems to have some lady with snakes in her hair, running it: For example(?)! Fox News knows about this(?). . .or something(?)!

So in contrast are the radical, diffuse-government Blue States, thumbing their noses at the federal solution--and keeping all of the federal money they get--for doctors and healthcare related employees in their states. In the beginning, SEIU was the word, and the word was mostly SEIU.

Which does give Red States doctors and health care employees, at least an option!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(White Eyes not put feather in cap, call it Macaroni--in case NRA supports even more guns in the schools--by other responsible gun-owners, like the responsible gun owners who have showed up in the past(?)! Many see what they mean(?)!)
Administration: Obamacare website working smoothly -

Washington (CNN) -- There is a "night and day" difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1, Jeff Zients, the top administration official responsible for improving the problem-plagued Obamacare enrollment site, said Sunday on a conference call with reporters.
Deadline Day: Will Obamacare site work?
Zients and Julie Bataille, spokeswoman for the federal agency charged with developing and operating, said the website now works "smoothly for the vast majority of users." The administration said the site can now handle 50,000 concurrent users and 800,000 consumer visits a day -- two capacity goals for the portal that date back to its launch two months ago. And Bataille said the site was now allowing "in the zone of 80%" of users to successfully complete a health care enrollment.

The government says it works, but it still crashes when reporters try to use it, and post the video to prove it, yet you still believe the government.
So the doctors and health care professionals will be paying all the bills and disability claims for the 5 mil. the Republicans kept off of MediCaid. Maybe that will be $5.0 bil. to $100.0 bil. or more per year, out of the medical professionals, personal income. It is not spending that will be done in the Red States. The Medicaid cut-off won't be spending too much either, in those states.

"Let Them Die!" has been a cherished GOP debate theme, only a few months ago. Apparently that was just testing the waters for the real anti-medication campaign, being set for 2014.

Not even pharmacy owners will get any of the missing money in the Red States!

Republicans do have a history of laxity when it comes to medical care, like for troops. . .who are white!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Maybe take turquoise, set in chrome(?), called maybe, "Lincoln-Civil-War-Care(?)," aka, "Better they should die than get medical care like that!")
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Administration: Obamacare website working smoothly -

Washington (CNN) -- There is a "night and day" difference between on October 1 and the same site on December 1, Jeff Zients, the top administration official responsible for improving the problem-plagued Obamacare enrollment site, said Sunday on a conference call with reporters.
Deadline Day: Will Obamacare site work?
Zients and Julie Bataille, spokeswoman for the federal agency charged with developing and operating, said the website now works "smoothly for the vast majority of users." The administration said the site can now handle 50,000 concurrent users and 800,000 consumer visits a day -- two capacity goals for the portal that date back to its launch two months ago. And Bataille said the site was now allowing "in the zone of 80%" of users to successfully complete a health care enrollment.

The government says it works, but it still crashes when reporters try to use it, and post the video to prove it, yet you still believe the government.

Rightwinger naïveté never ceases to amaze... Are you really naïve enough to believe
reporters-----reporters with an agenda like-um-say Lara Logan et al, are showing videos on their air that goes against their agenda - poo-fuckin-leeze. Even uber-rich Andrea Mitchell seemed giddy at the website problems, then-----then this AM seemed pissed-off that the website was doing better and-----and who does Andrea work for - right, the same network that carries 3 friggin' hours of former Republican congressperson Joe Scarborough -hmmm- I still can't figure out why you guys hate MSNBC?

Shaking my head @ U.

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