New articles of impeachment filed against MAYORKAS

You take the word lying piece of crap as meaning something?
I've heard of dumb, but you beat everything, you know that?

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In all parties it comes down to trust. Who do we trust? We know that there are men and women with blemishes. The Progressive Socialist Party is fragmenting. Enough sparks have been lit over recent years that some ignited against the perception and realities of local and national authoritarians with some catching fire. None was against the Progressive Socialist Party. Until this current middle east war. It's all about trust. And who we trust. Republican voters keep getting the old sidestep from their own. Hence Trump was elected. Whether he is real or not. Progs are a different breed. A collection of groups with gripes or perceptions of acceptance and people elected that will grease their wheels after they grease those wheels for themselves first. We could have had unity and assimilation Instead we are getting diversity and chaos as a tower of babel is splitting us up. Either way it is obvious now that the Progs in D.C. are grifters. Surviving off the printing of a fiat currency while interfering with real growth and foundation.
You take the word lying piece of crap as meaning something?
I've heard of dumb, but you beat everything, you know that?

View attachment 865769
Democrats lie like the devil, and the media lets them get away with it
Democrats lie all the time.
The Republican tax cuts didn’t cut taxes. We have “direct evidence” of Trump-Russian collusion. You can keep your doctor. It’s easier to get a Glock than a library book. Mitt Romney murdered a lady. I did not have sexual relations with that woman.
Democrats lie all the time, aided by a media complex that laps it up and uncritically regurgitates it. Former Vice President Joe Biden launched his presidential campaign by saying Democrats are waging “a battle for the soul of this nation.” How can his party win that argument when its own character is stained by lie after shameless lie?

If we had an actual News Organization that only did the news, as it should be, instead of shaping the narrative slant to the Marxists way (PRAVDA), then the Democrooks and people like you, would not be allowed to lie to US all the time. Since the internet has opened up and people can do their own research, those same people have learned to distrust anything that spews out of a Marxists/Demofascists mouth. But hey, as long as the Democraps have sycophants like you, they will continue to lie straight to your face, demanding that you believe them....

What I don't get is why anyone would even have to fight, or refile impeachment papers against such a total schmuck? I mean, when the lights go down and even democrats go home at night, don't they care or realize the fantastic harm this open border invitation of Biden has been to this country and all future generations following us, including their own kids?
They dont care about kids, they dont care about the Citizens, they only care about being in power.

He has done so much damage to this nation. Part of his job is to secure the border. It is not.

He is not doing his job well, he should go.

Along with:

Blinken, Biden, Buttigie…and many others.
He's doing exactly what the left appointed him to do. That's why the left aren't clamoring for his impeachment.
Democrats lie like the devil, and the media lets them get away with it

If we had an actual News Organization that only did the news, as it should be, instead of shaping the narrative slant to the Marxists way (PRAVDA), then the Democrooks and people like you, would not be allowed to lie to US all the time. Since the internet has opened up and people can do their own research, those same people have learned to distrust anything that spews out of a Marxists/Demofascists mouth. But hey, as long as the Democraps have sycophants like you, they will continue to lie straight to your face, demanding that you believe them....

View attachment 866025
Don't be a dufus. Listen to the news and turn away when they want to do commentary, same as your father did, reading the paper, but skipped the editorials he didn't like. When you go to the next news channel you will hear similar reports. Again, if you don't want commentary, turn to the next. Pay closest attention to actual bills/laws pass, court cases won/loss, criminal convictions by juries (and judges if the defence did not request jury trial). Pay closest attention to your state and local news and legislative actions, as that is what really effects you.
Oh, and pay close attention to The Weather. I doubt you have the sense to get in out of the rain.
Perfectly describes Mayorkis and his constant bleating that the border is closed.
Border is totally screwed, and has been. Mayorkis just works for the guy that screwed it.
What we were sold by the CULT FUCKS:

”These are wonderful people fleeing violence and certain death. They must come to the US to do jobs that Americans will not do. If you want a secure border, you are racist.


”Nearly all of the illegal immigrants flooding the nation right now merely want hand outs of US TAXPAYER DOLLARS. They do not want to come here and work and pay taxes. Our welfare state is spending billions on illegals while we have homeless veterans dying. The Dems think they are importing new voters.”

If you support the war in Ukraine…why are you more concerned about the Ukraine border with Russia than the US border with Mexico. That’s kinda weird.

Meanwhile, you do not respect the Gaza Israeli border.

That is some cult fuck pretzel logic.
Federal marshals can stop terrorism?

Of course they can... hell the FBI has been pretty bad at it if you ask me... federal marshals train with the FBI.... same academy same instructors....
Of course they can... hell the FBI has been pretty bad at it if you ask me... federal marshals train with the FBI.... same academy same instructors....
You obviously have no clue what federal marshals do.

And you're going to replace 35,000 FBI personnel with 4,000 marshals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
You obviously have no clue what federal marshals do.

And you're going to replace 35,000 FBI personnel with 4,000 marshals? BWA-HA-HA-HA-HA!
I have a relative who was a LA county sheriff... then he went to the academy in Maryland to become a federal Marshall... he then moved into the secret service... I know a hell of a lot more about it than you....
Of course they can... hell the FBI has been pretty bad at it if you ask me... federal marshals train with the FBI.... same academy same instructors....
The FBI needs to be totally shut down.

If any you remember, don't blame you if you don't remember it from history books, but there was a HUGE fight about even establishing the FBI. Big fight.

Some believe, rightfully, that the FBI was created AGAINST THE WILL OF CONGRESS!

So, IMO, it has proven to be what Americans believed it would turn into -- A Secret police society doing the will of a shadowy goobermint. Not unlike the Gestapo, the Stasi, the KGB.

Just shut them down.

But, who would stop things like 9/11?!?!? Who would warn us of the impending implosion of the USSR? Who would stop the Tsarnaev boys? Who would stand in the way of the Mafia? What would stop Antifa and BLM?

Yeah, we'd really miss them.

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