New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct

Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
GPS Fusion, who then hired a foreigner. The fact that the process is one step remove doesn't get her off the hook. If it did, then candidates could pour unlimited amounts into foreign firms with the simple expedient of having their law firm spend the money.
Of course it does, unless you can show she was involved in the hiring of Christopher Steele. Just because you don't understand the law doesn't mean Hillary broke it.
what law are you referring to?

the principal-agent relationship and the law makes her responsible for her agents actions
I see nothing in the law that makes her responsible for the who Fusion GPS hired unless she was involved with who they hired.

And the law of which I speak is...

§30121 Contributions and donations by foreign nationals
(a) Prohibition
It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or

You don't? What part of

"It shall be unlawful for-
(1) a foreign national, directly or indirectly, to make-

(A) a contribution or donation of money or other thing of value, or to make an express or implied promise to make a contribution or donation, in connection with a Federal, State, or local election;

(B) a contribution or donation to a committee of a political party; or"
didn't you understand?
Thanks for repeating the law I posted. Just in case others didn't see it.
You oviously didn't read the part that says "directly or indirectly."
It's good then that Hillary's not a foreign national, huh?
It's not a good thing that morons like you can vote.

Slobbers the USMB's fucking moron.

rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Except for the fool who is you...
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387

Another day, another.....
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387
There's going to be a reckoning, and I reckon that Giuliani isn't going to like it one bit. Feel free to send him money for his defense.
Can't you clowns give it a rest for one day?....Just one?

Right after you clowns stop screaming about "stolen elections".

So basically, never, despite the fact that all the evidence and truth is on our side.
What evidence? I keep hearing people talk about evidence when they're standing at a microphone somewhere, but it's never presented when they're in a court of law. Why do you think that is?
Risk of sanctions and/or disbarment. Same reason reputable firms all turned tail and Donnie was stuck with maniacal has beens like Rudy, Sidney & Lin Wood.
Believe it or not, here's what we're expected to believe: No evidence is presented! That kind of says it all, doesn't it?

NO, jackass, why do you imbeciles lie to yourselves constantly making up shit you want to hear so you can believe it?

No significant evidence was permitted to be presented. In most of the cases, when the attorney's went before the judges to try the cases, the judge looked over the court briefing first and found various tortured technical reasons such as date of filing or by who or about who, etc., and decided outright not to even try the case.

Not one case was dismissed for lack of evidence. A court's declining to hear a case or dismissal of it off the court docket has nothing to do with there being a lack of evidence since the case would have to go forward first and be tried to some extent in order to make that determination in the first place!

By not trying the case, whatever evidence the prosecution had or intended to present was never investigated nor vetted. So the JUDGE had control over the evidence presented, not the prosecution! Which only makes sense since the judge himself is not the trier of facts and relies upon experts, witnesses and testimony between both sides to determine the outcome.
Liar, here's a case that was thrown out due to lack of merit...

They filed a case claiming dead people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.​
The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...​
"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.​
“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.​

Again, they didn't look at any evidence:

The state Republican party issued a statement complaining the appeal was decided on written filings submitted only hours before, and that Trump campaign attorneys didn’t get a chance to make oral arguments before the court. The statement accused the justices of rushing to judgment and failing to adequately consider evidence.
Fucking moron, their case was tossed from the first court because they proved to be incapable of showing the could demonstrate the accusations in their claim. For example, they claimed dead people voted in the election. The judge asked them to demonstrate evidence of that and their evidence turned out to be a list of dead people who were still on the voter rolls. That offered zero evidence of voting in the election.

Lack of merit.

Case dismissed.
Plus, even the trump enabler, Barr was unable to find enough fraud to change the election outcome. He called trump a "deposed King ranting." Ha Ha!

HEY ASSHOLE: You want months or YEARS to "investigate" just how the capitol of the USA could be breached by a few hundred kids taking cellphone snapshots of themselves that you knew were coming for days. You gave Bob Barr just a few weeks to investigate 10,000 documents, 500 witnesses, and 1000 other loose ends across six states.

If you actually SHOWED US a rational answer to all of that you'd be credible; instead, you offer up bogus excuses that because he couldn't put together anything prosecutable in the very limited time window actually afforded election complainants, that "obviously," that proves there was no evidence there to be discovered? :cranky:

You're obviously not concerned about your credibility here.
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387

Another day, another.....
Another day, another.....

View attachment 498387
There's going to be a reckoning, and I reckon that Giuliani isn't going to like it one bit. Feel free to send him money for his defense.
Can't you clowns give it a rest for one day?....Just one?

Right after you clowns stop screaming about "stolen elections".

So basically, never, despite the fact that all the evidence and truth is on our side.
What evidence? I keep hearing people talk about evidence when they're standing at a microphone somewhere, but it's never presented when they're in a court of law. Why do you think that is?
Risk of sanctions and/or disbarment. Same reason reputable firms all turned tail and Donnie was stuck with maniacal has beens like Rudy, Sidney & Lin Wood.
Believe it or not, here's what we're expected to believe: No evidence is presented! That kind of says it all, doesn't it?

NO, jackass, why do you imbeciles lie to yourselves constantly making up shit you want to hear so you can believe it?

No significant evidence was permitted to be presented. In most of the cases, when the attorney's went before the judges to try the cases, the judge looked over the court briefing first and found various tortured technical reasons such as date of filing or by who or about who, etc., and decided outright not to even try the case.

Not one case was dismissed for lack of evidence. A court's declining to hear a case or dismissal of it off the court docket has nothing to do with there being a lack of evidence since the case would have to go forward first and be tried to some extent in order to make that determination in the first place!

By not trying the case, whatever evidence the prosecution had or intended to present was never investigated nor vetted. So the JUDGE had control over the evidence presented, not the prosecution! Which only makes sense since the judge himself is not the trier of facts and relies upon experts, witnesses and testimony between both sides to determine the outcome.
Liar, here's a case that was thrown out due to lack of merit...

They filed a case claiming dead people voted, others voted in Nevada and another state, and many weren't registered to vote.​
The judge threw it out because they had no evidence to demonstrate any of that upon the first motion to dismiss by the defendant...​
"Contestants' claims fail on the merits ... or under any other standard," the judge said in his 35-page ruling.

... so then the plaintiff filed an appeal... ALL 6 Justices ruled unanimously against them and upheld the lower court's ruling.​
“To prevail on this appeal, appellants must demonstrate error of law, findings of fact not supported by substantial evidence or an abuse of discretion in the admission or rejection of evidence by the district court,” the six justices said. “We are not convinced they have done so.”

Like I always say, if conservatives didn't lie, they'd have absolutely nothing to say.​

Again, they didn't look at any evidence:

The state Republican party issued a statement complaining the appeal was decided on written filings submitted only hours before, and that Trump campaign attorneys didn’t get a chance to make oral arguments before the court. The statement accused the justices of rushing to judgment and failing to adequately consider evidence.
Fucking moron, their case was tossed from the first court because they proved to be incapable of showing the could demonstrate the accusations in their claim. For example, they claimed dead people voted in the election. The judge asked them to demonstrate evidence of that and their evidence turned out to be a list of dead people who were still on the voter rolls. That offered zero evidence of voting in the election.

Lack of merit.

Case dismissed.
Plus, even the trump enabler, Barr was unable to find enough fraud to change the election outcome. He called trump a "deposed King ranting." Ha Ha!
Yep! :D

View attachment 498897
Dr. Love says "Look I posted pictures!!" Sad little TDSer....
View attachment 498911
Yeah they're meme stealers too. Absolutely no creativity at all. That's what hatred does to them.

Well, Leo, I don't have to tell you that creativity is a function of individuality, inventiveness, originality, thinking outside the box--- the one thing in this universe that Democrats hate most in a person.

All democrats work off ONE plan, ONE set of talking points, ONE agenda, and they just follow it like sheep.
Well, Leo, I don't have to tell you that creativity is a function of individuality, inventiveness, originality, thinking outside the box--- the one thing in this universe that Democrats hate most in a person.

All democrats work off ONE plan, ONE set of talking points, ONE agenda, and they just follow it like sheep.
Yep they're arrogant, goose-stepping, lazy group thinkers. It's easier to be told what to do and what to think instead of actually searching for alternate points of view and risking blow-back from their lefty comrades.
Well, Leo, I don't have to tell you that creativity is a function of individuality, inventiveness, originality, thinking outside the box--- the one thing in this universe that Democrats hate most in a person.

All democrats work off ONE plan, ONE set of talking points, ONE agenda, and they just follow it like sheep.
Yep they're arrogant, goose-stepping, lazy group thinkers. It's easier to be told what to do and what to think instead of actually searching for alternate points of view and risking blow-back from their lefty comrades.

Just as it is much easier for them to safely stand in line waiting for a handout of a free dime than to go out and work hard off their own laurels risking everything for the reward of earning a buck.

New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct​

What new secret unseen whistleblower did Adam Schiff get to make it up?


You're missing the point, son--- --- THAT SHIP HAS SAILED, Rudy and Trump ARE NO LONGER IN OFFICE. They are now relegated to history along with Hillary and Obumma, Benghazi and emailgate.

You need to GET WITH IT and focus on the CRIMES of the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.
Just as it is much easier for them to safely stand in line waiting for a handout of a free dime than to go out and work hard off their own laurels risking everything for the reward of earning a buck.
Funny though, I have old friends on the left who are hard working folks but live in an area where they are surrounded by other lefties. When I told them I voted for Trump they thought I'd lost my mind. I told them I listened to Trump and tuned in to conservative media as well as CNN, etc. They told me that NPR was their unbiased news source. They thought, and still think, FOX news is far right. LOL That's how out of touch they are. I keep hoping they will eventually open their minds politically and I will continue to speak my mind respectfully to them when the subject of politics comes up.

New Audio Evidence of Trump & Giuliani Corruption and Official Misconduct​

What new secret unseen whistleblower did Adam Schiff get to make it up?

View attachment 499001

You're missing the point, son--- --- THAT SHIP HAS SAILED, Rudy and Trump ARE NO LONGER IN OFFICE. They are now relegated to history along with Hillary and Obumma, Benghazi and emailgate.

You need to GET WITH IT and focus on the CRIMES of the CURRENT ADMINISTRATION.
You're aware, aren't you, that Adam Shiff is Jewish?
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
that hired a foreign national for the principal collect information from other foreign nationals to try and aid her campaign
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
that hired a foreign national for the principal collect information from other foreign nationals to try and aid her campaign

Paul Singer is the Republican billionaire who hates Trump and hired the dossier.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?

Paul Singer was behind the dossier. He hates Trump.

Paul Singer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Born: Aug 22, 1944
His Company Seized a Naval Training Vessel to Settle a Debt with Argentina. Paul Singer was …
Paul Singer Donated Millions to the Republican Party. Singer is extremely adept at using his money …
He Was Threatened by a German CEO During a Vicious Battle for Control of a Company. in 2016, …
He’s Donated over $10 Million to the Gay Rights Movement. Singer has been an instrumental figure …
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?
Nope, he was on Fusion GPS payroll. Sweet, huh?
Fusion GPS was on her payroll.

No one is fooled.
Correct and Fusion GPS is an American firm.
that hired a foreign national for the principal collect information from other foreign nationals to try and aid her campaign

Paul Singer is the Republican billionaire who hates Trump and hired the dossier.
just more lies.

Paul Singer was a client of Fusion GPS, who hired them to gain OR on Trump. He fired them after Trump got the nomination.

Clinton and the DNC then hired Fusion GPS, and after they hired them, they went and hired a foreign national to gather OR from other foreign nationals to create the Dossier.

Just stop lying already. Actually, frankly, I don't think you are lying...that requires are simply repeating false leftist propaganda....a headline you read on CNN....or MSDNC....nope, you aren't lying...just a victim of misinformation.
rudy conducted one, and ukraine conducted one

You just can't stop lying, huh? Again, Rudy asked Ukraine to conduct an investigation.

and the clinton campaign hired a foreigner to conduct one
You're lying about that too. Again, Hillary, who has nothing to do with this btw, hired an American firm.

when steele delivered his report
Looks like you're lying about this too. Post the date she got it or you're lying.

That you can't stop lying reveals just how fragile your position is.
Hillary has everything to do with it. She paid for it. How is that not having something to do with it?
You're lying again. You really should stop because you only hurt your own position. Of course Giuliani asked Ukraine to investigate Biden...

"And all we need… all we need from the President is to say: I'm gonna put an honest prosecutor in charge, he's gonna investigate and dig up the evidence, that presently exists and is there any other evidence about involvement of the 2016 election."

And Hillary has nothing to do with Rudy. You're obviously deflecting to mitigate damage to Rudy.

And dates showing Hillary gained possession of the dossier, as it appears you lied about that too.
No one said Hillary had anything to do with Rudy. She had to do with hiring Christopher Steel. The guy was on her payroll. Hillary gained possession when Fusion GPS hired Christopher Steel.

Who are you trying to fool?

Paul Singer was behind the dossier. He hates Trump.

Paul Singer: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know |
Born: Aug 22, 1944
His Company Seized a Naval Training Vessel to Settle a Debt with Argentina. Paul Singer was …
Paul Singer Donated Millions to the Republican Party. Singer is extremely adept at using his money …
He Was Threatened by a German CEO During a Vicious Battle for Control of a Company. in 2016, …
He’s Donated over $10 Million to the Gay Rights Movement. Singer has been an instrumental figure …
where in your link does it say he hired a foreign national to create the Dossier?


But he does like Meatloaf...and frankly, I can get behind that...Bat Out of Hell is a fantastically fun album
Giuliani is some very serious legal trouble here. When this is combined with all the other likely upcoming charges against Rudy, he'd better get himself the best lawyer he can find because he's sure going to need help staying out of prison.

And in case anyone misses the point, any criminal conspiracy to commit a crime which is planned and executed by a lawyer and his client effectively negates any protections of a lawyer/client privileged and confidential communication.

I certainly hope that Giuliani is fully prepared for when Trump disavows any knowledge of what his lawyer was doing because that's been Trump's MO for decades.

What a read. They sure are a dirty bunch.
Telling the Ukraines to hire a non corrupt prosecutor is a crime to you?
That's not, but trying to get a foreign national to eliminate a political rival is.

Lock him up!
what's the code section?

The only people I know that have actually hired a foreign national to "eliminate" a political rival is the DNC and Clinton when they hired Steele....don't you remember that?
No, I don't remember that. My recollection is that Hillary hired Fusion GPS, an American based firm.
sure and they hired a subcontractor on her behalf...mike steele who worked directly for the campaign to specifically get OR on Trump in foreign countries

fyi Rudy is an american.
Who's Mike Steele and Rudy is bound by the same law as Trump.
There is no law that says an American can't investigate a corrupt government official.

Trump dossier triggered by website funded by Jewish GOP ...

Trump dossier triggered by website funded by Jewish GOP mega-donor Washington Free Beacon, supported by pro-Israel philanthropist Paul Singer, says it retained firm to do opposition research, but..

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