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New Benghazi E-mails Link White House to Doctoring of Talking Points

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Too bad historicity has nothing to do with this thread, or why Obama and his White House lied about the deaths of four men. Bush has zero to do with what we are discussing. If you can't get that through your thick skulls, well, there's not much hope for you.

Paperman, you are done here.

You have no evidence of that, and absent any objective, documented evidence that makes you and others on the right liars.

We do know for a fact that the Bush Administration lied its way into two illegal wars; the objective, documented evidence of that is the Bush Administration itself when it conceded that there were indeed no WMDs and nothing linking Saddam to 9/11.

Once again, for the learning impaired, the emails in question spell it out in detail, and no matter how they spin it, it proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the White House intentionally doctored the facts to make Obama's lies appear to be the truth, to minimize anything that had anything to do with Islamic radicals while putting almost all of the blame on some stupid video.

And this mess in Nigeria is just an example of Obama and Hillary's chickens coming home to roost.

Glad you found the courage to admit that Obama shut the government down....because that's what happened. It was all a joke Obama was playing on us. Nothing essential was shut down. My shop still had to have someone come in to fix broken heating and AC equipment. Of course you feel anyone who works for the government is on welfare. Guess that means Obama is sucking off the government teet himself, never earning a days' pay in his life......thup.....

Whatever, guy.

Point was, you guys thought you could bully this guy into scrapping ObamaCare by shutting down the government, and it blew up in your faces.

Personally, I'd like to have seen him cut everyones paycheck until the Republicans passed a budget. Not just a few symbolic shutdowns. Show people what "no government" really means.

That would shut up you Ayn Rand loving crazies once and for all.

And this mess in Nigeria is just an example of Obama and Hillary's chickens coming home to roost.

Really? Is there anything that isn't Obama's fault?

Hey, I think we found a dream date for you, Mud.

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Of course they may have thought that. It didn't help that the left-leaning media has been pumping anti-American propaganda out to the world non-stop, for the last 14 years. All that does is reinforce their inherent hatred for us anyway.

The American Media was cheerleading the war the whole way, until it turned into a pile of shit. Then they did what they should have done before the war started- actually asking sensible questions like 'Did we have any real evidence Saddam has WMD's?"

It would have been nice if they had asked these questions BEFORE the shooting started.

But a large part of the problem was how Bush conducted the war. Instead of running the same National Guard units through the meatgrinder for the third time, what he should have done was instituted a draft and raised taxes and fought the war like he meant it.

And wasn't the election of Barack Obama supposed to have ended all of this instead of make it worse? Huh? Now we're a joke because we have this clown going around lying to the world, doing selfies instead of acting like a responsible leader. Essentially, nobody is leading the way. Sure as hell isn't America. Were kicking back and watching the chaos. Maybe instigating it whenever possible. I mean, what else is a Community Instigator good for other than starting trouble.

Wow, guy, it only took one Paragraph for you to go "Full ODS" on us.

The real problem is, most of the world doesn't want to follow our leadership anymore. We've kind of abused the privilege.

Seeing as how you're a paper-pusher and not a warrior, if you had ever served in any real combat you'd know that war is fucked up to begin with. If I had the option I'd rip that damned chevron off of your avi, because you don't deserve it. You're one of the worst fakes on this site. As if those SSG stripes give you any sort of credibility.
Too bad historicity has nothing to do with this thread, or why Obama and his White House lied about the deaths of four men. Bush has zero to do with what we are discussing. If you can't get that through your thick skulls, well, there's not much hope for you.

Paperman, you are done here.

You have no evidence of that, and absent any objective, documented evidence that makes you and others on the right liars.

We do know for a fact that the Bush Administration lied its way into two illegal wars; the objective, documented evidence of that is the Bush Administration itself when it conceded that there were indeed no WMDs and nothing linking Saddam to 9/11.

Once again, for the learning impaired, the emails in question spell it out in detail, and no matter how they spin it, it proves, beyond a shadow of doubt, that the White House intentionally doctored the facts to make Obama's lies appear to be the truth, to minimize anything that had anything to do with Islamic radicals while putting almost all of the blame on some stupid video.

And this mess in Nigeria is just an example of Obama and Hillary's chickens coming home to roost.

Yep. They had a chance to label that group as a terrorist one long ago. They didn't...and NOW they're concerned about it...the kidnapping of those girls occurred 3 weeks ago...and now since Michelle Obama has placed a hashtag on it...it is now a cause celeb. It's a distraction. The Democrats know they're going to get their asses hand to them a few short months away.

And this mess in Nigeria is just an example of Obama and Hillary's chickens coming home to roost.

Really? Is there anything that isn't Obama's fault?

Hey, I think we found a dream date for you, Mud.

Another silly video?

As if.

The only way something like that is effective is if I click on it.

Since it's a waste of bandwidth I don't feel inclined to.
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Seeing as how you're a paper-pusher and not a warrior, if you had ever served in any real combat you'd know that war is fucked up to begin with. If I had the option I'd rip that damned chevron off of your avi, because you don't deserve it. You're one of the worst fakes on this site. As if those SSG stripes give you any sort of credibility.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

Okay, let's try again. Bush said that Saddam had WMD's. He didn't.

The GENERALS- guys who saw probably more combat than you did - all said 'Mr. President, this is a terrible idea. We'd need at least 500,000 troops to secure the country." Bush ignored them.

Bush didn't even know what the difference between a Sunni and a Shi'ite was. That became really important later.

Yes, war is often fucked up, but when you go to war based on a lie, over the objections of the professionals and most of our allies, it gets a lot more fucked up a lot faster.

But here's what my real complaint was. The people who pushed for this war- the Neo-Cons, the Zionists, the Oil Companies - their kids weren't going to get anywhere near the fighting. Instead it was going to be some poor working class kid who joined the Army because his parents couldn't put up the house for his college tuition.

If we drafted rich kids to fight this thing, I'll betcha they'd have thought it through a bit more.

Seeing as how you're a paper-pusher and not a warrior, if you had ever served in any real combat you'd know that war is fucked up to begin with. If I had the option I'd rip that damned chevron off of your avi, because you don't deserve it. You're one of the worst fakes on this site. As if those SSG stripes give you any sort of credibility.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

Okay, let's try again. Bush said that Saddam had WMD's. He didn't.

The GENERALS- guys who saw probably more combat than you did - all said 'Mr. President, this is a terrible idea. We'd need at least 500,000 troops to secure the country." Bush ignored them.

Bush didn't even know what the difference between a Sunni and a Shi'ite was. That became really important later.

Yes, war is often fucked up, but when you go to war based on a lie, over the objections of the professionals and most of our allies, it gets a lot more fucked up a lot faster.

But here's what my real complaint was. The people who pushed for this war- the Neo-Cons, the Zionists, the Oil Companies - their kids weren't going to get anywhere near the fighting. Instead it was going to be some poor working class kid who joined the Army because his parents couldn't put up the house for his college tuition.

If we drafted rich kids to fight this thing, I'll betcha they'd have thought it through a bit more.

During Vietnam we did. During WWII we didn't have to force people to fight. They volunteered in droves.

The problem with our wars now is that Congress never wants to declare them anymore. Meaning liberals refuse to go all out. It's always half-measures because they don't like guns or violence or whatever, yet most of time it's the left that resorts to violence while protesting. You're all a bunch of hypocrites.

I think you should step back and look at Iraq, and instead of endlessly repeating lib talking-points, look at how everything went down.

Nope, you can't do that. Mainly because every opinion you have on the subject has been provided for you by a bunch of bastards that only want to use you to destroy this country. Destroy it from within. Your mind is so screwed up you can't even look at anything logically anymore. Your sense of reason went out the window.
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In the case of Iraq, WMDS existence was propagated by democrats. The Iraq Liberation Act was for WMDs was signed by Clinton. The democrats voted for the war and verbally supported it, until it was no longer politically expedient.


Are you trying to blame Democrats for the disaster of Iraq, or give them credit for our success in Iraq?

Which is it?

I gave them credit for backing this country in taking out a tyrant when we liberated the citizens of Iraq.

Of course, you and people like you who wish Saddam was still in power do not hold the democrats responsible for their role for the war in Iraq.

You and puppets like you insist Bush lied. We have showed you over and over again how the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs. I provided you a lengthy report by the UN (UNSCOM) who independently showed that Saddam deliberately lied and misled. Which why their security council voted unanimously for the removal of Saddam. It was a 15-0 vote. Not that you care or even know about it.

All of us have shown you videos of democrats talking about wmds in Iraq before Bush took office. I showed you who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs. We showed you the list of democrats that voted for the war. We also explained to you paradigm shift in how this country was going to deal with perceived threats abroad. A policy that Obama is still carrying out with endless drone strikes.

I do not see any of you....none.....going ape fucking shit about it. In fact I see you all crying over the loss of Saddam, I see you bragging about Obama killing the mythical terrorists (that you called a bumper sticker myth), I see you not holding any democrat to account for the war in Iraq, and all I see are a bunch of brainwashed sheep that parrot the cliches as put forth from a praetorian media.

When you are as hypocritical and pathetic as that, nothing you say is valid. Not one fucking thing.

You fucking people think every fucking lie this piece of shit in chief was no lie at all. You think every scandal is a myth. You are all nothing. Regardless of what you think of yourselves. None of you stand for a thing.
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In the case of Iraq, WMDS existence was propagated by democrats. The Iraq Liberation Act was for WMDs was signed by Clinton. The democrats voted for the war and verbally supported it, until it was no longer politically expedient.


Are you trying to blame Democrats for the disaster of Iraq, or give them credit for our success in Iraq?

Which is it?

I gave them credit for backing this country in taking out a tyrant when we liberated the citizens of Iraq.

Of course, you and people like you who wish Saddam was still in power do not hold the democrats responsible for their role for the war in Iraq.

You and puppets like you insist Bush lied. We have showed you over and over again how the democrats propagated the existence of WMDs. I provided you a lengthy report by the UN (UNSCOM) who independently showed that Saddam deliberately lied and misled. Which why their security council voted unanimously for the removal of Saddam. It was a 15-0 vote. Not that you care or even know about it.

All of us have shown you videos of democrats talking about wmds in Iraq before Bush took office. I showed you who signed the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs. We showed you the list of democrats that voted for the war. We also explained to you paradigm shift in how this country was going to deal with perceived threats abroad. A policy that Obama is still carrying out with endless drone strikes.

I do not see any of you....none.....going ape fucking shit about it. In fact I see you all crying over the loss of Saddam, I see you bragging about Obama killing the mythical terrorists (that you called a bumper sticker myth), I see you not holding any democrat to account for the war in Iraq, and all I see are a bunch of brainwashed sheep that parrot the cliches as put forth from a praetorian media.

When you are as hypocritical and pathetic as that, nothing you say is valid. Not one fucking thing.

You fucking people think every fucking lie this piece of shit in chief was no lie at all. You think every scandal is a myth. You are all nothing. Regardless of what you think of yourselves. None of you stand for a thing.
...except power over others, and will lie to get it.

Seeing as how you're a paper-pusher and not a warrior, if you had ever served in any real combat you'd know that war is fucked up to begin with. If I had the option I'd rip that damned chevron off of your avi, because you don't deserve it. You're one of the worst fakes on this site. As if those SSG stripes give you any sort of credibility.

What does that have to do with anything I said.

Okay, let's try again. Bush said that Saddam had WMD's. He didn't.

The GENERALS- guys who saw probably more combat than you did - all said 'Mr. President, this is a terrible idea. We'd need at least 500,000 troops to secure the country." Bush ignored them.

Bush didn't even know what the difference between a Sunni and a Shi'ite was. That became really important later.

Yes, war is often fucked up, but when you go to war based on a lie, over the objections of the professionals and most of our allies, it gets a lot more fucked up a lot faster.

But here's what my real complaint was. The people who pushed for this war- the Neo-Cons, the Zionists, the Oil Companies - their kids weren't going to get anywhere near the fighting. Instead it was going to be some poor working class kid who joined the Army because his parents couldn't put up the house for his college tuition.

If we drafted rich kids to fight this thing, I'll betcha they'd have thought it through a bit more.

If Bush was lying, then so were Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Hillary, the UN, the EU, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, and virtually the entire world.

Saddam said he had WMDs, he used them on his own people.

Repeating something that you believe to be true is not lying.

Your biased version of history is a pile of steaming horseshit.

During Vietnam we did. During WWII we didn't have to force people to fight. They volunteered in droves.

nope, that's not true. During Vietnam, rich kids avoided the draft by Joining the National Guard (bush and Quayle), getting college deferments(Cheney), getting married (Cheney, gingirch), claiming they had a cyst on their ass (Limbaugh).

Also, WWII had a high level of people trying to avoid the draft. It was just that those who wanted a future in politics felt the need to sign up. And a lot of those guys got cushy assignments.

The problem with our wars now is that Congress never wants to declare them anymore. Meaning liberals refuse to go all out. It's always half-measures because they don't like guns or violence or whatever, yet most of time it's the left that resorts to violence while protesting. You're all a bunch of hypocrites.

That's nice and all, but Neither President Bush asked for a declaration of War against Iraq. can't blame Congress for not giving the President what he didn't ask for.

I think you should step back and look at Iraq, and instead of endlessly repeating lib talking-points, look at how everything went down.

Nope, you can't do that. Mainly because every opinion you have on the subject has been provided for you by a bunch of bastards that only want to use you to destroy this country. Destroy it from within. Your mind is so screwed up you can't even look at anything logically anymore. Your sense of reason went out the window.

Guy, I've been over this. Back in 2003, I was as right-wing as you are. and frankly, what I saw was a media that was all for the war... until we got to Baghdad and found there were no WMD's. And frankly, up until 2008, I still tried to defend Bush.

I honestly wish I could say I was more objectively turned, but what turned me against Bush was not his mismanagement of Iraq or Katrina, but when his incompetence brought down the whole economy and started having an effect on my life.

But on Iraq, I step back and look at it, and frankly what happened was that we were so scared after 9/11 we were willing to lash out at anyone. And Saddam was an easy target for a Bush who was happy to use public anger to get personal revenge.

There was no good reason to go to war with Iraq. Saddam was a bastard, but he wasn't our problem. He didn't have WMD's, he didn't have ties to Al Qaeda, he really didn't even have effective control over about half of his own country, and his military had never fully recovered from the pounding it took in the first Gulf War.

But even if you accept that Saddam was a bad enough actor that he just had to go, the way it was done was screwed up. We didn't go in with enough troops. We disbanded the Iraqi Army and threw out most of the government officials who kept the services running and the lights on because they happened to be members of the Ba'ath Party.

Again, if you want to do comparisons, after WWII, we kept a lot of local officials in place in Germany. We didn't take them out of their jobs because they had been members of the Nazi Party to keep their jobs.

Instead, the country sank into chaos until the Surge, and the Surge was just "Play nice long enough to let us withdraw and then you can do whatever you want to each other."

So now Al Qaeda controls the Sunni areas and Iran controls the Shi'ite areas.

How is this a good thing again?
seems like every other left-wing nutjob here says they used to be on the right; before they lost their mind

If Bush was lying, then so were Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Hillary, the UN, the EU, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, and virtually the entire world.

Saddam said he had WMDs, he used them on his own people.

Repeating something that you believe to be true is not lying.

Your biased version of history is a pile of steaming horseshit.

Major difference between believing something and then recklessly taking action based on that belief without establishing certainty.

Incidently, I think that we should have ended sanctions against Iraq in the 1990's, when it was pretty clear we had gotten 99% of the WMD's that existed before the Gulf War, but a lot of people were making money off a bad status quo.

It was really incumbant on Bush to PROVE that there were WMD's AND that war was the only option he had to get them.

He didn't do that, which is why the UN and the EU and the rest didn't go along with him. But dammit, he had an Army in place, and couldn't wait another six months! We had to go to war RIGHT NOW!
Too bad historicity has nothing to do with this thread, or why Obama and his White House lied about the deaths of four men. Bush has zero to do with what we are discussing. If you can't get that through your thick skulls, well, there's not much hope for you.

Paperman, you are done here.

Guy, you keep ignoring the obvious.

5000 men died in Iraq over a lie. Bush said Saddam had WMD's, he didn't.

That was further complicated by such issues as Halliburton making obscene profits off the war, the fact that intelligence was specifically ignored or downplayed that indicated Saddam didn't have WMD's, that the troops were sent in with inadequate body armor and inadequately armored vehicles. That Bush ignored both his generals and our allies, all of whom said this was a really bad idea.

And you wingnuts pretty much defended this idiot to the hilt.

But oh my Gosh, Obama's White House changed "Attacks" to "Demonstrations" and their response considered other riots over the video as being a factor and something that needed to be addressed.

No, I have a laser like focus on reality, Joe. What's obvious here is that Bush is the only thing on your mind. I really don't care what you thought of Bush, nor do I care what he did all those years ago. And I'm not defending Bush, I'm simply tired of debating your non sequiturs.

Here's the facts, Joe. Obama and his White House lied. They fixed the talking points to suit a political narrative. Either you accept that fact or you can put me on your ignore list. Preferably, I would love it if you did. You're annoying.
seems like every other left-wing nutjob here says they used to be on the right; before they lost their mind

Um, yeah.

Which is how your party has gone from winning 49 state sweeps to not winning an honest election in 24 years.

Just saying.

You do get this, right, that you guys are losing the room?

In the case of Iraq, WMDS existence was propagated by democrats. The Iraq Liberation Act was for WMDs was signed by Clinton. The democrats voted for the war and verbally supported it, until it was no longer politically expedient.


Are you trying to blame Democrats for the disaster of Iraq, or give them credit for our success in Iraq?

Which is it?

You want to take credit for killing OBL, but saddle Bush with the fact he started those two wars on a 'lie.' Carbine, thy name is double standard.

If Bush was lying, then so were Clinton, Kerry, Gore, Hillary, the UN, the EU, France, Germany, Japan, Spain, and virtually the entire world.

Saddam said he had WMDs, he used them on his own people.

Repeating something that you believe to be true is not lying.

Your biased version of history is a pile of steaming horseshit.

Major difference between believing something and then recklessly taking action based on that belief without establishing certainty.

Incidently, I think that we should have ended sanctions against Iraq in the 1990's, when it was pretty clear we had gotten 99% of the WMD's that existed before the Gulf War, but a lot of people were making money off a bad status quo.

It was really incumbant on Bush to PROVE that there were WMD's AND that war was the only option he had to get them.

He didn't do that, which is why the UN and the EU and the rest didn't go along with him. But dammit, he had an Army in place, and couldn't wait another six months! We had to go to war RIGHT NOW!

were you in the mental institution during that time? you must have been because you have no idea about what really happened.

yes, Iraq was a stupid waste of american lives and money, But, both parties authorized and funded it, both parties believed the bad intel.

you guys call Bush an idiot and then say he was so brilliant that he was able to fool the entire world into a war. :cuckoo:
I think the GOP should beat Benghazi to death. I mean, it's what the American people want, right?
Joe has tried for almost 2 weeks to derail this thread. He failed. But I must admire his tenacity. But even people like him can be broken.
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