New Bud Light Brand Ambassador, trans Dylan Mulvaney


On the left: tee shirt, bikini bottoms, no accessories.

On the right: full on Audrey Hepburn gear, including GLOVES. Who wears gloves these days unless it's winter?

I'm gonna say that real men know if you have to try that hard all the time, you're no where near a real woman. And I never leave the house without at least a little makeup on.
Ain't nuthin better than Old Leg Humper!



Okay this made me laugh out loud.

Also, I hate the taste of hops, so stouts and porters are the only beers I will think about drinking. If they have the "girly crap" in them like vanilla, mocha, coconut--all the better. :)
Especially when most of their best customers look like THIS:

FWIW hubby hates Bud Light. He says is tastes like crap and gives him a headache. Idk because I only drink dark beer on occasion--I prefer wine. You know, like girls often do (I also know real women like beer too!)
I don't like Budweiser anyway. Miller genuine draft and Miller lite is much better.

If I did drink Budweiser I'd drop that shit faster than a jack rabbit gets screwed after they promoted that guy.

Speculation is that he is not "really" trans, but an failed actor whose other gigs never got him the attention he craves.

So idk....

It isn't speculation he says he is a tranny. He says he is.

But with that said he isn't really a tranny. He is a dramatic fag, and nothing else. he is so desperate for attention he has his persona he uses when others are watching so he gets attention. No genuine person acts like he does, he isn't a real persona.

Way before he told everyone he was a tranny this is him.

He is cartoonishly fake when the cameras are on. He is a desperate attention whore to the point he isn't even a real person. He is a caricature of a person.
Ain't nuthin better than Old Leg Humper!

Many years ago, my buddy had a big black male doberman named Rommel, who was also nicknamed Big Boy. One day we were sitting watching TV drinking beer and there was a commercial on TV for Old Milwaukee beer on the set and Rommel came in looking for pets and laughingly, I suggested a new beer with a picture of his face on the label named "Old Shithead" and we bust out laughing.

The dog somehow knew we were laughing at him, got the most insulted look on his face you ever saw and walked right back out.
Here is a company attempting overtly to tick off their customer base. This shyster is celebrating "365 days of girlhood". Sure. Sure you are.

Girls don't have penises. Dylan.

Feeling triggered, are ya? :lol:

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