New CBS News/YouGov Poll: 71% of Americans Feel Either ‘Scared’ or ‘Angry’ About the Direction of the Nation under Biden

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
If this is the case then it proves the midterms were stolen by fraud. Americans wouldn't have voted for the same politicians if they were scared and worried about the direction the country was headed under the Usurper.

If this is the case then it proves the midterms were stolen by fraud. Americans wouldn't have voted for the same politicians if they were scared and worried about the direction the country was headed under the Usurper.

70% of the country is about to have a nervous breakdown regarding it's leadership

That is what you call ballot harvesting democracy in action!
We had similar polls in the Summer of 22. Republicans read them and did a Victory Dance predicting a “Red Wave” in the November election.
Problem is……Voters did not blame Democrats for the state of the economy and Republican hopes crashed
We had similar polls in the Summer of 22. Republicans read them and did a Victory Dance predicting a “Red Wave” in the November election.
Problem is……Voters did not blame Democrats for the state of the economy and Republican hopes crashed
There are no Swamp waves, but they keep getting elected anyway.
LOL....I don't skeer easy but I sure got the angry part covered. ;)
We exist in a failed system exasperated by a failed government repeating the same mistakes , while selling it as a fix to it's constituency

Once recognized for what it is, it doesn't matter who's POTUS

Jesus , if elected, would sprout horns if in office

I definitely fall into the angry category because it pisses me off to see what is happening to my country and our society.

But I also am scared a little bit to see the direction we're heading into with the current administration and the fact the world economic forum is standing behind them with their hand on the wheel.

If we have to do things this way much longer it may be too late. I know I will never again see the America I spent the first 30 years of my life with, the past 2 or 3 years it's changed too much too fast. And that makes me sad.
I definitely fall into the angry category because it pisses me off to see what is happening to my country and our society.
You're far from alone Resnic

But it's who we're angry at, that is the crux of all issues

If this is the case then it proves the midterms were stolen by fraud. Americans wouldn't have voted for the same politicians if they were scared and worried about the direction the country was headed under the Usurper.

Yeah we heard this stolen by fraud narrative before, it's getting hackneyed and boring especially when you haven't provided a shred of evidence for any fraud at all. So besides whinging that your Chumps got beaten again let's see if you can man up enough to show us what you've got. You won't because you aren't.
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