New Christendom

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Jesus Christ calls the Western Christian Nation to rebuild its ancestral homeland -- Christendom. This is His vision and command, and our destiny, if we dare. To map out our future, we must turn to our past. The story of Medieval Europe, retold in modern context, is the narrative we must believe and realize in decisive action.


Is that what he told you? Because He told me that everything was cool and to quit bugging people about religion. He also ranted and raved about how we should ignore anything that happened in Medieval Europe. Why do you think he told us different things? That damn JC, he loves fucking with us, doesn’t he.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

The expiration date was the day America elected Barak Hussien Obama, The Black Avenger, to the U.S. Presidency. On that fateful day, the Non-White, pagan world declared war on White Christian America. There's no recovery from it. There's no turning back. There's no future but holy war.
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

Your naivete will cost you your head, and the heads of your family-members. Wake up.

The question is, who will take their head? The pagans and "mud races"? Or your bunch?

The Heathen, of course....
Jesus Christ calls the Western Christian Nation to rebuild its ancestral homeland -- Christendom. This is His vision and command, and our destiny, if we dare. To map out our future, we must turn to our past. The story of Medieval Europe, retold in modern context, is the narrative we must believe and realize in decisive action.


Is that what he told you? Because He told me that everything was cool and to quit bugging people about religion. He also ranted and raved about how we should ignore anything that happened in Medieval Europe. Why do you think he told us different things? That damn JC, he loves fucking with us, doesn’t he.

Ha, ha.... Very funny.... You, Sir, are nobody's solution to anything. Keep stalking turkeys.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Can you not see that your requirement for only white people is at odds with your claim to Christianity? Jesus Christ himself would be excluded from your "utopia".

This was the kind of Christianity Europeans practiced until very recently, in relative, historical terms.

Excluding Jesus? If you say so.

But then, the church in the Dark Ages was more about power and manipulating the masses than it was about saving souls. In that particular area, you are indeed imitating the Dark Ages.

You couldn't be more incorrect. The Church forged a Christian Civilization -- the very foundation of modern Europe. Be careful what you think and say. Protestantism used the Bible as a justification for slavery in America. Be careful.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

White Christians will not take the option I offer them, as long as they enjoy the material comforts of their middle-class lifestyle. Once The Heathen steals their property and drives them into the streets, homeless, flat broke, totally destitute, they will fight back, and it'll be along the lines of race and religion. Of course, if they'll simply listen to me now, I can spare them such misery.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Then how is that middle age Christianity?

ALL White Christians must imitate the zeal, the unity, the dedication of Medieval Christians, in saving the Christian West today. For this specific, colossal crusade, forget about denominational differences. Focus on what we have in common: Christianity, our European-ethnicity, and a severe, existential crisis.

Christianity has never been euro-centric. Christ commanded the Gospel be taken to all the world, every people, language, and people
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

Your naivete will cost you your head, and the heads of your family-members. Wake up.

My faith in Christ will ensure that my family lives forever
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

Your naivete will cost you your head, and the heads of your family-members. Wake up.

The question is, who will take their head? The pagans and "mud races"? Or your bunch?
I doubt it will be his bunch.

I’m fairly we can defend ourselves against a few dozen people, if that many

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

White Christians will not take the option I offer them, as long as they enjoy the material comforts of their middle-class lifestyle. Once The Heathen steals their property and drives them into the streets, homeless, flat broke, totally destitute, they will fight back, and it'll be along the lines of race and religion. Of course, if they'll simply listen to me now, I can spare them such misery.

Why should anyone listen to you? I don’t recall God calling you. Or giving you any authority.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

The expiration date was the day America elected Barak Hussien Obama, The Black Avenger, to the U.S. Presidency. On that fateful day, the Non-White, pagan world declared war on White Christian America. There's no recovery from it. There's no turning back. There's no future but holy war.

Awwww, did having a black president hurt your feelings?

He won the election. That is how it works. Get over it.
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

Your naivete will cost you your head, and the heads of your family-members. Wake up.

The question is, who will take their head? The pagans and "mud races"? Or your bunch?

The Heathen, of course....

I haven’t seen the heathens threatening to run people out.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Can you not see that your requirement for only white people is at odds with your claim to Christianity? Jesus Christ himself would be excluded from your "utopia".

This was the kind of Christianity Europeans practiced until very recently, in relative, historical terms.

Excluding Jesus? If you say so.

But then, the church in the Dark Ages was more about power and manipulating the masses than it was about saving souls. In that particular area, you are indeed imitating the Dark Ages.

You couldn't be more incorrect. The Church forged a Christian Civilization -- the very foundation of modern Europe. Be careful what you think and say. Protestantism used the Bible as a justification for slavery in America. Be careful.

The Catholic Church used the Bible and the church as a political weapon.

And the fact that your racial biases would exclude Jesus himself speaks volumes.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

White Christians will not take the option I offer them, as long as they enjoy the material comforts of their middle-class lifestyle. Once The Heathen steals their property and drives them into the streets, homeless, flat broke, totally destitute, they will fight back, and it'll be along the lines of race and religion. Of course, if they'll simply listen to me now, I can spare them such misery.

They won’t take your option because most of them are not blatant racists, because most understand that what you propose is not Christian, and because most believe in the US Constitution.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

White Christians will not take the option I offer them, as long as they enjoy the material comforts of their middle-class lifestyle. Once The Heathen steals their property and drives them into the streets, homeless, flat broke, totally destitute, they will fight back, and it'll be along the lines of race and religion. Of course, if they'll simply listen to me now, I can spare them such misery.

Cool. Where can I sign up for this holy war? Is there a dress code? Do I have to wear a uniform or armband? Should I get a haircut? Can I still eat Mexican food? Will there be any beer? I like beer, my friends like beer, I drink beer, my friends drink beer. Sometimes a lot. Sometimes too much, so kill me. Will there be any raping and pillaging like in the good old days? How much does it cost to join? Do you take credit cards?

And when can I start hacking the heathen hordes to pieces before its too late for decent Christian white folk?
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ALL White Christians must imitate the zeal, the unity, the dedication of Medieval Christians, in saving the Christian West today. For this specific, colossal crusade, forget about denominational differences. Focus on what we have in common: Christianity, our European-ethnicity, and a severe, existential crisis.

And while we're 'imitating the zeal, the unity, the dedication of Medieval Christians' should we also bring back that political and economic system? You know, when Kings thought they ruled by "Divine Right", and the common Christian man was treated no better than cattle by his Christian overlords?

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

White Christians will not take the option I offer them, as long as they enjoy the material comforts of their middle-class lifestyle. Once The Heathen steals their property and drives them into the streets, homeless, flat broke, totally destitute, they will fight back, and it'll be along the lines of race and religion. Of course, if they'll simply listen to me now, I can spare them such misery.

Cool. Where can I sign up for this holy war? Is there a dress code? Do I have to wear a uniform or armband? Should I get a haircut? Can I still eat Mexican food? Will there be any beer? I like beer, my friends like beer, I drink beer, my friends drink beer. Sometimes a lot. Sometimes too much, so kill me. Will there be any raping and pillaging like in the good old days? How much does it cost to join? Do you take credit cards?

And when can I start hacking the heathen hordes to pieces before its too late for decent Christian white folk?

It won't be funny when SHTF.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Then how is that middle age Christianity?

ALL White Christians must imitate the zeal, the unity, the dedication of Medieval Christians, in saving the Christian West today. For this specific, colossal crusade, forget about denominational differences. Focus on what we have in common: Christianity, our European-ethnicity, and a severe, existential crisis.

Christianity has never been euro-centric. Christ commanded the Gospel be taken to all the world, every people, language, and people

That didn't begin to happen in a lasting way until the Age of Exploration and Colonization. Think about how much energy God invested in Christian Europe, for so very long, prior to that. Btw, what are you doing to civilize Minnesota's massive population of Somali cannibals?

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

White Christians will not take the option I offer them, as long as they enjoy the material comforts of their middle-class lifestyle. Once The Heathen steals their property and drives them into the streets, homeless, flat broke, totally destitute, they will fight back, and it'll be along the lines of race and religion. Of course, if they'll simply listen to me now, I can spare them such misery.

Why should anyone listen to you? I don’t recall God calling you. Or giving you any authority.

Because I'm pointing out the OBVIOUS.... Believe me, you'll be among us, when the time comes. You're presently deluded by our middle-class, material comforts. That'll change when you lose everything, and you're driven into the street, along with your family.
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White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.

The expiration date was the day America elected Barak Hussien Obama, The Black Avenger, to the U.S. Presidency. On that fateful day, the Non-White, pagan world declared war on White Christian America. There's no recovery from it. There's no turning back. There's no future but holy war.

Awwww, did having a black president hurt your feelings?

He won the election. That is how it works. Get over it.

And he sought revenge, immediately and throughout his entire, miserable tenure. Were my feelings hurt? No. In fact, I owe Obama a huge debt of gratitude. He gave my life renewed purpose. I now live to fight everything he did, stood for and lied about. I want to belong to whatever force erases him from history. I want everyone who supported him incarcerated in concentration camps.
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