New Christendom

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The White Christian Nation is under direct assault by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world. Everywhere on Planet Earth we are despised, hunted and oppressed. Whenever circumstances permit, we are openly slaughtered, as if White blood is cheaper than dirt. Face it, White Christian Nation -- we are doomed, if we don't start fighting back. Our days are numbered. Worse yet: our enemies today take us for granted. They're charged with an over-confidence which hurls them at us with greater ferocity every day. And the Cultural Marxist Regime under which we live, entices them to do so, employing the world's richest spoils-system. They're emboldened by the certainty that the Bolshevik-Jew-media, Democratic Party, and the entertainment and publishing industries in the U.S. will heap praise upon them, and influence local politicians throughout the country to give them free-reign to run amok in our cities, openly attacking us and destroying our property. What will they do next? Will they round us up and incarcerate us in concentration camps, and/or stand us before firing squads?

Our only recourse is tenacious resistance, beginning NOW.

The White Christian Nation is under direct assault ... by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world.

what makes you think "all white" are on your side -

the melting pot is a diverse cauldron in this country, USA if that is what you are referring to. have you considered the blending of all races would be better than an Earth where each country is specific to a race - move to Japan those people will never on their own be anything but the race they, like you adhere to.

blending the races together in this country could be a way to reach a tranquility somewhere that otherwise for planet Earth will lead to endless conflicts and wars you are passionately advocating. too bad for you.

If you're White, pray that you die before the Dark Horde assumes total control. Indeed, pray that you die well before then. In relative terms, we don't have much time.
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I wonder how many of you are arguing with me just to be popular here. It's cool these days to be liberal, progressive, seemingly sophisticated. Deep down, however, most people will do almost anything to survive. THAT is when and where the real you will emerge -- when your neck is on the line.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Then how is that middle age Christianity?
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Can you not see that your requirement for only white people is at odds with your claim to Christianity? Jesus Christ himself would be excluded from your "utopia".
I wonder how many of you are arguing with me just to be popular here. It's cool these days to be liberal, progressive, seemingly sophisticated. Deep down, however, most people will do almost anything to survive. THAT is when and where the real you will emerge -- when your neck is on the line.

When (if?) my neck is on the line, I want people I can trust. That has nothing to do with the color of their skin.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.
All Europeans? Even the black ones?


The White Christian Nation is under direct assault by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world. Everywhere on Planet Earth we are despised, hunted and oppressed. Whenever circumstances permit, we are openly slaughtered, as if White blood is cheaper than dirt. Face it, White Christian Nation -- we are doomed, if we don't start fighting back. Our days are numbered. Worse yet: our enemies today take us for granted. They're charged with an over-confidence which hurls them at us with greater ferocity every day. And the Cultural Marxist Regime under which we live, entices them to do so, employing the world's richest spoils-system. They're emboldened by the certainty that the Bolshevik-Jew-media, Democratic Party, and the entertainment and publishing industries in the U.S. will heap praise upon them, and influence local politicians throughout the country to give them free-reign to run amok in our cities, openly attacking us and destroying our property. What will they do next? Will they round us up and incarcerate us in concentration camps, and/or stand us before firing squads?

Our only recourse is tenacious resistance, beginning NOW.

The White Christian Nation is under direct assault ... by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world.

what makes you think "all white" are on your side -

the melting pot is a diverse cauldron in this country, USA if that is what you are referring to. have you considered the blending of all races would be better than an Earth where each country is specific to a race - move to Japan those people will never on their own be anything but the race they, like you adhere to.

blending the races together in this country could be a way to reach a tranquility somewhere that otherwise for planet Earth will lead to endless conflicts and wars you are passionately advocating. too bad for you.

If you're White, pray that you die before the Dark Horde assumes total control. Indeed, pray that you die well before then. In relative terms, we don't have much time.

While there is still some time, should we avoid getting a tan or eating salsa?
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.



Dominion theology is a group of christian ( see: evangelical cult) political ideologies that seek to institute a nation governed by Christians based on their personal understandings of biblical law

It's well-intended, but dangerous. For every Christian and Bible on Planet Earth, there is a different interpretation of the Bible. History serves as a much clearer guide-post.


not for gays or atheists....or non-christian religions.....

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




People who are freed in Christ are not being oppressed regardless of who controls a nation.

The Spirit of God is a Spirit of Liberty

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




And your lily white “Christians” never hang up on people? Never get into people’s private lives? Never oppress people and try to force them to live like the Christians think they should.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Then how is that middle age Christianity?

ALL White Christians must imitate the zeal, the unity, the dedication of Medieval Christians, in saving the Christian West today. For this specific, colossal crusade, forget about denominational differences. Focus on what we have in common: Christianity, our European-ethnicity, and a severe, existential crisis.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Can you not see that your requirement for only white people is at odds with your claim to Christianity? Jesus Christ himself would be excluded from your "utopia".

This was the kind of Christianity Europeans practiced until very recently, in relative, historical terms.
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

Your naivete will cost you your head, and the heads of your family-members. Wake up.

White Christians the world-over know they're an oppressed people today. Their daily lives confirm that fact. They know they have to be careful about what they say and do around Non-Whites and pagans, they whose overall presence increases constantly. These people, whom they have to tolerate, are superficially polite -- actually fake through-and-through -- while harboring deep down an intense hatred for Whites. When conflicts of any kind erupt, Non-Whites immediately band together and gang up on the White in question. Their true feelings surface quickly, as they rally to crush the White, and threaten the entire social setting with racial hostility.

Fellow White-employees and supervisors, fearing Equality Opportunity complaints, soon thereafter side with the Non-Whites. The White disputant is punished. He becomes the proverbial sacrificial lamb, simply to keep the peace, to placate the barbarians, to save the jobs and careers of his fellow Whites. Guilty or innocent, he loses. He is forced to accept the blame, swallow his pride, and suffer humiliation and continued repression.

Such miscarriages of popular "justice" happen every minute of every day, throughout the entire Western world. They mark the degree to which White Christians have cowered before The Cultural Marxist Regime in power, and have ultimately resigned themselves to slow suicide.




The good news is that the US Constitution forbids what you want.

Civil war in America is inevitable anyway. The Constitution can't stop it. Every day, the Constitution becomes increasingly irrelevant.

I think you will find more resistance than you think when you want to throw away the Constitution. Many of us consider our vow to protect & defend the US Constitution to be serious. And there was no expiration date on that vow.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.

Can you not see that your requirement for only white people is at odds with your claim to Christianity? Jesus Christ himself would be excluded from your "utopia".

This was the kind of Christianity Europeans practiced until very recently, in relative, historical terms.

Excluding Jesus? If you say so.

But then, the church in the Dark Ages was more about power and manipulating the masses than it was about saving souls. In that particular area, you are indeed imitating the Dark Ages.
I don’t know all things, but one thing the Lord has made plain to me is that He loves all His Children. Even the ones I might not like, that I might not notice, and ones that are different than me.

He loves them and He is teaching us to love them also

Your naivete will cost you your head, and the heads of your family-members. Wake up.

The question is, who will take their head? The pagans and "mud races"? Or your bunch?
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