New Christendom

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Snow Man, why the hell do SOMALIS need to live in MINNESOTA? Where's your pride, Man? Yours is a beautiful natural setting, up north, in WHITE MAN'S COUNTRY, and you naive people ruined it all by going out of your way to import thousands of SOMALI CANNIBALS. What's wrong with you guys?

Cannibals? LMAO!!! Too funny.
How many Moslems did you hug today, Limey? I bet you love those Moslem immigrants. We'll try to save you, if there's time.

Man, you're dense. Limey? I live In Rhode Island. Remember?

New Christendom

You could call me a Yankee, except that would be a personal insult. I'm a Red Sox fan. No hugs for Muslims today, but I did shake a Muslim's hand today. The guy who runs the store where I buy the Providence Sunday Journal was back from his vacation. Unlike if I were to shake your hand, Nathan, I saw no need to count my fingers afterwards. If it were you Nathan, I would have to.
Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Yeah, and while you're doing that, my tribe will SAVE YOU, from neo-barbarians who would love to rip you limb from limb.

You don’t have a tribe.

God has promised that He will fight for His Saints

You don't know history, and lack general life-knowledge. For all I know, you could be a kid.

I suspect I’ve more experience studying history than you do since most of my undergrad was history

Yet you don't know a damned thing about the European Middle Ages. You can't connect that colossal fight for Christendom to our present predicament. You deserve a refund. You didn't learn the most important lessons. Let me see. Hmmm.... You're from Minnesota. That says a lot. Let me guess -- you specialized in Somali history. I know you dopes up there think it's cool to elect asshats such as Stewart Smally to represent you, and import as many Somali cannibals as you can shake out of the bush in Africa. WAKE UP, SNOW MAN.
Yet you don't know a damned thing about the European Middle Ages. You can't connect that colossal fight for Christendom to our present predicament.

You can't connect that colossal fight for Christendom ...

which colossal fight might that have been -

are you saying the dark ages of Europe were not dominated by r c christianity as that being the reason for the descriptive, moribund environment that was given the very title "The Dark Ages" ... you go about strangely what many christians most likely do lament with you as their time of domination they yearn for in its return. sortof viral, your being the example of that times justified failure.

Yeah, and while you're doing that, my tribe will SAVE YOU, from neo-barbarians who would love to rip you limb from limb.

You don’t have a tribe.

God has promised that He will fight for His Saints

You don't know history, and lack general life-knowledge. For all I know, you could be a kid.

I suspect I’ve more experience studying history than you do since most of my undergrad was history

Yet you don't know a damned thing about the European Middle Ages. You can't connect that colossal fight for Christendom to our present predicament. You deserve a refund. You didn't learn the most important lessons. Let me see. Hmmm.... You're from Minnesota. That says a lot. Let me guess -- you specialized in Somali history. I know you dopes up there think it's cool to elect asshats such as Stewart Smally to represent you, and import as many Somali cannibals as you can shake out of the bush in Africa. WAKE UP, SNOW MAN.
Yet you don't know a damned thing about the European Middle Ages. You can't connect that colossal fight for Christendom to our present predicament.

You can't connect that colossal fight for Christendom ...

which colossal fight might that have been -

are you saying the dark ages of Europe were not dominated by r c christianity as that being the reason for the descriptive, moribund environment that was given the very title "The Dark Ages" ... you go about strangely what many christians most likely do lament with you as their time of domination they yearn for in its return. sortof viral, your being the example of that times justified failure.

The Catholic Church built Western Europe, and civilized it in the process. Without that great effort, that masterful achievement, there would have been no Modern Europe. Christians who "lament" this period are woefully ignorant of the history of their own religion.
Snow Man, why the hell do SOMALIS need to live in MINNESOTA? Where's your pride, Man? Yours is a beautiful natural setting, up north, in WHITE MAN'S COUNTRY, and you naive people ruined it all by going out of your way to import thousands of SOMALI CANNIBALS. What's wrong with you guys?

Cannibals? LMAO!!! Too funny.

We have to fight for our survival, WB. We're dying off.
Snow Man, why the hell do SOMALIS need to live in MINNESOTA? Where's your pride, Man? Yours is a beautiful natural setting, up north, in WHITE MAN'S COUNTRY, and you naive people ruined it all by going out of your way to import thousands of SOMALI CANNIBALS. What's wrong with you guys?

Cannibals? LMAO!!! Too funny.

We have to fight for our survival, WB. We're dying off.

Who is fighting for survival?

And the fact that you think someone is fighting for survival does not explain your claim that there are Somali Cannibals living in Minnesota.
I'm sickened by the absence of White Nationalists here.

You know what sickens me? The idea that some people judge someone by the color of their skin. I get that you can hate someone who did something. But to hold everyone of that color responsible, and to give everyone of another color a blanket benefit of the doubt is disgusting.

I am all about the individual. I know fine people of every color and dangerous idiots of every color.
Snow Man, why the hell do SOMALIS need to live in MINNESOTA? Where's your pride, Man? Yours is a beautiful natural setting, up north, in WHITE MAN'S COUNTRY, and you naive people ruined it all by going out of your way to import thousands of SOMALI CANNIBALS. What's wrong with you guys?

Cannibals? LMAO!!! Too funny.

We have to fight for our survival, WB. We're dying off.

So you are fighting for Roman Catholicism?
By 2042, Whites will be a minority in America.

I'm not worried about it. I once read a story that reported that 80% of the people living in NYC were minorities. For some mysterious reason the 20% of whites living in the city were not considered a minority even though 80% is a majority.

So chillax. When 2042 comes around and the minorities become the majority you probably won't notice either.

Even so, if you really think thats what's going to happen, shouldn't you be working on your social skills instead of building a bunker?

Seriously. Who is going to believe that you are the superior race if you can't handle a little diversity? Some battle cry. You sound like an insecure coward trying to compensate for deep seated feelings of inadequacy.

either that or you are just pulling everyone's chain.
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The White Christian Nation is under direct assault by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world. Everywhere on Planet Earth we are despised, hunted and oppressed. Whenever circumstances permit, we are openly slaughtered, as if White blood is cheaper than dirt. Face it, White Christian Nation -- we are doomed, if we don't start fighting back. Our days are numbered. Worse yet: our enemies today take us for granted. They're charged with an over-confidence which hurls them at us with greater ferocity every day. And the Cultural Marxist Regime under which we live, entices them to do so, employing the world's richest spoils-system. They're emboldened by the certainty that the Bolshevik-Jew-media, Democratic Party, and the entertainment and publishing industries in the U.S. will heap praise upon them, and influence local politicians throughout the country to give them free-reign to run amok in our cities, openly attacking us and destroying our property. What will they do next? Will they round us up and incarcerate us in concentration camps, and/or stand us before firing squads?

Our only recourse is tenacious resistance, beginning NOW.


The White Christian Nation is under direct assault by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world. Everywhere on Planet Earth we are despised, hunted and oppressed. Whenever circumstances permit, we are openly slaughtered, as if White blood is cheaper than dirt. Face it, White Christian Nation -- we are doomed, if we don't start fighting back. Our days are numbered. Worse yet: our enemies today take us for granted. They're charged with an over-confidence which hurls them at us with greater ferocity every day. And the Cultural Marxist Regime under which we live, entices them to do so, employing the world's richest spoils-system. They're emboldened by the certainty that the Bolshevik-Jew-media, Democratic Party, and the entertainment and publishing industries in the U.S. will heap praise upon them, and influence local politicians throughout the country to give them free-reign to run amok in our cities, openly attacking us and destroying our property. What will they do next? Will they round us up and incarcerate us in concentration camps, and/or stand us before firing squads?

Our only recourse is tenacious resistance, beginning NOW.


In other countries, lots of people are slaughtered for having different religious beliefs. But you only worry about the Christians. How very......Christian of you.

As for within the US, we have finally taken away the veto power of Christians. For most of this nation’s history, Christians have stamped out virtually all who disagreed with them. From degrading school curriculums to having Blue Laws, Christians have enjoyed favored status from our federal, state & local governments. Now, when that favored status is removed, you claim to be oppressed? What a joke.


The White Christian Nation is under direct assault by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world. Everywhere on Planet Earth we are despised, hunted and oppressed. Whenever circumstances permit, we are openly slaughtered, as if White blood is cheaper than dirt. Face it, White Christian Nation -- we are doomed, if we don't start fighting back. Our days are numbered. Worse yet: our enemies today take us for granted. They're charged with an over-confidence which hurls them at us with greater ferocity every day. And the Cultural Marxist Regime under which we live, entices them to do so, employing the world's richest spoils-system. They're emboldened by the certainty that the Bolshevik-Jew-media, Democratic Party, and the entertainment and publishing industries in the U.S. will heap praise upon them, and influence local politicians throughout the country to give them free-reign to run amok in our cities, openly attacking us and destroying our property. What will they do next? Will they round us up and incarcerate us in concentration camps, and/or stand us before firing squads?

Our only recourse is tenacious resistance, beginning NOW.

The White Christian Nation is under direct assault ... by the Non-White, Communist, pagan world.

what makes you think "all white" are on your side -

the melting pot is a diverse cauldron in this country, USA if that is what you are referring to. have you considered the blending of all races would be better than an Earth where each country is specific to a race - move to Japan those people will never on their own be anything but the race they, like you adhere to.

blending the races together in this country could be a way to reach a tranquility somewhere that otherwise for planet Earth will lead to endless conflicts and wars you are passionately advocating. too bad for you.
Nathan why haven’t you answered? Are you fighting for Roman Catholicism?

Of course not.... The RCC is global, multi-cultural, with the majority of its adherents located in Latin America. I am Catholic. That's my personal faith, but my cause is much bigger than that. We have to rise above denominational differences, and unite as White Christians. By "White" I mean all Europeans.
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