New Christendom

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What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

The Heathen scoffs at the mere suggestion that the White Christian Nation is incapable of organizing itself, marshaling combat power, and launching a war of liberation and eventual conquest throughout the West today. The Heathen deludes himself into thinking that he possesses all power, in this aberrant world of ours. Of course he is wrong -- dead-wrong. Indeed, we are the proverbial "sleeping giant" which will soon wake up and strike terror into The Heathen's black heart. The future is ours. Arise, White Christian Nation. Arise. Your God beckons you to the battlefield.



What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

They can afford to think that way now. By 2042, Whites will be a minority in America. When we become another South Africa, they'll view my thinking differently. And do you really believe I'm that deranged, when my beliefs essentially parallel those of the POTUS? You've swallowed way too much Political Correctness.

Yes, you are deranged and the POTUS is an unprincipled treasonous moron. And we will never be like South Africa unless we undo progress made in advancing the cause of equality and justice for all and make racially biased laws that discriminate and marginalize people according to the color of their skin.

If you are going to denigrate, marginalize, and persecute other people based on race and incite others to hate their neighbors why would you be surprised if spear chuckers payed you back in your own coin one day honkey?

You want a better America? Strive to become a better person.
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What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.
It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

When that moment arrives -

that moment has been the norm ...


It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet ...

like christianity, the evil is the least disturbed and seldom set asunder.

What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

The truth doesn’t scare me. It sets me free.

You don’t know my beliefs. But I can tell you when God gathers all together into one in Christ, there will be saints of many colors, ethnicities, and nations united in one body.
The Western Christian Nation is God
Where did Jesus say this?

Wherever He spoke of the Paraclete, He who stewarded Western Christian Man to greatness, and He who now tries so desperately to awaken us from our delirium. God reveals Himself in history.

Can you try that in English? Maybe in a specific scripture or revelation?

Scripture is full of references to holy war. Read Joshua, for starters. More importantly, history is our guide, just as much as the Bible. If one limits himself to the Bible, he's doomed by the confusion it inevitably creates.
No, it is absurd to say that history should be our guide, when mankind has consistently screwed up, since almost Day One. I'm wondering if you're a troll, because I've never heard a Christian say that history should be our guide.

Well, Buttercup, you're hearing it from me -- HISTORY MUST BE OUR GUIDE. The Bible certainly can't serve that purpose. For every Bible-thumper and Bible, there's a different interpretation of God and His relationship with Man. I find Christian Fundamentalism totally irrational. Its innate brainlessness began with Luther's literalism, glorification of the Old Testament, and assertion that every Christian is his own priest. It's what God has done in history that counts the most. If my beliefs qualify me as a "troll" in your eyes, then so be it. Bring on the censorship. The truth really can be too hard to take sometimes.

I’d rather let God be my guide
Do you believe that Jesus only loves White People?

We are all God's children, but White Christians are the ordained leaders of humanity. We're falling behind now because we've been undermined by God's Former-Chosen, they who retain sufficient ability to seriously threaten our existence. They lead The Global Heathen, in its unyielding offensive against us.

Nate, nate, nate.:ack-1:

We are not all God's children:
  1. God’s children will grow to become like Jesus (1 John 3:2). God’s children have peace, unity, and equal status with each other (Galatians 3:26-29). God’s children will experience a future resurrection (Romans 8:11). God’s children have the presence and confirmation of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16).
  2. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. No, only those that have faith in Christ Jesus are God's children. Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
And, Jesus was no respecter of persons. He didn't care what color we are. He took the condemnation for the sins of all of us. God's children are those who accept Jesus' gift of His sin free record, ( the requirement for entering Heaven), in place of our sin covered one.

And, God's Chosen will be His Chosen for eternity, on the much larger sized land that He gave them originally. You will find Christ there, in Jerusalem, sitting on David's throne. To be any other way would mean God doesn't keep His promises. And He does, even when we don't. Ask Abraham...

Jesus told us what to expect in Revelation. You have made Him a liar. He is returning to this earth to keep the Jews from annihilation. He will touch down on the Mt. of Olives. And the Chosen will run to Him. He returns as The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

He said He would send the Paraclete, who would lead us, henceforth. He did, and we built the greatest civilization known to Mankind, as a result. Also, for every quote from the Bible you've posted, I could find ten, in the Bible, which contradict them. Not worth my time..... Biblicism is a bad habit that's assisting in our slow suicide.

He said it and He did. He sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples in the upper room. The Holy Spirit is the muscle, the power of God. When it descended on Christ he began to work miracles. When it descended on the disciples they started speaking in different dialects, and went to where those dialects were understood, and saved thousands upon thousands. It is also a gift for the asking. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, our Peace, our Power. Just ask.

God could care less about man's civilizations. They are dust to Him. He cares about our eternal souls. Bible understanding prevents one from leaning on self for direction. Like thinking that White Christians are somehow more preferred than others. You won't find that anywhere in the Bible.
Or that God kicked the Jews out of His hand. The opposite is true. He gathered His people from all over the earth and said Israel would be reborn in a day. It was.

Bible understanding is a good thing. Without it we would be asking, "Jesus who?'
It can be used for reproof. I gave you several passages to confirm what I said. Direct me to the verses that say Christ elevated "Whites" above all others. Read Revelation and tell me how you got God was going to gather the Jews to their homeland and then abandon them. God said the opposite. He said He would be their protector from here on in. Remember God saying He was going to hook theJews enemies in and force them back?
You can have your opinions but it would be nice if you backed it up. I want to see ten passages that say Christ came here to advance the white people...

I love the Bible, too, especially the Book of Joshua. It inspires me to wage unrelenting holy war against The Heathen. We, the White Christian Nation, will do unto the Cultural Marxist Regime of the West today exactly what the Israelites did to Jericho. And no, God chose the White Christian Nation to lead the entire world, as evidenced by the Paraclete's founding of Western Civilization. That said, God scorns Evangelicals, because they completely misunderstand his calling to Mankind. They've privatized Christianity into millions upon millions of individual, supposedly literal interpretations of the Bible, and faction upon faction of different churches. Shame on you, Christian Fundamentalists. Shame..... Wait until Moslems gain complete control over Europe. Christian heads will roll.

If you learned from Joshua, you would know that his war effort was commanded and ordained by God. The Lord revealed Himself and His will to His people. He didn’t have them learn from history and do what people in some past time have done. He spoke from Heaven and gave commandments to His Chosen.

If you have to rely on History or tradition, then you aren’t numbered among Gods Chosen people. Because they hear His voice

What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

LMAO!! You think you are the first to post your racist nonsense hidden behind pseudo-religious beliefs?

I will stand on my beliefs. Of course, I am a bit older, so this utopian white-guy movement needs to hurry up if they plan to make me suffer. And I mean suffer more than reading threatening idiocy on message boards.
Why do you call for only white Christians? Why are you excluding hispanic, black and even Middle eastern Christians? Are they not devout enough? Are they not Christian enough?
Why do you call for only white Christians? Why are you excluding hispanic, black and even Middle eastern Christians? Are they not devout enough? Are they not Christian enough?

I’ve found the African and Latin American Christians to be some of the most inspiring saints around

What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

I am curious, what basis do you have for excluding blacks, hispanics, asians and people from the Middle east from our nation? You specifically talk about White Christian Nation. I have seen nothing to suggest God favors only white people.
We are all God's children, but White Christians are the ordained leaders of humanity. We're falling behind now because we've been undermined by God's Former-Chosen, they who retain sufficient ability to seriously threaten our existence. They lead The Global Heathen, in its unyielding offensive against us.

Nate, nate, nate.:ack-1:

We are not all God's children:
  1. God’s children will grow to become like Jesus (1 John 3:2). God’s children have peace, unity, and equal status with each other (Galatians 3:26-29). God’s children will experience a future resurrection (Romans 8:11). God’s children have the presence and confirmation of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16).
  2. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. No, only those that have faith in Christ Jesus are God's children. Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
And, Jesus was no respecter of persons. He didn't care what color we are. He took the condemnation for the sins of all of us. God's children are those who accept Jesus' gift of His sin free record, ( the requirement for entering Heaven), in place of our sin covered one.

And, God's Chosen will be His Chosen for eternity, on the much larger sized land that He gave them originally. You will find Christ there, in Jerusalem, sitting on David's throne. To be any other way would mean God doesn't keep His promises. And He does, even when we don't. Ask Abraham...

Jesus told us what to expect in Revelation. You have made Him a liar. He is returning to this earth to keep the Jews from annihilation. He will touch down on the Mt. of Olives. And the Chosen will run to Him. He returns as The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

He said He would send the Paraclete, who would lead us, henceforth. He did, and we built the greatest civilization known to Mankind, as a result. Also, for every quote from the Bible you've posted, I could find ten, in the Bible, which contradict them. Not worth my time..... Biblicism is a bad habit that's assisting in our slow suicide.

He said it and He did. He sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples in the upper room. The Holy Spirit is the muscle, the power of God. When it descended on Christ he began to work miracles. When it descended on the disciples they started speaking in different dialects, and went to where those dialects were understood, and saved thousands upon thousands. It is also a gift for the asking. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, our Peace, our Power. Just ask.

God could care less about man's civilizations. They are dust to Him. He cares about our eternal souls. Bible understanding prevents one from leaning on self for direction. Like thinking that White Christians are somehow more preferred than others. You won't find that anywhere in the Bible.
Or that God kicked the Jews out of His hand. The opposite is true. He gathered His people from all over the earth and said Israel would be reborn in a day. It was.

Bible understanding is a good thing. Without it we would be asking, "Jesus who?'
It can be used for reproof. I gave you several passages to confirm what I said. Direct me to the verses that say Christ elevated "Whites" above all others. Read Revelation and tell me how you got God was going to gather the Jews to their homeland and then abandon them. God said the opposite. He said He would be their protector from here on in. Remember God saying He was going to hook theJews enemies in and force them back?
You can have your opinions but it would be nice if you backed it up. I want to see ten passages that say Christ came here to advance the white people...

I love the Bible, too, especially the Book of Joshua. It inspires me to wage unrelenting holy war against The Heathen. We, the White Christian Nation, will do unto the Cultural Marxist Regime of the West today exactly what the Israelites did to Jericho. And no, God chose the White Christian Nation to lead the entire world, as evidenced by the Paraclete's founding of Western Civilization. That said, God scorns Evangelicals, because they completely misunderstand his calling to Mankind. They've privatized Christianity into millions upon millions of individual, supposedly literal interpretations of the Bible, and faction upon faction of different churches. Shame on you, Christian Fundamentalists. Shame..... Wait until Moslems gain complete control over Europe. Christian heads will roll.

If you learned from Joshua, you would know that his war effort was commanded and ordained by God. The Lord revealed Himself and His will to His people. He didn’t have them learn from history and do what people in some past time have done. He spoke from Heaven and gave commandments to His Chosen.

If you have to rely on History or tradition, then you aren’t numbered among Gods Chosen people. Because they hear His voice

And yet to know that story, we have to read the Bible, which to you is history and science, and to me, religious literature. We have had to refer to a record of the past, whether actual or imaginary. AND, you have just interpreted the Bible, which your church tells you shouldn't do. Again, the Fundamentalist approach causes one to chase his tail.

What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

I am curious, what basis do you have for excluding blacks, hispanics, asians and people from the Middle east from our nation? You specifically talk about White Christian Nation. I have seen nothing to suggest God favors only white people.

I actually dislike using the word, "White". It connotes belief in Aryanism, and/or the racist view that northwestern Europeans are superior to all others. I don't agree with that, in as much as the ancient Greeks and Romans were the very founders of our magnificent civilization, and Jesus Himself hailed from the Middle East.

For what it's worth, I'm not a biological racist. Technically, yes, all people are born free and equal in nature (Enlightenment thought here). And yes, I have met plenty of Non-Whites who are more capable than I in many ways. Unfortunately, I've concluded through hard, personal experience, that Non-Whites generally hate Europeans, and deep down, want us dead. What did they do when Obama became POTUS? They lashed out against us, and did everything they could, within Obama's "political tolerances" , to cripple White America. Obama was and remains the Black Avenging Angel, and we must never forget what he did.

Therefore, we have to unite to defend ourselves. We, the builders of the single greatest civilization on Earth (Western Civilization), not only have the right to exist, but also to be proud of our achievements and to strive to reclaim our glory.
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What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Ha, ha.... That fact is my truth will eventually scare and anger all of you, and you will run to Admin., begging it to ban me. You will then demonstrate that no, you cannot handle the truth, and that your beliefs are so weak and irrational, they cannot stand on their own. PC-Straw-Man babbling always fails, in any genuine war of ideas. This is precisely why the White Christian Nation will rise up someday, and re-take the entire West. It just hasn't been sufficiently wounded yet to be able to see its near-future. When that moment arrives, pray you are no longer alive to suffer the consequences of your treasonous disposition.

LMAO!! You think you are the first to post your racist nonsense hidden behind pseudo-religious beliefs?

I will stand on my beliefs. Of course, I am a bit older, so this utopian white-guy movement needs to hurry up if they plan to make me suffer. And I mean suffer more than reading threatening idiocy on message boards.

I mean no threats. And no, I haven't deluded myself into believing I'm original here. This is a very old, but today, violently silenced, ideology. That's why I always expect to be banned. In fact, the more the Cultural Marxist Regime attempts to silence my tribe, the more determined we become.
Hey Nathan! You're a Christian, so it's safe to assume you hope to go to Heaven eventually. You may find it to be somewhat disappointing. This is what's going on up there:

9) After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10) And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
(Revelation 7:9,10)

Before you get there have a sit down with whoever is running that circus. Let Him know how wrong this is. If He still won't listen slap Him around until He sees things your way.
Hey Nathan! You're a Christian, so it's safe to assume you hope to go to Heaven eventually. You may find it to be somewhat disappointing. This is what's going on up there:

9) After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10) And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
(Revelation 7:9,10)

Before you get there have a sit down with whoever is running that circus. Let Him know how wrong this is. If He still won't listen slap Him around until He sees things your way.

How would you know, Anarcho-Capitalist? How much sacred blood did you suck out of the open veins of the White Christian Nation today? Put the Good Book down. It's not for you or your kind. Tell me, are you Jewish? Be honest.
Hey Nathan! You're a Christian, so it's safe to assume you hope to go to Heaven eventually. You may find it to be somewhat disappointing. This is what's going on up there:

9) After this I beheld, and, lo, a great multitude, which no man could number, of all nations, and kindreds, and people, and tongues, stood before the throne, and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, and palms in their hands;
10) And cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
(Revelation 7:9,10)

Before you get there have a sit down with whoever is running that circus. Let Him know how wrong this is. If He still won't listen slap Him around until He sees things your way.

How would you know, Anarcho-Capitalist? How much sacred blood did you suck out of the open veins of the White Christian Nation today? Put the Good Book down. It's not for you or your kind. Tell me, are you Jewish? Be honest.

No I'm not Jewish. Or Russian for that matter. (My User name is a shout out to my favorite book "War and Peace" by Leo Tolstoy. My Avatar is for my second favorite book "Picture This" by Joseph Heller.) Actually I'm a third generation Italian living in southern New England. And I didn't 'suck any sacred blood' today, or ever, whatever that's supposed to mean.

Now if you find Heaven too much with all its blatant race mixing maybe give Hell some serious consideration. I hear that Satan has segregated fire pits, which are strictly enforced.
Nate, nate, nate.:ack-1:

We are not all God's children:
  1. God’s children will grow to become like Jesus (1 John 3:2). God’s children have peace, unity, and equal status with each other (Galatians 3:26-29). God’s children will experience a future resurrection (Romans 8:11). God’s children have the presence and confirmation of the Holy Spirit (Romans 8:16).
  2. Forasmuch then as we are the offspring of God, we ought not to think that the Godhead is like unto gold, or silver, or stone, graven by art and man's device. No, only those that have faith in Christ Jesus are God's children. Galatians 3:26 For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus.
And, Jesus was no respecter of persons. He didn't care what color we are. He took the condemnation for the sins of all of us. God's children are those who accept Jesus' gift of His sin free record, ( the requirement for entering Heaven), in place of our sin covered one.

And, God's Chosen will be His Chosen for eternity, on the much larger sized land that He gave them originally. You will find Christ there, in Jerusalem, sitting on David's throne. To be any other way would mean God doesn't keep His promises. And He does, even when we don't. Ask Abraham...

Jesus told us what to expect in Revelation. You have made Him a liar. He is returning to this earth to keep the Jews from annihilation. He will touch down on the Mt. of Olives. And the Chosen will run to Him. He returns as The Lion of the Tribe of Judah.

He said He would send the Paraclete, who would lead us, henceforth. He did, and we built the greatest civilization known to Mankind, as a result. Also, for every quote from the Bible you've posted, I could find ten, in the Bible, which contradict them. Not worth my time..... Biblicism is a bad habit that's assisting in our slow suicide.

He said it and He did. He sent the Holy Spirit to the disciples in the upper room. The Holy Spirit is the muscle, the power of God. When it descended on Christ he began to work miracles. When it descended on the disciples they started speaking in different dialects, and went to where those dialects were understood, and saved thousands upon thousands. It is also a gift for the asking. The Holy Spirit is our Comforter, our Peace, our Power. Just ask.

God could care less about man's civilizations. They are dust to Him. He cares about our eternal souls. Bible understanding prevents one from leaning on self for direction. Like thinking that White Christians are somehow more preferred than others. You won't find that anywhere in the Bible.
Or that God kicked the Jews out of His hand. The opposite is true. He gathered His people from all over the earth and said Israel would be reborn in a day. It was.

Bible understanding is a good thing. Without it we would be asking, "Jesus who?'
It can be used for reproof. I gave you several passages to confirm what I said. Direct me to the verses that say Christ elevated "Whites" above all others. Read Revelation and tell me how you got God was going to gather the Jews to their homeland and then abandon them. God said the opposite. He said He would be their protector from here on in. Remember God saying He was going to hook theJews enemies in and force them back?
You can have your opinions but it would be nice if you backed it up. I want to see ten passages that say Christ came here to advance the white people...

I love the Bible, too, especially the Book of Joshua. It inspires me to wage unrelenting holy war against The Heathen. We, the White Christian Nation, will do unto the Cultural Marxist Regime of the West today exactly what the Israelites did to Jericho. And no, God chose the White Christian Nation to lead the entire world, as evidenced by the Paraclete's founding of Western Civilization. That said, God scorns Evangelicals, because they completely misunderstand his calling to Mankind. They've privatized Christianity into millions upon millions of individual, supposedly literal interpretations of the Bible, and faction upon faction of different churches. Shame on you, Christian Fundamentalists. Shame..... Wait until Moslems gain complete control over Europe. Christian heads will roll.

If you learned from Joshua, you would know that his war effort was commanded and ordained by God. The Lord revealed Himself and His will to His people. He didn’t have them learn from history and do what people in some past time have done. He spoke from Heaven and gave commandments to His Chosen.

If you have to rely on History or tradition, then you aren’t numbered among Gods Chosen people. Because they hear His voice

And yet to know that story, we have to read the Bible, which to you is history and science, and to me, religious literature. We have had to refer to a record of the past, whether actual or imaginary. AND, you have just interpreted the Bible, which your church tells you shouldn't do. Again, the Fundamentalist approach causes one to chase his tail.

You’ve missed the point

What are you planning on doing with all the white people who think you are deranged?

What should we do about deranged lunatics like Nathan here?

Pray for him. Love him. Teach him

Yeah, and while you're doing that, my tribe will SAVE YOU, from neo-barbarians who would love to rip you limb from limb.

You don’t have a tribe.

God has promised that He will fight for His Saints
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