New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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He had no right to attack anyone. Case closed.
If a guy com3es at you pointing a gun, you are being attacked. How to respond is up to you, but when the moron came3 running up with a loaded shotgun to make a citizens arrest, he raised the level of confrontation.

This over reaction is going to get him into legal trouble as it should.

One cannot simply go running up to a stranger with a loaded gun and expect them to cooperate if you are not a uniformed policeman.
Two other things the msm is trying to keep covered up.....the black dude took a pistol to a H.S. basketball...was convicted of that (a felony) and put on probation for 5 yrs. and then he broke his probation by comitting theft.....yet nothing was done.....why not....the former D.A. suggested his mental history had something to do with it....I guess they figured a crazy guy in jail would be more trouble than it was worth....anyhow for whatever reason...he was not penalized and was out roaming aka running in the streets day and night apparantly....a real loon...and yet the msm is trying to make him out to be holier than the pope. hehheh
Do we know if the two vigilantes knew this guy and his background?
In this case we have redneck idiots chasing down a guy who they thought stole some stuff, and had the jogger told them he had nothing and let them search him if they wanted to, he would still be alive today.

A few people have echoed this sentiment. However, there's no way to actually know that if Arbery had complied with the men that they wouldn't have ended up killing him anyway. I don't think they would have, but I'm not entirely sure what was going through their minds to get into this situation in the first place.

In addition, from Arbery's perspective, it certainly might have seemed as though complying could lead to his death.

I'm curious to see what might come of the investigation into the handling of the case that has been called for. It is currently on the fourth prosecuting attorney, with the first two recusing themselves and the third saying he didn't have enough resources. The DA that was just appointed to the case is actually the DA of my county. Those first two prosecutors had the case for almost 2 months between them. That's bad optics, at best.

One last thing (and sorry JimBowie, I know all of this wasn't directly related to your post). Apparently Arbery was hit 3 times by shotgun shots. I don't think that was yet brought up in the thread; apparently the autopsy report was just released by the GBI.

However, there's no way to actually know that if Arbery had complied with the men that they wouldn't have ended up killing him anyway. I don't think they would have, but I'm not entirely sure what was going through their minds to get into this situation in the first place.

I seriously doubt that these men intended to kill the guy, but just to make a citizens arrest. One of their friends was videoing the whole thing on their phone, so I doubt there was illicit intent, just to make the arrest.

In addition, from Arbery's perspective, it certainly might have seemed as though complying could lead to his death.

True, but I dont see how wrestling a shotgun away is better odds than complying. Maybe the guy thought he would go to jail for some reason, or he has been watching too much CNN?

I'm curious to see what might come of the investigation into the handling of the case that has been called for. It is currently on the fourth prosecuting attorney, with the first two recusing themselves and the third saying he didn't have enough resources. The DA that was just appointed to the case is actually the DA of my county. Those first two prosecutors had the case for almost 2 months between them. That's bad optics, at best.

Yeah, I dont think anyone wants to touch this thing with a ten foot poll. You either get the lefties mad at you for failing or most of the cops mad for success.

One last thing (and sorry JimBowie, I know all of this wasn't directly related to your post). Apparently Arbery was hit 3 times by shotgun shots. I don't think that was yet brought up in the thread; apparently the autopsy report was just released by the GBI.

Yep, saw that. Apparently the vigilante son was wrestling around with his finger on the trigger for a bit., the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
What did they do wrong? Or against the law?

According to the US Attorney and the GBI, they hunted down and murdered an unarmed man.

Now, before you go off on some ignorant, mindless rant about how Arbery escalated the situation and how Travis McMichael acted in self defense, you need to understand that people who actually make their living prosecuting these types of crimes say you're wrong...

What in the hell do you mean? Either it was self defense - in which case no laws were broken. Or it wasn't, in which case the ex-cop and investigator decided to shoot a person for the heck of it.

It does not look good for your case. Black man charging for cops gun... the media is getting lazy, the gentle giant story again...

Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

Haven’t heard. We hear little else. From a conviction years ago to photoshopped pics of boots on his feet we hear nothing but excuses. Here is the problem. It does not matter about the conviction years ago.

Seriously it does not matter. I know you are twitching in fury now and have already hit the reply button. But for the more reasonable and less race driven let me explain.

It does not matter. First it was years ago and he was not at a basketball game. We know he was convicted years ago. But it was years ago. Whatever had happened he had dealt with it and moved on.

Which is what I love about the racist retards on this site. If a white cop was caught lying they will pound the table and swear he was only caught once. If a black committed a crime during the Roosevelt Administration and nothing since they will jump up and down on the soapbox until it is nothing but splinters shouting that the black was never caught all the other times since they are all rapists and murderers lusting after the racists inflate a date.

So no. It does not matter. It would certainly apply if he had been caught and convicted for say burglary. Which he was not. He had not committed burglary. Of course the racists would convict him even if no burglary had been committed in a decade because the Black wanted to. He will if you turn your back on him for a moment.

My favorite is posting pictures from the surveillance cameras taken at night to complain the black guy had taken his shirt off and hung around all night. Instead of realizing it proved he ran through the neighborhood many times before. But they can not point to a rash of burglaries that Ahmad or anyone actually committed.
I asked you to explain how a experienced shooter can fire a shotgun at someone 6ft away and is that possible?

I mentioned it several times. He might have fired into the air. He may have accidentally shot into the ground, You see, the truth is we don’t know what happened in front of the truck.

But you keep saying that you know what happened in front of the truck because you dont care about reality. You had to trash the victim, make it his fault that he was being asaulted by two men with guns, and a truck. it has to be the black kids fault.

So you positioned the shotgunner where he is the good guy, meaning no harm to the black guy, If only black men were as smart and civil as the white guy, he wouid stop and chat, or just jog by paying no attention to the White guy with the shotgun way over there on the left side of the road, beyond the double yellow line.

But of course in your reality the black guy is not reasonable, so he jogs past the front of the truck, clear sailing ahead. just keep on going, got by anothe road block.Maybe they leave me alone.

OH Hell no, I’m gonna turn hard Left and assault the fine upstanding cracker way over there on the other side of the road, minding his own business, and steal his shotgun and shoot him with it, cuz that’s what we black Violent criminals do.

So he did and now he is dead.

But the cracker didn’t stay on the other side of the road did he? Your reality vanishes when the video is slowed down.

The black kid was not getting past the cracker with a shotgun this time.

The video played slow motion shows the cracker moved to block his victim’s path and he fired his weapon.

It was the jogger who reacted in self defense to try to disarm his assailant who just fired a shot at very close range on the right side of the road across the double yellow line.
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For kicks and giggles I went into this house on my jogging route in NC. Guess what? No one shot me. They didn’t question me standing in the street taking this pic either. You can obviously guess my skin color.
606B0342-1677-4DD9-A418-C3D697751558.jpeg, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
I enjoy reading the ramblings of all of the legal scholars here insisting they're no guilty.

That verdict will come in time. Or it won't.

The fact of the matter is that the local DA had this case for two months and did dick. GBI and the US Attorney had it for two days and arrested the two and charged them with murder and aggravated assault. And, since Travis and Gregory McMichael acted together, and apparently had someone shooting video, conspiracy is a very distinct possibility.

These guys are completely fucked...
What did they do wrong? Or against the law?

According to the US Attorney and the GBI, they hunted down and murdered an unarmed man.

Now, before you go off on some ignorant, mindless rant about how Arbery escalated the situation and how Travis McMichael acted in self defense, you need to understand that people who actually make their living prosecuting these types of crimes say you're wrong...
Actually it was ruled a justified homicide previous to the black woman that has taking over the case. So the black woman had the two guys arrested because of racism.. they will be released as the dumb bitch goes through the case and realizes everything they did was within the law. They might try to get manslaughter and if that’s the case will be released extremely soon with almost no bail
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For kicks and giggles I went into this house on my jogging route in NC. Guess what? No one shot me. They didn’t question me standing in the street taking this pic either. You can obviously guess my skin color.
View attachment 335079
Where is the picture of the inside time stamp it, stay in for 5 mins, the walk in and out lol haha, the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
The McMichaels committed no crime whatsoever. The shooting was obvious self-defense, and the only crime was Punchbery punching Travis. This whole fiasco is a result of the small % of the black community's lunatic fringe that jumps out of their chair, whenever something is done to a black person by a white person, without even bothering to examine the facts.

Listen all you leftist, loose-lipped, black ass-kissers, because this tutoring is going to you free of charge. This whole scenario could just as easily have been where all the participants were black. If they had been, there would be no outcry from the nutjobs in the black community or its white suck-ups. The whole thing is anti-white racism gone amuk. Now we hve the DOJ talking about classifying this as a hate crime. Wow. This is getting nuttier with each passing day.

Did the McMichaels ever say one word (like a slur) against Arbery, alluding to his race ? Not hardly. If they would have, we would all have heard about it loud and clear. Did they make any racist gestures > None. So why and how does this get to be talked abut as a hate crime ? If Trump or his people in the DOJ are pandering here to the black crazies, for 2020 election purposes, that would be sad indeed.

LAstly, I'm posting first thing in the morning, and haven't yet checked through the thread to see if NoFooledByW has answered my questions about his use of the term "white extremists". For one thing, I'm not 100% "white", and maybe neither are some of the other McMichael supporters in this thread. The only thing I see as "extremist" is NFBW's wild use of the word "extremist", and his racist tendency to talk about "white", while not knowing exactly who he's even talking to, or why he's even mentioning it.

This whole thing has gotten way out of hand, and it is entirely going in the direction of appeasement of a small minority of rabble rousing EXTREMISTS, in the black community, for really no good reason whatsoever. Probably most of the blacks in Brunswick, GA, see the McMicheals as just helpful guys looking to stop burglaries. Those black people don't want their homes burglarized any more than anybody else, and I doubt they care if the burglars are black or white. They would probably be just as quick to turn them over to the police as anybody else.
For kicks and giggles I went into this house on my jogging route in NC. Guess what? No one shot me. They didn’t question me standing in the street taking this pic either. You can obviously guess my skin color.
View attachment 335079
If it were my house, I would have questioned you, and it would have been with a gun in my pocket. And I don't think you would have been giggling.
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else., the evil whites were NOT WRONG in going after him...I thought at first they had no reason....but they did.....should they have? probably not...follow, get a picture/etc

They were not only wrong they were breaking the law when they grabbed their guns and went after Arbery as they said to make a ‘citizens arrest,’

They had to witness a felony in person as it took place; not on tape.

The law is settled. If you still think they were not wrong to kill a man over a minute visit in an open structure.

Yes, they decided to kill him if he did not stop jogging at their command at gunpoint.

thats a far cry from your suggestion “follow get a picture. I agree with that, but my god How can you suggest that what we saw them do was not wrong.

They set up an illegal armed roadblock to stop a free non-dangerous citizen from jogging.

And they are not wrong you say?

the young man stops for three minutes in an open construction site building and takes a look and he is wrong to the point that two men were right to chase him and shoot him if he did not do as he was told.

--AAbery did something that could be seen as stealing---m

The two white guts did somthing that gir them arrested for aggravated assault and murder over nothing. That young man did.

he was f$&6;Ing jogging in shorts and T-shirts. and the white me bring a shotgun to make him pull that 8 in Skilsaw out of his left back pocket.

Drive along side nicely with no fucking shotgun sticking out the window and ask What were you doing in there kid” and when he says “I dunno just looking around” so smile and say “You probably should not go there - the owner is asshole ya know what I don’t to git yer self hurt.”

thats how real adults behave.

and say “ have a nice day” instead of spending the rest of your life in prison for shooting an unarmed young black man for not stopping to talk to you at gunpoint.

You think the kid was dumb?

my god what about those two ignorant dumbass shooters? they had the power to deescalate not the kid. they belong in prison now. they are Too ignorant and dangerous to be be free. Shooting an unarmed kid in shorts and tee shirt and running shoes.

I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support the killers and trash the kid.
..AA was very dumb---going INTO a structure--WTF FOR!!!!??????-to STEAL or steal later
I wouldn’t think anyone could be so deprived of conscience as to support a criminal and trash law and order

I have been talking about the law. And in Georgia the ones breaking the law most severely even before the shots were fired was the McMichaels.

He had not committed a burglary. There was nothing at the construction site small enough to carry with him while wearing shorts and a t shirt concealed. Ok. He might had had half a dozen nails. But that is literally the limit. And odds are heavily against him stealing anything.

There had not been a burglary since Christmas in the neighborhood. So there was no current crime wave or even recent, say within the last two months, that justified going out armed to hunt down the possible suspects.

Finally. They did not know the owners of the property. The owners have said they never talked to the McMichaels. There was no way for the McMichaels to know who this guy was. He might have been the owner, or a relative, or friend and was authorized to be there.
The McMichaels committed no crime whatsoever. The shooting was obvious self-defense, and the only crime was Punchbery punching Travis. This whole fiasco is a result of the small % of the black community's lunatic fringe that jumps out of their chair, whenever something is done to a black person by a white person, without even bothering to examine the facts.

Listen all you leftist, loose-lipped, black ass-kissers, because this tutoring is going to you free of charge. This whole scenario could just as easily have been where all the participants were black. If they had been, there would be no outcry from the nutjobs in the black community or its white suck-ups. The whole thing is anti-white racism gone amuk. Now we hve the DOJ talking about classifying this as a hate crime. Wow. This is getting nuttier with each passing day.

Did the McMichaels ever say one word (like a slur) against Arbery, alluding to his race ? Not hardly. If they would have, we would all have heard about it loud and clear. Did they make any racist gestures > None. So why and how does this get to be talked abut as a hate crime ? If Trump or his people in the DOJ are pandering here to the black crazies, for 2020 election purposes, that would be sad indeed.

LAstly, I'm posting first thing in the morning, and haven't yet checked through the thread to see if NoFooledByW has answered my questions about his use of the term "white extremists". For one thing, I'm not 100% "white", and maybe neither are some of the other McMichael supporters in this thread. The only thing I see as "extremist" is NFBW's wild use of the word "extremist", and his racist tendency to talk about "white", while not knowing exactly who he's even talking to, or why he's even mentioning it.

This whole thing has gotten way out of hand, and it is entirely going in the direction of appeasement of a small minority of rabble rousing EXTREMISTS, in the black community, for really no good reason whatsoever. Probably most of the blacks in Brunswick, GA, see the McMicheals as just helpful guys looking to stop burglaries. Those black people don't want their homes burglarized any more than anybody else, and I doubt they care if the burglars are black or white. They would probably be just as quick to turn them over to the police as anybody else.

What about reports that the Police thought they had enough evidence to arrest them, and were prevented by the DA from doing so? How does that fit in with your everyone knows narrative?
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Your post is extremely racist you want these men in jail because they are white and defend them selves
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Your post is extremely racist you want these men in jail because they are white and defend them selves

Nope. I think they committed a crime. So do the police according to the statement of the Glynn County Commissioners.
What about reports that the Police thought they had enough evidence to arrest them, and were prevented by the DA from doing so? How does that fit in with your everyone knows narrative?
Everyone knows what ? I don't know what you're talking about .
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Nope. I think they committed a crime. So do the police according to the statement of the Glynn County Commissioners.
You know damn well that police merely do what their supervisors (politicians) tell them to. Same as cops who allow traffic blocking, attacking protestors and Trump rallygoers, rtc

Whole thing is political up to its ears, with spineless, politician cowards bending to the whims of the black lunatic fringe, Ho hum.

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