New development in the shooting case of the black georgia jogger

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Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

I could give a fuck if you think I'm clueless. The fact of the matter is that state authorities, and not the "good ol' boys" network has this case and has moved forward with it.

Your racism does nothing to negate the facts of the case, which are more importantly characterized by the authorities than by you...
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Your post is extremely racist you want these men in jail because they are white and defend them selves

Nope. I think they committed a crime. So do the police according to the statement of the Glynn County Commissioners.
It was ruled justifiable homicide by a previous DA.. And according to everything on the video these guys did nothing wrong that was against the law .. can you name one thing they did to Break the law?
Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

I could give a fuck if you think I'm clueless. The fact of the matter is that state authorities, and not the "good ol' boys" network has this case and has moved forward with it.

Your racism does nothing to negate the facts of the case, which are more importantly characterized by the authorities than by you...
But what law did they break? And if you can’t name one then why do you hate these guys?
Self defense would only work had Arbury initiated hostilities. I can tell you right now if a couple of goobers run up on me with a gun I am going to fight for my life.
The video clearly shows a black man rushing a white guy, trying to take his gun, we seen three other black men this week attack police officers holding guns on them. And they were shot and killed this hero did not pull the trigger until he had no other option.. like I said watch the video the black man literally shows how this will be dismissed.. hehehehehh

so your on the side of white supremacist, and they ambushed the jogger. I already seen the video this man was showing and it showed nothing but curiosity , trespassing. Maybe he works in the building trades or is thinking of it.

As far as robberies , there have been none since Xmas when one of the supremacist gun got stolen.
The police officer explains how this is a felony this house is a dwelling he breached the property line, The father and son witnessed it called the cops and by Georgia law they can lawfully make a citizens arrest. At most this will be a manslaughter but the video shows the son showing restraint. Until no more. AA was linked to 5 break ins
Simple trespass is a misdemeanor.
So what.
It's still a crime.
And jumping someone holding a firearm is assault with intent to commit murder.

It is a crime that only the owners of the property or their representatives can press charges for. In Georgia. The McMorons has no authority to press charges for the crime. They also had no legal authority to pursue or attempt to detain anyone.
but they do have a right to try and slow the suspect down until someone that can press charges against them gets there,,,,

Citizens arrest means you can detain an individual until the police get there. But not matter what happens from the point that the McMorons try to stop Ahmad, they, the McMorons are the criminals.

Let’s say for example that Ahmad actually stops and waits for the cops. The cop searches Ahmad, and finds nothing stolen. He checks the house and finds nothing damaged. So now, the only way for him to arrest Ahmad is if the Owners say so. The Cop asks the McMorons if they are the representatives of the owner. If they say yes, they have just committed a felony of false statement to a police officer in addition to Aggravated Assault. If they say no, they have just committed the felony of Aggravated Assault. The owners if questioned, and they would be questioned at some point, would say that they didn’t even know the McMorons.

You see, the crime of Trespassing in Georgia is much like Murder. We don’t have multiple Trespassing charges. We have one. Criminal Trespass. For that, either there has to be damage to the property. Or there has to be an owner or representative to press charges. The cop can arrest if he sees damage that he believes was caused by the suspect. Burglary is a completely different charge, and usually Criminal Trespass is one of the charges tossed on top.

We have one murder charge. We don’t have in the first, second, or third degree. Murder is Murder. It doesn’t matter if you killed the clerk in a spur of the moment robbery gone bad, or if you plotted for months to kill your wife.

The McMoron’s claimed they thought that Ahmad was responsible for a number of break ins in the neighborhood. Only there were none reported to police since Christmas. Two months with no burglaries in the neighborhood.

Let’s put it this way. Let’s say you and I are neighbors. I am going out of town, but don’t tell you. You notice I am gone, and see someone else enter my house. You being an observant neighbor notice the person entering my house is Black. You rush over with a gun and hold the Black guy until the police are called. I never gave you authority to do so. I never gave you the authority to act as my agent. You don’t know if the Black Guy is supposed to be there or not. If he is arrested, and is supposed to be there with my permission, do you think the Cops aren’t going to come back and get you?

The problem is that Citizens Arrest requires you to KNOW what is going on. You do not have the benefit of the doubt that a cop has. A cop has additional authority, and protections, called Qualified Immunity that citizens do not. McMoron senior may have forgotten that those protections ceased the moment he retired. He was NO LONGER a cop. McMoron junior may have been enamored by Daddy’s stories of catching bad guys and wanted the rush that came with chasing someone down and catching the criminal. It really does not matter. No matter what they were thinking, they were wrong, and that means that the one doing the Citizens Arrest was acting illegally, and because they were armed, the charge is a Felony.

It was never Self Defense on the part of the McMorons under Georgia Law. The local DA’s tried to downplay it and when confronted with the truth and upper level scrutiny immediately threw up their hands and waved them frantically screaming that they recused themselves.
thats a nice story but lets stick with what happened that we have proof of,,,
mcmorons had everyright to tell him to stop cause they wanted to talk and wait for the police,,,
arbrey had no obligation to stop but instead turned and attacked,,,

the rest you know,,,,

The law enforcement guy knew about Arbery from when Arbery was busted for illegal possession of a gun

... in 2013 when he was 19 years old, Arbery was indicted for bringing a loaded Big Bear .380-caliber pistol to a high-school basketball game, then fleeing the scene. We are not told that in 2018 he was convicted of shoplifting for stealing a TV from a Walmart and also of violating probation for his gun charge.
We’re not told that in his duties as a police officer, Greg McMichael—one of the two “toothless redneck inbred yahoo white trash pieces of shit” who gave chase to Arbery—had worked on Arbery’s shoplifting case and may not have been “profiling” him so much for being an alleged black jogger as for being a person who illegally carries guns and illegally flees crime scenes.

What does this have to do with being ambushed.

No one was ambushed. He tried to take away a shotgun, never a good idea.

A simple fact confirmed by a video....yet most of the democrats/liberals on here refuse to acknowledge that.

Of course they are backed up by the msm who said the white dudes drove up to the black guy in their truck and got out and assaulted him.

The whole liberal narrative on this subject is extremely fallacious.
they are not intelligent
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Your post is extremely racist you want these men in jail because they are white and defend them selves

Nope. I think they committed a crime. So do the police according to the statement of the Glynn County Commissioners.
It was ruled justifiable homicide by a previous DA.. And according to everything on the video these guys did nothing wrong that was against the law .. can you name one thing they did to Break the law?
they carried a gun. that's been there nonsense since the first post by one of them.
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Your post is extremely racist you want these men in jail because they are white and defend them selves

Nope. I think they committed a crime. So do the police according to the statement of the Glynn County Commissioners.
It was ruled justifiable homicide by a previous DA.. And according to everything on the video these guys did nothing wrong that was against the law .. can you name one thing they did to Break the law?
they carried a gun. that's been there nonsense since the first post by one of them.
They are so emotional that a white guy defended himself from a black guy it’s like we’re not supposed to we’re just supposed to die lol
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Dude, when you say an "Association" just chastised, that could be ONE PERSON talking, Or 5 . Or 8. Meaningless any way you turn it.

Yeah, seriously. In ANY county in Georgia, or ANY county anywhere in America. One thing is sure, There will be liberals, and some conservatives, who will suck-up to any lunatic fringe capable of causing you to lose 100 or more VOTES.
Ok, it’s time to bring this thing full circle. Let’s begin shall we? First, there is something that I realized is not part of the discussion, and since the Racist dolts are focused on the history of AA, let’s get started with the real history.

Glynn County is notorious in Georgia for sweeping police crimes under the rug. In the past they cleared a cop in shooting an unarmed woman after a slow speed police chase, only to have that cop later murder his estranged wife. So obviously he wasn’t the man of character that everyone said he was. But wait, there is more. Later a Chief of Police was hired, and then after he tried to clean up the department, was charged with a crime, because nobody is supposed to move the rug and see what is underneath.

So the history in Glynn County is at best cringeworthy. But does that play out here? Well the National Association Of District Attorneys and Prosecutors says yes. US district attorneys group slams recused prosecutor in Ahmaud Arbery case

The group that represents some 5,500 prosecutors across the nation says that the Prosecutor, the second one, who issued the orders not to arrest McMichaels after he had decided to recuse himself was not only wrong to issue the orders, but unprofessional. Now, how bad do you have to be to have the group that represents you say you screwed the pooch royally?

Next. Let’s get to the event itself. McMichaels said to the police that he and his son pulled up next to Ahmad and tried to talk to him when they were attacked. The Video shows that this is a lie. The McMichaels defenders will say that it was just a minor mistake that does not change the fact that he was trying to affect a Perfectly Legal Citizens arrest. But, it does change the narrative doesn’t it? If that was untrue, what else could be? Of course, a thorough investigation would mean that you examine every statement and see if it is consistent with the facts. Something neither the Glynn County or any of the local Prosecutors wanted to do.

Now, Glynn County’s political arm, the County Commissioners are saying that police wanted to arrest McMichaels early on, but were prevented from doing so by the Prosecutors who issued orders and then backed away washing their hands of the matter.

Now, those of you who don’t know, Hot Air was started by Michelle Malkin, Conservative pundit and author. It was later sold and a bunch of other Conservative Pundits were brought in to write the conservative point of view. So the Conservative Pundits of Hot Air, all say that this stinks to high heaven.

How the hell does anyone still think the McMichaels are totally innocent and are being railroaded?

To summarize. We have a notoriously corrupt DA’s office who has a long history of sweeping things under the rug because that is just how things are done down here, trying to sweep this under the rug. Unfortunately like the cartoon, the Rug is no longer large enough to sufficiently hide it from sight.

And that is why this keeps getting passed from Prosecutor to Prosecutor. Because nobody wants to be the one to pull the rug back exposing God alone knows what.

It isn’t racism. If Ahmad had been Arnold and been white, nobody would have followed him, and if the McMichaels had pursued and shot him in exactly the same circumstances, this would still be a crime. It might not have the same national attention, this has all the traits that make it juicy. DA’s office with history of corruption and bias, good old boy network exposed to the light of day. Rednecks and pick up trucks and guns. The only thing missing was a Hillary for prison 2016 bumper sticker to make it the perfect news story.

But even when every legal expert who looks at this case comes back and says the McMichaels committed crimes, the Racists are running around swearing it is all political. The National DA’s association just chastised one of the folks they represent, and that is astonishing. I mean think about that. How egregious does your behavior have to be to get your own professional group to come down on you for misconduct? Especially when they have to know that it would give more evidence to any effort to Disbar, or end the careers of lawyers entirely for the rest of their lives?

The alternative is that literally everyone is wrong and thinking only politically, and are afraid of the racial backlash. In Glynn County Georgia. Seriously?

When the G-8 Summit was held near Savannah under W, a bunch of protesters headed down the highway, walking down the road, in the middle of summer, to go and protest. It was about twenty miles to the meeting place. The Cops did not do a thing to stop them. The cops knew what every Georgian already knew. There was no way folks carrying no damned water or anything to drink were going to walk 20 miles in Georgia’s heat on blacktop road. Sure enough, a handful of miles later, they all sat down to wait to be arrested and transported by air conditioned bus to the jail to be processed.

The big worry was not that they would reach the summit location. The big worry was that they would die from heat exhaustion before they reached the halfway point, which is why paramedics were following along watching and waiting.

The idiots were arrested for walking down the road and blocking traffic, fined and sent home. What it shows is that in the summer in Georgia, there is not going to be a lot of protesting. And any there is, isn’t going to last long. It’s just too damned hot. And if they are carrying enough fluids to keep hydrated, then they are not going to be doing much else.
Your post is extremely racist you want these men in jail because they are white and defend them selves

Nope. I think they committed a crime. So do the police according to the statement of the Glynn County Commissioners.
It was ruled justifiable homicide by a previous DA.. And according to everything on the video these guys did nothing wrong that was against the law .. can you name one thing they did to Break the law?

Yes. Two. First they did not legally have justification to stop Ahmad. Under Georgia law you must have first hand knowledge of a crime. The McMorons did not. They made a false statement to police claiming they pulled up alongside Ahmad. They did not. Two felonies. And we have not even gotten to the shooting.
Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

I could give a fuck if you think I'm clueless. The fact of the matter is that state authorities, and not the "good ol' boys" network has this case and has moved forward with it.

Your racism does nothing to negate the facts of the case, which are more importantly characterized by the authorities than by you...
But what law did they break? And if you can’t name one then why do you hate these guys?

Well, they're being charged with murder and aggravated assault, so I'll go ahead and guess that you don't exactly need to be F. Lee Bailey to discern that they're suspected of breaking laws pertinent to those charges.

As for hating them, they're typical south Georgia, cowardly redneck racists. That's how I see them. They chased down an unarmed man and they killed him. I'm sure you view them as heroes, but I find nothing to admire.

In my mind, there's not a single thing which can justify what they did. Nothing. He did not threaten them an iota, and they went after him. The two of them bear 100% of the responsibility for Arbery's death. They should be held accountable for it and justice should be overwhelmingly severe.

I would like to think that, if and when they're convicted, they will be executed. They've earned that...
I'm not 100% white, I'm half Hispanic, and speak Spanish desde mil novacientos cinquente y nueve.

Now what makes you think I'm "extremist" ?

Lastly, I will call YOU extremist, for calling me extremist, for no reason at all. You are just another part of the black lunatic fringe, going race crazy, over really nothing racial.
Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

I could give a fuck if you think I'm clueless. The fact of the matter is that state authorities, and not the "good ol' boys" network has this case and has moved forward with it.

Your racism does nothing to negate the facts of the case, which are more importantly characterized by the authorities than by you...
But what law did they break? And if you can’t name one then why do you hate these guys?

Well, they're being charged with murder and aggravated assault, so I'll go ahead and guess that you don't exactly need to be F. Lee Bailey to discern that they're suspected of breaking laws pertinent to those charges.

As for hating them, they're typical south Georgia, cowardly redneck racists. That's how I see them. They chased down an unarmed man and they killed him. I'm sure you view them as heroes, but I find nothing to admire.

In my mind, there's not a single thing which can justify what they did. Nothing. He did not threaten them an iota, and they went after him. The two of them bear 100% of the responsibility for Arbery's death. They should be held accountable for it and justice should be overwhelmingly severe.

I would like to think that, if and when they're convicted, they will be executed. They've earned that...
it’s not murder they were on the phone with the cops you need to be premeditated to be murder, they were calling for help. You’re too emotional to discuss this you literally think black men should be allowed to attack white man you’re crazy
Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

I could give a fuck if you think I'm clueless. The fact of the matter is that state authorities, and not the "good ol' boys" network has this case and has moved forward with it.

Your racism does nothing to negate the facts of the case, which are more importantly characterized by the authorities than by you...
But what law did they break? And if you can’t name one then why do you hate these guys?

Well, they're being charged with murder and aggravated assault, so I'll go ahead and guess that you don't exactly need to be F. Lee Bailey to discern that they're suspected of breaking laws pertinent to those charges.

As for hating them, they're typical south Georgia, cowardly redneck racists. That's how I see them. They chased down an unarmed man and they killed him. I'm sure you view them as heroes, but I find nothing to admire.

In my mind, there's not a single thing which can justify what they did. Nothing. He did not threaten them an iota, and they went after him. The two of them bear 100% of the responsibility for Arbery's death. They should be held accountable for it and justice should be overwhelmingly severe.

I would like to think that, if and when they're convicted, they will be executed. They've earned that...
it’s not murder they were on the phone with the cops you need to be premeditated to be murder, they were calling for help. You’re too emotional to discuss this you literally think black men should be allowed to attack white man you’re crazy

Murder does not need to be premeditated.

If you're uneducated about that most simple fact, then there's little reason to believe that you're intelligent enough for me to waste time conversing with you...
Agreed....the poster you are replying to is clueless....what the GBI is doing under and by the directions of the politicians in Atlanta is to conduct 'political theater' aka placate the keep them from rioting, looting and burning etc. Which they are always looking for an excuse to do...ya know......great opportunity to go down and grab some toys and have fun....maybe even get on T.V.

What most have not heard about the history of this black guy....a history of a felony conviction, a history of theft and violating his probation not even to mention his mental history.....the former D.A. mentioned that....when that comes out it should be very interesting.....also the new video of him visiting and trespassing into that home under construction in the dark of the night does not help the prosecution at all.

Then there is the video which clearly shows the black guy committing assault.

So I say even despite all the political pressure to lynch these guys....if they can get some decent legal representation and get a honest jury they will walk as they should....all they were doing was to try and protect their community.

I could give a fuck if you think I'm clueless. The fact of the matter is that state authorities, and not the "good ol' boys" network has this case and has moved forward with it.

Your racism does nothing to negate the facts of the case, which are more importantly characterized by the authorities than by you...
But what law did they break? And if you can’t name one then why do you hate these guys?

Well, they're being charged with murder and aggravated assault, so I'll go ahead and guess that you don't exactly need to be F. Lee Bailey to discern that they're suspected of breaking laws pertinent to those charges.

As for hating them, they're typical south Georgia, cowardly redneck racists. That's how I see them. They chased down an unarmed man and they killed him. I'm sure you view them as heroes, but I find nothing to admire.

In my mind, there's not a single thing which can justify what they did. Nothing. He did not threaten them an iota, and they went after him. The two of them bear 100% of the responsibility for Arbery's death. They should be held accountable for it and justice should be overwhelmingly severe.

I would like to think that, if and when they're convicted, they will be executed. They've earned that...
it’s not murder they were on the phone with the cops you need to be premeditated to be murder, they were calling for help. You’re too emotional to discuss this you literally think black men should be allowed to attack white man you’re crazy

Murder does not need to be premeditated.

If you're uneducated about that most simple fact, then there's little reason to believe that you're intelligent enough for me to waste time conversing with you...
Umm GA law.. and the video shows self defense, you can’t run at me when I’m holding a gun thinking I’m just going to let you take it to shot me lol
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