New DNC Attack Ad

I do know you're not a Hillary supporter, I didn't mean to imply that.

And yes, she lost because she was a horrible candidate. Trump pointed that out too. The electoral map is stacked for Democrats. The Democrat has to be beyond incompetent to lose.

But on the ad, I agree that if I didn't know anything about either candidate, then it would be a good ad. But I do and that Hillary is lying about being against negative campaigning and she's lying about what Trump said by manipulating the quote with the context. Everything Trump said was about his supporters defending themselves from attacks by violent leftists. I never saw a quote where he said to take the violence to them.

And the video of the rallies backs that up. It's the violent leftists that the police had to keep away from Trump supporters, not the reverse. Particularly poignant was a black cop who said the leftists were violent, abusive and out of control. Of course the leftist media doesn't care because they like it

Well sure, she started off okay and then totally screwed herself going off on "the Russians" and the "sexual assaulter" rampages. People want to hear what you are going to do for them as a candidate. I think most, aside from the hard political party supporters, are sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense. Run on your issues, on your platform, on what you believe in, and stop trying to convince us that you are "better" than the other guy. JMHO. :)

Sadly the negative campaigning dominates because it works. It doesn't change minds, but it lights fires under their (both sides) supporters to show up

One of these days we will have some viable 3rd party candidates to choose instead of the usual pieces of slop the dems and reps present us with.

As long as the Electrical College "winner take all" scam is in place there will be no 3P candy that ever gets a legitimate chance. That's part of what the WTA system does --- it perpetuates Duopoly and shuts out 3P candies. The nature of the system makes such a dichotomy inevitable.

The only 3P POTUS candies that have made any splash at all over the last century -- Perot, Anderson, Wallace, Thurmond --- have done so with the strategy of not winning but siphoning off enough EVs to leave nobody with a majority, throwing the decision to the H of R. Perot pulled a fifth of the pop vote and didn't even get one EV. No 3P has out-drawn either Duopoly party since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, and he was a former POTUS.

The system is rigged, and it's rigged to perpetuate Duopoly. Until we fix that system, Duopoly is all we'll ever get. Because as long as you know it's a lock to elect either your party or theirs, you don't need to give voters a reason to vote for yours; all you have to do is give them reasons to not vote for theirs. Since we all know any given state is voting either all-D or all-R, that leaves no other choice.

Yes. That is an advantage of a parliamentary system. Third parties here just have no chance in this country. Even "independents" in congress always caucus with one of the parties and aren't really independent

In America the two political parties are actually coalitions of issue groups.
So in a way it is a multi-party system.
Well sure, she started off okay and then totally screwed herself going off on "the Russians" and the "sexual assaulter" rampages. People want to hear what you are going to do for them as a candidate. I think most, aside from the hard political party supporters, are sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense. Run on your issues, on your platform, on what you believe in, and stop trying to convince us that you are "better" than the other guy. JMHO. :)

Sadly the negative campaigning dominates because it works. It doesn't change minds, but it lights fires under their (both sides) supporters to show up

One of these days we will have some viable 3rd party candidates to choose instead of the usual pieces of slop the dems and reps present us with.

As long as the Electrical College "winner take all" scam is in place there will be no 3P candy that ever gets a legitimate chance. That's part of what the WTA system does --- it perpetuates Duopoly and shuts out 3P candies. The nature of the system makes such a dichotomy inevitable.

The only 3P POTUS candies that have made any splash at all over the last century -- Perot, Anderson, Wallace, Thurmond --- have done so with the strategy of not winning but siphoning off enough EVs to leave nobody with a majority, throwing the decision to the H of R. Perot pulled a fifth of the pop vote and didn't even get one EV. No 3P has out-drawn either Duopoly party since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, and he was a former POTUS.

The system is rigged, and it's rigged to perpetuate Duopoly. Until we fix that system, Duopoly is all we'll ever get. Because as long as you know it's a lock to elect either your party or theirs, you don't need to give voters a reason to vote for yours; all you have to do is give them reasons to not vote for theirs. Since we all know any given state is voting either all-D or all-R, that leaves no other choice.

Yes. That is an advantage of a parliamentary system. Third parties here just have no chance in this country. Even "independents" in congress always caucus with one of the parties and aren't really independent

In America the two political parties are actually coalitions of issue groups.
So in a way it is a multi-party system.

To a degree on the Republican side.

Leftists are just leftists. They are in lock step on every issue.

Why for example would a "feminist" agree with a "gay rights activist" on every environmental issue?
I do know you're not a Hillary supporter, I didn't mean to imply that.

And yes, she lost because she was a horrible candidate. Trump pointed that out too. The electoral map is stacked for Democrats. The Democrat has to be beyond incompetent to lose.

But on the ad, I agree that if I didn't know anything about either candidate, then it would be a good ad. But I do and that Hillary is lying about being against negative campaigning and she's lying about what Trump said by manipulating the quote with the context. Everything Trump said was about his supporters defending themselves from attacks by violent leftists. I never saw a quote where he said to take the violence to them.

And the video of the rallies backs that up. It's the violent leftists that the police had to keep away from Trump supporters, not the reverse. Particularly poignant was a black cop who said the leftists were violent, abusive and out of control. Of course the leftist media doesn't care because they like it

Well sure, she started off okay and then totally screwed herself going off on "the Russians" and the "sexual assaulter" rampages. People want to hear what you are going to do for them as a candidate. I think most, aside from the hard political party supporters, are sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense. Run on your issues, on your platform, on what you believe in, and stop trying to convince us that you are "better" than the other guy. JMHO. :)

Sadly the negative campaigning dominates because it works. It doesn't change minds, but it lights fires under their (both sides) supporters to show up

One of these days we will have some viable 3rd party candidates to choose instead of the usual pieces of slop the dems and reps present us with.

As long as the Electrical College "winner take all" scam is in place there will be no 3P candy that ever gets a legitimate chance. That's part of what the WTA system does --- it perpetuates Duopoly and shuts out 3P candies. The nature of the system makes such a dichotomy inevitable.

The only 3P POTUS candies that have made any splash at all over the last century -- Perot, Anderson, Wallace, Thurmond --- have done so with the strategy of not winning but siphoning off enough EVs to leave nobody with a majority, throwing the decision to the H of R. Perot pulled a fifth of the pop vote and didn't even get one EV. No 3P has out-drawn either Duopoly party since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, and he was a former POTUS.

The system is rigged, and it's rigged to perpetuate Duopoly. Until we fix that system, Duopoly is all we'll ever get. Because as long as you know it's a lock to elect either your party or theirs, you don't need to give voters a reason to vote for yours; all you have to do is give them reasons to not vote for theirs. Since we all know any given state is voting either all-D or all-R, that leaves no other choice.

It's not just that. It's the candidates that are being presented. That is a BIG part of the problem.

For most of my lifetime, it's been the ones that will "play ball" the best.
Well sure, she started off okay and then totally screwed herself going off on "the Russians" and the "sexual assaulter" rampages. People want to hear what you are going to do for them as a candidate. I think most, aside from the hard political party supporters, are sick and tired of this back and forth nonsense. Run on your issues, on your platform, on what you believe in, and stop trying to convince us that you are "better" than the other guy. JMHO. :)

Sadly the negative campaigning dominates because it works. It doesn't change minds, but it lights fires under their (both sides) supporters to show up

One of these days we will have some viable 3rd party candidates to choose instead of the usual pieces of slop the dems and reps present us with.

As long as the Electrical College "winner take all" scam is in place there will be no 3P candy that ever gets a legitimate chance. That's part of what the WTA system does --- it perpetuates Duopoly and shuts out 3P candies. The nature of the system makes such a dichotomy inevitable.

The only 3P POTUS candies that have made any splash at all over the last century -- Perot, Anderson, Wallace, Thurmond --- have done so with the strategy of not winning but siphoning off enough EVs to leave nobody with a majority, throwing the decision to the H of R. Perot pulled a fifth of the pop vote and didn't even get one EV. No 3P has out-drawn either Duopoly party since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, and he was a former POTUS.

The system is rigged, and it's rigged to perpetuate Duopoly. Until we fix that system, Duopoly is all we'll ever get. Because as long as you know it's a lock to elect either your party or theirs, you don't need to give voters a reason to vote for yours; all you have to do is give them reasons to not vote for theirs. Since we all know any given state is voting either all-D or all-R, that leaves no other choice.

It's not just that. It's the candidates that are being presented. That is a BIG part of the problem.

For most of my lifetime, it's been the ones that will "play ball" the best.

I agree. And I think people are tired of that, which is certainly demonstrated by Trump winning. Look where politicians playing ball has gotten us
Sadly the negative campaigning dominates because it works. It doesn't change minds, but it lights fires under their (both sides) supporters to show up

One of these days we will have some viable 3rd party candidates to choose instead of the usual pieces of slop the dems and reps present us with.

As long as the Electrical College "winner take all" scam is in place there will be no 3P candy that ever gets a legitimate chance. That's part of what the WTA system does --- it perpetuates Duopoly and shuts out 3P candies. The nature of the system makes such a dichotomy inevitable.

The only 3P POTUS candies that have made any splash at all over the last century -- Perot, Anderson, Wallace, Thurmond --- have done so with the strategy of not winning but siphoning off enough EVs to leave nobody with a majority, throwing the decision to the H of R. Perot pulled a fifth of the pop vote and didn't even get one EV. No 3P has out-drawn either Duopoly party since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, and he was a former POTUS.

The system is rigged, and it's rigged to perpetuate Duopoly. Until we fix that system, Duopoly is all we'll ever get. Because as long as you know it's a lock to elect either your party or theirs, you don't need to give voters a reason to vote for yours; all you have to do is give them reasons to not vote for theirs. Since we all know any given state is voting either all-D or all-R, that leaves no other choice.

Yes. That is an advantage of a parliamentary system. Third parties here just have no chance in this country. Even "independents" in congress always caucus with one of the parties and aren't really independent

In America the two political parties are actually coalitions of issue groups.
So in a way it is a multi-party system.

To a degree on the Republican side.

Leftists are just leftists. They are in lock step on every issue.

Why for example would a "feminist" agree with a "gay rights activist" on every environmental issue?

It is weird. I could never understand how someone could follow the party agenda to a T like that. So odd. Lol.
Sadly the negative campaigning dominates because it works. It doesn't change minds, but it lights fires under their (both sides) supporters to show up

One of these days we will have some viable 3rd party candidates to choose instead of the usual pieces of slop the dems and reps present us with.

As long as the Electrical College "winner take all" scam is in place there will be no 3P candy that ever gets a legitimate chance. That's part of what the WTA system does --- it perpetuates Duopoly and shuts out 3P candies. The nature of the system makes such a dichotomy inevitable.

The only 3P POTUS candies that have made any splash at all over the last century -- Perot, Anderson, Wallace, Thurmond --- have done so with the strategy of not winning but siphoning off enough EVs to leave nobody with a majority, throwing the decision to the H of R. Perot pulled a fifth of the pop vote and didn't even get one EV. No 3P has out-drawn either Duopoly party since Teddy Roosevelt in 1912, and he was a former POTUS.

The system is rigged, and it's rigged to perpetuate Duopoly. Until we fix that system, Duopoly is all we'll ever get. Because as long as you know it's a lock to elect either your party or theirs, you don't need to give voters a reason to vote for yours; all you have to do is give them reasons to not vote for theirs. Since we all know any given state is voting either all-D or all-R, that leaves no other choice.

Yes. That is an advantage of a parliamentary system. Third parties here just have no chance in this country. Even "independents" in congress always caucus with one of the parties and aren't really independent

In America the two political parties are actually coalitions of issue groups.
So in a way it is a multi-party system.

To a degree on the Republican side.

Leftists are just leftists. They are in lock step on every issue.

Why for example would a "feminist" agree with a "gay rights activist" on every environmental issue?

I think I have to assume that these are people who are gullible, incapable of independent thought and believe everything that is fed to them by their chosen party.
You must be one of the biggest bitches on USMB. :D Always bitching.

You feel stupid....and you lash out.

I gave you what you asked for. Enjoy the truth.

I don't recall asking YOU anything . . . You should feel stupid since you misunderstood the intent of my thread which was about attack ads focusing on the negatives of the "other guy" instead of using these ads as an opportunity to outline the candidate's plans. Just look at the difference between Clinton/Trump ads and Gary Johnson ads. Gary Johnson is an ADULT.

You asked. I answered.

Hillary has ads that are not attack ads. I'm sure you've never seen one.

You love cankles, don't you? :lol: Your partisanship and those like you are tearing our country apart. You should be ashamed, as you are a silly ideologue.

I actually don't like her that much. But...she's competent and qualified. Its all good.

"Qualified" in the leftist dictionary of course being defined as she's a leftist
Freaking Silly Boo Boo is resurrecting all kinds of ancient history threads because he is a douche. Lol.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

Losing to Donald, you must be really bad.

And so it is, Hillary is the most corrupt government official in our era.

This video makes Donald look like Mother Theresa.
Good ad that highlights Hillary's strategy against Trump

Use his own boorish behavior against him, don't roll in the mud with pigs, they are more used to it than you are

Hillary just needs to respond calmly, don't take the bait and remain Presidential
She never was presidential, why is she now? She was, and is, a loser, twice.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

Was this before you became a Republican?

Why is it that every time you feel dissed, you go digging up old threads? Wacko. Lol.

I thought I already told you that I am a centrist? You are a typically confused liberal.

Sealy is the resident no lifer who has nothing better to do with his time than dig around in the archives in an attempt to look clever.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

Was this before you became a Republican?

Why is it that every time you feel dissed, you go digging up old threads? Wacko. Lol.

I thought I already told you that I am a centrist? You are a typically confused liberal.

Sealy is the resident no lifer who has nothing better to do with his time than dig around in the archives in an attempt to look clever.

It was easy you old fuck.
According to the OP video, I'm with her!


I think they ran this a couple days after Seth Rich got shot, it flew like an albatross because of that.
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

Was this before you became a Republican?

Why is it that every time you feel dissed, you go digging up old threads? Wacko. Lol.

I thought I already told you that I am a centrist? You are a typically confused liberal.

Sealy is the resident no lifer who has nothing better to do with his time than dig around in the archives in an attempt to look clever.

In two months I’ll be hanging out on my new boat while you sit there living the life I wish I had loser


  • 259CCEFE-2BE7-4478-811A-756B9D070E0C.jpeg
    1.3 MB · Views: 26
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

Was this before you became a Republican?

Why is it that every time you feel dissed, you go digging up old threads? Wacko. Lol.

I thought I already told you that I am a centrist? You are a typically confused liberal.

Sealy is the resident no lifer who has nothing better to do with his time than dig around in the archives in an attempt to look clever.

In two months I’ll be hanging out on my new boat while you sit there living the life I wish I had loser

Is that a pontoon boat? Seriously?
Has anyone seen this? I just saw it for the first time yesterday. Wow! As much as I can't stand the Democrats and the Republicans, this ad makes The Donald look really pretty bad.

Having said that, I am tired of attack ads. Tell us what YOU are going to do!

Was this before you became a Republican?

Why is it that every time you feel dissed, you go digging up old threads? Wacko. Lol.

I thought I already told you that I am a centrist? You are a typically confused liberal.

Sealy is the resident no lifer who has nothing better to do with his time than dig around in the archives in an attempt to look clever.

In two months I’ll be hanging out on my new boat while you sit there living the life I wish I had loser

Is that a pontoon boat? Seriously?

Pontoons are the preferred boat on my lake.
Was this before you became a Republican?

Why is it that every time you feel dissed, you go digging up old threads? Wacko. Lol.

I thought I already told you that I am a centrist? You are a typically confused liberal.
Sealy is the resident no lifer who has nothing better to do with his time than dig around in the archives in an attempt to look clever.
In two months I’ll be hanging out on my new boat while you sit there living the life I wish I had loser

Is that a pontoon boat? Seriously?

Pontoons are the preferred boat on my lake.

They're useful for sure, but they aren't exactly luxury yachts

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