New DNC Attack Ad

Your attempt at sarcasm feel flat. "the C*ntface donald" not attacking someone, how utterly stupid of a comment was that you made

Your attempt at blustering and swearing falls flat on you with your fragmented English not far behind.
Where did I say she did? I said she did not seem to notice that the attack strategy didn't work for Republicans and she might want to consider different one instead of going down the same path they did.

You don't get the apples and oranges point?

An intraparty primary is not a head-to-head. It's limited to that party. Whole different animal.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.

We've already had pot head presidents, they didn't do that well.
You don't get the apples and oranges point?

An intraparty primary is not a head-to-head. It's limited to that party. Whole different animal.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.

We've already had pot head presidents, they didn't do that well.

Why do you say he's a pot head? You must be one of the crazy religious right. Lol. Get out of here. There is no hope for you.
We will find out this year whether pessimism or optimism wins. Trump's fearmongering and whining, or Clinton's belief we are a great country.

It's all Trump does. Whine and complain and cause the rubes to shit their pants in fear. He moans about what a shitty place America is, and what losers Americans are. Every time he opens his mouth, every sentence he utters, he is either whining or fearmongering or spewing hate at someone.

So we will see. Pessimism or optimism.
You must mean Obama.

But he usually waits till he's overseas so the world media can pick up his whine fest.
Those were low information Republicans who giggle at childish names and mocking the handicapped

The general electorate will not be so easily entertained

Nothing like the doublethink you progressives have to do to blather out statements like this. Basically you are hoping the electorate is too smart of fall for Trump's stuff, but still dumb enough to fall for your crap.

How Orwellian.

Stop playing the Democrats are just as bad as Trump nonsense

Trump has sunk to new lows in not just his political positions but childlike antics. Hillary will try to exploit it without sinking to his level

No, Democrats are worse than Trump.

You've got an errant comma in there.

Well played. I almost thought you were going Punctuation Nazi on me there.


Nope, just ignorant regressive.
What Hillary has to do:

Make the public fear Trump: Replay clips of his opinions and foolishness constantly

Stand up for America: America IS great, our economy is the strongest on earth, we do not have to live in fear

Present yourself as the only responsible candidate: Reply calmly and rationally to Trumps rants and accusations

Paint ALL Republican candidate as being the same as Trump
What Hillary has to do:

Make the public fear Trump: Replay clips of his opinions and foolishness constantly

Stand up for America: America IS great, our economy is the strongest on earth, we do not have to live in fear

Present yourself as the only responsible candidate: Reply calmly and rationally to Trumps rants and accusations

Paint ALL Republican candidate as being the same as Trump

With an assist from David Duke.
This is the point where I start to wonder if those conspiratheorists who kept saying Rump was a virus working for the Democrats have a real case.
That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.
The sad reality is for any third party candidate to have any shot they would need to be included in the Presidential debates and neither party or the networks will go for that.

Johnson is polling around 9%
I think he will be included in the debates.Ross Perot was

He was at 13% last time I checked.
As I understand it you have to poll at 15 percent in several polls to get in. Perot had a big advantage he was rich and could spend money to get name recognition something that really hurts Johnson.
THIS is what I want to hear on a political ad.

Oh, yes, yes, yes. Thank you, ChrisL, for posting this.

Donald and Hillary are now competing for the most distrusted candidate: more than two of every three voters don't trust them.

I trust Johnson and Weld.

I wonder why you regressives are pushing folks to vote third party, is that more of this unity you lie about?

Face it, Gary Johnson is the BEST candidate for the job. I'm doing my OWN campaigning, trying to get as many people to change their minds and vote for Gary as possible. THAT is the first step towards change.

You do what ever makes you feel good, I'll pass on someone who has to promise to quit smoking pot if elected.
THIS is what I want to hear on a political ad.

Oh, yes, yes, yes. Thank you, ChrisL, for posting this.

Donald and Hillary are now competing for the most distrusted candidate: more than two of every three voters don't trust them.

I trust Johnson and Weld.

I wonder why you regressives are pushing folks to vote third party, is that more of this unity you lie about?

Face it, Gary Johnson is the BEST candidate for the job. I'm doing my OWN campaigning, trying to get as many people to change their minds and vote for Gary as possible. THAT is the first step towards change.

You do what ever makes you feel good, I'll pass on someone who has to promise to quit smoking pot if elected.

Yes, that is a UGE concern. Lol. *SMH*
You don't get the apples and oranges point?

An intraparty primary is not a head-to-head. It's limited to that party. Whole different animal.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.
The sad reality is for any third party candidate to have any shot they would need to be included in the Presidential debates and neither party or the networks will go for that.

No they won't, which is exactly why the Duopoly wrested the debates away from the League of Women Voters (who used to run it) and now openly collude to exclude anyone not playing along with The Machine.

What a freaking farce that is. Should be illegal.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.

We've already had pot head presidents, they didn't do that well.

Why do you say he's a pot head? You must be one of the crazy religious right. Lol. Get out of here. There is no hope for you.

Didn't he promise to lay off the pot if elected? There was a thread on it not too long ago.
You don't get the apples and oranges point?

An intraparty primary is not a head-to-head. It's limited to that party. Whole different animal.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.
The sad reality is for any third party candidate to have any shot they would need to be included in the Presidential debates and neither party or the networks will go for that.

If he garners 15% then he is allowed to participate in the national televised debates.
That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.

We've already had pot head presidents, they didn't do that well.

Why do you say he's a pot head? You must be one of the crazy religious right. Lol. Get out of here. There is no hope for you.

Didn't he promise to lay off the pot if elected? There was a thread on it not too long ago.

Honestly, I couldn't care less if he indulges in a doobie once in a while. Not any worse than (in fact BETTER) than getting falling down drunk!
Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...yeah, awful. She should feature Bernie or Pajama Cocoa Boy in her ads as examples of Democrat men

That is a real man, are you kidding. He is an over aged, over grown child who likes to bully and probably many were at the brunt of his nastiness ever since, because he has not matured.
Few people realize that both Trump and Romney hurt a lot of everyday people.

That's what big business is all about.

At least Romney didn't have a nasty mouth from what I remember.

He doesn't have thousands of employees either.

I think we have seen his true colors, and if he carries on his business affairs like he has ran his campaign, well we can understand why he is a billionaire, because he is an arrogant narcissist, who preys like a sewer rat. Man I can't stand that man. He is so VULGAR. His wife must love money a lot.
Isn't it ironic that the "religious right" would be behind Trumpster? That just seems so odd to me, considering he really doesn't seem like a very good person.

On the other hand it shows how deep that "religious" conviction really was. Not.
Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...yeah, awful. She should feature Bernie or Pajama Cocoa Boy in her ads as examples of Democrat men

That is a real man, are you kidding. He is an over aged, over grown child who likes to bully and probably many were at the brunt of his nastiness ever since, because he has not matured.
Few people realize that both Trump and Romney hurt a lot of everyday people.

That's what big business is all about.

At least Romney didn't have a nasty mouth from what I remember.

He doesn't have thousands of employees either.

Hillary pointing out that Trump is a real man...yeah, awful. She should feature Bernie or Pajama Cocoa Boy in her ads as examples of Democrat men

That is a real man, are you kidding. He is an over aged, over grown child who likes to bully and probably many were at the brunt of his nastiness ever since, because he has not matured.
Few people realize that both Trump and Romney hurt a lot of everyday people.

That's what big business is all about.

At least Romney didn't have a nasty mouth from what I remember.

He doesn't have thousands of employees either.

I think we have seen his true colors, and if he carries on his business affairs like he has ran his campaign, well we can understand why he is a billionaire, because he is an arrogant narcissist, who preys like a sewer rat. Man I can't stand that man. He is so VULGAR. His wife must love money a lot.

I agree, he disgusts me. I think he's disgusting.
Not its not but the questions you have to consider are what will she say about him that has not already been said and why would it have anymore impact now than it did the first time? One more thing to consider is getting into a battle of who's the worst person really in Hillarys best interest? Trumps no prize but neither is she.

That's why you should vote for Gary Johnson. :)
I might I'm also considering just voting in the House and Senate races and skipping past President.

Why not give Johnson/Weld a chance to show us how much better things could be instead of the status quo? If you want real change, you aren't going to get it from the Rs or Ds.

We've already had pot head presidents, they didn't do that well.

Why do you say he's a pot head? You must be one of the crazy religious right. Lol. Get out of here. There is no hope for you.

No I'm a pragmatic constitutional conservative, I'm in the ABC camp and I know Johnson has no chance in hell of winning. If conservatives divide their vote, the hildabitch wins. Simple as that.

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