New DNC chair Tom Perez says the Voting Rights Act does not protect whites!! WOW


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
All democrats are white-hating racists.

Tom Perez: ‘White People NOT Entitled to Protection Under Voting Rights Act’

feb 25 2017 Tom Perez Has A Strong History Of Racism

New DNC Chair, Tom Perez, fits right in with the values of the Democratic party, especially when it comes to victimizing minorities and labeling white people as privileged.

An investigation into Perez revealed extreme views he holds according to A Review of the Operations of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division conducted by the Office of the Inspector General Oversight and Review Division in March of 2013. Perez told investigators that white people were not entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon.

From The Department of Justice:

CRT AAG Perez stated that interpreting Section 5’s retrogressive-effects standard to not cover White citizens was consistent with the Division’s longstanding practice, as well as case law interpreting the provision and the intent behind its enactment… Perez noted that the Division has always understood the term ‘minority’ to mean not numerical minority but rather ‘an identifiable and specially disadvantaged group.
All democrats are white-hating racists.

Tom Perez: ‘White People NOT Entitled to Protection Under Voting Rights Act’

feb 25 2017 Tom Perez Has A Strong History Of Racism

New DNC Chair, Tom Perez, fits right in with the values of the Democratic party, especially when it comes to victimizing minorities and labeling white people as privileged.

An investigation into Perez revealed extreme views he holds according to A Review of the Operations of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division conducted by the Office of the Inspector General Oversight and Review Division in March of 2013. Perez told investigators that white people were not entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon.

From The Department of Justice:

CRT AAG Perez stated that interpreting Section 5’s retrogressive-effects standard to not cover White citizens was consistent with the Division’s longstanding practice, as well as case law interpreting the provision and the intent behind its enactment… Perez noted that the Division has always understood the term ‘minority’ to mean not numerical minority but rather ‘an identifiable and specially disadvantaged group.
sounds like a sure fire win for 2018
All democrats are white-hating racists.

Tom Perez: ‘White People NOT Entitled to Protection Under Voting Rights Act’

feb 25 2017 Tom Perez Has A Strong History Of Racism

New DNC Chair, Tom Perez, fits right in with the values of the Democratic party, especially when it comes to victimizing minorities and labeling white people as privileged.

An investigation into Perez revealed extreme views he holds according to A Review of the Operations of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division conducted by the Office of the Inspector General Oversight and Review Division in March of 2013. Perez told investigators that white people were not entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon.

From The Department of Justice:

CRT AAG Perez stated that interpreting Section 5’s retrogressive-effects standard to not cover White citizens was consistent with the Division’s longstanding practice, as well as case law interpreting the provision and the intent behind its enactment… Perez noted that the Division has always understood the term ‘minority’ to mean not numerical minority but rather ‘an identifiable and specially disadvantaged group.
Lets get something white mf's do not have a monopoly on racism....if Perez is racist, he's in good Trump. And please do us all a fuckin favor, stop trying to call out liberals, when you white mf's got a gotdamned president who not only is racist, but is backed by you neo cons who are....get over yourselves and welcome the competition...racist bitch
Kewl. The GOP is going to pick up Maine, Vermont, and maybe even Oregon.
The DNC will just say that white people can not vote. There we go, now a certain democrat president.
One thing you white people are not going to get away with this time, is turning the tables and making you mf's the gotdamned victims. I am begging democrats to never ever ever again apologize for the shit you say, own it and let these mf's either get the fuck over it or talk about the shit all they want...but our days of saying I'm sorry to motherfuckin white people, them gotdmaned days are over.
All democrats are white-hating racists.

Tom Perez: ‘White People NOT Entitled to Protection Under Voting Rights Act’

feb 25 2017 Tom Perez Has A Strong History Of Racism

New DNC Chair, Tom Perez, fits right in with the values of the Democratic party, especially when it comes to victimizing minorities and labeling white people as privileged.

An investigation into Perez revealed extreme views he holds according to A Review of the Operations of the Voting Section of the Civil Rights Division conducted by the Office of the Inspector General Oversight and Review Division in March of 2013. Perez told investigators that white people were not entitled to protection under the Voting Rights Act according to a report from the Washington Free Beacon.

From The Department of Justice:

CRT AAG Perez stated that interpreting Section 5’s retrogressive-effects standard to not cover White citizens was consistent with the Division’s longstanding practice, as well as case law interpreting the provision and the intent behind its enactment… Perez noted that the Division has always understood the term ‘minority’ to mean not numerical minority but rather ‘an identifiable and specially disadvantaged group.

Major reading comprehension issues from the above nitwit......Not only does the moron cite GATEWAY PUNDIT that, in turn, cites the Washington Beacon.....LOL
Lets get something white mf's do not have a monopoly on racism....if Perez is racist, he's in good Trump. And please do us all a fuckin favor, stop trying to call out liberals, when you white mf's got a gotdamned president who not only is racist, but is backed by you neo cons who are....get over yourselves and welcome the competition...racist bitch

More lies from the nuthouse. As for me I am neither racist, a bitch, or anything else you spouted except probably white. SO you get over the idea that you have anything but a laugh at you coming. HAHAHAHA. You so funnaaaaaah.
It may not apply to whites. If it is like the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (and I think it is), then it identifies a "protected class" and implements certain protections to "even the playing field." As such, Perez may be correct.
Yes, language may be written as you say to INCLUDE persons but there is NO way to structure a law that it can be used to EXCLUDE any RACE because of the EQUAL PROTECTION clause dimshits like to use so frequently.

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