New DNC President Demostrates Democrats Spew Ignorance and Lies (Electoral College)

Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.

View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

So you don't vote. That's probably very good for the country.
The EC is broken and obsolete

still gives the small states a say in the election of the president.
No. It gave Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania the only say in the election, and took it away from everybody else. Pennsylvania and Michigan are top 10 in population, and Wisconsin is top 20. None of those are "small states." The system failed to the point where a President was elected with a deficit of 3,000,000 votes. The system is broken.

The system has prevented the 14-18 most populous states from installing the president of their choice since Washington.

English, please? :lol:

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:
English, please? :lol:

That was English.

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.
Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.

View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

Apparently Ray's never seen what a convention looks like before.

He should ask Geaux4it . Dood knows some unusual ones.

You missed the context. He would defend EVERYTHING in the Constitution! Dumb ass!

Your web site is a dumb ass web site.

Obviously that's not his intent at all, considering "fire the sumbitches".
Not that he didn't warn the electorate that he was going that way with his threat to "open up libel laws", so to be fair the blame falls on those who heard that warning and voted for him anyway.

But it's a special kind of irony to note "you missed the context" considering the topic of this thread.
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Can we please replace this guy with someone that understands the constitutions to lead our party?

"Replace" based on what? The OP didn't even link the evidence. I couldn't find it either.

Yer gonna take ShitSpitters' word for it?

Sure looks like a link in that post to me.

Sure looks like you haven't merited your screen name --- there was no link at the time of that post.
Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.

View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

So you don't vote. That's probably very good for the country.

I can see you are ignorant of the fact, that Independents/moderates are the largest bloc of voters in America and it's numbers are growing, unlike your narrow-minded ideology. Can you dig that, goose-stepper?
Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.

View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

So you don't vote. That's probably very good for the country.

I can see you are ignorant of the fact, that Independents/moderates are the largest bloc of voters in America and it's numbers are growing, unlike your narrow-minded ideology. Can you dig that, goose-stepper?

Sorry PeeWeeMan, but the election results over the last ten years doesn't support that. Since DumBama, the Republicans have made historic gains. The only reason Obama got reelected is because people liked him on a personal level, but on a policy level, people elected Republicans to leadership to stop him.

Like it or not, we are a two-party government and will likely always be. If neither party supports your interests, all you can do is vote which one is the closest. Third party votes is like throwing your vote in the garbage can. Might as well save the gasoline and stay home on election day.
Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.

View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

So you don't vote. That's probably very good for the country.

I can see you are ignorant of the fact, that Independents/moderates are the largest bloc of voters in America and it's numbers are growing, unlike your narrow-minded ideology. Can you dig that, goose-stepper?

Sorry PeeWeeMan, but the election results over the last ten years doesn't support that. Since DumBama, the Republicans have made historic gains. The only reason Obama got reelected is because people liked him on a personal level, but on a policy level, people elected Republicans to leadership to stop him.

Like it or not, we are a two-party government and will likely always be. If neither party supports your interests, all you can do is vote which one is the closest. Third party votes is like throwing your vote in the garbage can. Might as well save the gasoline and stay home on election day.

If you actually believe that the two party (singular is intentional) is two different things and not simply a two headed monster where one head wears red and the other wears blue, then the fact is the red one since 1988 has prevailed in exactly one Presidential election out of seven, and that one was a squeaker.

Kiwi is correct -- the largest political party faction in these United States is "none". And for reasons already outlined, the WTA EC is anathema. Because it perpetuates that dead-end Duopoly.

---- A Duopoly, we should note, that did not exist when the WTA was snowballed into existence. At that time new political parties were bubbling up every other week, and POTUS voters were voting for people rather than paries anyway. Andrew Jackson, commonly called the first "Democrat", didn't even have a political party when he ran for the office. The party evolved from what were simply called for lack of an official term, "Jacksonians".
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Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.

View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

So you don't vote. That's probably very good for the country.
I think he's a New Zealander.

still gives the small states a say in the election of the president.
No. It gave Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania the only say in the election, and took it away from everybody else. Pennsylvania and Michigan are top 10 in population, and Wisconsin is top 20. None of those are "small states." The system failed to the point where a President was elected with a deficit of 3,000,000 votes. The system is broken.

The system has prevented the 14-18 most populous states from installing the president of their choice since Washington.

English, please? :lol:

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:
English, please? :lol:

That was English.

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.
No. It gave Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania the only say in the election, and took it away from everybody else. Pennsylvania and Michigan are top 10 in population, and Wisconsin is top 20. None of those are "small states." The system failed to the point where a President was elected with a deficit of 3,000,000 votes. The system is broken.

The system has prevented the 14-18 most populous states from installing the president of their choice since Washington.

English, please? :lol:

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:
English, please? :lol:

That was English.

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
The system has prevented the 14-18 most populous states from installing the president of their choice since Washington.

English, please? :lol:

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:
English, please? :lol:

That was English.

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
What don't YOU get that your way, 14-18 states decide the presidency?
Democrats commit voter fraud in every election, and if we had popular vote to elect the President, the Democrats could easily steal every election with illegal aliens, convicted felons, and dead people voting Democrat.
English, please? :lol:

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:
English, please? :lol:

That was English.

Or are you advocating forced relocation in order to vote? :uhh:

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
What don't YOU get that your way, 14-18 states decide the presidency?
If it is one (wo)man-one vote, does their location in the country actually matter? Why is an individual vote from California less valid than one from Mississippi?
I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought.
Your hero said it. You Trumpsters actually believe Trump is perfect. He isn’t God, who is the only one who perfect.
View attachment 156970

And that means what?
I never voted for Obama or anyone with the last name of Clinton. I also did not vote for Dotard Trump, who is even worse at being president, than I ever imagined. It's just plain scary.
I know you goose-steppers can't quite handle the fact, that there are people that seriously think for themselves and don't need a very narrow ideology to tell them what to think and what to say. :blahblah:

So you don't vote. That's probably very good for the country.
I think he's a New Zealander.

Actually, I'm a nationalized US citizen with dual citizenship.
If you actually believe that the two party (singular is intentional) is two different things and not simply a two headed monster where one head wears red and the other wears blue, then the fact is the red one since 1988 has prevailed in exactly one Presidential election out of seven, and that one was a squeaker.

To some point I don't disagree, but that's why Trump was elected. At least we on the right are trying to change our politics. Actually, it's been going on for some time between the Tea Party types and the Establishment. The Democrats are one solid party. One thinks like the next hundred of them. Look at how they are voting in Congress and the Senate.
That was English.

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
What don't YOU get that your way, 14-18 states decide the presidency?
If it is one (wo)man-one vote, does their location in the country actually matter? Why is an individual vote from California less valid than one from Mississippi?
I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought.

as it stands. Rhode Island, Montana, and other small states, have a voice.

one person= one vote?

they dont'.

No reason for a candidate to go to those states and make promises, (they likely won't keep anyway), because there aren't enough people there to matter.

Why would a politician campaign in Rhode Island, when NYC has 7 times the population?

Why bother stumping in Montana, when Chicago has twice the population?
Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
What don't YOU get that your way, 14-18 states decide the presidency?
If it is one (wo)man-one vote, does their location in the country actually matter? Why is an individual vote from California less valid than one from Mississippi?
I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought.

as it stands. Rhode Island, Montana, and other small states, have a voice.

one person= one vote?

they dont'.

No reason for a candidate to go to those states and make promises, (they likely won't keep anyway), because there aren't enough people there to matter.

Why would a politician campaign in Rhode Island, when NYC has 7 times the population?

Why bother stumping in Montana, when Chicago has twice the population?
No reason for a candidate to go to those states and make promises, (they likely won't keep anyway), because there aren't enough people there to matter.
Why would a politician campaign in Rhode Island, when NYC has 7 times the population?
Why bother stumping in Montana, when Chicago has twice the population?

Okay! Now I get it. If it were one (wo)man-one vote, Presidential hopefuls might not come make live speeches in my state (for sure they wouldn't, since there are only a million of us) and eat at our local diner. Or send out armies of young people to ring my bell incessantly and fill my mailbox with garbage flyers.
WE HAVE TV NOW and internet and all kinds of other newfangled communications which make it unnecessary for a candidate to travel to Bangor in order for me to know who it is and if I want to vote for him/her.
The EC is, imo, a thing of the past. I don't know who my "State" is when it comes to EC control, but I sure as hell don't know any of them. It is a mysterious backroom thing and it is kept that way from all but the partisan monkeys.
you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
What don't YOU get that your way, 14-18 states decide the presidency?
If it is one (wo)man-one vote, does their location in the country actually matter? Why is an individual vote from California less valid than one from Mississippi?
I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought.

as it stands. Rhode Island, Montana, and other small states, have a voice.

one person= one vote?

they dont'.

No reason for a candidate to go to those states and make promises, (they likely won't keep anyway), because there aren't enough people there to matter.

Why would a politician campaign in Rhode Island, when NYC has 7 times the population?

Why bother stumping in Montana, when Chicago has twice the population?
No reason for a candidate to go to those states and make promises, (they likely won't keep anyway), because there aren't enough people there to matter.
Why would a politician campaign in Rhode Island, when NYC has 7 times the population?
Why bother stumping in Montana, when Chicago has twice the population?

Okay! Now I get it. If it were one (wo)man-one vote, Presidential hopefuls might not come make live speeches in my state (for sure they wouldn't, since there are only a million of us) and eat at our local diner. Or send out armies of young people to ring my bell incessantly and fill my mailbox with garbage flyers.
WE HAVE TV NOW and internet and all kinds of other newfangled communications which make it unnecessary for a candidate to travel to Bangor in order for me to know who it is and if I want to vote for him/her.
The EC is, imo, a thing of the past. I don't know who my "State" is when it comes to EC control, but I sure as hell don't know any of them. It is a mysterious backroom thing and it is kept that way from all but the partisan monkeys.
WE HAVE TV NOW and internet and all kinds of other newfangled communications which make it unnecessary for a candidate to travel to Bangor in order for me to know who it is and if I want to vote for him/her.

"Hey, this guy wants to be my president, but we're not good enough for him to come see us in person. Why should I vote for him?"
That was English.

nope, system works fine.

May not always agree with it, but it works.

Question for you...

Should the desires of the majority of states matter?

Answer for you: "No".

Voters register to vote --- not 'states'. When it's time for states to vote, that's what the Senate is for.
All men are created equal; all states are not.

My state (for example) went to Congress and declared "wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in North Carolina voted for Donald Rump. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote".

And that's utter bullshit. And in every election it's the exact same bullshit all over again, regardless whose name is plugged in there. The state to the north of me trudged in there and went,
"wow, it's incredible --- literally every voter in Virginia voted for Hillary Clinton. Amazing, we've had two centuries of unanimous vote". And that's the exact same bullshit.

Once AGAIN --- this is a major reason we suffer from an atrocious voter participation rate ---- anybody who lives in a "locked red" or a "locked blue" state has no reason to vote for a POTUS at all. Their state is already decided. They can vote with the state, vote against the state, or stay home and eat a baloney sandwich --- all three scenaria produce exactliy the same result --- so what's the point of voting at all.

Second, up to half of those who live in so-called "battleground" or "swing" states ---- a bullshit concept that would not exist at all were it not for the equally bullshitious WTA system --- will have their votes dumped in the trash.

And third, nobody who doesn't care to indulge the entrenched Duopoly EVER gets a chance to cast a meaningful vote outside that Duopoly, and that goes for one hundred percent of the 57 states, so the WTA system serves to perpetuate that Duopoly and keep us in the same swamp, forever. If you think that's a reasonable course I've got some nice swampland for sale.

I dumped the question about the Amendment process because it's irrelevant here.

you prefer to doom the country with the desires of the14-18 most populous states?

I don't.

Once AGAIN there is no state, anywhere, in this country or any other in the world, that "desires" unanimously. That's yet another tureen of the same bullshit.

What don't you GET about that?
What don't YOU get that your way, 14-18 states decide the presidency?
If it is one (wo)man-one vote, does their location in the country actually matter? Why is an individual vote from California less valid than one from Mississippi?
I'm not sure I'm following your train of thought.
Because the one in California is collecting Welfare and the one in Mississippi is paying his bills.

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