New DNC President Demostrates Democrats Spew Ignorance and Lies (Electoral College)

Perez only proves Leftists and snowflakes still have not moved past Hillary losing the election...

Libs be like, "Turn those voting machines back on, turn those voting machines back can't be over!"

This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012

True, but we are not a democracy.
tell trump that then, hero.

No need.
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012
Only when a flaming liberal who wants to fundamentally transform America gets in office. Otherwise, it works quite well...
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012
Only when a flaming liberal who wants to fundamentally transform America gets in office. Otherwise, it works quite well...
that makes no sense whatsoever. in 2012, and in 2008 the popular vote winner also won the EC. in landslides.

please do not try again.
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012
Only when a flaming liberal who wants to fundamentally transform America gets in office. Otherwise, it works quite well...
that makes no sense whatsoever. in 2012, and in 2008 the popular vote winner also won the EC. in landslides.

please do not try again.

Did he win the election because he won the popular vote, or because he won the Electoral vote?
This is the guy who Democrats all said "Hey, let's put this guy in charge"

Tom Perez Lectures in Front of Law School Crowd That Electoral College 'Not Part of Constitution'
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012
Only when a flaming liberal who wants to fundamentally transform America gets in office. Otherwise, it works quite well...
that makes no sense whatsoever. in 2012, and in 2008 the popular vote winner also won the EC. in landslides.

please do not try again.
no he didn't he won with the electoral college. I challenge you to post where he won by popular vote.

2004 November 4, 2008 2012
All 538 electoral votes of the Electoral College
270 electoral votes needed to win
1.5 pp

Nominee Barack Obama John McCain
Party Democratic Republican
Home state Illinois Arizona
Running mate Joe Biden Sarah Palin
Electoral vote 365 173
States carried 28 + DC + NE-02 22
Popular vote 69,498,516 59,948,323
Percentage 52.9% 45.7%
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012
Only when a flaming liberal who wants to fundamentally transform America gets in office. Otherwise, it works quite well...
that makes no sense whatsoever. in 2012, and in 2008 the popular vote winner also won the EC. in landslides.

please do not try again.

Did he win the election because he won the popular vote, or because he won the Electoral vote?
wow, deep.
stuck for the answer?
a simple tweet by trump in 2012 sends you maggots scrambling, apparently.
/----/ Dems hate the EC until it works in their favor.

"The electoral college is a disaster for a democracy." ~Trump in 2012
Only when a flaming liberal who wants to fundamentally transform America gets in office. Otherwise, it works quite well...
that makes no sense whatsoever. in 2012, and in 2008 the popular vote winner also won the EC. in landslides.

please do not try again.
no he didn't he won with the electoral college. I challenge you to post where he won by popular vote.
you challenge me, engrish speaker? wow. how about you read what i wrote, and then try to understand it. see you next week.
hahahahaha here.:itsok:
Perez is an idiot.

As for the myth that HRC would have won a popular-vote election, one might note the following:

Had the rules been changed prior to the start of the first primaries, the entire election cycle would have played out totally differently. The entire focus during both the primaries and the general election would have been the most populous states. Iowa? WGAS? There is no telling who would have won the nominations on either side, but the probability is that Sanders would have won for the Democrats. In the Republican field with so many good candidates running, it is likely that money would have been a bigger factor. It is unknowable.

With the rules as they were, millions of Republicans in Blue states simply declined to vote, especially in California, where the Senate race pitted one Democrat versus another Democrat.

Next time, if a popular vote format would be adopted (not practically possible), Trump would beat anyone currently in the Democrat "firmament." Joe Biden would likely be the Dem nominee, but his history is so full of public idiocy, he would have to win on policy, and with his party so far to the Left, he would lose in a landslide.

Perez is an idiot.

Gee, the dimocrat party elects a mental midget as their chairman.

This is dog bites man stuff.

With his credentials, and yet doesn’t know that?. Somethings wrong with this picture. Someone might want to check his credentials are legit. Lol

With his credentials, and yet doesn’t know that?. Somethings wrong with this picture. Someone might want to check his credentials are legit. Lol

You're assuming he doesn't know that .....

Personally I suspect that he is well aware of the fact that the electoral college is enshrined in the Constitution and choose to intentionally mislead his audience in order to garner support for his "cause" and provide a talking point to help the useful idiots spread his "message".

How likely do you think it is that there are law students that attended his lecture out there right now arguing for the elimination of the EC and using the "it's not part of the Constitution" talking point because that's what the DNC Chair told 'em.

Anybody find a transcript yet? Any actual evidence of the quote in context?


Here's why it matters. As I noted back in post 18 all we have is a really bad half-unintelligible voice recorder file which is also conveniently edited to BEGIN with the statement in the title of this thread. That means we are denied whatever part of the speech led up to it and set up the statement (if it even is what he's saying).

And that matters because, judging by what FOLLOWS the statement, what the speaker is talking about is not the Electoral College structure itself, but the "winner take all" method of executing it, which indeed is not part of the Constitution, which was adopted by a state-snowball effect soon after the country began, and which James Madison, a major author of the Electoral College, advocated a Constitutional Amendment to abolish.

Going by the little selectively-edited part of the speech we do have (and assuming whoever wrote down the horrible audio file is accurate), it sounds like that --- the WTA system --- is what the speaker's referring to. That explains both the part of the speech after the quote, as well as why it was edited specifically to start at that point. Because if it's heard in context it's a whole different statement.

Tried to essplain this yesterday. Summa y'all just open wide and swallow whatever you think is gen-you-whine snake oil. Apparently now all it takes is a horribly-recorded sound file recorded from inside a closet, selectively edited. And this passes for "evidence".

Somebody find a legitimate recording (in full) of this speech, and we'll talk turkey.
English, please.

Hey, nobody's interested in your sexual fantasies. :whip:

and I"m not interested in yours.

I merely want the post I responded to translated

I don't see where you quoted one. :dunno:

I figured you got USMB mixed up with your --- uh, lunch order.

Seems there is a reason for that:

"This message by rightwinger has been removed from public view. Deleted by rightwinger, 23 minutes ago.
25 minutes ago Show"

He must not have been able to translate it
The EC is broken and obsolete

still gives the small states a say in the election of the president.
No. It gave Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania the only say in the election, and took it away from everybody else. Pennsylvania and Michigan are top 10 in population, and Wisconsin is top 20. None of those are "small states." The system failed to the point where a President was elected with a deficit of 3,000,000 votes. The system is broken.
The EC is broken and obsolete

still gives the small states a say in the election of the president.

I'm uh, preeeeettty sure they get to vote in small states too.

The issue comes in when that small state votes 50%-plus-one for Candy X and 49.9% vote for Y, and the state electors then tell the latter, "your vote didn't count".

Or any percentage for that matter.

That's exactly why our voter participation rate is abysmally low. 55% in the last one. 45% of the electorate shrugged and thought, "what's the point?".
The EC is broken and obsolete

still gives the small states a say in the election of the president.
No. It gave Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania the only say in the election, and took it away from everybody else. Pennsylvania and Michigan are top 10 in population, and Wisconsin is top 20. None of those are "small states." The system failed to the point where a President was elected with a deficit of 3,000,000 votes. The system is broken.

The system has prevented the 14-18 most populous states from installing the president of their choice since Washington.

Personally, I don't have a problem with it.

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