New Documents Show Obama Involved In The Flynn Scandal

It’s sad but Obama will be the first President tried and ...... I think we know what Happens to treasonous people here
Never gonna happen.

If you think the Watts riots or King riots were bad, jail the first black president and watch what happens.

Interestingly enough, Democrats / snowflakes declared President Trump could shoot someone in public and be defended / get away with it...yet we are seeing Obama directed the largest scandal in United States History, using his Department of Justice, NIA, CIA, FBI - with knowledge / participation from those in his Cabinet, his National Security Advisor and Cabinet, and his VP - to illegally spy on, set-up, and take down an opposition political party Presidential candidate and his team and to affect a soft coup of a newly elected President.

Barry kept his promise to 'fundamentally change the US', alright - he anointed himself corrupt Dictator of the 3rd World Banana Republic he tried to change the US into.....
"If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that, and it was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. I think it’s an important point when it comes to critiquing President Obama."
-- March 2019 / Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper / CNN interview w/Anderson Cooper

I think it is VERY important to point this out now, too, Mr. Clapper! :p

"potus wants to know everything we’re doing."
-- 2 September, 20 16 / FBI Deputy Director of Counter Intelligence Peter Strzok / text to his mistress, FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

"...what the then-commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all the reporting that we could, that we had available to us and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration"
-- October 2019 / Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper / CNN Interview

The 'reporting' his 'foot soldiers' had included the illegal wire taps on Flynn, the phone call between then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and In-=coming National Security Advisor General Flynn, and the Dossier - information the FBI itself assessed as Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) Counter-Intelligence propaganda being used at that time against US Foreign Policy....information bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign....information paid for by the FBI and delivered to the FBI by a Trump-hating, foreign ex-spy working for and paid by Russian Oligarchs while working for and being paid by Fusion GPS who were also working for / with the Russians and Hillary's team.
-- The FBI had assessed the Dossier to be RIS propaganda
-- The State Department notified the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was not to be trusted, that he had lied in an interview
-- The US IG hammered the FBI for not keeping interviews w/foreign informants current to ensure loyalty/credibility


Evidence, documents, and testimony prove that it was former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Counter-Intelligence expert Strzok who authored the Intel Assessment BASED HEAVILY ON THE RIS PROPAGANDA. NIA Director Clapper then sent the IA to SELECT members of the 17-Intel Agency Intel Community to control the narrative and to ensure they got back the response they were looking for. Based on that response, Brennan and Strzok then authored the Intel Report WHICH BRENNAN BRIEFED TO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS DESPITE LYING LATER TO CONGRESS BY TELLING THEM HE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE REPORT! (Congressional logs proved Brennan signed in as appearing before Congress and briefing the select members of Congress)
-- The President did not 'pass on the report' to Congress - BRENNAN was the 1st to brief select members of Congress on the report THAT WAS BASED ON RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE PROPAGANDA - which they had assessed the information to be before the IA and IR had ever been written.

President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn's intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government's motion to dismiss the Flynn case.



On January 5, 2017, Yates attended an Oval Office meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, according to the newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report. They were discussing Russian election interference, along with national security adviser Susan Rice and other members of the national security council.

After the briefing, Obama asked Yates and Comey to "stay behind," and said he had "learned of the information about Flynn" and his conversation with Russia's ambassador about sanctions. Obama "specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information."

A previous memo from Rice stated that Biden also stayed behind after the main briefing had ended.

NNow all Trump has to do is arrest this poos mother fkr!!!! Firinng troop sounds perfect as those who read off their broken heart love for those this mother fkr killed. He's. a loser!!

Now comes the danger if Trump actually goe afters these faggots. we will have multiple false flags going on ones that might make 911 look liike a picnic these assholes cann't be found oout and face the globe they'd kill us all first annd there is a BOMBSHELL coming out too lmfao

HOLD TIGHT: Shannon Bream: I am Told There is MUCH MORE Coming Next Week Including “A BOMBSHELL” (VIDEO)
Yes Flynn lied but it wasn't about important stuff.

I guess you assfucks are going to go back & un-impeach Clinton, right? \

I laugh at you mother fucking stupid Republican Trumpettes who change the rules when it suits your political agenda.


America won't put up with this little b*tch much longer. LOL. distrust will certainly be there.
This is great. Lets bring up Trump's ties to Russia just in time for the election. Trump is actually dumber than shit.
It was proved through internal memos that there never were any ties to Russia.
Trump lied about Trump Tower Moscow negotiations you stupid fuc,.
Oh, bull.
Trump said he hasd no business interests in Russia when he was negotiating for Trump Tower Moscow. He even included a bribe for Putin which is illegal.
This is great. Lets bring up Trump's ties to Russia just in time for the election. Trump is actually dumber than shit.
It was proved through internal memos that there never were any ties to Russia.
1200% bullshit. So many Trump people lied about Russdian contascts includiung Kushner and Trump himself.
So you would continue the baseless "Russiagate" witch-hunt aimed at Trump associates but let slide the travesties of justice foisted on them by nefarious FBI/CIA guys? Do you also prefer that the Tara Reade allegations be ignored?
"If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that, and it was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. I think it’s an important point when it comes to critiquing President Obama."
-- March 2019 / Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper / CNN interview w/Anderson Cooper

I think it is VERY important to point this out now, too, Mr. Clapper! :p

"potus wants to know everything we’re doing."
-- 2 September, 20 16 / FBI Deputy Director of Counter Intelligence Peter Strzok / text to his mistress, FBI Lawyer Lisa Page

"...what the then-commander-in-chief, President Obama, told us to do, which was to assemble all the reporting that we could, that we had available to us and put it in one report that the president could pass on to the Congress and to the next administration"
-- October 2019 / Former U.S. Director of National Intelligence James Clapper / CNN Interview

The 'reporting' his 'foot soldiers' had included the illegal wire taps on Flynn, the phone call between then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak and In-=coming National Security Advisor General Flynn, and the Dossier - information the FBI itself assessed as Russian Intelligence Service (RIS) Counter-Intelligence propaganda being used at that time against US Foreign Policy....information bought and paid for by the Hillary campaign....information paid for by the FBI and delivered to the FBI by a Trump-hating, foreign ex-spy working for and paid by Russian Oligarchs while working for and being paid by Fusion GPS who were also working for / with the Russians and Hillary's team.
-- The FBI had assessed the Dossier to be RIS propaganda
-- The State Department notified the DOJ, NIA, CIA, and FBI Steele was not to be trusted, that he had lied in an interview
-- The US IG hammered the FBI for not keeping interviews w/foreign informants current to ensure loyalty/credibility


Evidence, documents, and testimony prove that it was former CIA Director John Brennan and former FBI Counter-Intelligence expert Strzok who authored the Intel Assessment BASED HEAVILY ON THE RIS PROPAGANDA. NIA Director Clapper then sent the IA to SELECT members of the 17-Intel Agency Intel Community to control the narrative and to ensure they got back the response they were looking for. Based on that response, Brennan and Strzok then authored the Intel Report WHICH BRENNAN BRIEFED TO MEMBERS OF CONGRESS DESPITE LYING LATER TO CONGRESS BY TELLING THEM HE KNEW NOTHING ABOUT THE REPORT! (Congressional logs proved Brennan signed in as appearing before Congress and briefing the select members of Congress)
-- The President did not 'pass on the report' to Congress - BRENNAN was the 1st to brief select members of Congress on the report THAT WAS BASED ON RUSSIAN INTELLIGENCE SERVICE PROPAGANDA - which they had assessed the information to be before the IA and IR had ever been written.

President Obama was aware of the details of then-incoming national security adviser Michael Flynn's intercepted December 2016 phone calls with then-Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak, apparently surprising then-Deputy Attorney General Sally Yates, according to documents released Thursday as exhibits to the government's motion to dismiss the Flynn case.



On January 5, 2017, Yates attended an Oval Office meeting with then-FBI Director James Comey, then-Vice President Joe Biden, then-CIA Director John Brennan, and then-Director of National Intelligence James Clapper, according to the newly declassified documents, including an FD-302 FBI witness report. They were discussing Russian election interference, along with national security adviser Susan Rice and other members of the national security council.

After the briefing, Obama asked Yates and Comey to "stay behind," and said he had "learned of the information about Flynn" and his conversation with Russia's ambassador about sanctions. Obama "specified that he did not want any additional information on the matter, but was seeking information on whether the White House should be treating Flynn any differently, given the information."

A previous memo from Rice stated that Biden also stayed behind after the main briefing had ended.

You have Obama Derangement Syndrome.

"If it weren’t for President Obama, we might not have done the intelligence community assessment that we did that set off a whole sequence of events which are still unfolding today, notably, special counsel Mueller’s investigation. President Obama is responsible for that, and it was he who tasked us to do that intelligence community assessment in the first place. I think it’s an important point when it comes to critiquing President Obama."

I'm not sure Obama deserves credit for the IC assessment being conducted. Given the magnitude and impact of Vlad illegally helping his favorite candidate, and Don's willing acceptance of Vlad's illegal help, an assessment would have been done under any responsible prez.

But I suppose Obama does deserve some accolades for making sure the assessment was done before President Trumptard took office. Because if he hadn't we'd surely never know about the many instances of collusion Mueller proved since Don would have prevented any investigation in to his traitorous actions.

If 70-year-old clapper comey Brennan are facing 20 years in jail, You don’t think they turn on Obama to get out?

In an interview already Clapper stated he did not see why all the investigations are going on - 'We were just following the President's orders'.

That little bit@h is already squealing signs he is ready to turn in a heartbeat.

FBI Attorney Baker has stated n the past, as well, that he and other FBI agents wondered if then-Former FBI Director Comey was BLACKMAILING Trump with the Russian Intel Service Propaganda from the Dossier based on Comey going to the President and briefing him on the contents but telling him he was not under investigation at the time (while at the same time evidence shows the FBI had already assessed the Dossier contents to be RIS propaganda).

Baker also reportedly testified that he pushed Comey and McCabe to open up a criminal investigation of Hillary, which they never did evidence and testimony shows, based on the evidence of crimes having been committed. Baker said he finally caved to pressure as Comey made it clear they wanted no criminal investigation of Hillary. THIS screams, 'Let's Make A Deal', as well.
Obama will wish he did not fuck with Flynn

Obama took $100 million in bribes from China. I hope Flynn sues him for every dime, including his new palace.
You mean like copyrights that Trump got as President after years of being refused?

And shove your fake corruption charge up your fat ass., More Hunter Biden bullshit. As you ignore what Trump & Ivanka got from China since he became President.

You can not even say what Obama supposedly got from China.
If 70-year-old clapper comey Brennan are facing 20 years in jail, You don’t think they turn on Obama to get out?

In an interview already Clapper stated he did not see why all the investigations are going on - 'We were just following the President's orders'.

That little bit@h is already squealing signs he is ready to turn in a heartbeat.

FBI Attorney Baker has stated n the past, as well, that he and other FBI agents wondered if then-Former FBI Director Comey was BLACKMAILING Trump with the Russian Intel Service Propaganda from the Dossier based on Comey going to the President and briefing him on the contents but telling him he was not under investigation at the time (while at the same time evidence shows the FBI had already assessed the Dossier contents to be RIS propaganda).

Baker also reportedly testified that he pushed Comey and McCabe to open up a criminal investigation of Hillary, which they never did evidence and testimony shows, based on the evidence of crimes having been committed. Baker said he finally caved to pressure as Comey made it clear they wanted no criminal investigation of Hillary. THIS screams, 'Let's Make A Deal', as well.
You are correct clapper already came out on CNN and turned on Obama
This is great. Lets bring up Trump's ties to Russia just in time for the election. Trump is actually dumber than shit.
It was proved through internal memos that there never were any ties to Russia.
1200% bullshit. So many Trump people lied about Russdian contascts includiung Kushner and Trump himself.
So you would continue the baseless "Russiagate" witch-hunt aimed at Trump associates but let slide the travesties of justice foisted on them by nefarious FBI/CIA guys? Do you also prefer that the Tara Reade allegations be ignored?
Look, assfuck, the Russia probe into his collaboration is not the same as his people caught in lies about Russian contacts. They are fact., You can jump up & down & scream & stomp your feet biut facts are facts. They lied.

And I laugh my ass off as you blame agencies that were under Trump's administration . You assfucks are so stupid that you blame Democrats when it was Trump's AG that hired Mueller, a Relpublican.
You have Obama Derangement Syndrome.

No, I have cited, listed, linked, shown undeniable, overwhelming evidence proving former President Barak Obama knew exactly what his criminal Cabinet, National Security Advisor, National Security Counsel, his Deputy US AG, US AG, NIA Director, CIA Director, FBI Director, and agency officials were doing - which was affecting the largest criminal political scandal in US history.

Again, you are asking everyone to believe Obama was like Hillary - TOO F*ING STUPID TO KNOW CRIMES WERE BEING almost EVERYONE around him who made up his administration ... despite existing evidence /
transcripts / testimony proving he attended meetings on what was going on and demanded to be kept updated on everything that went on.

This either make you INSANE or a CRIMINAL Obama APOLOGIST.

Either way, it destroys your credibility on this issue.
As always, we ask the question:

How does this moron conspiracy theory differ from the previous thousand versions of the moron conspiracy theory that the OP and fellow Trump cultists have presented in the past, all of which have been hilarious failures?

The OP does serve one useful purpose. Given his perfect record of failure with his conspiracy theories, it's safe to assume that anything he claims is the precise opposite of reality. So, if he claims Obama was conspiring against the USA, we can be certain that Trump was conspiring against the USA.

Obviously, the OP and his fellow beta bois won't learn from this failure. After all, if they could learn, they'd be liberals. They'll run back to the ones who lied to them and left them humiliated, drop to their knees, lick their boots with gusto, thank them for lying to them, and then beg for more lies. That's how authoritarian lackeys roll.
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