New gay school board chair sworn in on stack of banned porno books

The only sickos are the people who want to dehumanize gay students and the educators who support them. Disgusting bitch.

Dehumanize? My ass.
Is there anything out there you would object to in reference to exposing kids to?
How about some beastiality? Plenty out there in the world about that too...Shouldn't our kids learn about how to fuck goats and guinea pigs safely and that it's just fine?

I bet that the faggot Curried Goats would find it deeply offensive and inappropriate to expose children to the Bible.
We really shouldn't be surprised, this is the same ideology that murdered Jesus.
Think about that. They murdered a person for preaching and teaching to love and peace.
They hate truth and everything associated with it. They are miserable people.
Let them wallow in their misery.

So, what these fucked-up perverts want to “teach” children is exactly comparable to what Jesus taught?

Not to presume to speak for Jesus, but I feel very safe in saying that if He were here to speak for Himself, He would very much disagree with you on this point. I'm pretty sure that He never advocated, nor ever would advocate, the childfuckery that you openly support. In fact, what he did have to say on related matters is not favorable to your side.

Yup. This gay guy with no children ran and won the School Board chairmanship in leftist Fairfax County - and then his partner hold a stock of gay porno books that have been BANNED for him to be sworn in on.

Why would a guy like this, with no children, be interested in a school board position? Answer: he’s focused on the gay porno stuff and shows off by swearing in on books that schoolchildren aren’t allowed to read.

Leftists are sickos for voting for him.

The point isn’t that he’s gay. The points are:

1) He doesn’t even have children.

2) His primary educational focus was revealed when he chose a pile of porno books that had been banned to swear in by.

If he were a responsible gay PARENT, who cared about the brainwashing of young children and wanted to focus on academics, I’d have no problem.
Yup. This gay guy with no children ran and won the School Board chairmanship in leftist Fairfax County - and then his partner hold a stock of gay porno books that have been BANNED for him to be sworn in on.

Why would a guy like this, with no children, be interested in a school board position? Answer: he’s focused on the gay porno stuff and shows off by swearing in on books that schoolchildren aren’t allowed to read.

Leftists are sickos for voting for him.

Why do christian fascists with kids in private school run for public school boards.
What’s so fantastic about a person with no children choosing to be sworn in to the School Board of Education on the porno books that have been banned?

Sounds like a belligerent, disrepectful person with the wrong priorities having influence over childrens’ education.

He should have been sworn in on a math book, a geography book, and a classic literature book - NOT a book about oral sex between men.
Yup. This gay guy with no children ran and won the School Board chairmanship in leftist Fairfax County - and then his partner hold a stock of gay porno books that have been BANNED for him to be sworn in on.

Why would a guy like this, with no children, be interested in a school board position? Answer: he’s focused on the gay porno stuff and shows off by swearing in on books that schoolchildren aren’t allowed to read.

Leftists are sickos for voting for him.

Hey, Lisa, do you know who else like to burn books?

What’s so fantastic about a person with no children choosing to be sworn in to the School Board of Education on the porno books that have been banned?

Sounds like a belligerent, disrepectful person with the wrong priorities having influence over childrens’ education.

He should have been sworn in on a math book, a geography book, and a classic literature book - NOT a book about oral sex between men.
He would do a better job than the 3 in a bed team from florida.

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