New Hampshire defunds Planned Parenthood facilities

"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.

This is about Discretionary Spending, is it not?

Well, the NH Executive Council used its discretion.


Once you become tainted with the horrific moral crime of selling human baby parts - babies that you've killed to get the parts - well...

Your public image and credibility is destroyed forevermore...

There is no recovery or redemption...

Guilty or not...

Get off your phony high horse. No one is selling 'baby parts'. Save your hysteria for something worth getting hysterical about.
I didn't say they were, now, did I?

I said 'tainted' with the crime...

Guilty or not.

DIdn't I?

And 'taint' is all it takes, sometimes.

I think 'they' finally found a way to nail 'your' ass.

Sure-as-hell looks like a bulls-eye head-shot to me.
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"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.
There is no need to prove them of guilty of anything.

They (PP) do not have a right taxpayer dollars.
"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.
There is no need to prove them of guilty of anything.

They (PP) do not have a right taxpayer dollars.

But they justified cutting off the funds by citing unproven allegations. Before the unproven allegations, NH was fine with funding non-abortion womens' healthcare services in the state.
Merchants of death...


lol, I like how these RWnuts act as though the fetal research issue is the reason they want to shut down PP.

You people would defund it if there were ZERO abortions performed at PP.

Enough with the phony outrage.
I'm pro-life and I have said several times since this scandal broke that I believe federal funding should be removed from PP and diverted to a women's health organization that does not perform abortions.

So enough with your phony sanctimony.

This is mostly Medicaid funding. You want Medicaid reimbursement for non-abortion services cut off to every medical facility in the country where a legal abortion might be performed?
"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.

This is about Discretionary Spending, is it not?

Well, the NH Executive Council used its discretion.


Once you become tainted with the horrific moral crime of selling human baby parts - babies that you've killed to get the parts - well...

Your public image and credibility is destroyed forevermore...

There is no recovery or redemption...

Guilty or not...

Get off your phony high horse. No one is selling 'baby parts'. Save your hysteria for something worth getting hysterical about.
I didn't say they were, now, did I?

I said 'tainted' with the crime...

Guilty or not.

DIdn't I?

And 'taint' is all it takes, sometimes.

I think 'they' finally found a way to nail 'your' ass.

Sure-as-hell looks like a bulls-eye head-shot to me.

So you agree this is unjust.
"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.
There is no need to prove them of guilty of anything.

They (PP) do not have a right taxpayer dollars.

But they justified cutting off the funds by citing unproven allegations. Before the unproven allegations, NH was fine with funding non-abortion womens' healthcare services in the state.
The allegations are not unproven. The proof is in PP's own words....

When PP can account for every single red cent spent on each and every program, then I'd say that they'd have a case to petition for a reinstatement of government money....Until then, they will just have to do what every business in the world does........earn their own way.
"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.
There is no need to prove them of guilty of anything.

They (PP) do not have a right taxpayer dollars.

But they justified cutting off the funds by citing unproven allegations. Before the unproven allegations, NH was fine with funding non-abortion womens' healthcare services in the state.
The allegations are not unproven. The proof is in PP's own words....

When PP can account for every single red cent spent on each and every program, then I'd say that they'd have a case to petition for a reinstatement of government money....Until then, they will just have to do what every business in the world does........earn their own way.

Not unproven? Who's been convicted?
"It’s about ensuring that public dollars are not being given to a company that may be engaged in criminal activity,”

...or you could do the American thing and prove them guilty first.
There is no need to prove them of guilty of anything.

They (PP) do not have a right taxpayer dollars.

But they justified cutting off the funds by citing unproven allegations. Before the unproven allegations, NH was fine with funding non-abortion womens' healthcare services in the state.
The allegations are not unproven. The proof is in PP's own words....

When PP can account for every single red cent spent on each and every program, then I'd say that they'd have a case to petition for a reinstatement of government money....Until then, they will just have to do what every business in the world does........earn their own way.

Not unproven? Who's been convicted?
What part of "Not entitled to taxpayer money" did you miss?

BTW...what crimes did Oil Company's commit and have been convicted of that you want to take away the tax breaks that every business is allowed to take?
In the war of hearts and minds, the legality of harvesting healthy organs from healthy second trimester babies is secondary. The depraved malfeasance of this practice is what matters.

This is what the immoral pro-choicers do not get. Those pro-choicers who have a moral compass understand.
Defund them all, then when the bills come due and your slut daughter brings you an unwanted grandchild you can all piss yourselves.
Lets also talk about the crimes committed by the rich that you want to confiscate more of their this case, the money is actually theirs and not given to them by the taxpayer...

Or how about means testing for social security? What crime have the rich been convicted of?
In the war of hearts and minds, the legality of harvesting healthy organs from healthy babies is secondary. The depravity of it is what matters.

This is what the immoral pro-choicers do not get.
Nothing immoral about making some good out a legal bad...
Isn't it funny, how your mission can be 95% prevention, and 5% death-dealing, and it's the 5% that people focus upon?

Nowadays, people can pick up contraceptives on the $4 generic list at their local Wal-Mart or Target or Walgreens or CVS or other drug store...

And, nowadays, given Medicaid, and ObamaCare, one can go to any old Medicaid Croaker or Doc-in-a-Box for diagnosis and treatment of STDs and gyno-problems, etc.

Ditto for local libraries and community centers and - hell, mostly - the Internet itself, for educational materials and support groups related to all of that stuff.

And there are still plenty of high-quality womens' health facilities nationwide where abortion services can be obtained when necessary.

The Glory Days - the time of pressing need - for a Planned Parenthood has probably come-and-gone, anyway.

This isn't the 1950s or 1960s or even the 1970s... a lot of the services normally attributed to Planned Parenthood have long-since been available elsewhere.

And - like most organizations - including NPOs - that have grown long-in-the-tooth and come close to outliving their usefulness, they finally pushed their luck too far.

It's not the end of the world, but it IS great fun, watching the more arrogant elements of the Left and the most vicious pro-Life bashers, taking one on the chin.

Yessirree-Bob... 2015-2016 is shaping-up to be a Grand Season...

Yes it is :)
Defund them all, then when the bills come due and your slut daughter brings you an unwanted grandchild you can all piss yourselves.
If my daughter one day brings me an "unplanned" grandchild, I would be overjoyed.

Nice try, psycho.

In fact, one of my children was entirely unplanned and came at the worst possible time for us financially, physically and emotionally. Nearly everyone who knew our situation was urging us to abort. We were shocked at which of our friends recommended it. But abortion was never an option, and I cannot imagine today what life would be like without her.

It sickens me to the very depths of my soul when I look at my daughter and think of all those people who told us we should get an abortion. My life is infinitely more beautiful with her in it, and I will probably live a lot longer because she is around.

My wife is even more pro-life than I am, and has said more than once that even if she was impregnated by a rapist, she would not abort.
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Defund them all, then when the bills come due and your slut daughter brings you an unwanted grandchild you can all piss yourselves.
If my daughter one day brings me an "unplanned" grandchild, I would be overjoyed.

Nice try, psycho.

In fact, one of my children was entirely unplanned and came at the worst possible time, but I cannot imagine today what life would have been like without her.
Great. We're sending you the bill for that one, and the babies of all the other sluts as well. Enjoy...
Defund them all, then when the bills come due and your slut daughter brings you an unwanted grandchild you can all piss yourselves.
If my daughter one day brings me an "unplanned" grandchild, I would be overjoyed.

Nice try, psycho.

In fact, one of my children was entirely unplanned and came at the worst possible time, but I cannot imagine today what life would have been like without her.
Great. We're sending you the bill for that one, and the babies of all the other sluts as well. Enjoy...
Stupid fuck..

I'm already paying the bill......I'm part of the productive class...
Defund them all, then when the bills come due and your slut daughter brings you an unwanted grandchild you can all piss yourselves.
If my daughter one day brings me an "unplanned" grandchild, I would be overjoyed.

Nice try, psycho.

In fact, one of my children was entirely unplanned and came at the worst possible time, but I cannot imagine today what life would have been like without her.
Great. We're sending you the bill for that one, and the babies of all the other sluts as well. Enjoy...
Stupid fuck..

I'm already paying the bill......I'm part of the productive class...
Not the bill that's coming if you get your way you aren't.
Defund them all, then when the bills come due and your slut daughter brings you an unwanted grandchild you can all piss yourselves.

I agree...defund them all...
Wonderful, and burn all the clinics to the ground as well. It's the only way you dummies will learn in life it's pay be now or pay me later, and now is cheaper.
Yep, burn it all...

You seem to be laboring under the notion that I give a fuck about some other families problems.....They can pay for their own, just like I pay for My families problems......

You want this shit.....then you pay for it..

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