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New Hillary Clinton Campaign Ad Uses Obama's Forged Birth Certificate To Attack Donald Trump

If you will watch and listen to this video and can understand what it presents in the way of evidence, you cannot deny that the long form birth certificate released by the White House is a blatant forgery. It says nothing about where he was actually born...and at this time it does not matter. What matters is that the document is a forgery.

Please watch and listen to the entire video before you come back with a stupid reply.]

Naaah- instead of a Youtube video I will cite the State of Hawaii's official statement:

View attachment 75140
View attachment 75141
Copies of the original (non-computer generated) certificates of live birth would not have contained the layers that are parts of the certificate posted by the White House. Your logic is flawed. The White House posted a forged, fraudulent document.

Apparently, you didn't watch or listen to the video I posted.

Well maybe Obama should demand a "forged" copy of Donald Trump income tax returns--LOL
Wasn't it Hitlery that planted the birther seed?
Nope, Limbaugh's Operation Chaos started it on freerepublic.
Rush has clearly stated that Hillary had one of her race merchants like Al Sharpton start the rumor, and the L.A. Times did the first story on it. It was supposed to be a rumor spread by the media to undermine his presidential run.
Well then we know that is not true because your MessiahRushie is a pathological liar.
Thank you.
On the same day former Clinton aide/donor & journalist George Stephanopoulos played the Obama birth certificate card against Donald Trump interviewing him, birther Hillary Clinton's campaign released a campaign ad hitting Trump with the birth certificate card. Yea, this wasn't coordinated. :rolleyes:

Laughing.......the 'birth certificate card'? You mean accusing Trump of doing exactly what he's done?
Anyone else find it hilarious that HILLARY was the one that started the whole birther thing?

Anyone else find it hilarious that you actually believe that bullshit?

The GOP is the birther party, boys. You've nominated King Birther. And you own the batshit conspiracy now.
Trump's new ad has Putin reading one of Hillary's e-mails from the Kremlin...

If you will watch and listen to this video and can understand what it presents in the way of evidence, you cannot deny that the long form birth certificate released by the White House is a blatant forgery. It says nothing about where he was actually born...and at this time it does not matter. What matters is that the document is a forgery.

Please watch and listen to the entire video before you come back with a stupid reply.]

Naaah- instead of a Youtube video I will cite the State of Hawaii's official statement:

View attachment 75140
View attachment 75141
Copies of the original (non-computer generated) certificates of live birth would not have contained the layers that are parts of the certificate posted by the White House. Your logic is flawed. The White House posted a forged, fraudulent document.

Apparently, you didn't watch or listen to the video I posted.

They would if they were scanned into OCR software.

And the Registrar of Hawaii has already affirmed that all the information on the birth certificate presented by Obama is accurate and matches the original vital records. Twice.

So a 100% accurate forgery? That's the stupidest fucking thing I've ever heard. Oh, and the State Hawaii vs. youtube on Hawaii's own vital documents has the same winner every time.

Not Youtube.
Wasn't it Hitlery that planted the birther seed?
Nope, Limbaugh's Operation Chaos started it on freerepublic.

Hillary started it. It was a campaign strategy.

Now all you have to do is provide some example of Hillary ever spouting Birther crap- because I have tons of examples of Donnie spouting Birther crap



Notice that when Trump spews in one of those quotes that his investigators in Hawaii "....cannot believe what they're finding...", that what they might have "found", NO ONE with more than a half brain would believe it either.

Apparently the lead investigator was John Miller.

That lie was debunked a long time ago.
No it wasn't.

Prove it was Hillary, and use a credible source. I'll wait here.
Though I relatively sure you will not bother to read this fully or to acknowledge the source as legitimate, here it is:

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

So......who was the 'Hillary Supporter' that sent the anonymous email?

You did think to ask that question, yes?
Can anyone explain how a font that was used on the form was not invented until years later?

Yes ! Tomorrow, go to city hall and ask for a copy of your birth certificate . They give u a fancy birth certificate wh a nifty seal on it .

What do u think happens ? They pull out an old book from the catacombs and slap it on the Xerox machine ?

Fucking dumb assess . Am I the only one who's ever have to applied for a passport?

By the way . Have u seen trumps birth certificate ?

That lie was debunked a long time ago.
No it wasn't.

Prove it was Hillary, and use a credible source. I'll wait here.
Though I relatively sure you will not bother to read this fully or to acknowledge the source as legitimate, here it is:

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

I asked you for a credible source. Breitbart...smh.

Hillary let her non-secure server containing classified data she never should have had in her posession be hacked. She compromised this nation's National Security and herself, disqualifying herself from being able to be President.

Woof, woof, woof...
They till eat up the obama birth, but mention that Trunp is democrat plant and the righties freak out all over you .

Trump is a democrat, that is why this election is so funny, he and Clinton are buds.
No it is not.

That lie was debunked a long time ago.
No it wasn't.

Prove it was Hillary, and use a credible source. I'll wait here.
Though I relatively sure you will not bother to read this fully or to acknowledge the source as legitimate, here it is:

Bombshell: 'Washington Post' Confirms Hillary Clinton Started the Birther Movement - Breitbart

I asked you for a credible source. Breitbart...smh.

Obama's lawyers have admitted that the document is a forgery.

Obama Lawyer Admits In Court Birth Certificate On White House Website Is A Forgery
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Wasn't it Hitlery that planted the birther seed?
Actually, it was some of her supporters who first publicly questioned the Kenyan. She never actually made the statement herself.
But close enough for my money. Because she surely did not distance herself from the charge.
I guess it is “possible” Barack was born in Hawaii, but his birth certificate is a fraud.

But liberals are a funny bunch. (note: I do not mean humorous, in that they fail.)

They love to be surrounded by the millions and millions who really do not know and do not care enough to do their own investigation. But they become a huge majority. Then when you add to that a suck-up leftist media and a lying administration --- mix it all together and the outsiders become “birfers.” And to them it is so funny because they are so smart we are such dopes.

Then they have that oh-so-unbiased fact finding website, Snopes, to put its “imprimatur” on the matter. And make the most embarrassing attempt to try to discredit Mara Zebest’s findings in WND. Again, these Obama sycophants take the bait and have another good laugh.
OUTWARD TRENDS: A True Skeptic is Skeptical of Snopes

I was always amused how obama’s relatives in kenya were so confused when one of the grandmothers was sure she was there when he was born in their village. (she died soon after that statement coincidentally) Then his sisters or half sisters in Hawaii could not agree on which hospital he was born in. Then all those articles during obama’s college and earlier days all admitted later these were all typos or misinformation where he is called a Kenyan. Oh, the stories are endless… but to be sure, all “stories” and misinformation and typos. Still one wonders why our president took the country for a ride waiting 2 ½ years to release his so-called birth certificate, and spent millions in legal expenses stonewalling the matter. What a guy. What an honorable president he is.

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