New home construction collapses in Northeast - Thanks to Trump tax reform

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

Isn’t New England part of Canada?

Starting your trolling early today, I see.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.
18K in just property you ever bother to ask...where does all the money go
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.

If some states allow a deduction of local and state taxes from your income, does it not allow some states to push their tax burden off on other states?

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.

Fewer homes in tiny states doesn't = an economic collapse

Tiny states?
A tiny state is Wyoming, not New York or MA or NJ. Those states combined have 40,000,000 people.
Homeowners in CA will be affected by this too when they file their 2018 returns.
That's another 40M people.
80M people is approximately 1/4th of the entire population of the U.S.

85% of the population of the U.S. live in large metro areas.
You're fooling yourself.
Wait,'re letting Trump do that for you.
Progressive Urban America... :fu:
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
That is correct, when the SALT tax was reduced, because why should New Englander Liberal Elites, evade paying their fair share of taxes to the Federal Government than lower tax paying states, which we always hear from the liberals?

You are most welcome you dumbass fuckers who vote for the very people who put high state and property taxes...Elections have consequences, and with liberalism it is all about misery and poverty, welcome to you New England Venezuela.....Bwaaaahhhaaaahhhaaaaaa. I laugh at your stupidity...
The movement from high-tax, high-housing-cost states to low-tax, low-housing-cost states has been going on for more than 40 years, as I note in my new book “Shaping Our Nation: How Surges of Migration Transformed America and Its Politics.”
Have you ever accused those states of stealing from their constituents with their high taxes?
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.

Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
So all the states that voted for Hillary got screwed? That's the perfect tax plan!
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.

Perhaps you guys up in the northeast should stop electing governors who jack your taxes up through the roof. What do you have against paying your fair share?
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.

They can come here, constuction is booming here.
Housing will continue to decline as the Fed Res raises their rates.
But it's all Trump's fault the leftist try to claim. They just keep slinging it at a wall, and praying something will stick. LOL

It was TRUMP's tax reform, idiot.
What part of that victory dance did you miss?
Surely they trumpeted it on Fox infinitum ad nauseum.
Not tax reform and not Donnie, no matter how much you act like a petulant child stomping your feet.
LOL! Then let those northeastern states lower their property taxes and their personal income taxes! The rest of the country is done with subsidizing their high taxes.

And of course the Fed's raising of interest rates has nothing to do with it, right? They've gone up by nearly 1 full percentage point in the last 18 months.

But of course your first and only reaction is that it must be all Trump's fault because he capped state-and-local-tax deductions at $10K.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.


Explain how losing tax deductions help the rich?


It's not going to affect the wealthy, they can afford the loss of the deduction.
Most middle class homes in NJ and NY have very steep housing prices and property taxes.
Ours outside of Princeton was over $18K annually three years ago before we moved.
That's typical for a 3-4 bedroom home in a metro or densely populated suburban area.
18K in just property you ever bother to ask...where does all the money go

That's irrelevant to the topic.
Diverting and deflecting doesn't work on me, Sparky.
LOL! Then let those northeastern states lower their property taxes and their personal income taxes! The rest of the country is done with subsidizing their high taxes.

And of course the Fed's raising of interest rates has nothing to do with it, right? They've gone up by nearly 1 full percentage point in the last 18 months.

But of course your first and only reaction is that it must be all Trump's fault because he capped state-and-local-tax deductions at $10K.

"The rest of the country is done with subsidizing their high taxes."

I think you don't know what the phuck you're talking about.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents."""""""""

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
Housing will continue to decline as the Fed Res raises their rates.
But it's all Trump's fault the leftist try to claim. They just keep slinging it at a wall, and praying something will stick. LOL

It was TRUMP's tax reform, idiot.
What part of that victory dance did you miss?
Surely they trumpeted it on Fox infinitum ad nauseum.
Not tax reform and not Donnie, no matter how much you act like a petulant child stomping your feet.

You'll do anything except read and learn the facts, won't you?
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction as collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everyhing Trump touches dies.
That was due to fraud....big difference

Tell that to the residential construction firms, mortgage banks, realtors, new home buyers and current middle class homeowners who are being hurt by Trump's tax gift to the wealthy.

That collapse trickles down to retail, too, butthead.

Just ask Lowes, Home Depot, and the big box furniture stores.

They can come here, constuction is booming here.

Yeah, Hurricane Florence knocked the shit out of you.

But aside from that, the NE is still the headquarters for things and services that make every moment of your day tick.
So it's not feasible for them to live in the boonies.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
New home sales rise 3.5 percent after two-month decline
Housing will continue to decline as the Fed Res raises their rates.

More than that, the millennial and internet generations take no interest in home ownership, because that would involve a plan, discipline & investment. They're consumed by gadgets, selfishness, anti-tradition and $10 beers. Their future is apparently someone else's responsibility. Sadly, these kids are our future.

Our future doesn't look that bright to me.
LOL! Then let those northeastern states lower their property taxes and their personal income taxes! The rest of the country is done with subsidizing their high taxes.

And of course the Fed's raising of interest rates has nothing to do with it, right? They've gone up by nearly 1 full percentage point in the last 18 months.

But of course your first and only reaction is that it must be all Trump's fault because he capped state-and-local-tax deductions at $10K.

"The rest of the country is done with subsidizing their high taxes."

I think you don't know what the phuck you're talking about.

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states

Connecticut residents paid an average of $15,643 per person in federal taxes in 2015, according to a report by the Rockefeller Institute of Government. Massachusetts paid $13,582 per person, New Jersey paid $13,137 and New York paid $12,820.

California residents paid an average of $10,510.

At the other end, Mississippi residents paid an average of $5,740 per person, while West Virginia paid $6,349, Kentucky paid $6,626 and South Carolina paid $6,665.

Low-tax red states also fare better when you take into account federal spending.

Mississippi received $2.13 for every tax dollar the state sent to Washington in 2015, according to the Rockefeller study. West Virginia received $2.07, Kentucky got $1.90 and South Carolina got $1.71.

Meanwhile, New Jersey received 74 cents in federal spending for tax every dollar the state sent to Washington. New York received 81 cents, Connecticut received 82 cents and Massachusetts received 83 cents."""""""""

AP FACT CHECK: Blue high-tax states fund red low-tax states
Pesky facts.
Home sales in the northeast have fallen 51% and construction has collapsed since Trump's tax reform passed.
This due to the "SALT" clause which restricts deductions for state and local taxes to $10K. Sales of homes nationally are down 13.2%.

This is just one of the negative results of Trump's tax break to the top 1%.

And I know the collective right has a problem recalling anything that happened more than six months ago, much less 10 years, but it was the housing collapse that started in California and spread east that created the worst recession since 1929.

Housing Is Tanking in the Northeast. Guess Why.
Losing big deductions for state and local property taxes is having the expected effect.
(This has to be Googled because Bloomberg doesn't allow copying links)
I'll say it again, everything Trump touches dies.
New home sales rise 3.5 percent after two-month decline
Oh snap! How can those Tax cuts stifle buying and then new home sales rise under those same
tax cuts?????????????????? I'm sure the OP will come up with some kind of poll tested yarn
and answer the question. :auiqs.jpg:

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