New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

You really should get help with your hate and dysfunctional thinking DL.

I don't hate. Hate destroys the haters, not the objects of the hate.

There are institutions and beliefs I have no regard for whatsoever. Liars, criminals, those who take advantage of others for their own benefit.

I find it both shocking an saddening that so many Americans talk about hating one another.
Maybe you and she should consult the same professional help for dysfunctional hate and prejudice? Just a thought. To equate the Appeal to Heaven flag with the Nazis is really REALLY over the top.
You must have reading comprehension problems too. Dragonlady was simply explaining about the original meaning of the Swastika; she only compared the current usage of the flag in question in that light. Not saying anything about the people's intent I their useage.
One of the problems with religion is that people delude themselves that they know with certainty what The Deity wants of them.

Within that sampling domain, a sizable subset will invariably attempt to impose that state of mind on public life.

We are what I would style a Secularized Christian Nation... deeply rooted in Euro-Christianity, in our laws, tradition and philosophy.

Which is OK, so long as we make good provision to tolerate or accommodate others living amongst us in our Republic.

But it should be remembered that the vast majority of Americans are either Christian or of Christian heritage, so...

Naturally, our laws, our public life, our collective efforts, etc., are all going to have a Christian "flavor" to them throughout time.

Which is good... considering the vile, despicable, dissolute, licentious, unclean practices of some amongst us trying to destroy that.
I didn't realize there was something intrinsically wrong with being a patriot and Christian.

White Christian nationalists are neither. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters and it's never more evident than when you look at the so called "Christian right". I don't think you can be a racist and call yourself a Christian.

Jesus eschewed politics and said "My kingdom is not of this world" and refused to get sucked into anything other than the spiritual realm. He also said that we are to "love one another as I have loved you". He didn't qualify that by saying to love people who look like you or people who share your nationality.

You cannot claim to be a Christian, and refuse to allow refugees into the country, hate your fellow Americans, or vote for a political party that does.
Maybe you and she should consult the same professional help for dysfunctional hate and prejudice? Just a thought. To equate the Appeal to Heaven flag with the Nazis is really REALLY over the top.

When you confuse facts, with hate, you've lost all perspective. I didn't equate the flag with NAZI's. I said the meaning of the flag has changed because hate groups have adopted it.

You're the only one who is talking about hate here. You equate disagreement with hate. I don't even use the word. It speaks volumes that you do.
White Christian nationalists are neither. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters and it's never more evident than when you look at the so called "Christian right". I don't think you can be a racist and call yourself a Christian.

Jesus eschewed politics and said "My kingdom is not of this world" and refused to get sucked into anything other than the spiritual realm. He also said that we are to "love one another as I have loved you". He didn't qualify that by saying to love people who look like you or people who share your nationality.

You cannot claim to be a Christian, and refuse to allow refugees into the country, hate your fellow Americans, or vote for a political party that does.
I often thought it was amazing that the Nazis considered themselves Christians. Then my second cousins ( who were prisoners in a concentration camp near the end of the war ) told me that they practiced what was know as " Positive Christianity" in which they totally disregarded the Old Testament and any Jewish origins of Jesus and made Armageddon a battle between Christians and Jews and that justified their hatred of them and made their genocide not only acceptable but demanded by Jesus. Amazing they could rationalize all that. In that spirit of rationalization , I believe this Christian Nationalism is along the same lines. It does pose a threat. Especially when you hear some ministers advocating for the murder of gays. Put the two together and there's real trouble.
White Christian nationalists are neither. The Bible says you cannot serve two masters and it's never more evident than when you look at the so called "Christian right". I don't think you can be a racist and call yourself a Christian.

Jesus eschewed politics and said "My kingdom is not of this world" and refused to get sucked into anything other than the spiritual realm. He also said that we are to "love one another as I have loved you". He didn't qualify that by saying to love people who look like you or people who share your nationality.

You cannot claim to be a Christian, and refuse to allow refugees into the country, hate your fellow Americans, or vote for a political party that does.
as soon as Canada allows MILLIONS of 3rd worlders into your Country a year we will reconsider our stance, OK?
I didn't realize there was something intrinsically wrong with being a patriot and Christian.
It is now, because these people are going against God's teachings in a huge way, yet a majority of citizen's are followers of Christ teachings, and are followers of God's will, so it is a huge conflict that has developed now, otherwise where the far left have decided for themselves that they are at war with God's people in order to gain a foothold over them, as well as over their beliefs and standards for specific reason's. They are working super hard within the arena of ideological and cultural areas in hopes to restructure an American society at large, and this is in order to fit a different narrative and need in which they want to push foward in an agressive way.

It's all about openly defying Christianity and it's value system in America, one that seeks to live and believe separately than what they do, so they must tear down the old in order to form a new. Not sure where this is all going, but it's not going to work in most Americans opinions.

The destruction caused by the Devil has been heavy and busy over the years, and his lies are destroying human beings by leaps and bounds upon this earth, but his time is coming to an end soon, and all the people will be freed from his enslavement, then comes judgement.
If you start a religion, you can discriminate. If you open a business as a baker, you bake the cakes regardless of who it is for.

One of the biggest lies from the Christian Right is that making a cake and selling it to someone means you are part of the ceremony.
No one ever said that. Producing the cake indicated approval of the event.

If you open a business as a baker anyone can buy a cake out of the cake counter. Asking for individual talent and expertise should be at the discretion of the artist.
No one ever said that. Producing the cake indicated approval of the event.

If you open a business as a baker anyone can buy a cake out of the cake counter. Asking for individual talent and expertise should be at the discretion of the artist.
Consumable art , imagine that !
If you're in a business that deals with the public you can't discriminate. Customers have rights too. Maybe you could get away with it if you advertise as a private club. I don't know if that will work or not but it's worth a try. You don't want to risk commiting fraud with the FTC. That's a felony.
Yes, you can discriminate if you own a business.
If you're in a business that deals with the public you can't discriminate. Customers have rights too. Maybe you could get away with it if you advertise as a private club. I don't know if that will work or not but it's worth a try. You don't want to risk commiting fraud with the FTC. That's a felony.
You're uninformed. Nap time.
Those days seem long gone, sorry to say…but, just as it takes two to tango, what’s happened for at least the last three years, is clear. Dems no longer want to share anything with anyone who doesn’t think “the proper, progressive way”… it’s a non starter for either side..
Its this kind of thinking,*( I quote you) DEMS no longer want) The lumping of Everyone INTO TWO MINDLESS GROUPS.
AGREE its difficult to avoid the propaganda trap. I go their myself some times.

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