New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

I don't hate. Hate destroys the haters, not the objects of the hate.

There are institutions and beliefs I have no regard for whatsoever. Liars, criminals, those who take advantage of others for their own benefit.

I find it both shocking an saddening that so many Americans talk about hating one another.
You could have fooled me. Reading your posts lately all I see is hate.
You must have reading comprehension problems too. Dragonlady was simply explaining about the original meaning of the Swastika; she only compared the current usage of the flag in question in that light. Not saying anything about the people's intent I their useage.
I'm not going to go back to find the post. But when somebody brings up the Nazis to denigrate a congressman flying a Christian flag. . .
Its this kind of thinking,*( I quote you) DEMS no longer want) The lumping of Everyone INTO TWO MINDLESS GROUPS.
AGREE its difficult to avoid the propaganda trap. I go their myself some times.
All one has to do, is spend time in here to see it.
You must have reading comprehension problems too. Dragonlady was simply explaining about the original meaning of the Swastika; she only compared the current usage of the flag in question in that light. Not saying anything about the people's intent I their useage.
Her post #344
"Regardless of its history, today it's a symbol of White Christian nationalism. It's no different than the Swastika. Throughout history, the swastika was a sympbol of good luck and good fortune. Until it was hijacked by the NAZI's. Today it is a symbol of evil.

Whatever that flag meant in Washington's day, today it is a symbol of racism and fascism. No thank you,"

Swaztika became evil.
Appeal to Heaven flag no different. Evil.

I'm sorry but I do not accept Dragonlady's opinions to dictate how other people regard anything.
If you start a religion, you can discriminate. If you open a business as a baker, you bake the cakes regardless of who it is for.

One of the biggest lies from the Christian Right is that making a cake and selling it to someone means you are part of the ceremony.
It's not a matter of being a "lie"...

It's a matter of perceiving the moral wrongness of the customer and not wanting to have anything to do with him-her-it...
You could have fooled me. Reading your posts lately all I see is hate.

All YOU see is hate. You're looking for what you WANT to see, and any disagreement with Trump, any criticism of his policies, or pointing out that everything he did failed utterly, is condemned as "hate".

When Trump came down the escalator in 2015, I said that that he was incompetent, and a fiscal wreck who had bankrupted 6 companies, leaving a trial of ruined lives and fiscal irresponsibility in his wake. I couldn't believe that he hadn't been charged for any of the bullshit he was pulling in the 1990's, but I thought the fraud trial that was ongoing throughout the campaign might have given you pause.

When I criticize the policy failures, I provided facts, figures, and credible reporting as to those failures. Historials and credible reporting isn't saying much that's any different than I've said these past 9 years.

Nothing that has happened since 2015 to disprove anything I was saying 9 years ago. It's now 7 bankrupt companies, Trump Hotel Toronto having going under during the 2016 election campaign. Trump settled the Fraud Suit for $25 million. The Trump Foundation has been shut down, and it's directors barred from sitting on the boards of other charities - illegal fund raising and misuse of funds raised.

The only difference is that Trump is now being charged for the fraud and tax evasion that he's gotten away with for decades. Trump has freely confessed to everything he's been charged with. He's just trying to claim immunity and get himself re-elected so he isn't found guilty.
No one ever said that. Producing the cake indicated approval of the event.

If you open a business as a baker anyone can buy a cake out of the cake counter. Asking for individual talent and expertise should be at the discretion of the artist.
Not only that, but there were plenty of bakeries that will cater to the needs of individual preferences, but for some reason the Christian bakery was targeted. No one is fooled by any of it, but it continues onward without relent.
All YOU see is hate. You're looking for what you WANT to see, and any disagreement with Trump, any criticism of his policies, or pointing out that everything he did failed utterly, is condemned as "hate".

When Trump came down the escalator in 2015, I said that that he was incompetent, and a fiscal wreck who had bankrupted 6 companies, leaving a trial of ruined lives and fiscal irresponsibility in his wake. I couldn't believe that he hadn't been charged for any of the bullshit he was pulling in the 1990's, but I thought the fraud trial that was ongoing throughout the campaign might have given you pause.

When I criticize the policy failures, I provided facts, figures, and credible reporting as to those failures. Historials and credible reporting isn't saying much that's any different than I've said these past 9 years.

Nothing that has happened since 2015 to disprove anything I was saying 9 years ago. It's now 7 bankrupt companies, Trump Hotel Toronto having going under during the 2016 election campaign. Trump settled the Fraud Suit for $25 million. The Trump Foundation has been shut down, and it's directors barred from sitting on the boards of other charities - illegal fund raising and misuse of funds raised.

The only difference is that Trump is now being charged for the fraud and tax evasion that he's gotten away with for decades. Trump has freely confessed to everything he's been charged with. He's just trying to claim immunity and get himself re-elected so he isn't found guilty.
If you just got some of your facts straight or reported them honestly it would look a lot less hateful. For instance Trump didn't own Trump Tower in Toronto. He wasn't even a shareholder. Trump was riding high with his popular and successful TV show "The Apprentice" and they paid him to use his name.

He did agree to pay $25m in 'damages' for Trump University just to get rid of another nuisance lawsuit going into the 2016 campaign.

But when you bring him up in a malicious manner no matter what the thread topic and cite the hateful propaganda rather than the actual facts, it comes across as pure hate. Sorry. But I call it as I see it.

And you don't know Mike Johnson or I suspect really anything about him. But you are quick to compare him flying the "An Appeal to Heaven" flag as representing something sinister and bad in your eyes without having a single clue as to why he chose that flag.

You might not see that as 'hateful.' I do.
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Tlaib has every right to put a Palestinian flag outside or inside her office. And she has made no bones about it that she hates and condemns Israel and supports the Palestinians. And Americans are free to choose what they think about that and can do so with intellectual honesty.

Mike Johnson has every right to put an "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside his office. But as Mike Johnson has made no public statement about the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, nobody can accuse him of any sinister motive with any intellectual honesty.
She didn't do that , some idiot accused her of that. It was post 334.
I posted to you the exact words she posted. You gave it a thumb's down. But you cannot honestly say she didn't post it. Post #334 was your post.
Actually according to the FTC you can't do that in America. We are a free nation , if that were true over time any excuse would do and hatred and bigotry would stop all trade eventually.
Have you ever seen a sign in a business that says "We reserve the right to refuse you".
Tlaib has every right to put a Palestinian flag outside or inside her office. And she has made no bones about it that she hates and condemns Israel and supports the Palestinians. And Americans are free to choose what they think about that and can do so with intellectual honesty.

Mike Johnson has every right to put an "Appeal to Heaven" flag outside his office. But as Mike Johnson has made no public statement about the "Appeal to Heaven" flag, nobody can accuse him of any sinister motive with any intellectual honesty.
I'm sure there are people with Ukrainian or even Russian flags in Congress. As well as Palestinian or Israeli flags l. None of those are not a threat to our country. Christian Nationalism is.
LOL yes he can he thumbs down anything he disagrees with even historical facts.
That's what they do. There are some on the left--even a few here at USMB--who do make a great effort to actually use intellectual honesty in a discussion. Some who can actually articulate a rationale for why they hold the opinions they do. But geez they are rare. Most just spew hatred, anger, propaganda and are probably incapable of backing up what they say with any kind of personal rationale.

This thread includes a lot of examples of that. Mike Johnson is a Christian and Speaker of the House and has an R after his name. Therefore to most on the left he is no different than the fascists/Nazis/worst of the world. He put a flag outside his office that they demand to define and no other reason than their definition is to be considered or even allowed.

I would hope intellectually honest and honorable people would cite the actual truth of something before attacking it. Most on the left seem incapable of doing that.
LOL yes he can he thumbs down anything he disagrees with even historical facts.
No you did not , you posted what you thought she said. She used the Nazis as a similar example ( of course , hopefully the Christian Nationalists won't start murdering people because they're gay or adulterers when and if they could possibly take over the country ) of a flag starting out as a good idea then going bad. Which is what Christian Nationalism is. She reached the same logical conclusion. Look up their agenda it would be a nightmare for everyone creating a horrible dystopia.

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