New House Speaker flying christian nationalist flag outside his office.

That's what they do. There are some on the left--even a few here at USMB--who do make a great effort to actually use intellectual honesty in a discussion. Some who can actually articulate a rationale for why they hold the opinions they do. But geez they are rare. Most just spew hatred, anger, propaganda and are probably incapable of backing up what they say with any kind of personal rationale.

This thread includes a lot of examples of that. Mike Johnson is a Christian and Speaker of the House and has an R after his name. Therefore to most on the left he is no different than the fascists/Nazis/worst of the world. He put a flag outside his office that they demand to define and no other reason than their definition is to be considered or even allowed.

I would hope intellectually honest and honorable people would cite the actual truth of something before attacking it. Most on the left seem incapable of doing that.
You're all nuts ! You can't discuss things with extremists.
No you did not , you posted what you thought she said. She used the Nazis as a similar example ( of course , hopefully the Christian Nationalists won't start murdering people because they're gay or adulterers when and if they could possibly take over the country ) of a flag starting out as a good idea then going bad. Which is what Christian Nationalism is. She reached the same logical conclusion. Look up their agenda it would be a nightmare for everyone creating a horrible dystopia.
Have you checked under your bed for monsters lately?
she said it and you were shown her exact post and still denied it. You are either stupid and can't read or a liar or mentally unfit.
I went back to the post, it a while to.get there amd read it twice more . She never called them Nazis , it was to demonstrate how a good symbol through time is hijacked by another group for a bad purpose. Christian Nationalism is NOT a good idea for a free nation. It's a bad idea. It would be a form of fascism and counterproductive to our free nation.if you can't see that you have bigger problems than you believe I have.
I went back to the post, it a while to.get there amd read it twice more . She never called them Nazis , it was to demonstrate how a good symbol through time is hijacked by another group for a bad purpose. Christian Nationalism is NOT a good idea for a free nation. It's a bad idea. It would be a form of fascism and counterproductive to our free nation.if you can't see that you have bigger problems than you believe I have.
her exact post was cited and she did IN FACT say that like the changing of what the swastika stood for the flag was changed too and was similarly evil.
her exact post was cited and she did IN FACT say that like the changing of what the swastika stood for the flag was changed too and was similarly evil.
There are very few examples of flags representing good turned into a symbol representing bad things. I can't think of any other. Can you ? Plus she never called them Nazis. If enacted they could be much nicer or even worse. Hopefully we will never go down that road and find out.
Actually according to the FTC you can't do that in America. We are a free nation , if that were true over time any excuse would do and hatred and bigotry would stop all trade eventually.
Then it's time to change the law to allow for Refusal Of Service based upon religious grounds.

If you can't get service at Provider A, you're free to go down the street to obtain service from Provider B.

A slippery slope? Perhaps. But one that needs to be addressed so that righteous, decent folk don't have to serve perverts.
I'm not going to go back to find the post. But when somebody brings up the Nazis to denigrate a congressman flying a Christian flag. . .

I didn't bring up NAZI's to denigrate the flag, I brought up Swastikas to point out how good flags and symbols get co-opted by hate groups, and take on a whole new meaning when that happens. Which is what has happened to Washington's flag.

The aims and goals of the Christian National Movement is neither Christian nor Constitutional. They believe in white supremacy, and a white ruled nation, based on fringe evangelical beliefs, and in violation of the Constitution. Christian Nationalists cloak their fascism in both patriotism and religion.

Their goal is to re-establish the USA as a "Christian Theocracy", banning abortion, birth control, gay marriage, and restricting voting to whites only. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus who said "My kingdom is not of this world".

He also stressed that we love one another, and treat others with respect. He didn't qualify any of those commandments with loving those who look like us, or respecting only people who are "legal". If God put these people on earth, who are YOU to refuse them safety or assistance.

Who can argue with love of country???? If these people truly loved the country, they wouldn't be trying to destroy two of the founding pillars of the nation: That all people are created equal; and the separation of Church and State, and the establishment of a national religion.

And even worse, you refuse to acknowledge or even notice the extent to which Russia, China and Iran are using your social media to undermine your faith in elections, and your trust in government.

Samuel Johnson was absolutely correct when he said that "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".
I didn't bring up NAZI's to denigrate the flag, I brought up Swastikas to point out how good flags and symbols get co-opted by hate groups, and take on a whole new meaning when that happens. Which is what has happened to Washington's flag.

The aims and goals of the Christian National Movement is neither Christian nor Constitutional. They believe in white supremacy, and a white ruled nation, based on fringe evangelical beliefs, and in violation of the Constitution. Christian Nationalists cloak their fascism in both patriotism and religion.

Their goal is to re-establish the USA as a "Christian Theocracy", banning abortion, birth control, gay marriage, and restricting voting to whites only. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus who said "My kingdom is not of this world".

He also stressed that we love one another, and treat others with respect. He didn't qualify any of those commandments with loving those who look like us, or respecting only people who are "legal". If God put these people on earth, who are YOU to refuse them safety or assistance.

Who can argue with love of country???? If these people truly loved the country, they wouldn't be trying to destroy two of the founding pillars of the nation: That all people are created equal; and the separation of Church and State, and the establishment of a national religion.

And even worse, you refuse to acknowledge or even notice the extent to which Russia, China and Iran are using your social media to undermine your faith in elections, and your trust in government.

Samuel Johnson was absolutely correct when he said that "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".
she just did it again. go ahead and claim she didn't again.
No you cannot discriminate. Period. End of story. You will lose your business license if you do, as well you should.
the Supreme Court disagrees with you all as it ruled a baker can in fact refuse to CREATE their art if they so desire based on religion.
I didn't bring up NAZI's to denigrate the flag, I brought up Swastikas to point out how good flags and symbols get co-opted by hate groups, and take on a whole new meaning when that happens. Which is what has happened to Washington's flag.

The aims and goals of the Christian National Movement is neither Christian nor Constitutional. They believe in white supremacy, and a white ruled nation, based on fringe evangelical beliefs, and in violation of the Constitution. Christian Nationalists cloak their fascism in both patriotism and religion.

Their goal is to re-establish the USA as a "Christian Theocracy", banning abortion, birth control, gay marriage, and restricting voting to whites only. This is in direct contradiction to the teachings of Jesus who said "My kingdom is not of this world".

He also stressed that we love one another, and treat others with respect. He didn't qualify any of those commandments with loving those who look like us, or respecting only people who are "legal". If God put these people on earth, who are YOU to refuse them safety or assistance.

Who can argue with love of country???? If these people truly loved the country, they wouldn't be trying to destroy two of the founding pillars of the nation: That all people are created equal; and the separation of Church and State, and the establishment of a national religion.

And even worse, you refuse to acknowledge or even notice the extent to which Russia, China and Iran are using your social media to undermine your faith in elections, and your trust in government.

Samuel Johnson was absolutely correct when he said that "Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel".
When you insist that Johnson's "Appeal to Heaven" flag represents the worst of American society and therefore is no different than what the Nazi flag came to represent, you are drawing a hateful inference that has no justification on the face of it. Your post #344

When you insist on bringing in China and Russia's influence into a thread that is not about that at all, it strongly suggests that you are trolling or intentionally trying to derail the topic.

When you think Russia and China are what has destroyed people's faith in our elections, you are so out of touch with the reality that it is ridiculous.

When you say that people who want to be able to express and display their Christian faith are somehow violating the concepts of all people being created equal and separation of church and state, you indicate a woeful lack of understanding of what the Constitution says and/or the Founders intent with those phrases.

And it all comes across as extremely hateful.
We might be nuts. But at least we can read and comprehend.

You're not reading or comprehending. Everything you see, or read, you filter through the lens of right wing grievance. Just like my comparison of the flags. Conservatives can't even celebrate Christmas any more without having a shit fit over people saying "Happy Holidays", and claiming there's a "war on Christmas".

The right is being jerked from one state of outrage to the next and you go along with all of it without a second thought. From "critical race theory", which isn't being taught in any American school below the postgraduate level, to drag shows grooming children to pedophilia, you people will believe ANYTHING right wing media tells you.

You claim that I don't have legitimate reasons to think Trump is unfit for office. It's just TDS. Clearly you didn't read or comprehend my posts.

In fact, American conservatives are so ill-informed and gullible as to be a danger to your nation.

I can't imagine being upset about how many white people I do or don't see in commercials, much less posting about it.

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