New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

Hunter was a businessperson and was harassed over chicken feed, while Jared’s $2B from an ally of Hamas is given a pass?! That’s troubling.

What product or service did Hunter sell.

Be very specific.
Of course, there's interest in Quid Pro's finances, he has a son who has been cashing in on the family name, and it behooves us to know what Quid Pro was selling that made him so rich. There's no reason yet to even think that the new Speaker has committed any crimes that warrant the angst being expressed on here.
If you’re interested in Joe Biden’s finances, why are we constantly seeing the finances of his grandchildren? That makes no sense.

The new Speaker’s finance are generating interest because he has no finances. It behooves us get more info on what he is most likely hiding from taxpayers.
You’re good with someone connected to the president getting money from a country determined to destroy one of our allies?!?! When Hunter got much less from China, MAGA was all up in arms!

You are incorrect.
If you’re interested in Joe Biden’s finances, why are we constantly seeing the finances of his grandchildren? That makes no sense.
I don't care about his grandchildren. Maybe somebody else does, but I don't see panting threads on here about them.
The new Speaker’s finance are generating interest because he has no finances. It behooves us get more info on what he is most likely hiding from taxpayers.
When there is good reason to suspect malfeasance, we can investigate the new Speaker's finances. Until then, it's his business, not ours. Is he living far beyond his apparent means? Not according to anything I've seen. Does he have family members getting lucrative jobs with no apparent skills? Not according to anything I've seen.

All we've seen so far that has the usual suspects lining up with their fishing rods and lines, desperate to get their fishing expeditions started, is he doesn't let you see where his money is. IOW, you're fishing for something, anything, you can yell about, and right now, you look silly yelling that there's nothing to yell about.
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

he is another GOP criminal in the party of corrupt criminals

He has bank accounts, but they are illegal and set up in other people's names to cover all his crimes and corruption.

That's what all these tax cheats do and why they all oppose increasing the IRS.
he is another GOP criminal in the party of corrupt criminals

He has bank accounts, but they are illegal and set up in other people's names to cover all his crimes and corruption.

That's what all these tax cheats do and why they all oppose increasing the IRS.
Wow, who needs an investigation? All they need to do is ask you. Why have you kept this secret all these years?
When there is good reason to suspect malfeasance, we can investigate the new Speaker's finances
Great. Let’s do it now. It’s extremely suspicious that someone can make a salary of a Congressman and not have any assets or bank accounts.
Great. Let’s do it now. It’s extremely suspicious that someone can make a salary of a Congressman and not have any assets or bank accounts.

Why do you Cultists just accept some Interent report from some unknown as fact?
Great. Let’s do it now. It’s extremely suspicious that someone can make a salary of a Congressman and not have any assets or bank accounts.
What crime is he supposed to have committed? Or do you mean you just want to dig around, hoping to find something? That's not the way this works. And no, you can't just say, "He might have", you have to have good reason with evidence to suspect that a crime was actually committed and know which one.
What crime is he supposed to have committed? Or do you mean you just want to dig around, hoping to find something? That's not the way this works. And no, you can't just say, "He might have", you have to have good reason with evidence to suspect that a crime was actually committed and know which one.
Money laundering. Bribery. Tax evasion.

It’s the way it works with Joe Biden.
We have his suspicious financial disclosure. That’s definitely evidence.
Of nothing. All you know from that is that he has his money somewhere you can't see it, and that's not a crime.

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