New house speaker's latest financial disclosure

Given he has 2 kids in college, his family home, has to keep a place in DC, pay bills on both places. It’s better to have a trustee paying things and looking over everything.

Do you know why they are so concerned about it, other than he is not a Democrat?
Shows no assets. Not even a checking account. Nothing. Zero assets. No investments, no properties, nothing.

Seems pretty unlikely, don't you think? A congressman, even a back bencher, with no assets at all? Used to be a lawyer, won some pretty big settlements too, where is it all?

You are concerned about this but not the Biden's??
Because they think this is a scandal that will require a special investigator and a jury trial. They literally cannot fathom a Republican actually keeping private information private.
Seems like a hypocritical stance given the republicans are out there showing everyone the bank records of Biden’s grandkids.
Seems like a hypocritical stance given the republicans are out there showing everyone the bank records of Biden’s grandkids.
There certainly were crimes committed by Hunter to justify investigation, but there is no reason at this point to think that anything illegal happened with the new House Speaker. Of course, the SOP today is to insist that some crime has been committed simply because he exists and has a position of power, but that's not how it works. If you think something illegal happened, tell us what law was broken.
There certainly were crimes committed by Hunter to justify investigation, but there is no reason at this point to think that anything illegal happened with the new House Speaker. Of course, the SOP today is to insist that some crime has been committed simply because he exists and has a position of power, but that's not how it works. If you think something illegal happened, tell us what law was broken.
Hunter Biden is being investigated by the DoJ. What does that have to do with Republicans publicizing the records of Biden’s grandkids?

Privacy for me but not for thee.
Hunter Biden is being investigated by the DoJ. What does that have to do with Republicans publicizing the records of Biden’s grandkids?

Privacy for me but not for thee.
I still fail to see what the new Speaker has done that warrants all this panting and bloviating about his finances. And of course, there's a lot of interest in Quid Pro Joe's finances, given how he and his family have become mysteriously wealthy over the last few years.
It’s the utter lack that’s suspicious. Does he live with mom? Does he live off his wife? Lack of evidence can be damning, because who would believe it? If a Dem was this sketchy, you’d be all over it.

There is a minimum threshold for reporting...anything below that doesn't have to be reported. At a guess, his assets are simply below the minimum.
I still fail to see what the new Speaker has done that warrants all this panting and bloviating about his finances. And of course, there's a lot of interest in Quid Pro Joe's finances, given how he and his family have become mysteriously wealthy over the last few years.
There’s a lot of panting and bloviating about Biden’s finances too.

You fail to see that a grown man with no bank accounts and assets isn’t just a little suspicious that he’s hiding something.

I get people want privacy. Those people don’t get to run for office where they’re required to disclose finances.
There’s a lot of panting and bloviating about Biden’s finances too.

You fail to see that a grown man with no bank accounts and assets isn’t just a little suspicious that he’s hiding something.

I get people want privacy. Those people don’t get to run for office where they’re required to disclose finances.
Of course, there's interest in Quid Pro's finances, he has a son who has been cashing in on the family name, and it behooves us to know what Quid Pro was selling that made him so rich. There's no reason yet to even think that the new Speaker has committed any crimes that warrant the angst being expressed on here.
I still fail to see what the new Speaker has done that warrants all this panting and bloviating about his finances. And of course, there's a lot of interest in Quid Pro Joe's finances, given how he and his family have become mysteriously wealthy over the last few years.
But no interest at all with Jared raking in $3.5B, or more, since he failed his security clearances! Y'alls priorities are ass backwards!
But no interest at all with Jared raking in $3.5B, or more, since he failed his security clearances! Y'alls priorities are ass backwards!
You're free to start any thread you want about Jared or anyone else.
It's a little weird that leftists don't understand that -
Business people do business.
Hunter was a businessperson and was harassed over chicken feed, while Jared’s $2B from an ally of Hamas is given a pass?! That’s troubling.

My Democrat friends believe so strongly that graft and corruption are perfectly acceptable that they just refuse to believe someone isn't a thief like themselves.

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