New IPCC Report: Climate Change no big deal!!!


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
What the new report will say >>>>

Indeed, a small amount of warming spread over a long period will, most experts think, bring net improvements to human welfare. Studies such as by the IPCC author and economist Professor Richard Tol of Sussex University in Britain show that global warming has probably done so already. People can adapt to such change—which essentially means capture the benefits but minimize the harm.

Matt Ridley?Climate Forecast: Muting the Alarm -

Hmmm......wont the alarmist nutters in this forum look pretty fucking stoopid after this report is released!!!:badgrin::badgrin::badgrin::eusa_dance:

Stoopid ass bomb throwing dopes!! They never get it right. On the laugh-o-meter, this scores a 10!!

Of course, this report will have zero impact on the k00ks clinging to the established narrative. It'll be like the report never came out. Sorta like Harry "Dingy" Reid coming out yesterday and saying he never said people were lying abut Obamacare. These far left assholes don't care what they say even if it makes them look like complete jackasses. Their motto is.....say whatever and hope people don't check the score. Gay
LOL....another thread the AGW crowd cant wait to leave the face page of the forum!!!
All of the fascist alarmist k00ks point to the IPCC all of the time.......ummmm........except when the IPCC is suddenly saying stuff that doesn't fit their established narrative.

Ooooooops........then none of the k00ks want to know from anything.

IPCC report out Monday.

Which means there certainly will be some measure of bomb throwing.......because, after all, we are talking abut the IPCC here. Which means climate change is the priority vehicle for wealth redistribution around the world for those astute enough to connect the expect an overall dismal view of the future.:D
The next couple of years IF the super nino develops. You're not going to be winning! ;)
Fear. It's scary effective. Dupes.

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The next couple of years IF the super nino develops. You're not going to be winning! ;)

Then it will mean we are having a super Nino......and like always, things get warmer. Its always been that way s0n!!:eusa_dance:
And if the temperatures exceed 1998, 2005, and 2010, then the upward climb of temperatures is demonstrated.
1998 was a super El Nino. 2005 and 2010 were moderate El Nino's. 2013, the fourth warmest year after 2010, 2005, and 1998, was ENSO neutral. A super El Nino now will be very interesting.
1998 was a super El Nino. 2005 and 2010 were moderate El Nino's. 2013, the fourth warmest year after 2010, 2005, and 1998, was ENSO neutral. A super El Nino now will be very interesting.

A 1998 now would make 2015 anomaly that was .59-.62 be around .8c. Now that's something that would stand out.:eusa_boohoo:
Poor skook is having problems with all the contradictory claims from his side.

First, two lukwarmers/semi-denialists helped write the new report, which kills the denier conspiracy theory about being censored.

Second, those two lukewarmers are contradicting each other.

Tol says the draft says thing are worse.

"The drafts became too alarmist,"

Ridley says the draft says things are better.

"the IPCC is becoming more cautious about its effects."

Those two need to get together and get their stories straight. Until then, the applicable headline here is "deniers in disarray".
1998 was a super El Nino. 2005 and 2010 were moderate El Nino's. 2013, the fourth warmest year after 2010, 2005, and 1998, was ENSO neutral. A super El Nino now will be very interesting.

Why? You guys totally dependent on Mother Nature to prove your MAN-MADE GW for ya?
Just listen to both of you... ANY factor that can ENHANCE the frivolous Global Avg Temp, also has the power to kick the shit out it.. Actually proving that CO2 isn't the master control knob of climate..
Poor skook is having problems with all the contradictory claims from his side.

First, two lukwarmers/semi-denialists helped write the new report, which kills the denier conspiracy theory about being censored.

Second, those two lukewarmers are contradicting each other.

Tol says the draft says thing are worse.

"The drafts became too alarmist,"

Ridley says the draft says things are better.

"the IPCC is becoming more cautious about its effects."

Those two need to get together and get their stories straight. Until then, the applicable headline here is "deniers in disarray".

Nope.. Tol pulled out the cabal to go public.. They BLOCKED his contributions to report with EXCUSES about deadlines and editing. Things are NOT censored at the IPCC -- they just get LOST or edited without the authors' consent..
1998 was a super El Nino. 2005 and 2010 were moderate El Nino's. 2013, the fourth warmest year after 2010, 2005, and 1998, was ENSO neutral. A super El Nino now will be very interesting.

Oh? So ALL those years of record warmth were the result of NATURAL causes eh? Do tell.....
1998 was a super El Nino. 2005 and 2010 were moderate El Nino's. 2013, the fourth warmest year after 2010, 2005, and 1998, was ENSO neutral. A super El Nino now will be very interesting.

Oh? So ALL those years of record warmth were the result of NATURAL causes eh? Do tell.....

Well, if that is what you get out of what I wrote, perhaps you had better see your doctor concerning senility.
Poor skook is having problems with all the contradictory claims from his side.

First, two lukwarmers/semi-denialists helped write the new report, which kills the denier conspiracy theory about being censored.

Second, those two lukewarmers are contradicting each other.

Tol says the draft says thing are worse.

"The drafts became too alarmist,"

Ridley says the draft says things are better.

"the IPCC is becoming more cautious about its effects."

Those two need to get together and get their stories straight. Until then, the applicable headline here is "deniers in disarray".

Nope.. Tol pulled out the cabal to go public.. They BLOCKED his contributions to report with EXCUSES about deadlines and editing. Things are NOT censored at the IPCC -- they just get LOST or edited without the authors' consent..

A lot of things that you people claim, just seem to get 'lost' when it comes to having them actually published in a peer reviewed journal anywhere in the world.
1998 was a super El Nino. 2005 and 2010 were moderate El Nino's. 2013, the fourth warmest year after 2010, 2005, and 1998, was ENSO neutral. A super El Nino now will be very interesting.

Why? You guys totally dependent on Mother Nature to prove your MAN-MADE GW for ya?
Just listen to both of you... ANY factor that can ENHANCE the frivolous Global Avg Temp, also has the power to kick the shit out it.. Actually proving that CO2 isn't the master control knob of climate..

Actually the above statement simply proves how utterly clueless you are.

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