New IPCC Report Throwing in the Towel on AGW?


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
Global warming believers are feeling the heat ? Telegraph Blogs

Lol, the nonsense is finally starting to fall apart. First the Climate Gate Email scandal, and then the MET admitted that global temps have plateaued for the last 12 years.

Now even the IPCC's new report on AGW is forced to admit that the data don't match even the models predictions minimum increase predictions.

At the heart of the problem lie the computer models which, for 25 years, have formed the basis for the IPCC’s scaremongering: they predicted runaway global warming, when the real rise in temperatures has been much more modest. So modest, indeed, that it has fallen outside the lowest parameters of the IPCC’s prediction range. The computer models, in short, are bunk.

To a few distinguished scientists, this will hardly come as news. For years they have insisted that “sensitivity” – the degree to which the climate responds to increases in atmospheric CO₂ – is far lower than the computer models imagined. In the past, their voices have been suppressed by the bluster and skulduggery we saw exposed in the Climategate emails. From grant-hungry science institutions and environmentalist pressure groups to carbon traders, EU commissars, and big businesses with their snouts in the subsidies trough, many vested interests have much to lose should the global warming gravy train be derailed.

This is why the latest Assessment Report is proving such a headache to the IPCC. It’s the first in its history to admit what its critics have said for years: global warming did “pause” unexpectedly in 1998 and shows no sign of resuming. And, other than an ad hoc new theory about the missing heat having been absorbed by the deep ocean, it cannot come up with a convincing explanation why. Coming from a sceptical blog none of this would be surprising. But from the IPCC, it’s dynamite: the equivalent of the Soviet politburo announcing that command economies may not after all be the most efficient way of allocating resources.

Poor Algore, aka ManBearPig, reality can be such a hateful thing.
Well, the models didn't understand all the variables. One being the PDO that is turning out to be the reason for the warming between 1910-1940, stable between 1940-1975, and warming between 1975-2000.

Same is occurring now.
The models are and always have been bogus. And they know it. The whole ruse has always been abut having the public believe in the legitimacy of "computer models" as if they are accurate.

This will be the 4th version of the is a summary of the rigged process to come up with the conclusions >>>>

Donna Laframboise: Warming Up for Another Climate-Change Report -

It is fascinating to think that there are some who can read about the process they use to come up with their conclusions and think its actually legitimate!!!:2up: Like actually buying big bank executives writing banking regulations:lol:
Well, the models didn't understand all the variables. One being the PDO that is turning out to be the reason for the warming between 1910-1940, stable between 1940-1975, and warming between 1975-2000.

Same is occurring now.

The key thing is that it IS still warmer than it was in 1910.

So let's say that temperatures stay flat for the next 20 years. They start going up again in 2030 until 2060. I'll probably be dead by then, but family members will still be around.

You know, here's the thing. Let's say you guys totally want to ignore 95% of climate scientists who think that AGW is happening. Okay. Fine. I get it. You wingnuts don't like science. Science is hard.

BUt as a practical matter, our addiction to petroleum is funding the very same radical regimes that mean us a lot of harm. Russia, Venezuala and the various regimes in the Middle East.

Yeah, I guess you could avoid them by despoiling the Dakotas with Fracking, but they'll just sell to someone else.

WOuldn't investing in clean and green energies be prudent. Make America an energy exporter instead of an energy importer?

Shit, this is one area where both sides can agree, for different reasons.
The whole thing fell apart when they got the Himalayan Glaciers wrong. They also got the Ice Cap data wrong. I mean they were already supposed to have disappeared already this month! But instead we are showing record amounts of ice cover.

And then there's the revisionism having to do with the HadCRUT4 models:

HadCRUt4: revision or revisionism? | Watts Up With That?

As well as the latest IPCC report:

Two Minutes to Midnight « Climate Audit

AGW is a lie. It has always been a lie. It always WILL be a lie.
The whole thing fell apart when they got the Himalayan Glaciers wrong. They also got the Ice Cap data wrong. I mean they were already supposed to have disappeared already this month! But instead we are showing record amounts of ice cover.

And then there's the revisionism having to do with the HadCRUT4 models:

HadCRUt4: revision or revisionism? | Watts Up With That?

As well as the latest IPCC report:

Two Minutes to Midnight « Climate Audit

AGW is a lie. It has always been a lie. It always WILL be a lie.

Dumb fuck, the Himalayan glaciers are in retreat.

USGS Release: Glaciers Retreating in Asia (8/25/2010 10:33:00 AM)

Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change, Water Resources, and Water Security (2012)

Global glacier retreat
The whole thing fell apart when they got the Himalayan Glaciers wrong. They also got the Ice Cap data wrong. I mean they were already supposed to have disappeared already this month! But instead we are showing record amounts of ice cover.

And then there's the revisionism having to do with the HadCRUT4 models:

HadCRUt4: revision or revisionism? | Watts Up With That?

As well as the latest IPCC report:

Two Minutes to Midnight « Climate Audit

AGW is a lie. It has always been a lie. It always WILL be a lie.

Really, kid?

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today
The whole thing fell apart when they got the Himalayan Glaciers wrong. They also got the Ice Cap data wrong. I mean they were already supposed to have disappeared already this month! But instead we are showing record amounts of ice cover.

And then there's the revisionism having to do with the HadCRUT4 models:

HadCRUt4: revision or revisionism? | Watts Up With That?

As well as the latest IPCC report:

Two Minutes to Midnight « Climate Audit

AGW is a lie. It has always been a lie. It always WILL be a lie.

Really, kid?

Polar Sea Ice Cap and Snow - Cryosphere Today

Yeah, really:

Antarctic Meltdown Producing Record Amounts Of Ice | Real Science

Now there's more ice at South Pole than ever (So much for global warming thawing Antarctica!) | Mail Online

This image is from September 26, 2012:


That shows a record gain in ice cover, not any loss...

And if you're worried about having no land ice, back in the late Cretaceous period, Earth was free of ice.

Study: The Late Cretaceous Period was likely ice-free | Watts Up With That?
Well, the models didn't understand all the variables. One being the PDO that is turning out to be the reason for the warming between 1910-1940, stable between 1940-1975, and warming between 1975-2000.

Same is occurring now.

The key thing is that it IS still warmer than it was in 1910.

So let's say that temperatures stay flat for the next 20 years. They start going up again in 2030 until 2060. I'll probably be dead by then, but family members will still be around.

You know, here's the thing. Let's say you guys totally want to ignore 95% of climate scientists who think that AGW is happening. Okay. Fine. I get it. You wingnuts don't like science. Science is hard.

BUt as a practical matter, our addiction to petroleum is funding the very same radical regimes that mean us a lot of harm. Russia, Venezuala and the various regimes in the Middle East.

Yeah, I guess you could avoid them by despoiling the Dakotas with Fracking, but they'll just sell to someone else.

WOuldn't investing in clean and green energies be prudent. Make America an energy exporter instead of an energy importer?

Shit, this is one area where both sides can agree, for different reasons.

I think the point here is that political elites, people in power, CAN'T BE TRUSTED. They have their own motives.

What are those motives? It isn't the betterment of humanity. It is to make more regulations, it is to create a more onerous and centralized power structure, a GLOBALIZED power structure with which to control humanity. Even if it is all based on lies.

Yes, both side SHOULD be able to agree, the most important things are freedom and liberty. These things are most likely to achieve the ends you desire. Not selling out the birth right of every man women and child to those who feel they are entitled to rule over the rest of humanity.
Now if you alarmists will excuse me, breakfast is calling my name. But just a bit of a parting blow before I go:

If you notice, the minimum extent of ice on the North Pole is growing, the minimum is extent is larger than the year previous.

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Well, the models didn't understand all the variables. One being the PDO that is turning out to be the reason for the warming between 1910-1940, stable between 1940-1975, and warming between 1975-2000.

Same is occurring now.

The key thing is that it IS still warmer than it was in 1910.

So let's say that temperatures stay flat for the next 20 years. They start going up again in 2030 until 2060. I'll probably be dead by then, but family members will still be around.

You know, here's the thing. Let's say you guys totally want to ignore 95% of climate scientists who think that AGW is happening. Okay. Fine. I get it. You wingnuts don't like science. Science is hard.

BUt as a practical matter, our addiction to petroleum is funding the very same radical regimes that mean us a lot of harm. Russia, Venezuala and the various regimes in the Middle East.

Yeah, I guess you could avoid them by despoiling the Dakotas with Fracking, but they'll just sell to someone else.

WOuldn't investing in clean and green energies be prudent. Make America an energy exporter instead of an energy importer?

Shit, this is one area where both sides can agree, for different reasons.

I may be a wingnut - whatever that is - but science is central to my whole value system. I love and respect science, which is why I detest the careerist charlatans who selfishly drag the name of science in the mud. They continue to peddle their warmist lies and distortions in what I hope is a vain attempt to save their careers fo a few more years.

If you think the US can become an energy exporter by throwing more money down the wind generator drain it is you Joe who is the wingnut (whatever that is - the only wingnuts I know are useful threaded nuts that can be tightened by hand).
The whole thing fell apart when they got the Himalayan Glaciers wrong. They also got the Ice Cap data wrong. I mean they were already supposed to have disappeared already this month! But instead we are showing record amounts of ice cover.

And then there's the revisionism having to do with the HadCRUT4 models:

HadCRUt4: revision or revisionism? | Watts Up With That?

As well as the latest IPCC report:

Two Minutes to Midnight « Climate Audit

AGW is a lie. It has always been a lie. It always WILL be a lie.

Dumb fuck, the Himalayan glaciers are in retreat.

USGS Release: Glaciers Retreating in Asia (8/25/2010 10:33:00 AM)

Himalayan Glaciers: Climate Change, Water Resources, and Water Security (2012)

Global glacier retreat
Your religion is proven a lie, and your calling someone else dumb. Priceless lol.
Well, the models didn't understand all the variables. One being the PDO that is turning out to be the reason for the warming between 1910-1940, stable between 1940-1975, and warming between 1975-2000.

Same is occurring now.

The key thing is that it IS still warmer than it was in 1910.

So let's say that temperatures stay flat for the next 20 years. They start going up again in 2030 until 2060. I'll probably be dead by then, but family members will still be around.

Even as CO2 emission skyrocket. That means there is a correlation problem with the AWG greenhous assertion. A big one.
You know, here's the thing. Let's say you guys totally want to ignore 95% of climate scientists who think that AGW is happening. Okay. Fine. I get it. You wingnuts don't like science. Science is hard.

Appeal to Authority, Ad hom logical fallacies. Typical of AWG believers.
BUt as a practical matter, our addiction to petroleum is funding the very same radical regimes that mean us a lot of harm. Russia, Venezuala and the various regimes in the Middle East.

Appeal to emotion logical fallacy. Not related at all to the topic. If this concerns you. Practice what you preach. Stop driving. Stop heating your home. Stop consuming petro based products. Or, STFU about it.

Yeah, I guess you could avoid them by despoiling the Dakotas with Fracking, but they'll just sell to someone else.

WOuldn't investing in clean and green energies be prudent. Make America an energy exporter instead of an energy importer?

Green energy, such as solar and wind, aren't able to produce the necessary energy needed to replace petro and gas. So its a silly point. Super idiotic silly.
Shit, this is one area where both sides can agree, for different reasons.

Sure. But for practical reasons, it isn't an option. Furthermore, forcing the industries through government is even less practical. Since that is what you really want.
Well, the models didn't understand all the variables. One being the PDO that is turning out to be the reason for the warming between 1910-1940, stable between 1940-1975, and warming between 1975-2000.

Same is occurring now.

You seem too sure given the little data we actually have on the PDO and its changes over time.

How was the PDO behaving during the Little Ice Age or the Middle Ages Warm Period?
The whole thing fell apart when they got the Himalayan Glaciers wrong. They also got the Ice Cap data wrong. I mean they were already supposed to have disappeared already this month! But instead we are showing record amounts of ice cover.

And then there's the revisionism having to do with the HadCRUT4 models:

HadCRUt4: revision or revisionism? | Watts Up With That?

As well as the latest IPCC report:

Two Minutes to Midnight « Climate Audit

AGW is a lie. It has always been a lie. It always WILL be a lie.

Marxism, Socialism, Bill Clinton.....

Isnt it funny how the left is so comfortable with so many lies, and repeating them?

Yep, Old Rocks, this is the problem when those who dominate the various academic schools stop listening to its critics, close their eyes and ears and just insist that they are right no matter what anyone says.
Now if you alarmists will excuse me, breakfast is calling my name. But just a bit of a parting blow before I go:

If you notice, the minimum extent of ice on the North Pole is growing, the minimum is extent is larger than the year previous.


Okay, Dude, that's way too little ice for being up there...

You get this, right?

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