New IRS chief says it violated American's trust: unacceptable political partisanship


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
Maybe there is hope after all for the IRS with this man at the helm. This new IRS Chief appears to grasp the gravity of the scandal and seems to be earnest in his desire to clean up the IRS's act.

Danny Werfel, the newly minted acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, crept close Monday to offering a governmental apology for his agency's long-held habit of targeting conservative organizations, including many tea party groups, with aggressive and intrusive inquisitions after they applied for tax-exempt status during President Barack Obama's first term

Despite this thread I'm sure they'll be 500 more "Issa is toast" threads by the whacked out progressives at USMB .:lol:

Werfel insisted that the IRS 'stands ready to confront the problems that occurred, hold accountable those who acted inappropriately, be open about what happened, and permanently fix these problems so that such missteps do not occur again.

But any reform, he told Florida Republican Rep. Ander Crenshaw, 'has to start with a recognition that the trust [of taxpayers] has been violated.'

Most Americans agree with that assessment, judging from a Quinnipiac University poll released last week. In that survey, 66 percent said they 'disapproved' of the IRS's performance of its core duties.

'My primary mission,' Werfel said, 'is to restore that trust.'


It's a good read. More at link.

New IRS chief Danny Werfel says his agency 'violated' Americans' trust | Mail Online
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Guess it was too much exposure fer the cameras...
IRS Cancels Order for Spying Equipment
June 12, 2013 - The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has cancelled its purchase order for surveillance equipment, which had included coffee trays with hidden cameras and cameras that could be hidden in plants.
The IRS issued the cancellation on Wednesday at 11:49 a.m. published an initial story about the IRS's purchase order on Monday afternoon--and that story was linked on The Drudge Report. As reported, the IRS had issued a rush order for the surveillance equipment last Thursday, June 6. That order originally carried a deadline of Monday, June 10. Among the items the IRS sought to purchase were four coffee trays with hidden cameras, four cameras that could be concealed in plants, and two "concealed clock radios."

The original purchase order said that IRS already had an "Undisclosed Corporation" that could provide the items and that any would-be competitor would need to demonstrate that it, too, could furnish the type of equipment the IRS was seeking. The order said its descriptions of the items the IRS wanted to buy was "vague due to the use and nature of the items." "The Internal Revenue Service intends to award a Purchase Order to an undisclosed Corporation," said the original order. "The following descriptions are vague due to the use and nature of the items. If you feel that you can provide the following equiptment [sic], please respond to this email no later than 4 days after the solicitation date." "Vendors who can provide the required services at prices, terms and conditions equal to or better than those which can be provided by Undisclosed Corporation should submit clear and convincing data in writing substantiating an ability to furnish the entire requirement," said the now-cancelled order.

In recent weeks the IRS has been at the center of several scandals, including the targeting of Tea Party groups and subjecting them to greater scrutiny when applying for non-profit status during the 2010 and 2012 elections. A report by the Treasury Inspector General for Tax Administration showed that groups with names like “patriot” in their titles were singled out, required to complete lengthy personal questionnaires (often multiple times) and have their nonprofit status delayed, sometimes for more than three years.

Last week a second Inspector General report detailed nearly $50 million in wasteful spending by the agency on conferences, in which employees stayed at luxurious Las Vegas hotels, paid a keynote speaker $17,000 to paint several portraits, including a picture of U2 singer Bono, and spent $50,000 on parody videos of “Star Trek.” Neither the IRS press office nor the IRS procurement office responded to inquiries from asking why the purchase order was cancelled.

See more at: IRS Cancels Order for Spying Equipment | CNS News
Maybe there is hope after all for the IRS with this man at the helm. This new IRS Chief appears to grasp the gravity of the scandal and seems to be earnest in his desire to clean up the IRS's act.

Danny Werfel, the newly minted acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, crept close Monday to offering a governmental apology for his agency's long-held habit of targeting conservative organizations,
Which made up only 25% of the groups targeted.

Of the 300 groups targeted, only 70 were conservative.

The only thing the IRS is guilty of, is asking inappropriate questions.

Other than that, that's what they're paid to do.
Being a democrat in the Obama administration means never having to do anything more than say "i'm sorry". We know we can't trust the A.G. since he is mired in two or three criminal investigations so let's call for an independent council to indict the SOB's and frog walk the whole sorry star trek a-holes into federal prison.
Being a democrat in the Obama administration means never having to do anything more than say "i'm sorry". We know we can't trust the A.G. since he is mired in two or three criminal investigations so let's call for an independent council to indict the SOB's and frog walk the whole sorry star trek a-holes into federal prison.

No to mention Holder has perjured himself already, twice.
Being a democrat in the Obama administration means never having to do anything more than say "i'm sorry". We know we can't trust the A.G. since he is mired in two or three criminal investigations so let's call for an independent council to indict the SOB's and frog walk the whole sorry star trek a-holes into federal prison.
It was your guy who politicized the DOJ.
Maybe there is hope after all for the IRS with this man at the helm. This new IRS Chief appears to grasp the gravity of the scandal and seems to be earnest in his desire to clean up the IRS's act.

Danny Werfel, the newly minted acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, crept close Monday to offering a governmental apology for his agency's long-held habit of targeting conservative organizations,
Which made up only 25% of the groups targeted.

Of the 300 groups targeted, only 70 were conservative.

The only thing the IRS is guilty of, is asking inappropriate questions.

Other than that, that's what they're paid to do.

You better fire off your findings then to the Inspector General of the Treasury Department to let him know that the IRS did nothing wrong.

Obviously the IG is too dense to realize that the IRS is just an innocent body of individuals just doing their job and the IG was completely out of line to find fault with the IRS.

Honestly. Maybe you can just turn this whole thing around.:eusa_angel:

How could the Inspector General just fuck up so badly? Sheesh.

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

By Brad Plumer, Published: May 14, 2013 at 5:47 pmE-mail the writer

This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.

Ineffective management:

1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,

2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and

3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued

Full report at link. Be sure you rake the IG over the coals for issuing a faulty audit.


READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups
Maybe there is hope after all for the IRS with this man at the helm. This new IRS Chief appears to grasp the gravity of the scandal and seems to be earnest in his desire to clean up the IRS's act.

Danny Werfel, the newly minted acting commissioner of the Internal Revenue Service, crept close Monday to offering a governmental apology for his agency's long-held habit of targeting conservative organizations,
Which made up only 25% of the groups targeted.

Of the 300 groups targeted, only 70 were conservative.

The only thing the IRS is guilty of, is asking inappropriate questions.

Other than that, that's what they're paid to do.

You better fire off your findings then to the Inspector General of the Treasury Department to let him know that the IRS did nothing wrong.

Obviously the IG is too dense to realize that the IRS is just an innocent body of individuals just doing their job and the IG was completely out of line to find fault with the IRS.

Honestly. Maybe you can just turn this whole thing around.:eusa_angel:

How could the Inspector General just fuck up so badly? Sheesh.

Next he be saying "But only group was actually denied and it was a Liberal group"... as if that means anything considering that every other Liberal group got their approvals in as little as 45 days while Conservative groups have been waiting years to get any kind of a decision.
Don't fall for it. It's an old liberal trick. Rake 'em over the coals, then promise you'll be the one who will change everything. Wait a while, until another scandal comes along, then continue on with your abuse. Same bus, same destination, different driver.
You better fire off your findings then to the Inspector General of the Treasury Department to let him know that the IRS did nothing wrong.
I didn't say they did nothing wrong. I'm saying it ain't the big ass scandal people are making it out to be. The same people trying to make this into the story of the century, are the same ones who told us Iraq had WMD's; that ACORN was committing voter fraud; that the Healthcare bill had death panels; that some god-damn religion called Islam, is a threat to a nation that has enough nuclear weapons to kill the population of the planet 37 times.

The track record of those pushing this newest (in a long line of witch hunts), is pretty bad. They were wrong about everything else, so why should I believe them now? I'm just calling their bluff and can't believe people are actually this stupid to believe this non-sense............again!

Obviously the IG is too dense to realize that the IRS is just an innocent body of individuals just doing their job and the IG was completely out of line to find fault with the IRS.
I didn't say they were an innocent body and why the sarcasm?

Honestly. Maybe you can just turn this whole thing around.:eusa_angel:
Why would I want to?

How could the Inspector General just fuck up so badly? Sheesh.
First of all, yes, there was a fuck up, but it wasn't a bad one.

READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups

By Brad Plumer, Published: May 14, 2013 at 5:47 pmE-mail the writer

This just out: The Treasury Department’s Inspector General report argues that the IRS developed “inappropriate criteria” in focusing on conservative groups. Here are the key findings:

The IRS used inappropriate criteria that identified for review Tea Party and other organizations applying for tax-exempt status based upon their names or policy positions instead of indications of potential political campaign intervention.

Ineffective management:

1) allowed inappropriate criteria to be developed and stay in place for more than 18 months,

2) resulted in substantial delays in processing certain applications, and

3) allowed unnecessary information requests to be issued

Full report at link. Be sure you rake the IG over the coals for issuing a faulty audit.


READ: The Inspector General report on the IRS targeting conservative groups
Where do you think I'm getting all my information?

I've posted the following graph a couple of times to prove conservative groups were not singled out as people are claiming.

It's on page 8 of the report you just posted.
Next he be saying "But only group was actually denied and it was a Liberal group"... as if that means anything considering that every other Liberal group got their approvals in as little as 45 days while Conservative groups have been waiting years to get any kind of a decision.
3 were denied and none of them were conservative groups.
Don't fall for it. It's an old liberal trick. Rake 'em over the coals, then promise you'll be the one who will change everything. Wait a while, until another scandal comes along, then continue on with your abuse. Same bus, same destination, different driver.
What the hell are you talking about?

That's just empty rhetoric and BS innuendo that gives the illusion you just said something of substance.

If I'm wrong, then explain it's relevence to this thread (in detail).
IRS behavior tips toward totalitarian government and is a clear indicator of their apologists' ideology.
IRS behavior tips toward totalitarian government and is a clear indicator of their apologists' ideology.
I don't think totalitarian governments apologize for anything?
That's why the new leadership of IRS apologized, and its apologists, like yourself, try to find ways to mitigate that which was clearly beyond the limitations of government most of the rest of us wish to see.
That's why the new leadership of IRS apologized, and its apologists, like yourself, try to find ways to mitigate that which was clearly beyond the limitations of government most of the rest of us wish to see.
Are you on crack?

My whole point has been the IRS has nothing to apologize for. That this is just another made up, phoney issue, that distracts the country from more important and real problems we need to address. This issue doesn't deserve all the publicity its getting. Tea Party groups bitching about being victimized by IRS scrutiny. Oh wow, they might not get their tax exempt application approved? Oh what will they do then? How will they survive? This is serious! Let's spend all the country's time and energy into making sure they get their tax exemptions. They're victims! They're being targeted for political purposes.

It's poetic justice! Now they know how muslims feel being targeted unecessarily.

Quid pro quo, motherfuckers!
That's why the new leadership of IRS apologized, and its apologists, like yourself, try to find ways to mitigate that which was clearly beyond the limitations of government most of the rest of us wish to see.
Are you on crack?

My whole point has been the IRS has nothing to apologize for. That this is just another made up, phoney issue, that distracts the country from more important and real problems we need to address. This issue doesn't deserve all the publicity its getting. Tea Party groups bitching about being victimized by IRS scrutiny. Oh wow, they might not get their tax exempt application approved? Oh what will they do then? How will they survive? This is serious! Let's spend all the country's time and energy into making sure they get their tax exemptions. They're victims! They're being targeted for political purposes.

It's poetic justice! Now they know how muslims feel being targeted unecessarily.

Quid pro quo, motherfuckers!
Your problem is clearly pathological. I doubt even those in the IRS or in the White House who cooked up this scheme are that badly afflicted. Finally, you have no point. You simply have a puny argument which futility tries in vindicate the totalitarian instincts of big government and your own.
Being a democrat in the Obama administration means never having to do anything more than say "i'm sorry". We know we can't trust the A.G. since he is mired in two or three criminal investigations so let's call for an independent council to indict the SOB's and frog walk the whole sorry star trek a-holes into federal prison.
It was your guy who politicized the DOJ.

"It's Bush's fault!!"

Easier than thinking, I suppose.
BilliousReally is a sock puppet. It's Truth Matters back frm the grave. No one else could be that fucking stupid.

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