New January 6th footage shows Officer Sicknick walking around the Capitol hours after the Democrats and the media claimed he died there

It has since come out, that many of the folks that encouraged these engaged folks to storm the capitol have been DNC operatives and antifa.

It is known.
Then you should be able to document it.

Do so
Then you should be able to document it.

Do so
No the trespassers you pussies call insurrectionists. Lol, tell me. Can I walk into your house unarmed and take anything I want? If so, give me your address.
WTF are you talking about? You were supposed to be showing ANTIFA or some such nonsense and you showed MAGArats milling about the Capitol after smashing their way in.
theres no proof he was attacked,, just another member in a riot,,

Poster Progressive Hunter....stop. You make the MAGA/J6 supporters look dumb and uninformed. I do not mean that pejoratively.
But you should know better. Before making any kind of allegation on a gossipboard such as this.....go to Google, so that YOU and the causes you espouse won't look dumb and uninformed. Duh!
You CAN be better. The forum has higher expectations of you than to be just a mere uninformed shill for whatever RWNJ/QAnon trope comes down the pike. Your uninformed, misinformed contribution here do a disservice to all of us.


"Man sentenced to nearly 7 years in Jan. 6 assault of Officer Brian Sicknick

Julian Khater admitted he used chemical spray on officers defending the U.S. Capitol, including Sicknick, who died the next day. George Tanios was sentenced to 5 months.

On Friday, a man who attacked Brian D. Sicknick with chemical spray at the Capitol was sentenced to 80 months — nearly seven years — behind bars. Julian Khater, 32, pleaded guilty in March to assaulting officers with a dangerous weapon."

Washington Post - January 27, 2023

If I was a personal injury lawyer.....and I ain't.....I would likely take on the Sicknick family's case against the two perps who were convicted of assaulting Sicknick with a "chemical substance".

Did those two criminals directly kill him? The criminal court system says no.

But.....they did assault him. There are several videos cams & body cams.... that demonstrate that. And those video were entered as evidence in the criminal trials of Julian Khater and George Tanios, the trials in which they were found guilty.

So, did their spraying him in the face, -- with video clearly showing his violent recoil after being hit with the spray -- well, was that spraying contributory to his death?
Let a jury in a personal injury trial decide that.

And it need not be a yes...or no....judgement. It can be a 'proportionate' judgment. Meaning, his stroke was 50% the cause, the other 50% was due to the trigger of being hit in the face with high-strength bear spray, which testimony showed one of the perps had purchased the day before.

In my humble opinion, I wouldn't want to be on the hook for a personal injury suit like Tanios and Khater may be. The equity in their homes, their vehicles, their savings and bank accounts, their investments.....could very well be the price they (and their families) will pay for the egregious assault against the person of Brian Sicknick.

Sicknick was alive before he defended our Capitol against a Republican attack…dead shortly after

Republicans claim it was a “coincidence”
Didn’t say that.
But he was beaten and pepper sprayed

Why do you defend those who attacked Sitnick?
Why do you ignore the riots all over the country in 2021 that destroyed numerous family businesses? I know why. Because you don't give a damn about your fellow citizens but only care about protecting your slimy nasty corrupt bureaucratic filthy politicians.
And then a word on that flying fire-extinguisher.

I don't believe that there was evidence it was Sicknick that was hit with that thrown extinguisher. Initial on-the-scene reporting on the next day, January 7th, initially claimed it was. And when that couldn't be conclusively proven the defenders of the J6 rioters used that as an indictment against "liberal main stream media" lying. That is a shallow and too self-serving assertion by partisans.

As all of us, the millions and millions of us throughout American and indeed, the world....who watched the live action as it was actually happening on January 6th .....well, we saw the turmoil, the confusion, the many many moving parts. The depiction of a thrown fire-extinguisher was known and viewed. And some news outlet....who the first was, I do not know....but some outlet initially reported in the haste of the moment that night or the next day that it was Sicknick who was hit, and he had just died. The reportage is understandable. And the reportage was corrected.

'Facts' initially reported on the scene of big and tumultous events.....often needs to be fine-tuned, corrected, expanded.....when the dust clears. We all know that.

What is clear in the videos of that thrown fire extinguisher is that: it came from the MAGA rioters; and that it did hit a uniformed police officer. (btw, the thrower of that extinguisher --Robert Palmer, received a 63-month prison sentence. See below:

"Man Gets 5 Years on Capitol Riot Charges, Longest Sentence So Far"

Robert Palmer hurled a fire extinguisher at police officers during some of the fiercest fighting on Jan. 6."
"By a little before 5 p.m., Mr. Palmer found himself amid the most severe fighting at the lower west terrace, where an almost medieval form of hand-to-hand combat had erupted. There, prosecutors say, he threw a wooden plank-like spear at the police, sprayed a fire extinguisher at officers and then hurled the empty canister at them."

Why do you ignore the riots all over the country in 2021 that destroyed numerous family businesses? I know why. Because you don't give a damn about your fellow citizens but only care about protecting your slimy nasty corrupt bureaucratic filthy politicians.
Nobody ignored them, they were arrested and imprisoned

What made Jan 6 different is that it was provoked by a sitting President based on a lie

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