New Mexico Gov Thinks Climate Emergency Erases Citizen's Rights

Which should require them taking untested meds or they lose their job
We could hire Rattex to make the "vaccine" at warp speed.....I think they already make the base product. ;)

I don't live in NM but I'm six miles from the state line and about an hour from Gallup. I used to shop in Gallup regularly and visited Albuquerque 6-8 times a year. I don't anymore, and I don't like spending any money in NM since they fucked up the state during and after the pandemic.
What I want to say here is this isn't a problem, anyone who has been to NM lately knows they can't and don't enforce any laws. They barely have any cops left over there for one thing.
The Gov is just virtue signaling, nothing will actually be done.
Carry on as before, nothing to see here.
This would be the perfect time for non-compliance en masse and a peaceful open carry March. Let's see them attempt enforcement.

So what are you suggesting that people who live in states like mine do? Become a criminal by refusing to obtain a permit and carry illegally?


I'm not suggesting you do anything, that's for you to decide.

I had to look that story up when I saw it run across the ticker tape on Newsmax. Apparently the Democrat Governor of New Mexico is banning all open and concealed carrying of a weapon in Albuquerque for 30 days, because there have been several shootings.

I don't know the particulars of the shootings, but you can pretty much guess that none of them involved law-abiding people who carry firearms. I think what she's trying to do is unconstitutional.

New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque
This what happens when Democrats get power.

The first thing to go are those pesky Constitutional Rights.

Of course all those goddamn Illegals that the Democrats have allowed to flood in that are committing the gun crimes don't give a shit about if it is legal to have a gun or not, do they?
This what happens when Democrats get power.

The first thing to go are those pesky Constitutional Rights.

Of course all those goddamn Illegals that the Democrats have allowed to flood in that are committing the gun crimes don't give a shit about if it is legal to have a gun or not, do they?

I looked in this thread to see the Libstain BS like MacGater or PeeKknobb. Interesting, nary a peep.
I don't live in NM but I'm six miles from the state line and about an hour from Gallup. I used to shop in Gallup regularly and visited Albuquerque 6-8 times a year. I don't anymore, and I don't like spending any money in NM since they fucked up the state during and after the pandemic.
What I want to say here is this isn't a problem, anyone who has been to NM lately knows they can't and don't enforce any laws. They barely have any cops left over there for one thing.
The Gov is just virtue signaling, nothing will actually be done.
Carry on as before, nothing to see here.

Its about getting it on the books and tested in the feds can skip those parts when they do it
Is there anything the dems won't declare a "emergency" on?

Some red state governor should declare a mental health emergency on registered dems and see how that is received. ;)
Their inability to win an argument or apply reality to any situation often brings out authoritarianism in them.
The best thing a leftist does for our country is being open and vocal about their true aims and policies…..that is why we need to thank this New Mexico Governor……she just showed us how medical emergencies are going to be used to take away our guns…..

Of course, she is a democrat…..and she has now made it impossible for other democrat party borg drones to tell is that using a “medical emergency,” to ban and even confiscate guns is a right wing conspiracy theory…..

The democrat party is going to ban and confiscate guns if they get the power to do it…..the useful idiots here in U.S.message board who tell us we are crazy to believe that are either really stupid, or lying…..
2aguy; the DNC would ban life if they had the power to do so. These power & control groupie problems center on two issues primarily, monophobia also known as autophobia(FEAR of going it alone/fear of fear) & also the god complex(narcissism). It works this way; a run of the mill narcissist sees an opening for a possible leadership role regarding a hot topic subject then manages to sell him/herself to those looking to follow someone. The followers, I call them gully gullibles(GG's for short) start worshipping the god complex(leader) as god. In just a short time the leader(narcissist) has managed to build a "HIVE" of GG's(followers) & hence the term "hive mentality". Political cults are just as hazardous to mankind's survival as any other cult as the rank & file cultists do not possess the capability to think/reason for themselves.

Firearms are NOT the problem here but firearms make for a GREAT FOCAL POINT to keep the GG's focused on a physical object while the narcissists(leaders) take ever more control of their followers minds. The GG's just cannot admit that the real culprit here is the human condition(human nature) like negative morality, greed, POWER & CONTROL, laziness, fear of fear, god complex & the list of human maladies just continues on & on. Unfortunately we as those that prefer on targeting the REAL PROBLEM instead of focusing on an inanimate object, bans & censorship appear to be in the minority.

Great opening statement on your part, I really appreciate the thought/logic that you put into your posts. Till next time!

When I refer to bed wetters as jabbering retards I am NOT JOKING, and there is the proof. I'm kind of surprised they didn't put a helmet on her considering how much her head jerks around. This foaming at the mouth bolshevik sociopath ranted for nearly 3 minutes there and made basically no sense at all. I just hope there is a serious protest with thousands of rifle toting civilians daring a mother fucker to try.

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